Google App Engine - Deploy failing with Error 1: Unauthorised - php

I'm trying to get my first (PHP) application working. It works OK in Google App Engine Launcher, but when I try to deploy it I get the following message:
2014-08-19 15:37:58 Running command: "['C:\\Program Files\\Python\\pythonw.exe', '-u', 'C:\\Program Files\\Google\\google_appengine\\', '--no_cookies', u'', '--passin', 'update', 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Barry\\My Documents\\test\\high-winter-668']"
03:38 PM Application: high-winter-668; version: 1
03:38 PM Host:
03:38 PM
Starting update of app: high-winter-668, version: 1
03:38 PM Getting current resource limits.
Password for Invalid username or password.
2014-08-19 15:38:08,967 ERROR An error occurred processing file '': HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized. Aborting.
Error 401: --- begin server output ---
Must authenticate first.
--- end server output ---
I can login OK to the application I created at
and I am using the right/same email address and password.
I can see other topics where server/local time difference is the issue. My local PC time is the same as the time in the above error msg.
What have I got wrong?
I tried using on the command line and ran into another issue:
It errored saying I didnt have a "high-winter-668.yaml" file. So I changed the name of my "app.yaml" to "high-winter-668.yaml" - it then complained that I didnt specify a 'module" in the yaml file.
Meantime Google App Engine Launcher errored say I didnt have an "app.yaml" file.
Are they written by different companies!!??

Well, in floundering around I've found an answer.
I went here:
and selected "Enable" less secure devices and apps to access your data.
When I tried to Deploy - it worked.

THIS WILL HAPPEN IF YOU HAVE 2-FACTOR authentication activated. The solution in that case is to go to the application-specific passwords page and generate a new password. You can name it "Google app engine" or the like and you'll get a long alpha string to use as the password when deploying.
If you use Google App Engine Launcher and have 2-factor in use you are guaranteed to run into this error on deploy (current version 1.9.17), and it has been that way for at least 1.5 years. It seems like the app engine launcher folks could trap that error and generate a helpful message but instead maybe you'll find it on stackoverflow :)

This happenned to me because I forgot the version line in app.yaml:
version: 1


LdapRecord Laravel - Active Directory - does not see any users

I am using the ready package as a base, I have done all steps in the file and was able to login as "einstein" user. So all seems to be configured correctly.
Later I have changed the credentials for the ldap server, which is using Active Directory.
While runing command php artisan ldap:test i receive message that i was able to connect correctly. Laravel logs says the same, but I cannot log in to laravel app. While running the command php artisan ldap:import ldap get message that no users where find
In the log file i see something like this:
[2021-04-28 23:04:08] local.INFO: LDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Search - Base DN:,ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=pl - Filter: (&(objectclass=top)(objectclass=person)(objectclass=organizationalperson)(objectclass=inetorgperson)(uid=username)) - Selected: (entryuuid,*) - Time Elapsed: 737.37
Have anyone had the same issue with the ldaprecord that he was able to connect to domain but wasn't able to authenticate to an app ? And was able to solve that ?
UPDATE: i've found that auth.php is using wrong User model, it was using OpenLdap not Active directory, changed that but result is still the same
Problem solved, to make it work with AD you need to:
in the auth.php file switch model to ActiveDirectory
in login controller change in the credentials function have to change 'uid' key to 'sameaccountname'

Wordpress and AWS - Elastic Beanstalk stuck in "Uploading application version"

I recently started using Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk to configure Auto Scaling to an Wordpress site. To do so, I've been strictly following this tutorial. But when I attempt to Upload and Deploy my app for the first time (as explained in tutorial's step "Configure and Deploy Your Application"), I get stuck with Beanstalk running the deploy, without completing it. There's no troubleshooting, just this continuous deploy. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on?
EDIT 1 - An update: after 15 minutes trying to deploy, it stopped by itself, throwing the errors:
Creating security group ingress named: AWSEBSecurityGroupSSHIngress failed Reason: CIDR block <MY_TOO_SENSITIVE_TO_DISPLAY_IP> is malformed (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValue; Request ID: <MY_TOO_SENSITIVE_TO_DISPLAY_ID>)
Creating security group ingress named: sshfromhome failed Reason: CIDR block <MY_TOO_SENSITIVE_TO_DISPLAY_IP> is malformed (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValue; Request ID: <MY_TOO_SENSITIVE_TO_DISPLAY_ID>)
Okay, it was a dumb mistake of mine: I wrote the IP's in the .extensions/dev.config file using the format X.X.X.X, instead of the correct CIDR block pattern X.X.X.X/X.

Google App Engine "Error [13] An internal error occurred" when deploying Symfony

I recently began seeing this error when deploying symfony 2.6.11 to Google App Engine:
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] An internal error occurred
In case anyone else sees this, I wanted to post my solution here. I deleted the following file:
And now the app deploys just fine. This is a test fixtures file, so it's okay to ignore. I suggest updating app.yaml to ignore this file using the skip_files parameter:
- (.*/)?Tests\/Fixtures\/(.*)
NOTE: I assume this is only breaking for the bleeding-edge deployment of gcloud, and will be fixed soon.
as mentioned above, the solution is to add the skip_files directive to your App Engine app.yaml

Google App Engine Wont work its stuck in cmD

i just started using Google app engine.I followed the install instruction and am trying to run the simple hello word demo shown on Google's the app engines web-page and for some reason my web server wont start its stuck at
C:\Users\princewill\Desktop\google_appengine> --php_executable_p
ath=C:\Users\princewill\Desktop\php\php-cgi.exe C:\Users\princewill\Desktop\test
INFO 2013-08-21 06:57:35,788] Checking for updates
to the SDK.
INFO 2013-08-21 06:57:35,789] Connecting through tunnel to: a
INFO 2013-08-21 06:57:36,773] Update check failed:
HTTP Error 404: Not Found
WARNING 2013-08-21 06:57:36,782] Could not initialize images
API; you are likely missing the Python "PIL" module.
INFO 2013-08-21 06:57:36,786] Starting API server at: http
INFO 2013-08-21 06:57:36,789] Starting module "default" ru
nning at: http://localhost:8080
INFO 2013-08-21 06:57:36,792] Starting admin server at:
can anyone help me out please.. this is driving me nuts
This doesn't look like it is stuck. You should load localhost:8080 and once that is loaded go back to your command line prompt to see if there are any errors. The description of "its not working says the webpage is not working" is not very helpful, exact error messages and log output would be more helpful.

Google app engine deployment Invalid runtime or the current user is not authorized

Hi I am getting this error when i try to deploy my app in gae, I have also registered my app in gae .. Please help me.
02:16 PM Scanning files on local disk.
Error 400: --- begin server output ---
Invalid runtime or the current user is not authorized to use it.
--- end server output ---
Are you deploying php? You need to register your user first there:
