PHP: When trimming, keep empty lines and insert them in the array - php

I have the following PHP script which takes the data inserted from a <textarea> tag that has been sent by the post method then saves each line into an array.
$companies_list = trim($_POST['companies']);
$companies_list = explode ("\n", $companies_list);
$companies_list = array_filter($companies_list, 'trim');
$companies_list_array = array();
foreach ($companies_list as $line) {
$companies_list_array[] = $line;
For example it takes the following list
and saves it to
$companies_list_array = array( "CompanyA", "CompanyB", "CompanyC", "CompanyD");
This is all great but if there is an empty line, they are not interested in the array as value. How can i do that?
For example if the list of companies is like this:
I want the script to make it the array like this
$companies_list_array = array( "CompanyA", "", "CompanyB", "CompanyC", "", "CompanyD");

You need to use array_walk() instead of array_filter(), this is because array_filter() will evaluate the return value of the filter function as boolean. On empty lines trim() will return an empty string, which will evaluate to boolean false, and the line will get dropped.
Use array_walk() like this:
$lines = explode("\n", $_POST['companies']);
array_walk($lines, 'trim');
Also note that I've dropped unnecessary code.
array(6) {
[0] =>
string(8) "CompanyA"
[1] =>
string(0) ""
[2] =>
string(8) "CompanyB"
[3] =>
string(8) "CompanyC"
[4] =>
string(0) ""
[5] =>
string(8) "CompanyD"

You can use preg_split
$companies_list = preg_split('/\n/', $_POST['companies']);

Only trim when going over the array like this:
$companies_list = explode ("\n", $_POST['companies']);
$companies_list_array = array();
foreach ($companies_list as $line) {
$companies_list_array[] = trim($line);

array_filter will remove empty values. You can try with array_map which keep empty values.
$companies_list_array = array( "CompanyA ", " ", "CompanyB", "CompanyC", "", "CompanyD");
$companies_list_array = array_map('trim', $companies_list_array);
array(6) { [0]=> string(8) "CompanyA" [1]=> string(0) "" [2]=> string(8) "CompanyB" [3]=> string(8) "CompanyC" [4]=> string(0) "" [5]=> string(8) "CompanyD" }

Try this:
$companies_list = trim($_POST['companies']);
$companies_list = explode ("\n", $companies_list);
$companies_list_array = array();
foreach ($companies_list as $line) {
$companies_list_array[] = trim($line);


How can seperate my string in to an array and remove empty value

I have tried using php explode() function but its taking the empty values in to the array.
here is my code
var_dump(explode(',', 'abc,efg,,hij,'));
array(0) {
[1]=> "efg"
[2]=> ""
[4]=> ""
What i expect is
array(0) {
[1]=> "efg"
[2]=> "hij"
array_filter() will remove empty elements from an array:
$results = array_filter(explode(',', 'abc,efg,,hij,'));
This is Simple to remove the empty values just use Filter method and they will be eliminated.
$array = array("apple", "", 2, null, -5, "orange", 10, false, "");
// Filtering the array
$result = array_filter($array);
You can use this:-
$results = array_filter(explode(',', 'abc,efg,,hij,'));
$results = array_values($results);
Hope it helps!
read the manual
array_filter() without callback remove the null and empty from array
// Filtering the array
$result = array_filter($array);
You can achieve this by use array_filter() php function check here
It will remove empty values from the array.
Try like this
$array=explode(',', 'abc,efg,,hij,');
It will give o/p as
array(0) {
[1]=> "efg"
[2]=> "hij"

how to format array from string in php?

I want if the first number in the string is 2 the output will be 2 array. How to explode as each array from string.
My code
$str = "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00;";
$data = explode(',',$str);
$out = array();
for($i=1;$i < count($data)-1;$i++){
$out[]= explode(';',$data[$i]);
$i = $out[0][0];
foreach ($out as $key => $value) {
for($a=0;$a < $i; $a++){
echo $value[$a]. "<br/>";
I get the result 221107-09-201607-09-201608-09-201610-09-201613
But I want this format
$str = "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00;";
//format will be split by semicomma ;
$arr1 = Array('2','1','07-09-2016','08-09-2016','1','100.00');
$arr2 = Array('2','1','07-09-2016','10-09-2016','3','450.00');
The php function array_column will come in handy here. Here is short code example that should output what you are looking for.
//Your original input
$str = "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00";
//explode the array into its sub-arrays
$arrs = explode(",", $str);
//remove the first element that sets how many elements are in each array
$numArrs = array_shift($arrs);
//convert strings into those wanted sub-arrays
array_walk($arrs, function(&$val, $key) { $val = explode(';',$val); });
//make the answer we need
$ans = array();
for($i=0; $i<$numArrs; $i++) {
//array_column does all the work that we want, making life easy
$ans[] = array_column($arrs, $i);
This process does assume the string is properly formatted for what we are looking for - it will fail horribly if that is not the case.
Use the explode() function! It's really cool.
Here's how I would solve this problem. You will end up with a 2d array with my code. You can access $arr1 with $fourthStep[0] and $arr2 with $fourthStep[1] etc...
$str = "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00;";
$fourthStep = array();
//First, let's split that string up into something a little more.. readable.
$firstStep = explode(",",$str);
//$firstStep[0] contains our count for the total array count.
foreach($firstStep as $secondStep){ //Our second step is to loop through the newly created array which splits each section of your array
if ($secondStep != $firstStep[0]){ //skip the first part, as that is only telling us of array count
$thirdStep = explode(";",$secondStep); //third step is to get each data part of each section. The count of this array should be 'firstStep[0]-1'
for($i = 0; $i<$firstStep[0]; $i++){
//Now we want to assign the values into a 2D array
$fourthStep[$i][count($fourthStep[$i])] = $thirdStep[$i];
array(2) { [0]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(1) "2" [1]=> string(1) "1" [2]=> string(10) "07-09-2016" [3]=> string(10) "08-09-2016" [4]=> string(1) "1" [5]=> string(6) "100.00" } [1]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(1) "2" [1]=> string(1) "1" [2]=> string(10) "07-09-2016" [3]=> string(10) "10-09-2016" [4]=> string(1) "3" [5]=> string(6) "450.00" } }
Just for a further note, you don't need the '2' in the first part of your string to work out how many arrays to split it into, as they use 2 different seperators you can work it out quite easily. Save like 8 bits of space or somethin'

Get array with regex from string

I got an php array like this:
array(3) {
[0]=> string(12) "server[edit]"
[1]=> string(14) "server[create]"
[2]=> string(12) "user[delete]"
I want to convert this to different arrays - for example an array named server with "edit" and "create" in it - and another array "user" with "delete".
Whats the right pattern for that ?
Thanks for any help!
Rather than trying a regex against the whole array, try matching against each individual value. Take a look at this as an example
$array = array(
$newArray = array();
foreach($array as $value)
preg_match("~^(\w+)\[(\w+)\]$~", $value, $matches);
$key = $matches[1];
$newArray[$key] = array();
$newArray[$key][] = $matches[2];

php regex to match key value pairs

I have a string like as below.
$string = "height=175cm weight=70kgs age=25yrs"
String contents are key value pairs each pair are separated by a Tab. I want each key value pairs as separate variable and prints out each.
I have tried with below code but i am not getting proper result please help me where i went wrong.
$string = "height=175cm weight=70kgs age=25yrs";
$pattern = "(([^=]*)\s*=\s*(.*))";
if (preg_match($pattern,$string,$match)) {
echo "<pre>";
} else {
echo "not matche\n";
[0] => height=175cm weight=70kgs age=25yrs
[1] => height
[2] => 175cm weight=70kgs age=25yrs
You can use this code:
$string = "height=175cm weight=70kgs age=25yrs";
if (preg_match_all('/\s*([^=]+)=(\S+)\s*/', $string, $matches)) {
$output = array_combine ( $matches[1], $matches[2] );
[height] => 175cm
[weight] => 70kgs
[age] => 25yrs
You can use this:
$string = "height=175cm weight=70kgs age=25yrs";
$pattern = "/(\w+)=(\d+)(\w+)/i";
array(4) {
array(3) {
string(12) "height=175cm"
string(12) "weight=70kgs"
string(9) "age=25yrs"
array(3) {
string(6) "height"
string(6) "weight"
string(3) "age"
array(3) {
string(3) "175"
string(2) "70"
string(2) "25"
array(3) {
string(2) "cm"
string(3) "kgs"
string(3) "yrs"
I've pasted a code sample below which helps you to solve your problem. Certainly, it is not very tightly compressed and has quite a few more lines of code than the other answers (which are all good answers!).
The reason I did this was because it looks like you may benefit from an explanation that takes you one step at a time in the progression of solving your problem, so that you can understand what is happening along the way.
Here's the code you can use:
$string = "height=175cm\tweight=70kgs\tage=25yrs";
// Divide your string into an array, with each element
// in the array being a string with a key-value pair
$pairs = explode("\t", $string);
// See what the array of pair strings looks like.
// print_r($pairs);
// Create an array to get it ready to hold key-value pairs.
$results = array();
// For each string in your array, split at the equal sign
// and set values in the $results array.
foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
$exploded_pair = explode("=", $pair);
// See what each exploded pair array looks like.
// print_r($exploded_pair);
$key = $exploded_pair[0];
$value = $exploded_pair[1];
$results[$key] = $value;
Instead of using regular expressions, this makes use of the explode function in PHP. You can read the documentation on explode found here.
You said that your input string is separated by tabs, which is why the assignment statement for $string has \t instead of spaces. If you were to use spaces instead of tabs, then make sure that you change
$pairs = explode("\t", $string);
$pairs = explode(" ", $string);

split string into multi arrays?

i have a string like this one
$sitesinfo = 'site 1
site 2
site 3
site 4
site 5';
i used to split lines into 1 array like this
$lines = explode("/",$sitesinfo);
then while i loop i got each line into an array object without problems
what i need to do to split each line into 2 pieces and add each piece into an array so the result be like this
$titles = array("site 1 titles","site 2 titles","site 3 titles","site 4 titles","site 5 titles");
$domains = array("","","","","");
so i can use them in script
i did a lot of tries but fail :(
How about this:
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$t = explode('-', trim($line), 2);
if (count($t) < 2) {
echo "Failed to parse the line $line";
$titles[] = $t[0];
$domains[] = $t[1];
Explanation: each line split by '-' symbol into exactly 2 parts (if there's less, that's an error - the line doesn't contain '-', and thus shouldn't be processed at all). The first part is pushed into $titles array, the second - into $domains.
regex alternative:
$sitesinfo = 'site 1
site 2
site 3
site 4
site 5';
$titles = array_map('trim',$matches[1]);
$domains = array_map('trim',$matches[2]);
First of all split the string into each line (by the line ending character).
Then split each line into two parts at the first - and add those parts to the result. You can later on give each part a name on it's own:
$lines = explode("\r\n", $sitesinfo);
$r = array(null, null);
foreach($lines as $line) {
list($r[0][], $r[1][]) = explode("-", $line, 2) + array(1 => NULL);
list($titles, $domains) = $r;
Or the regex variant (Demo):
preg_match_all('~([^-]+)-(.*)~', $sitesinfo, $matches);
list(, $titles, $domains) = $matches;
array(5) {
string(13) "site 1 titles"
string(13) "site 2 titles"
string(13) "site 3 titles"
string(13) "site 4 titles"
string(13) "site 5 titles"
array(5) {
string(13) ""
string(13) ""
string(13) ""
string(13) ""
string(13) ""
