search query via http using JSON - php

I am sending an API request and want to submit a search term inside the URL:
$query="My Query";
$query_encode= urlencode($query);
$json = file_get_contents($url_json);
What I want to do is that "My Query" should contain a more complex term like:
"word1 word2" (word3 OR word4) AND word5
My problem is that I want to get the results from the API (database) that match excactly "word1 word2" so I need to somehow send the quoatation marks via http.
Does someone has an idea how I need to set up the content of My Query including the required quotation marks to send a query with the phrase, not just the words
$query="My Query";

if you want to send the quotes then include it in your query.
you set a string value inside quotes in PHP. so what you have right now are not additional quotes that you want to send along in the request but the quotes that will be parsed and removed by PHP.
you should do something like:
$query='"My Query"';
this will result in something like %22My+Query%22
urldecode this later to get back "My Query" as string value.

Put the quotes in the string. urlencode() will take care of encoding them properly. Also, you need ? between the URL and the query parameters, and you probably need to supply a name for the parameter (I'm assuming it's named query in the code below, you need to get the actual parameter from the API specification).
$query = '"word1 word2"';
$query_encode = urlencode($query);
$url_json = "API_URL?query=$query_encode";
$json = file_get_contents($url_json);


How to remove %0D%0A from end of a parameter in PHP

I am trying to hit a URL after generating the data to be filled for the parameters that are passed in URL using Python in back end. So the flow is:
User lands on a page with a form having some drop downs.
Python code in the backend reads the content from a file and returns single output based on some conditions for each of the dropdown.
User hits the submit button with the data.
The data gets generated correctly but when I hit submit button, I get %0D%0A characters at the end of the parameter values in the URL
E.g., sample.php?param1=20%0D%0A&param2=50%0D%0A
How do I get rid of these values as this is causing trouble with the other code where I am using these values?
I take it you read the data from a file, so probably reading the file causes the line endings to be read as well.
In any case, try using strip() or rstrip() in your Python code to remove all/trailing whitespace before your assemble the target URL.
I understand that it's actually a PHP script that assembles the URL. In that case, use PHP's trim() function on the variables you use to assemble the URL.
For example: Assume that $val1 and $val2 are read from a file or some other place. Then the following line assembles above URL stripping whitespace from $val1 and $val2.
$url = "sample.php?param1=" . trim($val1) . "&param2=" . trim($val2);
Some browsers do that automatically, you can try decoding it back using urldecode()
Try this :
$str = "Your Inputed Value or string"
$url = str_replace(" ","-", $str);
Link Menu

Grab, filter and show this data in PHP

This is example what I mean:
I wanna grab result from this url
Example output:
Then, I will show data result on other site
But I just wanna see data value "pk", "1b" and "isvalid". I don't need "referrer" and "mobile" data.
So, when I access, it just show data like this:
bn564vc3b5yvct5byvc45bv 129 true
Grab this result "pk":"bn564vc3b5yvct5byvc45bv","1b":129,"isvalid":true,"referrer":true,"mobile":true
Filter and show value "pk", "1b" and "isvalid" on
So, can you help me with simple php code/script?
Sorry if you don't understand because my english.
Is this source providing JSON-formatted data? That is, with { }'s around it?
If so, use PHP's built in json_decode function. (Man page at It will parse the JSON data for you and return an associative array. For example
$your_JSON_data = '{"pk":"bn564vc3b5yvct5byvc45bv","1b":129,"isvalid":true,"referrer":true,"mobile":true}';
$your_array = json_decode($your_JSON_data);
echo $your_array['pk'] . ' ';
echo $your_array['1b'] . ' ';
echo $your_array['isvalid'];
If, for some reason, there are no JSON-style curly braces around your data, you can append them.... for example,
$proper_JSON = "{$bad_json_data}";
however, if that's the case, I'd wonder why it wasn't properly formatted in the first place. In that case it may be safer to use the PHP explode function (

Add ' \ ' before " ' " of a string variable in javascript

I have a javascript variable which hold the value taken from somewhere else(lets say from a API call), taken string is given bellow,
He's the reason for this
I assign this string to a variable name 'sample'. But when I print it, it doesn't work since the string has " ' " character. I want to add " \ " before the " ' " character. I tried using this,
var sample = (get the string from a api call).replace(/'/g,"\\\'");
But it doesn't work?
in my javascript file I use window.location.href = "test.php?detail="+sample; to send the data.
Use encodeURIComponent to escape a string for inserting into a URI.
In my test.php, I use $detail = $_GET["detail"]; and echo $detail; to print it.
If you are printing it into HTML then use htmlspecialcharsto make it safe.
If you are printing it into JavaScript then use json_encode to make it safe.
You're overdoing the escape characters:
var sample = (get the string from a api call).replace(/'/g,"\\'");
Is enough, a single quote, delimited by double quotes needn't be escaped, so just escape one backslash.A sidenote, though: if the string you're checking is a return value, the single quotes shouldn't be a problem (if they are, the api code would break before returning the string). If you really really really want to be extra-super-mega-sure and the string is long:
var sample = (get the string from a api call).split('\'').join('\\\'');
//or (to avoid confusion with all that escaping
var sample = (get the string from a api call).split("'").join("\\'");
Splitting is faster for longer strings (not short strings, as the array constructor is called, an array-object is created, looped,...)
Presumably the problem is with (get the string from a api call). If you have some server-side code (PHP?) like this:
var sample = <?php echo $mystring ?>.replace(…);
…and it produces output sent to the browser like this:
var sample = 'my dad's car'.replace(…);
…then your server-side code has produced syntatically-invalid JavaScript that cannot be fixed by more JavaScript. Instead you need to fix it on the server, something like:
var sample = <?php echo json_encode($mystring); ?>;
It's impossible to help you further without your actual code details, however.

How do I INSERT the character "&" into a MySQL database?

I think I have seen this question before but I don't think it's answered good enough yet because I can't get it to work.
The case:
I want to insert an URL into my MySQL database like so:
$url = $_POST["url"]; //$_POST["url"] = " ...";
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table(url) values('$url')") or die ("Error: " . mysql_error());
Now, the URL is inserted into the database properly but when I look at it, it looks like this:
It's like the URL is cut right at the "&" character. I have tried: mysql_real_escape_string, htmlspecialchars, escaping by doing "\" etc. Nothing seems to work.
I have read that you might be able to do it with "SQL Plus" or something like that.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, VG
Chances are the problem here is nothing to do with the database query, and more to do with how the url is passed to the page. I suspect you'll find that the URL used to load the page is something like:
This will result in a $_GET that looks like this:
array (
'url' => '',
'bar' => '2'
What you need is to call page with a URL that looks more like this:
Note that the & has been encoded to %26. Now $_GET will look like this:
array (
'url' => ''
...and the query will work as expected.
EDIT I've just noticed you're using $_POST, but the same rules apply to the body of the request and I still think this is your problem. If you are, as I suspect, using Javascript/AJAX to call the page, you need to pass the URL string through encodeURIComponent().
It is likely the querystring is not being passed. It looks like you are receiving it from a FORM post. Remember that form posts that use a method of GET append a querystring to pass all of the form variables, so any querystring in the action is typically ignored.
So, the first thing to do is echo the URL before you try to INSERT it to make sure you are getting the data you think you are.
If there are variables you need to pass with the URL, use hidden inputs for that, and a method of GET on the form tag, and they will get magically appended as querystring parameters.
Right !! The problem here is nothing to do with the database query has DaveRandom said.
Just use the javascript function "encodeURIComponent()".
Depending on what you want to do with the stored value, you also urlencode() the string:
P.S.: SQL*Plus is for Oracle Databases.
maybe escape the url with urlencode then you can decode it if you want to pull it out of the db

Insert special characters to a string for web address (PHP question)

I posted this question last week, but I wasn't very clear on what was needed. So I'm reposting right now.
I have a string stored in a database, which looks something like this:
<5u79cfda 4d01ga3a 11c833f9 7b52df2a 7g210252 e21b01fa a73d3463 9ge0e412>
I'm trying to insert this into a web address, but needs to be encoded properly for it to work. I'm running a query to obtain the script:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT cPushID FROM tblUsers WHERE intUserID='20' AND Length(cPushID) > 70");
$pid = mysql_fetch_row($result);
Then trying to insert it into this web address to be executed:
How do I properly insert this string into the web address so it will be read properly upon execution.
Thanks for your help.
Use urlencode.
How about urlencode?
$encoded = urlencode($some_string");
Pass that encoded string to file_get_contents
If you ever need to decode it, use urldecode()
You need to urlencode() your query string in order to safely encode those spaces (and possible angle brackets as well?!)
The query string is automatically decoded when you read $_GET['pid']
