I am reading the documentation for php class SoapServer but found nothing about description of options which will be passed in SoapServer constructor:
There is also a features option which can be set to
What is the difference between this option values?
Without this, SOAP will not wait for a response on one way calls. It will just continue on and assume that all is well in the world. A one way call is anything that does not have a response in the WSDL.
Your SOAP call may return a single value, or it may return an array of values. However, if you enable this flag, then it will force that single value to be an array with just the single value. You'll know what your data looks like without having to check it.
This sets the deserialization type. If an error like this comes up "No deserializer defined for array type {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}", then look to enable this feature.
I am looking into building my own custom small framework and trying to make it as flexible as possible, I have now got to the input process of the design and I am wondering how I could implement the "request" class and how to return POST params from a POST request, etc.
I noticed that a lot of frameworks have a request class which hook directly into the "php://input" stream which I have tried to do and would like to utilize, however the only problem is this returns a string instead of an object or array of value=params.
What may be the best way for me to implement a method which would give me access to the param values of a POST request? I could probably explode the "php://input" string however this would be messy, I also tried the parse_str() on the stream which worked however sadly this also has issues if one of those values is something along the lines of foo">bar< as it seems to break out of the object and leave me with a partial incomplete value of foo.
My ultimate solution would be something along the lines of:
$_POST contains foo=bar;arg=value;
class request {
function get($arg=null)(){
if(!arg){/* return all, both foo and arg accessible*/}
/*return single value of the param with the $arg text*/
$foo = request->get('foo'); // "bar"
$all = request->get() // foo=bar;arg=value;
print $all->arg; // "value"
I'm trying to use the waitUntilDBInstanceAvailable() to wait for my newly created instance to be available so that I can grab the endpoint name.
Note: The endpoint name is not available until the instance is fully up.
I've looked at waiters but it uses different methods params, waitUntilDBInstanceAvailable takes 1 array as an argument per documentation.
$results = $rds->waitUntilDBInstanceAvailable([
'DBInstanceIdentifier' => 'my-rds-instance'
$instanceEndPoint = $results->DBInstances->EndPoint // Theoretically
Waiters share the input parameters of the operation they use. In this case, the docs say "The input array uses the parameters of the DescribeDBInstances operation", which means you can use the parameters of the DescribeDBInstances operation.
However, waiters do not return results as you have assumed in your code example. Looking at the docs, there is no return value documented. Therefore, the usage of waiters is consistent with the documentation. If you need to get data about the thing you are waiting for, then you need to follow up with a separate call after the waiting is complete.
I'm not sure what is your exact question, but check this question/answer:
Is it possible to register a callback function to waitUntilDBInstanceAvailable()?
I am working on a RESTful API in Zend Framework 2. I use the AbstractRestfulController to handle requests. In that controller I want to directly return an array or object (of a custom model class), not a JsonModel. That stuff and the conversion of the result to arrays (as a preparation for the JSON encoding) should happen later automatically.
I tried to catch the MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH event to manipulate the $e->getResult()value but when I return an associative array in the controller I get a ViewModel in the result instead of the plain data passed in by the controller method.
I tried to create a custom view strategy by implementing the ListenerAggregateInterface class. In the ViewEvent::EVENT_RESPONSE event catch, I dumped the $e->getResult() value and got the already encoded result. Also here, I need the plain result to prepare it for encoding.
Where can I hook in to manipulate the controller's plain return value before encoding to JSON? Where does ZF2 generally manipulate the returned value in the MVC lifecycle?
Thank you in advance!
I don't have so much time to investigate in this issue, but my guess is that you may omit to stop event propagation when you attached a listener to MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH. So what you set as the event result is probably overridden later in the dispatch process.
Try to attach your callback with a higher priority and stop the propagation ($e->stopPropagation() from the callback), since the event manager won't stop the propagation by itself until one or the other callback returns a Zend\StdLib\ResponseInterface object.
Anyway, I know you probably have good reasons trying to "hack" the dispatch process this way, but I tend to think that there could be even better reasons to adapt your code to fit the default process ;)
Here, zf2 creates a ViewModel in case an assoc array is detected in the result, registered at priority -80. According to this documentation page this is the first event catch changing the result returned by the controller.
What I did wrong is attaching my MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH to the $application->getEventManager() instead of $application->getEventManager()->getSharedManager() (like zf2 does). I don't understand yet what the difference is, but it works.
Here is how I registered the event in the onBootstrap method:
array($this, 'createJsonModelFromResult'),
// priority of -10 because at priority 1 the mvc
// runs the actual controller method
At the end of the createJsonModelFromResult method I also added $e->stopPropagation(); because we already found the matching ViewModel.
Now the $e->getResult() value is exactly the same as returned in my controller actions and I can prepare it for JSON encoding. Cool!
I have no idea how you want to return an array or Object. Usually people make a DTO (Data Transfer Object), serialize it, and then send it. In this method the DTO at the end converts to JSON.
What format do you want to use in response? String (serialized DTO), XML, or something else? You can create a class extending ViewModel and serialize your array for your format.
Anyway, you do not need to get MVC_EVENT.
I'm consuming a web service in PHP. If the service returns 2 or more records the object comes back as an array. However, if I call the same service that returns 1 record, the object is not an array. This makes for some messy logic having to watch for both cases when one would think PHP could be smart enough to handle this appropriately and always return an array of 1 element.
So my question is - is there a way to force the return object to always be an array? Some property in the call or something?
I'm using PHP's soapclient library. The service is an in-house one that returns an array of a custom class.
you could try the following:
$client = new SoapClient("http://host/services/some.wsdl",
array('feature' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS));
This should make php behave the way you want.
Also you might find this dotvoid article interesting.
im re-factoring php on zend code and all the code is full of $_GET["this"] and $_POST["that"]. I have always used the more phpish $this->_request->getPost('this') and $this->_request->getQuery('that') (this one being not so much logical with the getquery insteado of getGet).
So i was wondering if my method was safer/better/easier to mantain. I read in the Zend Framework documentation that you must validate your own input since the request object wont do it.
That leaves me with 2 questions:
What is best of this two? (or if theres another better way)
What is the best practice for validating php input with this methods?
I usually use $this->_request->getParams(); to retrieve either the post or the URL parameters. Then I use the Zend_Filter_Input to do validation and filtering. The getParams() does not do validation.
Using the Zend_Filter_Input you can do application level validation, using the Zend Validators (or you can write your own too). For example, you can make sure the 'months' field is a number:
$data = $this->_request->getParams();
$validators = array(
'month' => 'Digits',
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $data);
Extending Brian's answer.
As you noted you can also check out $this->_request->getPost() and $this->_request->getQuery(). If you generalize on getParams(), it's sort of like using the $_REQUEST superglobal and I don't think that's acceptable in terms of security.
Additional to Zend_Filter, you may also use simple PHP to cast the required.
$id = (int) $this->_request->getQuery('id');
For other values, it gets more complicated, so make sure to e.g. quote in your DB queries (Zend_Db, see quoting identifiers, $db->quoteIdentifier()) and in views use $this->escape($var); to escape content.
You can't write a one-size-fits-all validation function for get/post data. As in some cases you require a field to be a integer and in others a date for instance. That's why there is no input validation in the zend framework.
You will have to write the validation code at the place where you need it. You can of course write some helper methods, but you can't expect the getPost() to validate something for you all by itself...
And it isn't even getPost/getQuery's place to validate anything, it's job is to get you the data you wan't, what happens to it from there on should not be it's concern.
$dataGet = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id',null);
$valid = new Zend_Validate_Digits();
if( isset($dataGet) && $valid->isValid($dataGet) ){
// do some...
} else{
// not set
I have always used the more phpish $this->_request->getPost('this') and $this->_request->getQuery('that') (this one being not so much logical with the getquery insteado of getGet).
What is best of this two? (or if theres another better way)
Just a quick explanation on the choice of getQuery(). The wording choice comes from what kind of data it is, not how it got there. GET and POST are just request methods, carrying all sorts of information, including, in the case of a POST request, a section known as "post data". A GET request has no such block, any variable data it carries is part of the query string of the url (the part after the ?).
So, while getPost() gets the data from the post data section of a POST request, getQuery() retrieves data from the query string of either a GET or POST request (as well as other HTTP Request methods).
(Note that GET Requests should not be used for anything that might produce a side effect, like altering a DB row)
So, in answer to your first question, use the getPost() and getQuery() methods, this way, you can be sure of where the data source (if you don't care, getParams() also works, but may include additional data).
What is the best practice for validating php input with this methods?
The best place to validate input is where you first use it. That is to say, when you pull it from getParams(), getPost(), or getQuery(). This way, your data is always correct for where you need it, and if you pass it off, you know it is safe. Keep in mind, if you pass it to another Controller (or Controller Action), you should probably check it again there, just to be safe. How you do this depends on your application, but it still needs to be checked.
not directly related to the topic, but
to insure that you get an number in your input, one could also use $var+0
(however if $var is a float it stays a float)
you may use in most cases
$id = $this->_request->getQuery('id')+0;