Symfony2 render form for each list item - php

How could I achieve a form for each list item using csrf and validation in symfony way?
I have a Task entity, which has comments property with a relation OneToMany. So I want to list all tasks and include a hidden comment form for every task. Usually I pass generated forms from controller to template, but how to create them dinamically in template?
{% for task in tasks %}
<task comment form>
{% endfor %}

Solved using this way:
In controller:
$forms = array();
foreach($tasks as $task) {
$entity = new TaskComment();
$forms[$task -> getId()] = $this ->createTaskCommentForm($entity, $task -> getId());
return $this->render('Bundle:blah:index.html.twig', array(
'forms' => $forms
An then comment box near every Task box in view:
...task info...
{% for task in tasks %}
<div class="comment-box">
{{ form(forms[]) }}
{% endfor %}
P.S. I'm using collapsible panels to show/hide each task.

Maybe you need to embed a collection of forms? If so, here and here you can read more.


Symfony Sonata Admin - add field type url in listView not working

i'm trying to add a field type url in the list view of an entity, this is the link at the documentation -> .
This is my code, i've simply copied the documentation:
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
->add('url', 'url', [
'url' => ''
This seems to work but the column "Url" is always empty.
I found the template of Sonata that is responsible to render this field -> #SonataAdmin/CRUD/list_url.html.twig .
Here is the code
{% extends get_admin_template('base_list_field', admin.code) %}
{% block field %}
{% spaceless %}
{% if value is empty %}
{% else %}
{% if field_description.options.url is defined %}
The problem is that value is always empty, i don't know what is this variable; and the documentation is not talking about any field named value.
So you can achieve this by creating a template which simply contains a button with the URL you'd like to link to. See below:
First we define a field on the list view which references a template, the type is null:
->add('foo', null, [
'template' => 'example/foobar.html.twig',
Inside our template we've just referenced, we can do the following:
{% extends '#SonataAdmin/CRUD/base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
<a class="btn btn-success" href="">My Link</a>
{% endblock %}
and now you should see the button display as a column on the list view.
It would be nice if the documented suggestion worked as intended, this solution is a work around.

Limit, pagination in Symfony

I am trying to add pagination to my current project. I am pretty new to Symfony so I am not sure if there is something out there that can help me build such. My current code looks like this:
Controller class:
class MovieDisplayController extends Controller
public function showAction()
$movies = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager()->getRepository('AppBundle:Movie')->FindAll();
return $this->render('movies/index.html.twig', array(
'movies' => $movies
Twig template:
{% block body %}
{% if movies|length == 0 %}
There are no movie items available. Add a movie here to get started.
{% elseif movies|length != 0 %}
These are the results: <br />
{% for x in movies %}
<li>Title: {{ x.title }} - Price: {{ x.price }} - Edit - Details - Delete</li>
{% endfor %}
Add more movie entries
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
This will return all results within the database. I would like to only show 5 results (rows per page) and add paging buttons below the list and I wonder how/if this is possible?
The findAll() function will not work if you want to set limit.
You can try KnpPaginatorBundle to add pagination in symfony. It will work with fine to add pagination.

Name of Twig variable in a Twig variable

I get a list of collections right from Doctrine and I store them into an array.
For example:
$data['collList'] = $heyDoctrine->giveMeMyColls();
But I also want to retrieve some informations about these collections.
I store it into $data['collectionId'].
Until this point, everything works fine.
But in my Twig template, I want to create ordered lists with the name of my collection and every item of this list would be an information about this collection.
So, in PHP, I would do this:
foreach($data['collList'] as $collItem){
echo $collItem['name'];
echo '<ul>';
foreach($data[$collItem['id']] as $collItemData){
echo '<li>'.$collItemData.'</li>';
My problem is: how to do this with Twig?
I don't know how to say to Twig «hey, use «» as THE NAME of an other variable!
I've looked a bit and I've found the «attribute» function, but I wasn't able to make it work.
How should I do that?
Thanks a lot.
So, try next twig code:
{% for key, collItem in data.collList %}
{{ }}
{% for collItemData in data[collItem.key] if key == 'id' %}
<li> {{ collItemData }} </li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

twig: create custom tag that calls a functions

Twig 1.13.1
PHP 5.4.3
I am needing help setting up a custom tag that calls a function that i have already built...
Current Code:
Template Code
{% set stories = get_latest_stories(2, sports) %}
{% for story in stories %}
{{ story.headline }} <br>
{% endfor %}
$function = new Twig_SimpleFunction('getViewStories', function (section, limit) {
return news_stories::getStories(section,limit);
No with that said I would like to use a custom tag like
{% get_latest_stories 2 sports %}
to call the same function as above. The new way looks nicer and is easier to follow
Why not fetch your stories in the controller instead of the template? This does not seem like a job for the view layer...
So, something like this:
$twig->render("storyList.html", array(
'stories' => news_stories::getStories($section, $limit)
Then, you'll have a stories variable available in your template.
here is simple example how to write twig extension
Following code is taken from my unfinished project
function file_import($value){
//some code here
return $value;
$app['twig']->addFunction('file_import', new Twig_Function_Function('file_import'));
{{ file_import('value') }}

Symfony2 Twig Iterator

I have form $form, which have text field for each entity User.
$form = $this->createFormBuilder();
$form->add('users', 'collection');
foreach ($query->getResult() as $user)
$form->get('users')->add($user->getName(), 'text', array('data' => $user->getName()));
I need to access specific input form by its ID number. So i have to be able to do something like this:
{{ form_widget(form.users[0]) }}
But it doesn't work. I can't use this:
{% for user in form.users %}
I need to access text fields specificly by their id's
Found the solution.
{% set interator = form.users.iterator %}
{{ }}
{{ form_widget(interator.current) }}
