I am trying to increment through a result set from my table.
I attempt to display the next three results using an increment. This is working fine.
For example;
current = 5.
It then displays the next three: 6,7,8
It can also display the previous three: 4,3,2
The problem comes when I reach the last couple or minimum couple of results. It will currently stop;
current = 23
next: 24, 25
I cannot figure out to loop through to the last or first few results.
E.g. I want it to do this:
current = 2
display previous three: 1, 25, 24
AND FOR next:
current = 23:
display next three: 24, 25, 1
I'm returning these as arrays. Code:
$test_array = array();
$no = 1;
$test_array[] = array('test_id' => $results['id'],
'path' => $results['Path'],
'type' => $results['FileType']
'no' => $no);
$current_no = 0;
if(is_array($test_array) && count($test_array)>0)
foreach($test_array as $key=>$array)
$current[] = $array;
$current_no = intval($key+1);
//Next 3
if(isset($test_array[intval($current_no+$i)]) && is_array($test_array[intval($current_no+$i)]))
$next[] = $test_array[intval($current_no+$i)];
//Previous 3
if(isset($test_array[intval($current_no-$i)]) && is_array($test_array[intval($current_no-$i)]))
$previous[] = $test_array[intval($current_no-$i)];
If anyone has any ideas on how to help, that would be great!
Find $key for $current and set $next_key = $prev_key = $key;
Find last key $max = count($test_array) - 1;
Increase $next_key & decrease $prev_key 3 times (and check if
boundary is reached):
Loop might look like this.
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++)
$next_key = ($next_key == $max) ? 0 : $next_key + 1;
$prev_key = ($prev_key == 0) ? $max : $prev_key - 1;
$next[] = $test_array[$next_key];
$prev[] = $test_array[$prev_key];
I have a script that reads values in an external XML file using PHPExcel.php, then it prints results reading the last time a number is $extraset is found into the XML file.
My problem : i should reverse the way the script calculates the result, since my values go from the newer to the older.
Example : if the 10 value appears in row 2 and then in row 6, correct result should be : 10 appears in row 2. At the moment I get '10 appears in row 10'.
Is there a way to reverse the way phpexcel read the file ? Or maybe i can just reverse the way values are processed ? Here is the script :
require_once "Classes/PHPExcel.php";
$path = "original_source.xls";
$reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($path);
$excel_Obj = $reader->load($path);
//Get the last sheet in excel
//Get the first sheet in excel
$lastRow = $worksheet->getHighestRow();
$columncount = $worksheet->getHighestDataColumn();
$columncount_number = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($columncount);
$row_start = 6;
$row_end = 26;
$col_start = 2; //Index of column - C
$col_end = 21; //Index of column - V
$sets = array();
for ($row = 0; $row <= $lastRow; $row++) {
$set = array();
for ($col = 0; $col <= $columncount_number; $col++) {
if ($row >= $row_start && $row <= $row_end && $col >= $col_start && $col <= $col_end) {
array_push($set, $worksheet->getCell(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col).$row)->getValue());
else if ($row > $row_end) {
if ($row >= $row_start && $row <= $row_end) {
array_push($sets, $set);
else if ($row > $row_end) {
//echo '<pre>'; print_r($sets); die;
$extraset = ['113', '15', '313'];
$reverse_sets = array_reverse($sets);
foreach ($extraset as $element) {
foreach ($reverse_sets as $index => $set) {
if (in_array($element, $set)) {
$actual_index = count($reverse_sets)-$index-1;
echo "Extraset element '$element' is in set $actual_index<br>";
I was trying with array_reverse, but I only keep getting 'error 500'. I'm a bit confused.
Thanks for your help
The modify i did with array reverse was to remove the array reverse function, changing that part in this way, and it works properly :
foreach ($extraset as $element) {
foreach ($sets as $index => $set) {
if (in_array($element, $set)) {
$actual_index = count($sets)-$index-1;
echo "Extraset element '$element' is in set $actual_index<br>";
Now the script outputs me the right value, but what I can't fix is the way $actual_index works.
This is my actual output :
Extraset element '113' is in set 0
Extraset element '15' is in set 20
Extraset element '313' is in set 20
My problem :
The way it search the values is correct, but is wrong the way it calculates the set. Set 0 should be set 20, while set 20 should be set 0.
This code is working fine when the array length is 8 or 10 only. When we are checking this same code for more than 10 array length.it get loading not showing the results.
How do reduce my code. If you have algorithm please share. Please help me.
This program working flow:
$allowed_per_room_accommodation =[2,3,6,5,3,5,2,5,4];
$allowed_per_room_price =[10,30,60,40,30,50,20,60,80];
$search_accommodation = 10;
i am get subsets = [5,5],[5,3,2],[6,4],[6,2,2],[5,2,3],[3,2,5]
Show lowest price room and then equal of 10 accommodation; output like as [5,3,2];
function display($v,$room_key)
$GLOBALS['final'][] = $v;
$GLOBALS['room_key'][] = $room_key;
function printSubsetsRec($arr, $i, $sum, $p,$dp,$room_key='')
// If we reached end and sum is non-zero. We print
// p[] only if arr[0] is equal to sun OR dp[0][sum]
// is true.
if ($i == 0 && $sum != 0 && $dp[0][$sum]) {
return $p;
// If $sum becomes 0
if ($i == 0 && $sum == 0) {
return $p;
// If given sum can be achieved after ignoring
// current element.
if (isset($dp[$i-1][$sum])) {
// Create a new vector to store path
// if(!is_array(#$b))
// $b = array();
$b = $p;
printSubsetsRec($arr, $i-1, $sum, $b,$dp,$room_key);
// If given $sum can be achieved after considering
// current element.
if ($sum >= $arr[$i] && isset($dp[$i-1][$sum-$arr[$i]]))
$p = array();
$room_key = array();
printSubsetsRec($arr, $i-1, $sum-$arr[$i], $p,$dp,$room_key);
// Prints all subsets of arr[0..n-1] with sum 0.
function printAllSubsets($arr, $n, $sum,$get=[])
if ($n == 0 || $sum < 0)
// Sum 0 can always be achieved with 0 elements
// $dp = new bool*[$n];
$dp = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$n; ++$i)
// $dp[$i][$sum + 1]=true;
$dp[$i][0] = true;
// Sum arr[0] can be achieved with single element
if ($arr[0] <= $sum)
$dp[0][$arr[0]] = true;
// Fill rest of the entries in dp[][]
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $sum + 1; ++$j) {
// echo $i.'d'.$j.'.ds';
$dp[$i][$j] = ($arr[$i] <= $j) ? (isset($dp[$i-1][$j])?$dp[$i-1][$j]:false) | (isset($dp[$i-1][$j-$arr[$i]])?($dp[$i-1][$j-$arr[$i]]):false) : (isset($dp[$i - 1][$j])?($dp[$i - 1][$j]):false);
if (isset($dp[$n-1][$sum]) == false) {
return "There are no subsets with";
printSubsetsRec($arr, $n-1, $sum, $p='',$dp);
$blockSize = array('2','3','6','5','3','5','2','5','4');
$blockvalue = array('10','30','60','40','30','50','20','60','80');
$blockname = array("map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","tin","banana","apple","cheese");
$processSize = 10;
$m = count($blockSize);
$n = count($processSize);
// sum of sets in array
printAllSubsets($blockSize, $m, $processSize);
$final_subset_room = '';
$final_set_room_keys = '';
$final_set_room =[];
foreach ($GLOBALS['room_key'] as $set_rooms_key => $set_rooms) {
$tot = 0;
foreach ($set_rooms as $set_rooms) {
$tot += $blockvalue[$set_rooms];
$final_set_room[$set_rooms_key] = $tot;
$final_set_room_first_key = key($final_set_room);
$final_all_room['set_room_keys'] = $GLOBALS['room_key'][$final_set_room_first_key];
$final_all_room_price['set_room_price'] = $final_set_room[$final_set_room_first_key];
$final_all_room_first_key = key($final_all_room_price);
foreach ($final_all_room['set_room_keys'] as $key_room) {
echo $blockname[$key_room].'---'. $blockvalue[$key_room];
echo '<br>';
echo 'No Results';
I'm assuming your task is, given a list rooms, each with the amount of people it can accommodate and the price, to accommodate 10 people (or any other quantity).
This problem is similar to 0-1 knapsack problem which is solvable in polynomial time. In knapsack problem one aims to maximize the price, here we aim to minimize it. Another thing that is different from classic knapsack problem is that full room cost is charged even if the room is not completely occupied. It may reduce the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed at Wikipedia. Anyway, the implementation isn't going to be straightforward if you have never worked with dynamic programming before.
If you want to know more, CLRS book on algorithms discusses dynamic programming in Chapter 15, and knapsack problem in Chapter 16. In the latter chapter they also prove that 0-1 knapsack problem doesn't have trivial greedy solution.
I am trying to evaluate the content of an array. The array contain water temperatures submitted by a user.
The user submits 2 temperaures, one for hot water and one for cold water.
What I need is to evaluate both array items to find if they are within the limits, the limits are "Hot water: between 50 and 66", "Cold water less than 21".
If either Hot or Cold fail the check flag the Status "1" or if they both pass the check flag Status "0".
Below is the code I am working with:
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = "50";
$row_WaterTemp['Hotmax'] = "66";
$SeqWaterArray new(array);
$SeqWaterArray = array("58", "21");
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $val) {
$fields[] = "$field = '$val'";
if($key == 0) {
if($val < $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] || $val > $row_WaterTemp['Hotmax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterHot = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterHot = $val;
if($key == 1) {
if($val > $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterCold = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterCold = $val;
My question is:
When I run the script the array key(0) works but when the array key(1) is evaluted the status flag for key(1) overrides the status flag for key0.
If anyone can help that would be great.
Many thanks for your time.
It seems OK to me, exept for the values at limit, and you can simplify
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = "50";
$row_WaterTemp['Hotmax'] = "66";
$SeqWaterArray = array("58", "21");
$Status = array() ;
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $val) {
if($key == 0) {
$Status = ($val >= $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] && $val <= $row_WaterTemp['Hotmax']) ;
$WaterHot = $val;
} else if($key == 1) {
$Status += ($val >= $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) ;
$WaterCold = $val;
If one fails, $Status = 1, if the two tests failed, $Status = 2, if it's ok, $Status = 0.
// this function return BOOL (true/false) when the condition is met
function isBetween($val, $min, $max) {
return ($val >= $min && $val <= $max);
$coldMax = 20; $hotMin = 50; $hotMax = 66;
// I decided to simulate a test of more cases:
$SeqWaterArray['john'] = array(58, 30);
$SeqWaterArray['martin'] = array(34, 15);
$SeqWaterArray['barbara'] = array(52, 10);
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $range) {
$flag = array();
foreach($range as $type => $temperature) {
// here we fill number 1 if the temperature is in range
if ($type == 0) {
$flag['hot'] = (isBetween($temperature, $hotMin, $hotMax) ? 0 : 1);
} else {
$flag['cold'] = (isBetween($temperature, 0, $coldMax) ? 0 : 1);
$results[$key]['flag'] = $flag;
This is the result:
["hot"]=> 1
["cold"]=> 0
"flag" =>
["hot"]=> 1
["cold"]=> 0
"flag" =>
["hot"]=> 0
["cold"]=> 0
I don't think that you need a foreach loop here since you are working with a simple array and apparently you know that the first element is the hot water temperature and the second element is the cold water temperature. I would just do something like this:
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = 50;
$row_WaterTemp['HotMax'] = 66;
$row_WaterTemp['ColdMax'] = 21;
$SeqWaterArray = array(58, 21);
$waterHot = $SeqWaterArray[0];
$waterCold = $SeqWaterArray[1];
$status = 0;
if ($waterHot < $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] || $waterHot > $row_WaterTemp['HotMax']) {
$status = 1;
if ($waterCold > $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) {
$status = 1;
You can combine the if statements of course. I separated them because of readability.
Note that I removed all quotes from the numbers. Quotes are for strings, not for numbers.
You can use break statement in this case when the flag is set to 1. As per your specification the Cold water should be less than 21, I have modified the code.
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = "50";
$row_WaterTemp['Hotmax'] = "66";
$row_WaterTemp['ColdMax'] = "21";
$SeqWaterArray = array("58", "21");
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $val) {
$fields[] = "$key = '$val'";
if($key == 0) {
if($val < $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] || $val > $row_WaterTemp['Hotmax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterHot = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterHot = $val;
if($key == 1) {
if($val >= $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterCold = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterCold = $val;
echo $Status;
This way it would be easier to break the loop in case if the temperature fails to fall within the range in either case.
I have script who searches closest searched number.
So for example, let say that in array are this numbers:
'0' => 1.72
'0.25' => 1.92
'0.75'=> 2.35
'1' => 3.00
I am searching for 0.50 handicap, so 0.25 and 0.75 are in same range from 0.50.
In this situations i want to get greater number, what is 0.75 in this example.
Code what works is this:
function getClosest($search, $arr) {
$closest = null;
$num_arr = array();
$odd = 0.00;
$i = 0;
foreach ($arr as $handicap=>$item) { //first closest number
if ($closest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($handicap - $search)) {
$closest = $handicap;
$odd = $item;
$num_arr[$handicap] = $item;
$newclosest = null;
$newodd = 0.00;
foreach($num_arr as $handicap=>$newitem){ //second closest number
if ($newclosest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($handicap - $search)) {
$newclosest = $handicap;
$newodd = $newitem;
//if difference between first and second number are same
if(abs($search - $closest) == abs($newclosest - $search)){
if($newclosest > $closest){ //if second number is greater than first
$closest = $newclosest;
$odd = $newodd;
return array('handicap'=>$closest,'odd'=>$odd);
I see that i can use recursion here, but i am not experienced in using recursion. I know that i need call it inside like this:
$rec_arr = getClosest($num_arr,$search);
but i get blank page even i dump function output.
use array_map function,
$data = array('0'=>1.72,'0.75'=> 2.35,'0.25'=>1.92,'1' => 3.00);
$v = 0.5; // search value
$x = null; // difference value
$y = array(); // temporary array
if($x > abs($i-$v)){ // if difference value is bigger than current
$x = abs($i-$v);
$y = array($i=>$data[$i]);
}else if($x == abs($i-$v)){ // if difference value is same
$key = array_keys($y);
$y = $key[0] < $i ? array($i=>$data[$i]) : $y;
}else{ // first loop
$x = abs($i-$v);
$y = array($i=>$data[$i]);
print_r($y); // result
output Array ( [0.75] => 2.35 ), hope this help you.
//$a is array to be searched
//$s is search key
//$prev_key and $next_key will be output required
$a = array('0'=>1,'0.25'=>123,'0.75'=>456,'0.78'=>456,'1'=>788);
$s = '0';
echo $s;
reset($a);//good to do
while(key($a) < $s){
$next_key = key($a);
$prev_key = key($a);
echo $prev_key.'-'.$next_key;
The above code uses array internal pointers. I think this may help you..
source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4792770/3202287
I'm having an asbolute nightmare dealing with an array of numbers which has the following structure :
Odd numbers in the array : NumberRepresenting Week
Even numbers in the array : NumberRepresenting Time
So for example in the array :
index : value
0 : 9
1 : 1
2 : 10
3 : 1
Would mean 9 + 10 on Day 1 (Monday).
The problem is, I have a an unpredictable number of these and I need to work out how many "sessions" there are per day. The rules of a session are that if they are on a different day they are automatically different sessions. If they are next to each other like in the example 9 + 10 that would count as a single session. The maximum number than can be directly next to eachother is 3. After this there needs to be a minimum of a 1 session break in between to count as a new session.
Unfortunately, we cannot also assume that the data will be sorted. It will always follow the even / odd pattern BUT could potentially not have sessions stored next to each other logically in the array.
I need to work out how many sessions there are.
My code so far is the following :
for($i = 0; $i < (count($TimesReq)-1); $i++){
$Done = false;
if($odd = $i % 2 )
//ODD WeekComp
if(($TimesReq[$i] != $TimesReq[$i + 2])&&($TimesReq[$i + 2] != $TimesReq[$i + 4])){
$WeeksNotSame = true;
//Even TimeComp
if(($TimesReq[$i] != ($TimesReq[$i + 2] - 1))&& ($TimesReq[$i + 2] != ($TimesReq[$i + 4] - 1)))
$TimesNotSame = true;
if($TimesNotSame == true && $Done == false){
$Done = true;
if($WeeksNotSame == true && $Done == false){
$Done = true;
$TimesNotSame = false;
$WeeksNotSame = false;
However this isn't working perfectly. for example it does not work if you have a single session and then a break and then a double session. It is counting this as one session.
This is, probably as you guessed, a coursework problem, but this is not a question out of a textbook, it is part of a timetabling system I am implementing and is required to get it working. So please don't think i'm just copy and pasting my homework to you guys!
Thank you so much!
New Code being used :
if (count($TimesReq) % 2 !== 0) {
//throw new InvalidArgumentException();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($TimesReq); $i += 2) {
$time = $TimesReq[$i];
$week = $TimesReq[$i + 1];
if (!isset($TimesReq[$i - 2])) {
// First element has to be a new session
$sessions += 1;
$StartTime[] = $TimesReq[$i];
$Days[] = $TimesReq[$i + 1];
$lastTime = $TimesReq[$i - 2];
$lastWeek = $TimesReq[$i - 1];
$sameWeek = ($week === $lastWeek);
$adjacentTime = ($time - $lastTime === 1);
if (!$sameWeek || ($sameWeek && !$adjacentTime)) {
$Days[] = $TimesReq[$i + 1];
$StartTime[] = $TimesReq[$i];
$looking = true;
if($sameWeek && !$adjacentTime){
if($looking && !$adjacentTime){
$EndTime[] = $TimesReq[$i];
$looking = false;
$sessions += 1;
If you want a single total number of sessions represented in the data, where each session is separated by a space (either a non-contiguous time, or a separate day). I think this function will get you your result:
function countSessions($data)
if (count($data) % 2 !== 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$sessions = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i += 2) {
$time = $data[$i];
$week = $data[$i + 1];
if (!isset($data[$i - 2])) {
// First element has to be a new session
$sessions += 1;
$lastTime = $data[$i - 2];
$lastWeek = $data[$i - 1];
$sameWeek = ($week === $lastWeek);
$adjacentTime = ($time - $lastTime === 1);
if (!$sameWeek || ($sameWeek && !$adjacentTime)) {
$sessions += 1;
return $sessions;
$totalSessions = countSessions(array(
9, 1,
10, 1,
This of course assumes the data is sorted. If it is not, you will need to sort it first. Here is an alternate implementation that includes support for unsorted data.
function countSessions($data)
if (count($data) % 2 !== 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$slots = array();
foreach ($data as $i => $value) {
if ($i % 2 === 0) $slots[$i / 2]['time'] = $value;
else $slots[$i / 2]['week'] = $value;
usort($slots, function($a, $b) {
if ($a['week'] == $b['week']) {
if ($a['time'] == $b['time']) return 0;
return ($a['time'] < $b['time']) ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return ($a['week'] < $b['week']) ? -1 : 1;
$sessions = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($slots); $i++) {
if (!isset($slots[$i - 1])) { // First element has to be a new session
$sessions += 1;
$sameWeek = ($slots[$i - 1]['week'] === $slots[$i]['week']);
$adjacentTime = ($slots[$i]['time'] - $slots[$i - 1]['time'] === 1);
if (!$sameWeek || ($sameWeek && !$adjacentTime)) {
$sessions += 1;
return $sessions;
Here is my little attempt at solving your problem. Hopefully I understand what you want:
$TimesReq = array(9,4,11,4,13,4,8,4,7,2,12,4,16,4,18,4,20,4,17,4);
// First just create weeks with all times lumped together
$weeks = array();
for($tri=0; $tri<count($TimesReq); $tri+=2){
$time = $TimesReq[$tri];
$week = $TimesReq[$tri+1];
$match_found = false;
foreach($weeks as $wi=>&$w){
$w[0] = array_merge($w[0], array($time));
$match_found = true;
if(!$match_found) $weeks[$week][] = array($time);
// Now order the times in the sessions in the weeks
foreach($weeks as &$w){
foreach($w as &$s) sort($s);
// Now break up sessions by gaps/breaks
$breaking = true;
$breaking = false;
foreach($weeks as &$w){
foreach($w as &$s){
foreach($s as $ti=>&$t){
if($ti>0 && $t!=$s[$ti-1]+1){
// A break was found
$new_times = array_splice($s, $ti);
$s = array_splice($s, 0, $ti);
$w[] = $new_times;
$breaking = true;
foreach($weeks as $wi=>&$w){
echo 'Week '.$wi.' has '.count($w)." session(s):\n";
foreach($w as $si=>&$s)
echo "\tSession ".($si+1).":\n";
echo "\t\tStart Time: ".$s[0]."\n";
echo "\t\tEnd Time: ".((int)($s[count($s)-1])+1)."\n";
Given $TimesReq = array(9,4,11,4,13,4,8,4,7,2,12,4,16,4,18,4,20,4,17,4); the code will produce as output:
Week 4 has 4 session(s):
Session 1:
Start Time: 8
End Time: 10
Session 2:
Start Time: 11
End Time: 14
Session 3:
Start Time: 16
End Time: 19
Session 4:
Start Time: 20
End Time: 21
Week 2 has 1 session(s):
Session 1:
Start Time: 7
End Time: 8
Hope that helps.