PHP MySql unknown server host [duplicate] - php

This question already has answers here:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): Unknown MySQL server host
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am running Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS with MySQL 5.5.38 and PHP 5.3.10, using Webmin 1.680 (although I do use the terminal for administration as well). I am on a dynamic IP so I have been using dyndns to host a website, which has been working flawlessly. I want to expand my website to access a mysql database. I am attempting to use PHP to connect to mysql, specifically a specific database I set up using Webmin. However, I keep getting the error:
"Unknown MySQL server host ''"
I have checked the mysql configuration and it is set to that IP and port. I have also checked my server hosts and that IP is the local host. My router is set to forward port 3306 to my server. This happens whether I connect locally or remote. I am connecting with the following PHP string:
$link = mysqli_connect("", "username", "password", "dbname");
The solutions I have found in my quest, which do not work... changing the host in the connection string to "localhost:3306" or to my dyndns host name "", or to my server's local IP - and changing the mysql binding address to match. I have tried commenting out the binding address in the config file. I have found similar questions asked on this forum and others but none have a solution that works for me. I am new to databases but have done a lot of research on using PHP to manipulate them, I just can't get past this connection error. I have been self-teaching how to run a server and have been able to figure out every problem myself up until this one. I can log into mysql from the terminal on my server but executing the "show databases" command it doesn't list the database I created through webmin, even though I the user to have full access/control of that database.

I had a similar issue when I started out using mysqli. If you need to include the port, it has its own place in mysqli_connect.
$link = mysqli_connect("", "username", "password", "dbname", 3306);
should work better for you. But I believe 3306 is the default port, so you may be able to just leave it off.


Can't connect to remote SQL database in PHP, but remote access is set up and confirmed working

I'm trying to learn to use SQL stuff in PHP but I'm having an issue simply connecting to my database.
The database is almost certainly working with remote access to some extent. I disabled iptables temporarily (I know, bad bad bad!), so there's no firewall blocking access. The MySQL user I am using is configured to be able to connect from any IP. The SQL server is listening properly to all connections and is run on a Linux dedicated server.
[root#1742CC-XEON ~]# netstat -lpnut | grep mysql
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3915/mysqld
I've also used the exact same credentials to successfully remotely connect to my database in Java, like so:
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://__ip__:_port_/_dbname_", "username", "password");
System.out.println("Connection established.");
This functions just fine, and I can successfully run queries, etc. Since I have iptables disabled at the moment this connection functions just fine anywhere that has Java and the Java SQL connector.
Now, I'm trying to connect to the same database in PHP:
$db = mysqli_connect($sql_host, $sql_user, $sql_pass, $sql_db, $sql_port);
And this connection fails with the following error:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xx.xx.xx.ip' (111)
Note that $sql_user, $sql_pass, $sql_host, etc. are all the same as the credentials used in the Java connection, so there shouldn't be any issue with the user not being able to access the server from a new IP, since that user is granted access on % and I've made sure that it is indeed able to access the SQL server from multiple IPs not explicitly allowed in the users table. I've also tried different users, including root, and all give the same connection error.
I've spent a few hours looking around but I honestly can't find anything that seems to be the right answer, would really appreciate any help!
Is it possible that this is caused by my webhost? I've tried this script on HostGator webhost as well as the hosting and both give the same error. Could they possibly be preventing the PHP script from connecting to the remote database?
Have you tried telneting to the server on 3315 from your webhosts?

How can I write data to a database table on another server?

I am using the mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db) line to connect to another server through php. I am trying to write to a MySQL database.
I have used the server's IP [A.B.C.D] on the $host variable. However I cannot write to that database, and the script does not run completely.
I am using the root user and password to connect, and the user list in phpmyadmin shows that anyhost(%), and localhost can connect with the root username (I think that's what it means). Anyway, as I am using root, I don't think this is a user privilege problem.
I have tried putting a # before 'bind-address='.
I have tried editing my.cnf according to suggestions from a lot of forums.
I have not installed firewall in any of the servers that I'm using, so unless Debian 7 64-bit comes with pre-installed firewall that blocks certain ports, I don't think that is the problem either.
Isn't there an easy way to establish connection between multiple servers? :-/
Your remote mysql server must accept remote connection from your IP address.
After you make this setup you can access remote mysql server like this:
mysqli_connect($remote_host, $remote_user, $pemote_pass, $remote_db);

Remote MySQL Connection in PHP

I'm beginning to migrate a software project from being a desktop application to a web application. Currently I am using a local PHP/MySQL connection that is associated with the desktop it is installed on.
I'm hoping to untangle this and am trying to create a MySQL database through my 1and1 account. I had no trouble creating a database and recorded my account information. I'd like to be able to edit this database using PHP scripts on my system. However, I haven't been able to get a working connection string going. When I run the following PHP script:
$link = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);
I get the following error when I run the script in my webbrowser:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'db*********' (11001) in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\Remote_MySQL\rightbid_database_initialize.php on line 74
Connection failed: Unknown MySQL server host 'db*********' (11001)
How do I get my local system to recognize the 1and1 server host? Am I structuring my connection string correctly? Is it possible to access a remote server from a locally hosted Windows PHP connection?
I assume what's happening if that 1&1 are blocking any connections coming from outside of their network.
Try connecting using
Good luck
Make sure the MySQL server on 1and1 will accept connections from remote clients. Not just on localhost, and also make sure port 3306 is open to the server.

PHP 5.3 Upgrade - Can't Connect to MySQL Server

I've done a bit of research on this today, but nothing seems to address this issue. I recently upgraded to PHP 5.3.3 from 5.1.6, as well as upgraded MySQL to 5.5 from 5.0. Afterwards, the following code generates an error saying "Can't connect to mysql database":
$connection = mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword);
if (!$connection) {
//Can't connect
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
And get the following error:
Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13) in /var/www/html/ws/Cust/customerWS_1_1.php on line 19 Could not connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13)
I am able to connect to the remote host via the command line, and have tried everything from resetting the password to shutting down IP Tables. I'm kind of at a loss - so any help would be appreciated.
We had a similar problem with the same error message "Can't connect to mysql database" and maybe the following points will be also usefull:
check mysql user privileges (in our case and with external connections we had the old server IP address (allow access) in the table) GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tablename.* TO 'username'#'';
-> reload privileges after changes (FLUSH PRIVILEGES;)
disable the SELinux parameter. In new Plesk versions (>10?) this would be set enabled automatically...
--> in /etc/selinux/config change the line that says:
SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled
See further details:
There is a PHP 5.3 mysql driver restriction related to old authentication scheme hash stored in the database by previous mysql server. This could cause a problem with stored passwords so the databases will be unaccessible with old passwords.
To solve the problem you should recreate the mysql users with the same login and same password.
When you say "I am able to connect to the remote host via the command line" do you mean, you are connecting to the MySQL server REMOTELY? Or that you are SSHing to your MySQL server and connecting to it from the MySQL server's command line? If the latter, it's possible that when you upgraded to MySQL 5.5 you accidentally stopped MySQL from binding / listening on a public IP. Check your my.cnf.
Otherwise: is your PHP code being run on the same server as your MySQL server? It's possible that your permissions could be off. MySQL permissions are very particular about connecting to the MySQL server via it's IP address if the client only has access to connect from 'localhost', and vice-versa.
First you should make sure that the connect parameters $dbhost, $dbusername and $dbpassword are correct. Assuming these are correct, you should check your mysql ini settings. I would assume that the bind-address is set to or localhost, but not to a public IP address.
Also note that it's a security risk if you can connect to mysql from a public IP address. You may want to look into a solution that does not require such connection.

How do I access another MySQL Database from another IP Address with PHP?

Ok, If you can answer this question, you deserve the nobel peace prize. Anyways, here's the situation.
I'm using Slicehost dot net, and I have 2 slices (two different IPs). One slice is my mail server and the other is my normal website. I'm running Ubuntu (8.04 or 8.10, something like that, it shouldn't matter). What I'm trying to do is access the MySQL database on the Mail server from the other slice. I'm trying to do that with PHP. I really appreciate any help.
$resource = mysql_connect('', 'username', 'password');
The first parameter is the mysql server address.
Server Param
The MySQL server. It can also include
a port number. e.g. "hostname:port" or
a path to a local socket e.g.
":/path/to/socket" for the localhost.
If the PHP directive
mysql.default_host is undefined
(default), then the default value is
'localhost:3306'. In SQL safe mode,
this parameter is ignored and value
'localhost:3306' is always used.
Unless I'm misunderstanding... this setup is pretty common. Any trouble you're having might be related to the following:
Firewall settings
Grant access to the mysql user to connect from the other host
my.ini settings not allowing outside connections
Some other related SO questions:
Connecting to MySQL from other machines
How do I enable external access to MySQL Server?
php access to remote database
How to make mysql accept connections externally
Remote mysql connection
Assuming your mail server is at IP and web server is
First of all you need to allow the web server to access the mysql database on your Mail server .
On you run the mysql command and grant access on the database needed to your web server
mysql> grant all on mydb.* to 'someuser'#'' identified by 'secretpass;
Your PHP code connects to that database with something like:
$conn = mysql_connect('', 'someuser', 'secretpass');
mysql_connect() returns a link identifier if the connection is successful. Also you have to do is keep the references to both links.
When you want to use which ever link, simply include the link as an argument.
$link1 = mysql_connect($host1, $username1, $password1);
$link2 = mysql_connect($host2, $username2, $password2);
$r = mysql_query(QUERY, $link1);
Simple as that.
