How to stop resubmission of a form using Php? - php

I am making a web-application for Quiz competition. For the purpose, I wrote a php script which is processed by the same page. Now when I am adding scores and question numbers, the score is incremented or remain unchanged depending upon the previous answer if someone is refreshing the page. Now I googled the problem and found something like PRG.But this method works if the page is processed by other page (What I think ). Again, a friend of mine told me to use Javascript. But what if someone has turned Js off? Can't we have a solution in php itself. I tried session method also, but I did not fix the issue .
Please help me .
PHP Quiz script is here:
// starting session
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo '<p class="login">Please log in to access this page.</p>';
else {
echo('<p class="login">You are logged in as ' . $_SESSION['username'] . '. Log out.</p>');
// $query = ;
//this get is taking level from index.php
if ( isset($_GET['level']))
$level = $_GET['level'];
$level = 'E';
//connecting to Data Base
$dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$level = $_POST['level'];
// $_SESSION['flag']
$answer = $_POST['answer'];
if ( !empty($answer))
$qid = $_POST['qid'];
$select = $_POST['select'];
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,"select * from question where qid = '$qid'")
or die("Error in connection.");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if ( $row['ANSWER'] == $answer)
echo 'Your answer is correct.';
mysqli_query($dbc,"insert into user_question ( qid,user_id,answer_key) values ( '$select','$user_id',1)")
or die ("Error in updating values in user_question");
echo 'Your answer is incorrect.';
mysqli_query($dbc,"insert into user_question ( qid,user_id,answer_key) values ( '$select','$user_id',0)")
or die ("Error in updating values in user_question");
$answer = "";
echo 'You did not answer the previous question';
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
// $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
//Taking a random value from the list of question
$id_list = array();
// echo $user_id;
// echo $level;
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,"select * from question where lvl = '$level' and user_id != '$user_id' and qid not in ( select qid from user_question where user_id = '$user_id' )");
while ( ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) )
if ( $row['user_id'] != $user_id)
// print_r($id_list);
//Whether user viewed all the questions
if ( empty($id_list))
echo 'Great, You have visited all the question, wait for more update ';
echo '<br>';
echo '❤ View Your Score<br />';
// Taking a random value after shuffling it
$select = $id_list[array_rand($id_list)];
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,"select * from question where qid='$select'");
// Showing the question
while ( ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) )
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3> <?php echo $row['sawal']; ?></h3>
<form method = "POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="A" ><?php echo $row['a']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="B" ><?php echo $row['b']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="C" ><?php echo $row['c']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="D" ><?php echo $row['d']; ?><br>
<input type="hidden" name = "qid" value="<?php echo $row['qid'] ?>">
<!-- <input type="hidden" name = "range" value="<?php $range ?>"> -->
<input type="hidden" name = "level" value="<?php echo $level ?>">
<input type="hidden" name = "select" value="<?php echo $select ?>">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="ANSWER"/>
I changed my code as Mat is suggested. But it is not allowing me to have different question from the table?
The revised php code is here:
// starting session
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
echo '<p class="login">Please log in to access this page.</p>';
else {
echo('<p class="login">You are logged in as ' . $_SESSION['username'] . '. Log out.</p>');
// $query = ;
//this get is taking level from index.php
if ( isset($_GET['level']))
$level = $_GET['level'];
$level = 'E';
//connecting to Data Base
$dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$is_new_post = true;
if (isset($_SESSION["myform_key"]) && isset($_POST["myform_key"]))
if($_POST["myform_key"] == $_SESSION["myform_key"] ){
$is_new_post = false;
$_SESSION["myform_key"] = $_POST["myform_key"];
$level = $_POST['level'];
// $_SESSION['flag']
$answer = $_POST['answer'];
if ( !empty($answer))
$qid = $_POST['qid'];
$select = $_POST['select'];
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,"select * from question where qid = '$qid'")
or die("Error in connection.");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if ( $row['ANSWER'] == $answer)
echo 'Your answer is correct.';
mysqli_query($dbc,"insert into user_question ( qid,user_id,answer_key) values ( '$select','$user_id',1)")
or die ("Error in updating values in user_question");
echo 'Your answer is incorrect.';
mysqli_query($dbc,"insert into user_question ( qid,user_id,answer_key) values ( '$select','$user_id',0)")
or die ("Error in updating values in user_question");
$answer = "";
echo 'You did not answer the previous question';
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
// $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
//Taking a random value from the list of question
$id_list = array();
// echo $user_id;
// echo $level;
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,"select * from question where lvl = '$level' and user_id != '$user_id' and qid not in ( select qid from user_question where user_id = '$user_id' )");
while ( ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) )
if ( $row['user_id'] != $user_id)
// print_r($id_list);
//Whether user viewed all the questions
if ( empty($id_list))
echo 'Great, You have visited all the question, wait for more update ';
echo '<br>';
echo '❤ View Your Score<br />';
// Taking a random value after shuffling it
$select = $id_list[array_rand($id_list)];
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,"select * from question where qid='$select'");
// Showing the question
while ( ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) )
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3> <?php echo $row['sawal']; ?></h3>
<form method = "POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="A" ><?php echo $row['a']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="B" ><?php echo $row['b']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="C" ><?php echo $row['c']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="D" ><?php echo $row['d']; ?><br>
<input type="hidden" name = "qid" value="<?php echo $row['qid'] ?>">
<!-- <input type="hidden" name = "range" value="<?php $range ?>"> -->
<input type="hidden" name = "level" value="<?php echo $level ?>">
<input type="hidden" name = "select" value="<?php echo $select ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="myform_key" value="<?php echo md5("CrazyFrogBros"); ?>" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="ANSWER"/>

I tried session method also, but I did not fix the issue
I don't know how you code it but you can try this:
1. Set a session token with unique hash value e.g.
$_SESSION['formtoken'] = sha1(uniqid('', true));
include it in your form (input hidden) value = $_SESSION['formtoken']
everytime the user submit the form reset the $_SESSION['formtoken'] value


How to show comments on specific posts

I have an application that where users can post announcements and comment on posts. My problem is that whenever a comment is posted, It shows up on every announcement post. How can I post comments so that they show up on that specific post?
I have 2 database tables: "announcement: id, name, announcementTitle, announcement, image" and "comment: id, post_id, name, comment" with foreign key attached to comment.
Here is my home.php where the announcements and comments are echoed
<div class="container">
<div class="mx-auto">
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
<h1 style="text-decoration:underline">Post an announcement</h1>
<form method="post" action="announcement.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="announcementTitle" placeholder="Enter Subject"><br>
<textarea name="announcementBox" rows="5" cols="40" placeholder="Enter Announcement"></textarea><br>
<input type="file" name="image" accept="image/jpeg">
<button name="announcement">Submit</button>
$query = "SELECT * FROM announcement ORDER BY id DESC";
$result = mysqli_query($con,$query);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo '<div class="row" style="color:black;background-color:white;border-radius:5px;padding:10px;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:70px">';
echo '<div class="column" style="width:100%;border:5px">';
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
echo '<form method="post" action="announcement.php">';
echo "Posted by " .$row["name"]. " click X to delete:";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="postID" value="'.$row['id'].'">';
echo '<button name="delete" style="float:right">X</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo $row['announcementTitle'].'<br>';
echo $row['announcement'].'<br>';
echo '<img width="20%" src="data:image;base64,'.$row['image'].'"alt="Image" style="padding-top:10px">';
<form method="post" action="comment.php">
<textarea name="commentbox" rows="2" cols="50" placeholder="Leave a Comment"></textarea><br>
<button name="comment">Submit</button>
echo "Comments:<p><p>";
echo " <p>";
$find_comment = "SELECT * FROM comment ORDER BY id DESC";
$res = mysqli_query($con,$find_comment);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="postID" value="'.$row['post_id'].'">';
$comment_name = $row['name'];
$comment = $row['comment'];
echo "$comment_name: $comment<p>";
if(isset($_GET['error'])) {
echo "<p>100 Character Limit";
echo '</div></div>';
Here is comment.php where comments are put in the database
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'Arv5n321');
mysqli_select_db($con, 'userregistration');
$namee = '';
$comment = '';
$comment_length = strlen($comment);
if($comment_length > 100) {
header("location: home.php?error=1");
}else {
$que = "SELECT * FROM announcement";
$res = mysqli_query($con,$que);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) {
$post_id = $row['id'];
$namee = $_SESSION['username'];
$comment = $_POST['commentbox'];
$query = "INSERT INTO comment(post_id,name,comment) VALUES('$post_id','$namee','$comment')";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query);
if ($result) {
} else {
Here is announcement.php where announcements are put in the database
//$con = mysqli_connect('', 'freedbtech_arvindra', 'Arv5n321', 'freedbtech_remote') or die(mysqli_error($con));
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'Arv5n321', 'userregistration') or die(mysqli_error($con));
if (isset($_POST['announcement'])) {
$image = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
$name = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$image = base64_encode(file_get_contents(addslashes($image)));
$title = $_POST['announcementTitle']." (<b>".date("m/d/Y")." ".date("h:i:sa")."</b>)";
$paragraph = $_POST['announcementBox'];
if (empty($paragraph)||empty($title)) {
$nam = $_SESSION['username'];
$query = "insert into announcement(name,announcementTitle,announcement,image) values('$nam','$title','$paragraph','$image')";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query);
if ($result) {
} else {
}else if (isset($_POST['delete'])){
$query = "delete from announcement where id='".$_POST['postID']."';";
$result = mysqli_query($con,$query);
if ($result) {
} else {
else {
I am a little new to PHP so any help is good.

PHP - Undefined index : id - the value is not retrieved

Yes, I know there is a lot of 'Undefined index' questions floating around here and i have been looking through them before asking this question. I copied the codes from those questions to try and test it out but it still doesn't work for my own project. Also, I'm still a beginner in PHP.
So here is my problem. I wanted to try coding a simple edit form after I have finished coding the delete and view form.
This is my code
$id = $_GET['id'];
echo "id: ".$id;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE id= '$id'";
$result = $con->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc()
<form action="editform.php" method="GET">
<?php echo $id; ?><br>
Contract Title<br>
<input type="text" name="contract_title" value="<?php echo $row['contract_title']; ?>" /><br>
<input type="submit" name = "edit "value="Update" />
if(isset($_POST['edit']) ){
$id = $_GET['id'];
$upd= "UPDATE `contracts` SET
WHERE `id`='".$_POST['id']."";
if($do_upd = $con->query($upd))
echo "Update Success";
echo "Update Fail";
This is the before the error.
This is the error I received.
In line 3, the id is not retrieved after I clicked the button update.
It didn't retrieved the values.
What mistakes did I do in the coding and how do I fix it? Thanks in advance.
Right below:
<form action="editform.php" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" />
Fixed other errors in your code:
$id = $_GET['id'];
echo "id: ".$id;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE id= '$id'";
$result = $con->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc()
<form action="editform.php" method="GET">
ID: <?php echo $id; ?><br>
Contract Title<br>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" />
<input type="text" name="contract_title" value="<?php echo $row['contract_title']; ?>" /><br>
<input type="submit" name="edit" value="Update" />
if(isset($_GET['edit']) ){
// needs escaping!~~~
$upd= "UPDATE `contracts` SET `contract_title` = '".$_GET['contract_title']."' WHERE `id` = '".$id;
if($do_upd = $con->query($upd)) {
echo "Update Success";
} else {
echo "Update Fail";
Please consider escaping your database input to prevent SQL injection
$id = $_GET['id'];
echo "id: ".$id;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE id= '$id'";
$result = $con->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc()
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$contract_title = $row['contract_title'];
} else {
echo "0 results";
if(isset($_POST['edit']) ){
$upd = "UPDATE contracts SET contract_title='$contract_title' WHERE id='$id'";
if($do_upd = $con->query($upd))
echo "Update Success";
echo "Update Fail";
<form action="" method="POST">
<?php echo $id; ?><br>
Contract Title<br>
<input type="text" name="contract_title" value="<?php echo $row['contract_title']; ?>" /><br>
<input type="submit" name = "edit" value="Update" />

Counter increasing in refresh and in reload in php

I have set a counter in php code to increment the id value in mysql on every next click but when I refresh or reload the page the value is increasing automatically is there any solution for this problem or any other substitute.
$db = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','root','rahul');
$questions ="";
$msg2 ="";
$o1 ="" ;
$o2 ="" ;
$o3 ="" ;
$o4 ="" ;
$disable = "";
$disable2 = "";
$_SESSION['count'] = 0;
$ans = $_POST['ans'];
$email = "";
$order = $_SESSION['count']+1;
echo $order;
$_SESSION['count'] = $order;
$sql = (" SELECT * FROM qna WHERE id = $order ");
$query = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
$row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$questions = $row['questions'];
$o1 = $row['o1'];
$o2 = $row['o2'];
$o3 = $row['o3'];
$o4 = $row['o4'];
$disable = "disabled";
$disable2 = "";
$disable2 = "disabled";
//$sql2 = "INSERT INTO result (id, answer, email) VALUES ('', '$ans', '$email') ".mysqli_error();
$sql3 = mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO result (answer, email) VALUES ('$ans', '$email')");
if(mysqli_affected_rows($sql3)== true)
echo "inserted";
echo "not inserted";
echo $ans. $email;
$sql4 = mysqli_query("select * from result");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($db, $sql4);
// while()
echo $row['id'];
$result2 = $_SESSION['count']-1;
$_SESSION['count'] = $result2;
$sql = (" SELECT * FROM qna WHERE id = $result2 ");
$query = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
$row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$questions = $row['questions'];
$o1 = $row['o1'];
$o2 = $row['o2'];
$o3 = $row['o3'];
$o4 = $row['o4'];
$disable2 = "disabled";
$order = $_SESSION['count']+1;
echo $order;
$_SESSION['count'] = $order;
$sql = (" SELECT * FROM qna WHERE id = 1 ");
$query = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$questions = $row['questions'];
$o1 = $row['o1'];
$o2 = $row['o2'];
$o3 = $row['o3'];
$o4 = $row['o4'];
$disable = "disabled";
$disable2 = "";
$disable2 = "disabled";
<form method="post">
<input type="submit" name="start" value="start">
Log out
<form action="" method="post" >
<table border="1" height="300px" width="500px">
<th colspan="2"><?php echo $questions; ?></th>
<td><input type="radio" name="ans" id="ans" value="<?php echo $o1; ?>"><?php echo $o1; ?></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="ans" value="<?php echo $o2; ?>"><?php echo $o2; ?></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="ans" value="<?php echo $o3; ?>"><?php echo $o3; ?></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="ans" value="<?php echo $o4; ?>"><?php echo $o4; ?></td>
<tr colspan="2">
<td><center><input type="submit" name="sub1" value="next" <?php echo $disable ?>> </td>
<td><center><input type="submit" name="sub2" value="previous" <?php echo $disable2 ?>>
<input type="submit" name="submit3" value="submit" > </td>
$ans = $_POST['ans'];
$email = "dummy";
//$sql2 = "INSERT INTO result (id, answer, email) VALUES ('', '$ans', '$email') ".mysqli_error();
$sql3 = mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO result (answer, email) VALUES ('$ans', '$email')");
if(mysqli_affected_rows($sql3)== true)
echo "inserted";
echo "not inserted";
echo $ans. $email;
when you are reloading a web-page, you are reloading its POST (and also GET) data as well if it's there. if you are submitting a form then the target page contains POST data in its header. so if you reload this page it's like you would have clicked the button again.
since you are already using a session there is a workaround:
add a hidden field with a micro-timestamp in your form. this micro-timestamp will be different every time your page gets loaded (per user) - but this "new" timestamp only get's posted when you use the button. when you just refresh the page, you are reloading with the old timestamp.
so you just need to save compare the last timestamp (saved in a session variable) with the currently posted timestamp. if they are equal - the page just got refreshed - if they are not equal, then you got a new timestamp which was sent by your form:
$_SESSION["timestamp"] = 0;
$_POST["timestamp"] = 0;
// previous timestamp - saved in session variable:
$prev_ts = $_SESSION["timestamp"];
// currently posted timestamp:
$post_ts = $_POST["timestamp"];
if($prev_ts != $post_ts)
// code to increase your counter goes here.
$feedback = "button pressed";
// do nothing when the page just got refreshed
$feedback = "refreshed";
$_SESSION["timestamp"] = $post_ts;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php echo $feedback; ?>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="timestamp" value="<?php echo microtime(); ?>">
<input type="submit" name="go" value="count">

How to remain stick to a php page?

I am passing the level of the question through query string to the page. Next, I am prompting user to give the answer from the option. Now, if the answer is correct, score is incremented. Now the issue is that if the answer is wrong, I am not getting any thing in browser.
if ( isset($_POST['submit']))
$qid = $_POST['qid'];
$answer = $_POST['answer'];
// $range= $_POST['range'] ;
$dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','1234','islamic')
or die('unable to connect');
$query = "select * from question where qid = '$qid' ";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if ( $answer == $row['answer'])
// echo 'Congrats, Your answer is correct.'.$_COOKIE['username'];
#$score = ++$_COOKIE['score'];
#$page = ++$_COOKIE['page'];
if ( #$page == 4)
echo 'score is '.$_COOKIE['score'];
echo 'Go to Home ';
if ( isset($_GET['level']))
$_SESSION['level'] = $_GET['level'];
$level = $_SESSION['level'];
$dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','1234','islamic')
or die('unable to connect');
// $query = "Select * from question";
// $result = mysqli_query($dbc,$query);
// $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
$range = rand(0,6);
$query = "select * from question where level = '$level' limit $range,1";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$query);
while ( ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) )
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3> <?php echo $row['sawal']; ?></h3>
<form method = "POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="A" ><?php echo $row['A']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="B" ><?php echo $row['B']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="C" ><?php echo $row['C']; ?><br>
<input type="radio" name=" answer" value="D" ><?php echo $row['D']; ?><br>
<input type="hidden" name = "qid" value="<?php echo $row['qid'] ?>">
<!-- <input type="hidden" name = "range" value="<?php $range ?>"> -->
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="ANSWER"/>
You script doesn't display anything if the database query returns no results.
Get rid of the while and simply use $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

Liking system states that variable isn't defined, even though it is

I have the following code (below) to that loads the likes for a specific status (for dynamic use), it works if a user is liking their own post. But if a user is liking someone elses, it epically fails.
My code:
mysql_connect ('localhost', 'funding9_joeb', 'Brailsf0rdJ0e');
mysql_select_db ('mingle');
$ssid = $_COOKIE['wds'];
$lu = "SELECT * FROM mingle_sessions WHERE sid = '$ssid' LIMIT 1";
$luq = mysql_query($lu) or die (mysql_query());
while($uidr = mysql_fetch_assoc($luq)) {
$uid = $uidr['uid'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = '$uid' LIMIT 1";
$s = htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_GET['sid'])));
$result = mysql_query($sql) or print ("Can't select entry from table mingle_usr.<br />" . $sql . "<br />" . mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$fname = stripslashes($row['fname']);
$sname = stripslashes($row['sname']);
$dp = $row['dp'];
// 2) Query database for data
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mingle_likes WHERE byuid = '$uid' AND onuid = '$s' AND type = 'status'";
$sr = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($sr) >= 1) {
$re = ("SELECT id as id, status as status, sid as sid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp FROM mingle_status WHERE uid = '$uid' AND sid = '$s' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"); //query
$result = mysql_query($re) or die (mysql_error());
while($st = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$status = nl2br($st['status']);
$sid = $st['sid'];
$td = $st['timestamp'];
$id = $st['id'];
$like = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM mingle_likes WHERE onuid = '$sid' AND type = 'status' AND byuid != '$uid'"));
$likes = ceil($like['num']);
$haslike = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as nu FROM mingle_likes WHERE onuid = '$sid' AND type = 'status' AND byuid = '$uid'"));
$hasliked = ceil($haslike['nu']);
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ld_s.js"></script>
<form action='ld.php' method='post' id='ls' style='display:inline; border:0px; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0 0 0 0;'>
<input type="hidden" class="do_<?php echo $sid; ?>" name="onuid" value="<?php echo $sid; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" class="db_<?php echo $sid; ?>" name="byuid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" class="dp_<?php echo $sid; ?>" name="uid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" class="dt_<?php echo $sid; ?>" name="type" value="status" />
if($hasliked == 1) {
<label>You <?php if($likes >= 1) { echo "and " . $likes . " other people like this"; } else{ echo "liked this |"; }?></label><input type="submit" id="like" class="<?php echo $sid; ?>" name="submit" value="Unlike" />
else {
<label><?php if($likes >= 1) { echo $likes . " people like this |"; }?></label><input type="submit" id="like" class="<?php echo $sid; ?>" name="submit" value="Like" />
<?php echo time_since($td); ?>
The errors are as follows:
( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: sid in C:\wamp\www\mingle\ajax\loadslikes.php on line 47
and then the same again for every occurrence of $sid.
I haven't got a clue why at all, like I say, it works perfectly for the user liking his/her own post, just not others.
Any ideas? :-/
