Create nested hashes from an array of elements for JSON encoding - php

I have produced an array of fruits stored somewhere. Say it looks like this
$myFruits = array("apples"=>1, "oranges"=>3, "bananas"=>5);
This array is then passed into a function that will return json-encoded data for an API.
First, I wanted to be able to return a list of all the types of fruits I have
{"fruits":["apples", "oranges", "bananas"]}
I used this to accomplish it
echo json_encode(array("scripts" => array_keys($scripts)));
Now, I would like each type of fruit to be contained in its own hash, as such
{name: "apples"
{name: "oranges"
{name: "bananas"
This way I can add additional fields to each fruit object without breaking existing code that may be using previous versions of this API (eg: if I decided to add the fruit counts in there as well).
Seeing how I can just create a new array and assign my list of fruits to a key called "fruits", I tried to do the same for each inner hash:
$myFruits = array("apples"=>1, "oranges"=>3, "bananas"=>5);
$data = array();
foreach ($myFruits as $key => $value) {
// initialize an associative array for each fruit
$val = array();
array_push($val, array("name" => $key));
// add it to the list of fruits
array_push($data, $val);
// assign list of fruits to "fruits" key
$outData = array("fruits" => $data);
echo json_encode($outData);
But I get this instead
There are extra square braces around each fruit hash, which I assume is because I'm using an array to store each key-value pair.
How would I get my desired output?

You're close to knowing what you're doing wrong. You're creating an array, and then just using it to add one item (another array) to it.
// initialize an associative array for each fruit
$val = array(); // this guy here is unnecessary!!
array_push($val, array("name" => $key));
// add it to the list of fruits
array_push($data, $val);
Instead, just push each individual array onto $data directly like this:
array_push($data, array("name" => $key));

You are creating an extra level in your array, simply push a new array onto $data in each iteration:
foreach ($myFruits as $key => $value) {
$data[]=array("name" => $key, "count" => $value);
*edited as per your comment


In PHP how do I remove duplicates in an array of objects where a duplicate is defined as a subset of key-value pairs having the same value

I have an array of the form:
class anim {
public $qs;
public $dp;
public $cg;
public $timestamp;
$animArray = array();
$myAnim = new anim();
$myAnim->qs = "fred";
$myAnim->dp = "shorts";
$myAnim->cg = "dino";
$myAnim->timestamp = 1590157029399;
$animArray[] = $myAnim;
$myAnim = new anim();
$myAnim->qs = "barney";
$myAnim->dp = "tshirt";
$myAnim->cg = "bird";
$myAnim->timestamp = 1590133656330;
$animArray[] = $myAnim;
$myAnim = new anim();
$myAnim->qs = "fred";
$myAnim->dp = "tshirt";
$myAnim->cg = "bird";
$myAnim->timestamp = 1590117032286;
$animArray[] = $myAnim;
How do I create a new array containing only the non-duplicates (and the latest entry where duplicates are found) of $animArray, where a duplicate is defined as:
one where $myAnim->dp has the same value as that of another array element's $myAnim->dp AND the $myAnim->cg from the first and the $myAnim->cg from the second have the same value as each other.
In the example above, only the first element is unique by that definition.
I'm hoping there's an elegant solution. I've been through all the array functions in the PHP manual but can't see how it could be achieved.
I could loop through each array element checking if $myAnim->dp has the same value as that of another array element's $myAnim->dp, saving the matches into a new array and then looping through that new array, checking for its $myAnim->cg matching the $myAnim->cg of any other element in that new array.
A more elegant solution would allow me to to change which combination of key-value pairs determine whether there's a duplicate, without having to recast much code.
Does such a solution exist?
Thanks for helping this novice :)
While there is nothing built-in that can be used directly out of the box, there isn't a lot of code necessary to handle an arbitrary number of properties to consider for uniqueness. By keeping track of each unique property in a lookup array, we can build an array where the leaf nodes (i.e. the ones that isn't arrays themselves) are the objects.
We do this by keeping a reference (&) to the current level in the array, then continue building our lookup array for each property.
function find_uniques($list, $properties) {
$lookup = [];
$unique = [];
$last_idx = count($properties) - 1;
// Build our lookup array - the leaf nodes will be the items themselves,
// located on a level that matches the number of properties to look at
// to consider a duplicate
foreach ($list as $item) {
$current = &$lookup;
foreach ($properties as $idx => $property) {
// last level, keep object for future reference
if ($idx == $last_idx) {
$current[$item->$property] = $item;
} else if (!isset($current[$item->$property])) {
// otherwise, if not already set, create empty array
$current[$item->$property] = [];
// next iteration starts on this level as its current level
$current = &$current[$item->$property];
// awr only calls the callback for leaf nodes - i.e. our items.
array_walk_recursive($lookup, function ($item) use (&$unique) {
$unique[] = $item;
return $unique;
Called with your data above, and the requirement being that uniques and the last element of duplicates being returned, we get the following result:
var_dump(find_uniques($animArray, ['dp', 'cg']));
array(2) {
[0] =>
class anim#1 (4) {
public $qs =>
string(4) "fred"
public $dp =>
string(6) "shorts"
public $cg =>
string(4) "dino"
public $timestamp =>
[1] =>
class anim#3 (4) {
public $qs =>
string(4) "fred"
public $dp =>
string(6) "tshirt"
public $cg =>
string(4) "bird"
public $timestamp =>
Which maps to element [0] and element [2] in your example. If you instead want to keep the first object for duplicates, add an isset that terminates the inner loop if property value has been seen already:
foreach ($properties as $idx => $property) {
if ($idx == $last_idx) {
if (isset($current[$item->$property])) {
$current[$item->$property] = $item;
} else {
$current[$item->$property] = [];
// next iteration starts on this level as its current level
$current = &$current[$item->$property];
It's important to note that this has been written with the assumption that the array you want to check for uniqueness doesn't contain arrays themselves (since we're looking up properties with -> and since we're using array_walk_recursive to find anything that isn't an array).
This was fun:
array_multisort(array_column($animArray, 'timestamp'), SORT_DESC, $animArray);
$result = array_intersect_key($animArray,
array_unique(array_map(function($v) { return $v->dp.'-'.$v->cg; }, $animArray)));
First, extract the timestamp and sort that array descending, thereby sorting the original array.
Then, map to create a new array using the dp and cg combinations.
Next, make the combination array unique which will keep the first duplicate encountered (that's why we sorted descending).
Finally, get the intersection of keys of the original array and the unique one.
In a function with dynamic properties:
function array_unique_custom($array, $props) {
array_multisort(array_column($array, 'timestamp'), SORT_DESC, $array);
$result = array_intersect_key($array,
array_unique(array_map(function($v) use ($props) {
return implode('-', array_map(function($p) use($v) { return $v->$p; }, $props));;
return $result;
$result = array_unique_custom($animArray, ['dp', 'cg']);
Another option would be to sort it ascending and then build an array with a dp and cg combination as the key, which will keep the last duplicate:
array_multisort(array_column($animArray, 'timestamp'), SORT_ASC, $animArray);
foreach($animArray as $v) {
$result[$v->dp.'-'.$v->cg] = $v;
In a function with dynamic properties:
function array_unique_custom($array, $props) {
array_multisort(array_column($array, 'timestamp'), SORT_ASC, $array);
foreach($array as $v) {
$key = implode(array_map(function($p) use($v) { return $v->$p; }, $props));
$result[$key] = $v;
return $result;
$result = array_unique_custom($animArray, ['dp', 'cg']);
//Create an array with dp and cg values only
$new_arr = [];
foreach($animArray as $key=>$item) {
$new_arr[] = $item->dp.','.$item->cg;
$cvs = array_count_values($new_arr);
$final_array = [];
foreach($cvs as $cvs_key=>$occurences) {
if ($occurences == 1) {
$filter_key = array_keys($new_arr, $cvs_key)[0];
$final_array[$filter_key] = $animArray[$filter_key];
The final result would be (from your example) in $final_array:
[0] => anim Object
[qs] => fred
[dp] => shorts
[cg] => dino
[timestamp] => 1590157029399
Some explanation:
//Create a new array based on your array of objects with the attributes dp and cg
//with a comma between them
$new_arr = [];
foreach($animArray as $key=>$item) {
$new_arr[] = $item->dp.','.$item->cg;
$new_arr now contains:
[0] => shorts,dino
[1] => tshirt,bird
[2] => tshirt,bird
//Use builtin-function array_count_values to get the nr of occurences for
//each item in an array
$cvs = array_count_values($new_arr);
$cvs would contain:
[shorts,dino] => 1
[tshirt,bird] => 2
//Iterate through the $cvs array.
//Where there are only one occurence (no duplicates)
//create a final array $final_array
$final_array = [];
foreach($cvs as $cvs_key=>$occurences) {
if ($occurences == 1) {
array_keys with second argument $csv_key searches for key with
with the key from $cvs-key
so basically search for:
shorts,dino and retrieve the key 0 (first element)
$filter_key = array_keys($new_arr, $cvs_key)[0];
Add a new item to the $final_array based on the key in
the original array $animArray
if you don't want the original key in the new array
you could just do $final_array[] instead of
$final_array[$filter_key] = $animArray[$filter_key];
You said you would like to have some kind of functionality test different attributes. I believe it would just be making a function/method where you pass in two values to the arguments $attr1 ('dp'?), $attr2('cg'?) or similar.
I had not grasped that you wanted the last value as well. This actually seemed as an easier task. Maybe I am missing something but it was fun to come up with a different approach than other answers :-)
//Create an array with dp and cg values only
$new_arr = [];
foreach($animArray as $key=>$item) {
$new_arr[] = $item->dp.','.$item->cg;
//Sort keys descending order
//Because of sending order of keys above, the unique values would return the
//last item of the duplicates
$new_arr2 = array_unique($new_arr);
//Switch order of keys back to normal (ascending)
//Create a new array based on the keys set in $new_arr2
$final_arr = [];
foreach($new_arr2 as $key=>$item) {
$final_arr[] = $animArray[$key];
The output of $final_arr[] would be (in your example)
[0] => anim Object
[qs] => fred
[dp] => shorts
[cg] => dino
[timestamp] => 1590157029399
[1] => anim Object
[qs] => fred
[dp] => tshirt
[cg] => bird
[timestamp] => 1590117032286

How to pass data from a master array to multiple arrays in PHP

I have an array with subarrays, each subarray has 'type' (int) and a 'datetime'. I need to loop trought the array and create new arrays (or objects) with groups of these subarrays in a special way: every 'type' could be [0-3] 0 means startdate and 3 means enddate (1 and 2 are in between for other purposes). Every new array with these subarrays should start with 0 and end with 3.
Im not using any framework, only PHP5 and jQuery. The master array comes from a loop I made from a SQL query with GROUP_CONCAT. I just passed the concat fields to a master array but I need to regroup the subarrays to create some type of registries.
Here is the array I got with subarrays. They are already sorted by datetime, every type '0' means "start date / start new registry" and '3' means "end date / end registry".
$array = [
["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 09:35:30"],
["tipo"=>1,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 10:30:15"],
["tipo"=>2,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 10:43:12"],
["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 14:30:26"],
["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 15:35:22"],
["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 16:35:31"],
["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 08:31:57"],
["tipo"=>1,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 10:27:22"],
["tipo"=>2,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 10:38:31"],
["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 14:20:38"],
["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-28 09:39:42"],
["tipo"=>1,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-28 11:43:08"],
["tipo"=>2,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-28 11:53:19"],
["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-28 14:43:31"],
["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-29 10:30:22"],
["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-29 14:38:46"]
I need to create a new array with subarrays or objects by registry, a registry is an element who have startdate (type 0), somedates in between (type 1,2) and a enddate (type 3). Its important The next subarray have the startdate more current than the older subarray enddate. Every "tipo"+"fechahora" array have more fields (signature, address, etc) so I need to keep these as subarrays:
$newarray = [
'registry0' => [
"startdate"=> ["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 09:35:30"],
"pauses"=> [
["tipo"=>1,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 10:30:15"],
["tipo"=>2,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 10:43:12"]
"enddate" => ["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 14:30:26"]
'registry1' => [
"startdate"=> ["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 15:35:22"],
"pauses"=> [],
"enddate" => ["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-26 16:35:31"]
'registry2' => [
"startdate"=> ["tipo"=>0,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 08:31:57"],
"pauses"=> [
["tipo"=>1,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 10:27:22"],
["tipo"=>2,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 10:38:31"]
"enddate" => ["tipo"=>3,"fechahora"=>"2019-05-27 14:20:38"]
I could use arrays or objects, I dont know hot to develop a loop to regroup arrays like this (starting at one field value and ending with another and so on). I dont even know if there is a simpler way. Any help would be appreciated.
If this could help: I need the registries this way to put into an HTML table, each registry in a row.
Iknow I have to use a loop but I dont know how to "get first element with type 0, create an array, include element, include all other element until type 3, close array, create new array and so on..."
In some code:
$newarray = [];
foreach($array as $element) {
if ($element["tipo"]==0) {
//new subarray
//include this in subarray
// include all "tipos" 1,2 in subarray
if ($element["tipo"]==3) {
//include this in subarray
//finish subarray
//incude subarray in $newarray
return $newarray;
I dont know how to continue.
For this case a simple foreach followed by switch case will do,
$result = [];
$i = 0;
$var = 3; // you can manage this at your will
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
switch ($value['tipo']) { // passing tipo value here
case 0:
// it will capture for same record for current value of $i
$result['registry' . $i]['startdate'] = $value;
case $var:
// detects last entry and will increment
$result['registry' . $i++]['enddate'] = $value;
// if not 0 and $var then push it in pauses
$result['registry' . $i]['pauses'][] = $value;
Demo Link.
It is just a case of looping over each of the original array values and creating an entry in a temporary array ($temp in this case) with any values according to type. Then when a type 3 is found, adding this to the $newarray...
$newarray = [];
$temp = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ( $array as $entry ) {
if ( $entry['tipo'] == 0 ) {
$temp = [ 'startdate' => $entry ];
else if ( $entry['tipo'] == 3 ) {
$temp["enddate"] = $entry;
$newarray["registry".$count++] = $temp;
else {
$temp["pauses"][] = $entry;

Removing entire array elements if an element in a sub array already exists in another element

I have a multidimensional array, consisting of products. Each sub-array has a product type. The productType is is in an array inside the Product array, such that;
0 => product [
productType [
id: 2
1 => product [
productType [
id: 1
2 => product [
productType [
id: 2
I need to remove an entire array element, if the id already exists, in this example, I would need to remove EITHER array[0] or array[2], it doesn't matter as I only need the productType[id] to populate the box.
I have made a loop that creates an array of the ID's that already exist, but it involves making 2 new arrays:
//This works but seems a bit inefficient
$productFinal = [];
$ids = [];
foreach ($products as $product) {
if (!in_array($product->getproductType()->getid(), $ids)) {
$productFinal[] = $product;
$ids[] = $product->getproductType()->getid();
I get the results I want, however I am sure that there is a more efficient way to do this, ideally using an inbuilt php function.
If you also get the key of each element, you could remove the element if necessary inside the foreach-loop:
$ids = [];
foreach ($products as $key => $product {
$id = $product->getproductType()->getid();
if (in_array($id, $ids)) {
} else {
$ids[] = $id;
There is no need for a loop, you can use array_column to make the array associative, which will remove any duplicates.
Then use array_values to make the array indexed again.
$arr = array_values(array_column($arr, Null, "id"));

I need to merge and sort two multi-level PHP arrays

I'm trying to merge two multi-level arrays into one and then sort them by time. This is because I'm making two different API calls to a PSA and then I need to present the data in order. I've formatted each array like the example below (using a foreach loop to reformat the entries returned by the API into something consistent):
$formattedNotes[$noteTime] = Array(
"text" => $noteText,
"author" => $noteAuthor,
"staffThread" => $note_ByStaff,
"id" => $noteId
$entryTime is an epoch time associated with that record, and the array of both datasets are identical (each has text, author, staffThread, and id). My goal is to merge these two arrays, and then sort them by $entryTime
I've tried the following, but it still doesn't seem to come out sorted:
public static function MergeTimeAndNotesIntoArray($time, $notes)
$result = array_merge($time, $notes);
return $result;
If I understand this question correctly, something like this should do the trick:
public static function MergeTimeAndNotesIntoArray($time, $notes)
$sorted = $time; // start with notes from $time
foreach ($notes as $key => $value) { // add notes from $notes preserving keys
$sorted[$key] = $value;
ksort($sorted); // sort everything by key
return $sorted;

Replace one arrays keys with another arrays values in php

I want to map form fields to database fields.
I have two arrays..
One array is the data and contains the form field id as the key and the form field value as the value.
$data = array("inputEmail"=>"","inputName"=>"someone"... etc
I also have an array which i intended to use as a map. The keys of this array are the same as the form fields and the values are the database field names.
$map = array("inputEmail"=>"email", "inputName"=>"name"... etc
What i want to do is iterate over the data array and where the data key matches the map key assign a new key to the data array which is the value of the map array.
$newArray = array("email"=>"", "name"=>"someone"...etc
My question is how? Ive tried so many different ways im now totally lost in it.
This is made quite nice with a foreach loop
foreach( $data as $origKey => $value ){
// New key that we will insert into $newArray with
$newKey = $map[$origKey];
$newArray[$newKey] = $value;
A more condensed approach (eliminating variable used for clarification)
foreach( $data as $origKey => $value ){
$newArray[$map[$origKey]] = $value;
If you want to replace keys of one array with values of the other the solution is array_combine
$a = array('green', 'red', 'yellow');
$b = array('avocado', 'apple', 'banana');
$c = array_combine($a, $b);
print_r output
[green] => avocado
[red] => apple
[yellow] => banana
