Matrix multiplication in php - php

Although the order of matrices should be fine, the following code throws back the exception. It might be a tiny thing I'm not being able to notice, but can't figure it out.
$mat1 = array(5,1);
$mat2 = array(1,5);
function matrixmult($m1,$m2){
if(count($m1[0])!=$p){throw new Exception('Incompatible matrixes');}
for ($i=0;$i< $r;$i++){

You're specifying your test matrices wrong, in two ways:
The arrays aren't two-dimensional (that is, arrays of arrays of numbers).
Even if you wrapped another array( ) around them, the condition that the width of the first matrix be equal to the height of the second matrix doesn't hold with [5 1] and [1 5], which are both 2 wide and 1 high.
What you need is something like
$mat1 = array(array(5,1));
$mat2 = array(array(1),array(5));

Just to round this out. Here is a working solution:
function M_mult($_A,$_B) {
// AxB outcome is C with A's rows and B'c cols
$r = count($_A);
$c = count($_B[0]);
$in= count($_B); // or $_A[0]. $in is 'inner' count
if ( $in != count($_A[0]) ) {
print("ERROR: need to have inner size of matrices match.\n");
print(" : trying to multiply a ".count($_A)."x".count($_A[0])." by a ".count($_B)."x".count($_B[0])." matrix.\n");
// allocate retval
$retval = array();
for($i=0;$i< $r; $i++) { $retval[$i] = array(); }
// multiplication here
for($ri=0;$ri<$r;$ri++) {
for($ci=0;$ci<$c;$ci++) {
$retval[$ri][$ci] = 0.0;
for($j=0;$j<$in;$j++) {
$retval[$ri][$ci] += $_A[$ri][$j] * $_B[$j][$ci];
return $retval;

You must delete the curly braces before return.
$mat1 = array(5,1);
$mat2 = array(1,5);
function matrixmult($m1,$m2){
if(count($m1[0])!=$p){throw new Exception('Incompatible matrixes');}
for ($i=0;$i< $r;$i++){


Get every possible combinations of an array with fixed sum of values and array model

I have a function which gives me all combination of values, in an array with fixed length a fixed sum :
// $n_valeurs is the length of the array
// $x_entrees is the sum
function distributions_possibles($n_valeurs, $x_entrees, $combi_presences = array()) {
if ($n_valeurs == 1) {
$combi_presences[] = $x_entrees;
return array($combi_presences);
$combinaisons = array();
// on fait appel à une fonction récursive pour générer les distributions
for ($tiroir = 0; $tiroir <= $x_entrees; $tiroir++) {
$combinaisons = array_merge($combinaisons, distributions_possibles(
$n_valeurs - 1,
$x_entrees - $tiroir,
array_merge($combi_presences, array($tiroir))));
return $combinaisons;
// output :
I need to generate all possible combinations adding another parameter : a reference array $ref whose values are considered as limits.
All combination $combi generated must respect the rule : $combi[x] <= $ref[x]
For example with [2,1,1,0] we can't have [0,0,2,0], [0,2,0,0].
I created the following function to add the new parameter :
// $distribution is the array reference
// $similitude is the sum of values
function SETpossibilites1distri($distribution, $similitude){
$possibilites = [];
$all_distri = distributions_possibles(count($distribution), $similitude);
foreach($all_distri as $distri){
$verif = true;
$distri_possi = [];
for($x = 0; $x < count($distri); $x++){
if($distri[$x] > $distribution[$x]){
$verif = false;
if($distribution[$x] == 0){
$distri_possi[$x] = null;
elseif($distribution[$x] > $distri[$x] && $distri[$x] != 0){
// si c'est une valeur fixée qui informe sur la distri_cach
if($this->distri_cach[$x] == $distri[$x]){
$distri_possi[$x] = $distri[$x]+.1;
$distri_possi[$x] = $distri[$x]+.2;
$distri_possi[$x] = $distri[$x];
$possibilites[] = $distri_possi;
return $possibilites;
This function makes me generate and filter a big list of combinations with the new parameter.
I need to have a function which generates only the combinations I want.
Do you have ideas ?
Honestly, the simplest solution would be to generate the full set of possibilities and then filter the unsuitable results afterwards. Trying to apply a mask over a recursive function like this is going to be a giant pile of work, which will likely only complicate and bog down the process.
That said, there are a couple ways in which I think you could optimize your generation.
Write a simple cache layer so that you're not constantly re-computing smaller sub-lists, eg:
function cached_distributions_possibles($n_valeurs, $x_entrees, $combi_presences = array()) {
$key = "$n_valeurs:$x_entrees";
if( ! key_exists($key, $this->cache) ) {
$this->cache[$key] = distributions_possibles($n_valeurs, $x_entrees, $combi_presences);
return $this->cache[$key];
You might want to set a lower limit on the size of a list that will be cached so you can balance between memory usage and CPU time.
As it stands the function is basically building out many redundant subtrees of combinations in-memory, and you're likely to run into memory usage concerns depending on how broad the sets of possibilities become.
Rather than something like:
function foo() {
$result = [];
for(...) {
result[] = foo(...);
return $result;
Something like:
function foo() {
for(...) {
yield foo(...);
Now you're essentially only ever holding in memory a single copy of the sublist segments you're currently interested in, and a handful of coroutines, rather than the whole subtree.
I have found a solution, here it is :
function sous($dist, $d){
$l = count($dist);
$L = [[]];
foreach(range(0,$l - 1) as $i){
$K = [];
$s = array_sum(array_slice($dist, $i+1));
foreach($L as $p){
$q = array_sum($p);
$m = max($d-$q-$s, 0);
$M = min($dist[$i], $d-$q);
foreach(range($m, $M) as $j){
$p_copy = $p;
$p_copy[] = $j;
$K[] = $p_copy;
$L = $K;
return $L;

Finding all points contouring the overlapping squares

The setup:
a. 2D surface
b. points (with x, y coordinates) which when connected form squares.
c. I found an algorithm that finds the intersection points of those squares so assume we have them as well.
The question is: how do I get points that contour the squares.
I've included an image for better understanding.
I was looking into but it seems like they all skip those intersections (the 90' angles).
I am writing this in php but i'd love to even see a pseudo code if at all possible.
//WARNING! we assume coords as non-polar. for this to work on large-scale, you need to convert polar into decard coords.
//Can be done outside this script.
//Points sample:
function to_round($val)
//here we can try conversion from polar to decard. not sure if will work
//no conversion for now, but just rounding for comparsion
return round($val*1000000000000);
function sort_points_array($a, $b, $which)
if ($da == $db) {
return 0;
return ($da < $db) ? -1 : 1;
function sort_by_0($a, $b)
return sort_points_array($a, $b, 0);
function sort_by_1($a, $b)
return sort_points_array($a, $b, 1);
//sort by columns from left to right (does not have to be left/right on the map)
//but we will try :) 0 -> Y, 1 -> X
//sort by X, so lower X will be on top of array.
//and each point in those columns will be also sorted from top to bottom by their Y
//then foreach to split array by "columns";
foreach($points as $n_point=>$p_coords)
if(to_round($p_coords[1]) > to_round($point_columns[$column_counter][1][1]))
//now sort each column
foreach($point_columns as $pcn => $p_column)
//SAME TO MAKE sorted_point_rows
foreach($points as $n_point=>$p_coords)
if(to_round($p_coords[0]) > to_round($point_rows[$row_counter][0][0]))
foreach($point_rows as $prn => $p_row)
//output array
//clearly first point will be from 1st row;
//and we will go to the RIGHT in current row to find next point
//and let the magic begin:
$pos_x=0; //pos by columns
$pos_y=0; //pos by rows
$relative_X=0; //relative X position in current ROW;
$relative_Y=0; //relative Y position in current COLUMN;
$rule=1; // right / down = 1, left / up = -1
//detect if we go by X or Y
$going_Y = !$going_Y;
//search for pos_y:
foreach($sorted_point_rows as $cur_y => $row)
if(to_round($row[0][0]) == to_round($cur_p[0]))
//search for relative_X
foreach($row as $cur_rel_x => $check_point)
if(to_round($check_point[1]) == to_round($cur_p[1]))
$rule = ($relative_X % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
break 2;
//error_check 1
if($cur_rel_x == count($row)-1)
echo "error with calculating relative_X! check your data!\n";
//error_check 2
if($cur_y == count($sorted_point_rows)-1)
echo "error with calculating pos_y! check your data!\n";
$going_Y = !$going_Y;
//search for pos_x:
foreach($sorted_point_columns as $cur_x => $column)
if(to_round($column[0][1]) == to_round($cur_p[1]))
//search for relative_Y
foreach($column as $cur_rel_y => $check_point)
if(to_round($check_point[0]) == to_round($cur_p[0]))
$rule = ($relative_Y % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
break 2;
//error_check 1
if($cur_rel_y == count($column)-1)
echo "error with calculating relative_Y! check your data!\n";
//error_check 2
if($cur_x == count($sorted_point_columns)-1)
echo "error with calculating pos_x! check your data!\n";
if($last_point_index == $points_total-1)
echo "all points:\n";
//generate markers for google mapping
$out = "var bbs=[];var markers=[];";
$out .= "var pinI = new google.maps.MarkerImage('|ADDE63');";
$out .= "var pinI2 = new google.maps.MarkerImage('|FF8C00');";
$out .= "var pinI3 = new google.maps.MarkerImage('|990099');";
$out .= "bbs.push(new google.maps.Polyline({ ";
$out .= "path: [";
foreach($final_points_poly as $m){
$out .= "new google.maps.LatLng(".join(",",$m)."),";
$out .= "],";
$out .= "strokeColor: 'black', strokeOpacity: 0.4, strokeWeight: 1 }));";
$f = fopen("bbs.js",'w');

show unique links from array

I have a function that shows a random banner from array:
function rand_rek($rek_array){
$numberOfBanners = count($rek_array);
$numberOfBanners = $numberOfBanners - 1;
$randomBanner = rand(0,$numberOfBanners);
$rek = $rek_array[$randomBanner];
return $rek;
I have $reklamas array, that contains 3 banners:
$reklamas = array($rek1, $rek2, $rek3);
if $_GET["noa"] isnt true, I want to add more banners to $reklamas array:
if (!isset($_GET["noa"]))
array_push($reklamas, $rek_adc1, $rek_adc2, $rek_adc3, $rek_adc4);
And I want to display one of random banners x times:
for ($i=0;$i<$banneri;$i++) {
echo rand_rek($reklamas);
The problem:
These can be repeated as many times as they want array($rek1, $rek2, $rek3);,
while these array_push($reklamas, $rek_adc1, $rek_adc2, $rek_adc3, $rek_adc4); can be each showed only 1 time.
function rand_rek() is in func.php and it is being included from ads.php where is the rest of the code.
I think you're probably going about the problem all wrong, but in any case a solution could be
function rand_rek($rek_array){
$numberOfBanners = count($rek_array);
$numberOfBanners = $numberOfBanners - 1;
$randomBanner = rand(0,$numberOfBanners);
$rek = $rek_array[$randomBanner];
return [$randomBanner, $rek];
list($bannerNum, $banner) = rand_rek($reklamas);
if ($bannerNum < 3) {
$repeats = $x;
} else {
$repeats = 1;
for ($i=0;$i<$repeats;$i++) {
echo $banner;
Which retrieves the index of the banner and checks it before running the loop. I've also used your value $x that you mention in the text but not in your code.

Calculate closest matches from array value combinations

I have an array of part lengths, for examples sake:-
array(150, 180, 270);
I then have a measurement ($a = 440)
I need to calculate the two closest possible combinations of lengths which are greater than $a without manually having to write hundreds of possible combinations in order to work it out.
150 + 150
150 + 180
150 + 270
180 + 180
180 + 270
270 + 270
150 + 150 + 150
150 + 150 + 180
..and so on.
This will need to run for a set number of times, rather than just finding the first two matches and stopping, as 150 + 150 + 150 would be a closer match to $a than 270 + 270 but may run after.
edit: I also need to store the combination of parts which made up the match, preferably in an array.
I hope I've explained this well enough for somebody to understand.
As this is quite a resource heavy script, I thought it would be a good idea to give the option to generate the choices beforehand, then use that data to create a variable/object/sql script to permanently store the data. For instance, doing something like
SELECT * FROM combination_total WHERE size > YOUR_SIZE ORDER BY size ASC LIMIT 2;
The new script I have is similar, but it just generates an array of all combinations without any duplicates. Seems pretty quick again. Notice the $maxLength variable, which is currently set to 2000, which can be modified with your own largest possible size.
$partLengths = array(150, 180, 270);
$currentCombinations = array(
'total' => 150,
'combination' => array(150)
'total' => 180,
'combination' => array(180)
'total' => 270,
'combination' => array(270)
$maxLength = 2000;
$largestSize = 0;
function generateCombination() {
global $currentCombinations, $largestSize, $partLengths;
$tmpCombinations = $currentCombinations;
foreach ($tmpCombinations as $combination) {
foreach ($partLengths as $partLength) {
$newCombination = $combination['combination'];
$newCombination[] = $partLength;
$newCombinationTotal = array_sum($newCombination);
if (!combinationExists($newCombination)) {
$currentCombinations[] = array(
'total' => $newCombinationTotal,
'combination' => $newCombination
$largestSize = ($newCombinationTotal > $largestSize) ? $newCombinationTotal : $largestSize;
function combinationExists($combination) {
global $currentCombinations;
foreach ($currentCombinations as $currentCombination) {
if ($combination == $currentCombination['combination']) {
return true;
return false;
while ($largestSize < $maxLength) {
// here you can use $currentCombinations to generate sql/object/etc
This code works out the closest combination above $a, and the next closest one after that. It removes duplicates to speed things up a bit. It's not mega-optimized but initial tests show it's not too bad, depending on the initial value of $a not being massive.
/* value in cm */
$a = 1020;
$partLengths = array(150, 180, 270);
$closestValue = array();
$secondClosest = array();
$currentCombinations = array(
'total' => 150,
'combination' => array(150)
'total' => 180,
'combination' => array(180)
'total' => 270,
'combination' => array(270)
function getCombinations(&$currentCombinations, $partLengths,$a, &$closestValue, &$secondClosest) {
$tmpCombinations = $currentCombinations;
static $secondMatch = true;
for ($x=0;$x<count($partLengths);$x++) {
for ($y=0;$y<count($tmpCombinations);$y++) {
$newCombination = $tmpCombinations[$y]['combination'];
$newCombination[] = $partLengths[$x];
$newCombinationTotal = array_sum($newCombination);
if (!combinationExists($currentCombinations, $newCombination, $newCombinationTotal)) {
$currentCombinations[] = array('total' => $newCombinationTotal, 'combination' => $newCombination);
if ($closestValue['total'] < $a) {
$oldGap = $a - $closestValue['total'];
$newGap = $a - $newCombinationTotal;
$newGap = ($newGap < 0) ? 0 - $newGap : $newGap;
if ($newGap < $oldGap) {
$secondClosest = $closestValue;
$closestValue['total'] = $newCombinationTotal;
$closestValue['combination'] = $newCombination;
} else {
$oldGap = $a - $secondClosest['total'];
$newGap = $a - $newCombinationTotal;
$oldGap = ($oldGap < 0) ? 0 - $oldGap : $oldGap;
$newGap = ($newGap < 0) ? 0 - $newGap : $newGap;
if ($newCombinationTotal > $a && $newCombinationTotal > $closestValue['total']) {
if ($secondMatch || $newGap < $oldGap) {
$secondMatch = false;
$secondClosest['total'] = $newCombinationTotal;
$secondClosest['combination'] = $newCombination;
function combinationExists(&$currentCombinations, $newCombination, $newCombinationTotal) {
foreach ($currentCombinations as $currentCombination) {
if ($currentCombination['total'] != $newCombinationTotal && $currentCombination['combination'] != $newCombination) {
return false;
return false;
while ($secondClosest['total'] <= $a) {
getCombinations($currentCombinations, $partLengths, $a, $closestValue, $secondClosest);
A further suggestion, if speed does become an issue, is to pre generate all combinations and save them in some kind of hash/database/etc that you can easily access.
The following code is brute-force and tests only possible combinations of 2 values, so I know it's not complete. However, it is a start.
UPDATE: See my other answer, below, for a far better solution that works with any possible combination, not just 2, and that is optimized.
echo "<html><head><title>Test Array Sums</title></head><body>";
$testarray = array(2, 5, 9, 78, 332);
$target_value = 10;
$closest1 = 0;
$closest2 = 0;
$closest_sum = 0;
$closest_difference = 0;
$first_time_in_loop = TRUE;
foreach ($testarray AS $entry1)
foreach ($testarray AS $entry2)
if ($first_time_in_loop)
$first_time_in_loop = FALSE;
$closest1 = $entry1;
$closest2 = $entry2;
$closest_sum = $closest1 + $closest2;
$closest_difference = abs($target_value - $closest_sum);
$test_sum = $entry1 + $entry2;
if (abs($test_sum - $target_value) < $closest_difference)
if ($test_sum - $target_value >= 0)
// Definitely the best so far
$closest1 = $entry1;
$closest2 = $entry2;
$closest_sum = $closest1 + $closest2;
$closest_difference = abs($closest_sum - $target_value);
else if ($closest_sum - $target_value < 0)
// The sum isn't big enough, but neither was the previous best option
// and at least this is closer
$closest1 = $entry1;
$closest2 = $entry2;
$closest_sum = $closest1 + $closest2;
$closest_difference = abs($closest_sum - $target_value);
if ($closest_sum - $target_value < 0 && $test_sum - $target_value >= 0)
// $test_value is farther away from the target than the previous best option,
// but at least it's bigger than the target value (the previous best option wasn't)
$closest1 = $entry1;
$closest2 = $entry2;
$closest_sum = $closest1 + $closest2;
$closest_difference = abs($closest_sum - $target_value);
echo "Best pair: " . $closest1 . ", " . $closest2 . "<br />";
echo "</body></html>";
Can you limit the total number of test values to 3 - or some larger number - or do you truly need to extend it to all possible combinations (i.e. if 4+4+5+4+4+5+3+5+4+5+3+4 is closer than 26+26, than you need to find it?)
If you can limit the number being tested to, say, 5, then you could just extend the loop above to handle up to 5 choices. Otherwise, a more sophisticated loop would need to be written.
Improving on my previous answer, here is a version that works to test any number of entries, up to a maximum number.
UPDATE: (Optimization added; see comments below)
For example, if the desired value is 15, and the list is (1, 17, 20), the best choice is 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1, so you would have to allow $max_loops, below, to be at least 15 in order to find this match - even though there are only 3 values in the list! It's worse for (1, 133, 138) where the desired value is, say, 130. In that case, you need 130 recursions! You can see that this is could be an optimization nightmare. But, the below algorithm works and is fairly well optimized.
echo "<html><head><title>Test Array Sums</title></head><body>";
$testarray = array(1, 3, 6);
$target_value = 10;
$current_closest_sum = 0;
$current_closest_difference = 0;
$first_time_in_loop = TRUE;
$max_loops = 10;
$current_loop = 0;
$best_set = array();
$current_set = array();
$sums_already_evaluated = array();
function nestedLoop($current_test = 0)
global $testarray, $target_value, $current_closest_sum, $current_closest_difference, $first_time_in_loop, $max_loops, $current_loop, $best_set, $current_set, $sums_already_evaluated;
foreach ($testarray AS $entry)
$current_set_temp = $current_set;
$current_set[] = $entry;
if ($first_time_in_loop)
$first_time_in_loop = FALSE;
$current_closest_sum = $entry + $current_test;
$current_closest_difference = abs($target_value - $current_closest_sum);
$best_set[] = $entry;
$test_sum = $entry + $current_test;
if (in_array($test_sum, $sums_already_evaluated))
// no need to test a sum that has already been tested
$current_set = $current_set_temp;
$sums_already_evaluated[] = $test_sum;
if ($test_sum > $target_value && $current_closest_sum > $target_value && $test_sum >= $current_closest_sum)
// No need to evaluate a sum that is certainly worse even by itself
$current_set = $current_set_temp;
$set_best = FALSE;
if (abs($test_sum - $target_value) < $current_closest_difference)
if ($test_sum - $target_value >= 0)
// Definitely the best so far
$set_best = TRUE;
else if ($current_closest_sum - $target_value < 0)
// The sum isn't big enough, but neither was the previous best option
// and at least this is closer
$set_best = TRUE;
if ($current_closest_sum - $target_value < 0 && $test_sum - $target_value >= 0)
// $test_value is farther away from the target than the previous best option,
// but at least it's bigger than the target value (the previous best option wasn't)
$set_best = TRUE;
if ($set_best)
$current_closest_sum = $test_sum;
$current_closest_difference = abs($current_closest_sum - $target_value);
$best_set = $current_set;
if ($current_loop < $max_loops)
if ($test_sum - $target_value < 0)
$current_set = $current_set_temp;
// make array unique
$testarray = array_unique($testarray);
rsort($testarray, SORT_NUMERIC);
// Enter the recursion
echo "Best set: ";
foreach ($best_set AS $best_set_entry)
echo $best_set_entry . " ";
echo "<br />";
echo "</body></html>";
UPDATE: I have added two small optimizations that seem to help greatly, and avoid the memory overload or hash-table lookup. They are:
(1) Track all previously evaluated sums, and do not evaluate them again.
(2) If a sum is (by itself) already worse than a previous test, skip any further tests with that sum.
I think, with these two optimizations, the algorithm may work quite well for realistic use in your situation.
My previous comments, below, are somewhat moot because the above two optimizations do seem to work quite well. But I include the comments anyways.
Unfortunately, as noted, the above loop is HIGHLY non-optimized. It would have to be optimized in order to work in a realistic situation, by avoiding duplicate tests (and other optimizations). However, it demonstrates an algorithm that works.
Note that this is a complex area mathematically. Various optimizations might help in one scenario, but not another. Therefore, to make the above algorithm work efficiently, you would need to discuss realistic usage scenarios - Will there be a limit on the largest length in the list of parts? What is the range of lengths? And other, more subtle features of the parts list & desired goal, though subtle, are likely to make a big difference in how to go about optimizing the algorithm.
This is a case where the "theoretical" problem isn't sufficient to yield a desired solution, since optimization is so critically important. Therefore, it's not particularly useful to make optimization suggestions.
Leonard's optimization, for example, (avoiding duplicates by saving all combinations previously tested) works well for a small-ish set, but the memory usage would explode for larger sets (as he noted). It's not a simple problem.
(code edited ~2 hours later to handle possible missed combination due to limiting the recursion to a certain number of recursions - by sorting the array from high to low, initially)

PHP loops to check that a set of numbers are consecutive

I'm trying to loop through a set of records, all of which have a "number" property. I am trying to check if there are 3 consecutive records, e.g 6, 7 and 8.
I think i'm almost there with the code below, have hit the wall though at the last stage - any help would be great!
$nums = array();
while (count($nums <= 3))
//run through entries (already in descending order by 'number'
foreach ($entries as $e)
//ignore if the number is already in the array, as duplicate numbers may exist
if (in_array($e->number, $num))
//store this number in the array
$num[] = $e->number;
//here i need to somehow check that the numbers stored are consecutive
function isConsecutive($array) {
return ((int)max($array)-(int)min($array) == (count($array)-1));
You can achieve the same result without looping, too.
If they just have to be consecutive, store a $last, and check to make sure $current == $last + 1.
If you're looking for n numbers that are consecutive, use the same, except also keep a counter of how many ones fulfilled that requirement.
$arr = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,343,6543,234,23432,100,101,102,103,200,201,202,203,204);
echo 'I found it:',$arr[$i],'|',$arr[$i+1],'|',$arr[$i+2],'|',$arr[$i+3],'<br>';
}//if 2
}//if 1
I haven't investigated it thoroughly, maybe can be improved to work faster!
This will confirm if all items of an array are consecutive either up or down.
You could update to return an array of [$up, $down] or another value instead if you need direction.
function areAllConsecutive($sequence)
$up = true;
$down = true;
foreach($sequence as $key => $item)
if($key > 0){
if(($item-1) != $prev) $up = false;
if(($item+1) != $prev) $down = false;
$prev = $item;
return $up || $down;
// areAllConsecutive([3,4,5,6]); // true
// areAllConsecutive([3,5,6,7]); // false
// areAllConsecutive([12,11,10,9]); // true
Here's an example that can check this requirement for a list of any size:
class MockNumber
public $number;
public function __construct($number)
$this->number = $number;
static public function IsListConsecutive(array $list)
$result = true;
foreach($list as $n)
if (isset($n_minus_one) && $n->number !== $n_minus_one->number + 1)
$result = false;
$n_minus_one = $n;
return $result;
$list_consecutive = array(
new MockNumber(0)
,new MockNumber(1)
,new MockNumber(2)
,new MockNumber(3)
$list_not_consecutive = array(
new MockNumber(5)
,new MockNumber(1)
,new MockNumber(3)
,new MockNumber(2)
printf("list_consecutive %s consecutive\n", MockNumber::IsListConsecutive($list_consecutive) ? 'is' : 'is not');
// output: list_consecutive is consecutive
printf("list_not_consecutive %s consecutive\n", MockNumber::IsListConsecutive($list_not_consecutive) ? 'is' : 'is not');
// output: list_not_consecutive is not consecutive
If u don't wanna mess with any sorting, picking any of three numbers that are consecutive should give you:
- it either is adjacent to both the other numbers (diff1 = 1, diff2 = -1)
- the only number that is adjacent (diff = +-1) should comply the previous statement.
Test for the first condition. If it fails, test for the second one and under success, you've got your secuence; else the set doesn't comply.
Seems right to me. Hope it helps.
I think you need something like the following function (no need of arrays to store data)
function seqOfthree($entries) {
// entries has to be sorted descending on $e->number
$sequence = 0;
$lastNumber = 0;
foreach($entries as $e) {
if ($sequence==0 or ($e->number==$lastNumber-1)) {
} else {
$lastNumber = $e->number;
if ($sequence ==3) {
// if you need the array of sequence you can obtain it easy
// return $records = range($lastNumber,$lastNumber+2);
return true;
// there isn't a sequence
return false;
function isConsecutive($array, $total_consecutive = 3, $consecutive_count = 1, $offset = 0) {
// if you run out of space, e.g. not enough array values left to full fill the required # of consecutive count
if ( $offset + ($total_consecutive - $consecutive_count ) > count($array) ) {
return false;
if ( $array[$offset] + 1 == $array[$offset + 1]) {
if ( $consecutive_count == $total_consecutive ) {
return true;
return isConsecutive($array, $total_consecutive, $consecutive_count, $offset+=1 );
} else {
return isConsecutive($array, $total_consecutive, 1, $offset+=1 );
The following function will return the index of the first of the consecutive elements, and false if none exist:
function findConsecutive(array $numbers)
for ($i = 0, $max = count($numbers) - 2; $i < $max; ++$i)
if ($numbers[$i] == $numbers[$i + 1] - 1 && $numbers[$i] == $numbers[$i + 2] - 2)
return $i;
return false;
Edit: This seemed to cause some confusion. Like strpos(), this function returns the position of the elements if any such exists. The position may be 0, which can evaluate to false. If you just need to see if they exist, then you can replace return $i; with return true;. You can also easily make it return the actual elements if you need to.
Edit 2: Fixed to actually find consecutive numbers.
