convert from british number styles to numbers only - php

i have a list of numbers that range from good ones like 51 and 102. when its over a thousand it writes it as 2,012 or 9,216. when it gets over tenthousand it writes it as 24.1k, 87.9k. when it gets over 1 million it writes as 1.4m or 142.5m.
problem is i dont know how to convert from this to readable numbers. for example, 142.5m should be 142500000.
as a first step i tried using this:
function cleanPrice($pris)
return preg_replace('/\D/', '', $pris);
it didnt go too well. i was trying to get rid of the , and . and the m and k. but got nowhere.
is there a function or something built into php that does this? i know number_format exist but it only goes one way, and that way is sadly the wrong way i want to go

function cleanPrice($pris) {
$last = substr($pris, strlen($pris)-1);
switch($last) {
case "k": $scale = 1000; break;
case "m": $scale = 1000000; break;
default: $scale = 1;
return preg_replace('/[^-0-9.]/', '', $pris) * $scale;


How can I base-convert a large/high-precision floating-point number in PHP?

As generic of a question as this seems, I'm having a really hard time
learning specifically about how to base-convert large high-precision float values in PHP using BCMath.
I'm trying to base-convert something like
How can I do this?
I just want base-10 → base-16, but a conversion for arbitrary-base floats would probably make the most useful answer for others as well.
How to convert a huge integer to hex in php? involves BC, but only for integers. explores floats, but only in the context of decimal<->binary. (It says extending the code for other bases is easy, and it probably is (using the code in the previous point), but I have no idea how to reason through the correctness of the result I'd reach.)
Fast arbitrary-precision logarithms with bcmath is also float-based, but in the context of reimplementing high-precision log(). (There is a mention of converting bases in there, though, along with notes about how BC dumbly uses PHP's own pow() and loses precision.)
The other results I've found are just talking about PHP's own float coercion, and don't relate to BC at all.
Up to base 36 conversions with high precision
I think this question is just a bit too difficult for Stack Overflow. Not only do you want to base-convert floating-points, which is a bit unusual by itself, but it has to be done at high precision. This is certainly possible, but not many people will have a solution for this lying around and making one takes time. The math of base conversion is not very complex, and once you understand it you can work it out yourself.
Oh, well, to make a long story short, I couldn't resist this, and gave it a try.
function splitNo($operant)
// get whole and fractional parts of operant
if (strpos($operant, '.') !== false) {
$sides = explode('.',$operant);
return [$sides[0], '.' . $sides[1]];
return [$operant, ''];
function wholeNo($operant)
// get the whole part of an operant
return explode('.', $operant)[0];
function toDigits($number, $base, $scale = 0)
// convert a positive number n to its digit representation in base b
$digits = '';
list($whole, $fraction) = splitNo($number);
while (bccomp($whole, '0.0', $scale) > 0) {
$digits = $symbols{(int)bcmod($whole, $base, $scale)} . $digits;
$whole = wholeNo(bcdiv($whole, $base, $scale));
if ($scale > 0) {
$digits .= '.';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $scale; $i++) {
$fraction = bcmul($fraction, $base, $scale);
$whole = wholeNo($fraction);
$fraction = bcsub($fraction, $whole, $scale);
$digits .= $symbols{$whole};
return $digits;
function toNumber($digits, $base, $scale = 0)
// compute the number given by digits in base b
$symbols = str_split('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ');
$number = '0';
list($whole, $fraction) = splitNo($digits);
foreach (str_split($whole) as $digit) {
$shiftUp = bcmul($base, $number, $scale);
$number = bcadd($shiftUp, array_search($digit, $symbols));
if ($fraction != '') {
$shiftDown = bcdiv('1', $base, $scale);
foreach (str_split(substr($fraction, 1)) as $symbol) {
$index = array_search($symbol, $symbols);
$number = bcadd($number, bcmul($index, $shiftDown, $scale), $scale);
$shiftDown = bcdiv($shiftDown, $base, $scale);
return $number;
function baseConv($operant, $fromBase, $toBase, $scale = 0)
// convert the digits representation of a number from base 1 to base 2
return toDigits(toNumber($operant, $fromBase, $scale), $toBase, $scale);
echo '<pre>';
print_r(baseConv('1234.5678900000', 10, 16, 60));
echo '</pre>';
The output is:
It looks a bit complicated, but isn't really. It just takes time. I started with converting whole numbers, then added fractions, and when that all worked I put in all the BC Math functions.
The $scale argument represents the number of wanted decimal places.
It may look a bit strange that I use three function for the conversion: toDigits(), toNumber() and baseConv(). The reason is that the BC Math functions work with a base of 10. So, toDigits() converts away from 10 to another base and toNumber() does the opposite. To convert between two arbitrary-base operants we need both functions, and this results in the third: baseConv().
This could possible be further optimized, if needed, but you haven't told us what you need it for, so optimization wasn't a priority for me. I just tried to make it work.
You can get higher base conversions by simply adding more symbols. However, in the current implementation each symbol needs to be one character. With UTF8 that doesn't really limit you, but make sure everything is multibyte compatible (which it isn't at this moment).
NOTE: It seems to work, but I don't give any guarantees. Test thoroughly before use!

PHP Human Readable filesize script always returns a "B" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Format bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes
(28 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
After thinking mine was in error,
I found LOT AT LOTS of scripts the do this:
And there are several here at S.O. I used, but had the same annoying "B" as a size.
This issue seemed to rear it's ugly head when I switched to php
First issues is I have to typcase a floated number (or double) or else I get a
"A non well formed numeric value encountered"
After some research, apparently this is NOT a bug. At least that is how I read it.
So after typcasting it, the error goes away but the value returned is always a "B'
filesize = 87.5B (when it should be MB or GB).
I am pretty sure Javascript will work, but would rather keep it with php.
Thanks for looking
current live script that is producing a "B" only
public function readableBytes($size, $type='pc') { //ignore the pc - it is for something else - disabled for debugging
$size = (double)$size;
static $units = array('B','kB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB');
$step = 1024;
$i = 0;
while (($size / $step) > 0.9) {
$size = $size / $step;
return round($size, 2).$units[$i];
}// function readbbleBytes
This is a unique issue to those that use a loop for assigning (custom)template tags with an array field.
The filesize is one of many fields in an array I use.
I used a loop to go through each field and assign it to a template tag.
Not sure why the "B" came up. My suspicion is that the result of a "string" = 0 bytes. Even though It showed the actual size.
edit: spelling & claification
So to fix, in the middle of the loop, I forced the $array['filesize'] = readableBytes($array['filesize'])).
Before it was loop tag = fieldname.
foreach ($arr as $field=>$data) {
$arr['filesize'] = readableBytes($array['filesize'])); // fix was put here
$page = str_ireplace("{$field}", $data, $page);
The following seems to work (checked in phptester):
function human_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2)
if ($bytes < 1024) {
return $bytes . ' B';
$factor = floor(log($bytes, 1024));
return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f ", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'][$factor];
This is a cut and paste of a post by gladx in the following thread, where you'll find several optimised examples:

Large text replace array

I'm looking for some help when replacing text from when i'm importing an XML file. I want to text-replace some values when importing, so it matches my categories, filter values etc. on my website.
I'm using this function. i wrote it myself with copy-pasting from internet (i'm not a coder) but now i need some help/advice.
// Text replace test function
function my_text_replace($x) {
for ($y = 0; $y < 2; $y = $y+1) {
$phrase = $x;
$old = array("Draaideurkast", "fout1 MRC", "Draaideurkast MRC", "Draaideurkast MRC");
$new = array("fout1", "fout2", "goed", "fout3");
$x = str_ireplace($old, $new, $phrase);
$y = $y+1;
return $x;
Code Fix:
What happens is that i do not want a partial match replace, but only the complete value of $x. in the example the output should be 'goed'. it only should replace once when found. (but that is fixed with the for loop i think). the output should be case insensitive.
Advice question:
is this a correct way of replace (large amounts) of texts during an import? you guys know other best practises or plugins (wordpress) or tools..
Thanks for any response!

How to get number of digits in both right, left sides of a decimal number

I wonder if is there a good way to get the number of digits in right/left side of a decimal number PHP. For example:
I know it is readily attainable by helping string functions and exploding the number. I mean is there a mathematically or programmatically way to perform it better than string manipulations.
Your answers would be greatly appreciated.
The best solution for left side till now was:
$left = floor(log10($x))+1;
but still no sufficient for right side.
Still waiting ...
To get the digits on the left side you can do this:
$left = floor(log10($x))+1;
This uses the base 10 logarithm to get the number of digits.
The right side is harder. A simple approach would look like this, but due to floating point numbers, it would often fail:
$decimal = $x - floor($x);
$right = 0;
while (floor($decimal) != $decimal) {
$decimal *= 10; //will bring in floating point 'noise' over time
This will loop through multiplying by 10 until there are no digits past the decimal. That is tested with floor($decimal) != $decimal.
However, as Ali points out, giving it the number 155.11 (a hard to represent digit in binary) results in a answer of 14. This is because as the number is stored as something like 155.11000000000001 with the 32 bits of floating precision we have.
So instead, a more robust solution is needed. (PoPoFibo's solutions above is particularly elegant, and uses PHPs inherit float comparison functions well).
The fact is, we can never distinguish between input of 155.11 and 155.11000000000001. We will never know which number was originally given. They will both be represented the same. However, if we define the number of zeroes that we can see in a row before we just decide the decimal is 'done' than we can come up with a solution:
$x = 155.11; //the number we are testing
$LIMIT = 10; //number of zeroes in a row until we say 'enough'
$right = 0; //number of digits we've checked
$empty = 0; //number of zeroes we've seen in a row
while (floor($x) != $x) {
$base = floor($x); //so we can see what the next digit is;
$x *= 10;
$base *= 10;
$digit = floor($x) - $base; //the digit we are dealing with
if ($digit == 0) {
$empty += 1;
if ($empty == $LIMIT) {
$right -= $empty; //don't count all those zeroes
break; // exit the loop, we're done
} else {
$zeros = 0;
This should find the solution given the reasonable assumption that 10 zeroes in a row means any other digits just don't matter.
However, I still like PopoFibo's solution better, as without any multiplication, PHPs default comparison functions effectively do the same thing, without the messiness.
I am lost on PHP semantics big time but I guess the following would serve your purpose without the String usage (that is at least how I would do in Java but hopefully cleaner):
Working code here:
Non-string solution (only Math)
Left side is resolved hence taking the cue from your question update:
$value = 12343525.34541;
$left = floor(log10($value))+1;
$num = floatval($value);
$right = 0;
while($num != round($num, $right)) {
8 for the LHS and 5 for the RHS.
Since I'm taking a floatval that would make 155.0 as 0 RHS which I think is valid and can be resolved by String functions.
php > $num = 12345.789;
php > $left = strlen(floor($num));
php > $right = strlen($num - floor($num));
php > echo "$left / $right\n";
5 / 16 <--- 16 digits, huh?
php > $parts = explode('.', $num);
php > var_dump($parts);
array(2) {
string(5) "12345"
string(3) "789"
As you can see, floats aren't the easiest to deal with... Doing it "mathematically" leads to bad results. Doing it by strings works, but makes you feel dirty.
$number = 12345.789;
list($whole, $fraction) = sscanf($number, "%d.%d");
This will always work, even if $number is an integer and you’ll get two real integers returned. Length is best done with strlen() even for integer values. The proposed log10() approach won't work for 10, 100, 1000, … as you might expect.
// 5 - 3
echo strlen($whole) , " - " , strlen($fraction);
If you really, really want to get the length without calling any string function here you go. But it's totally not efficient at all compared to strlen().
* Get integer length.
* #param integer $integer
* The integer to count.
* #param boolean $count_zero [optional]
* Whether 0 is to be counted or not, defaults to FALSE.
* #return integer
* The integer's length.
function get_int_length($integer, $count_zero = false) {
// 0 would be 1 in string mode! Highly depends on use case.
if ($count_zero === false && $integer === 0) {
return 0;
return floor(log10(abs($integer))) + 1;
// 5 - 3
echo get_int_length($whole) , " - " , get_int_length($fraction);
The above will correctly count the result of 1 / 3, but be aware that the precision is important.
$number = 1 / 3;
// Above code outputs
// string : 1 - 10
// math : 0 - 10
$number = bcdiv(1, 3);
// Above code outputs
// string : 1 - 0 <-- oops
// math : 0 - INF <-- 8-)
No problem there.
I would like to apply a simple logic.
$num_str="".$num; // Converting number to string
$array=explode('.',$num_str); //Explode number (String) with .
echo "Left side length : ".intval(strlen($array[0])); // $array[0] contains left hand side then check the string length
echo "<br>";
echo "Left side length : ".intval(strlen($array[1]));// $array[1] contains left hand check the string length side

How to turn a hex id into a number between 0-100?

Simple but puzzling question:
Say I have a string "516e965a8fe4b". I want it to become a number 0-100. Since there's far more than 100 possibilities of having an alphanumeric hash like that, overlaps are fine.
How do I go about implementing this?
I would love to know why you want this. Anyways this is how I would do it.
Add the ASCII values of each number or letter.
Then make a MOD 101 of the number. (Modulus)
ID= Sum % 101
Use something like this. Add the hex value of the numbers and mod it to 100:
function findNumber($hash) {
for($i=0;$i<length($hash);$i++) {
return $sum%100;
function getNumber($string){
$value = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
$value += hexdec($string[$i]);
$value = (int)($value/((strlen($string)+.001)*15/100));
return $value;
well, i have an alternative approach which is even SAFER than the others, because the result can't be directly determined by the input.
function getNumber($hex, $min, $max){
return rand($min, $max);
You'll have a number between $min and $max (0 and 100 respectively in your case) which will be always the same every time you run this function with the same inputs (it's deterministic even if it uses random functions!)
