Pass an array from a php script to another - php

I call another script with curl, This script returns (echo()) a value.
The return value could be anything, array, string, etc.
I can do the transfer with json_encode() and json_decode(), But is there any other better way (Without use JSON or $_SESSION['varName'])?

You may use PHP's own serialize function. It's native, can encode simple objects, and is less ambiguous than JSON.
Sample code:
// page.php
echo serialize($data);
// receiver.php
$data = file_get_contents('');
if ($data) $data = unserialize($data);


Serilaizing in PHP returns wrong value

I try to serialize my data with PHP. Unfortunaly, the serialize() function returns a wrong value.
String to be serialized:
What serialize() returns on my server:
What should be returned (
You need to json_decode it first to get the wanted result:
When you use the boolean switch as second parameter in json_decode it will be an array instead of an object.
$serialized = serialize(json_decode($inputString, true));
echo $serialized;
// output:
// a:1:{s:32:"2c4cfd9a340dd0dc88b5712c680c1f88";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:14:"product_custom";s:6:"layout";s:7:"default";s:4:"size";s:12:"medium_large";s:10:"attributes";a:1:{s:32:"62d7d5184b7a313dc64255bdb8187847";a:3:{s:4:"type";s:5:"image";s:5:"color";s:7:"#FFFFFF";s:5:"image";s:5:"36018";}}}}
The site you're using isn't clear about what it's doing, but it appears to be treating the string as JSON and decoding to an array before serializing it as PHP. If you want to replicate this, you can use:
$str = '{"2c4cfd9a340dd0dc88b5712c680c1f88":{"type":"product_custom","layout":"default","size":"medium_large","attributes":{"62d7d5184b7a313dc64255bdb8187847":{"type":"image","color":"#FFFFFF","image":"36018"}}}}';
echo serialize(json_decode($str, true));
As pointed out in the comments, unless there's a specific reason you need serialized PHP, then just stick with the serialized JSON string you already have - it'll be both more readable and portable.

String decode to Json in php

Hi I have a api call that returns a string like the following, and I need to convert it in a JSON object to process.
That's a serialize()d string. unserialize() it, then json_encode() it:
$string = "a:1:{s:19:\"is_featured_service\";b:0;}";
$json = json_encode(unserialize($string));
Be careful, though. Per PHP manual:
Warning Do not pass untrusted user input to unserialize() regardless
of the options value of allowed_classes. Unserialization can result in
code being loaded and executed due to object instantiation and
autoloading, and a malicious user may be able to exploit this. Use a
safe, standard data interchange format such as JSON (via json_decode()
and json_encode()) if you need to pass serialized data to the user.
serialize() reference
unserialize() reference

How to parse a json object into a url parameter string in PHP?

I have the following json encoded object:
and I want to convert this into url string so I can use it with my REST API function for example like this one:
I have found many functions in javascript to do this but I haven't been able to find anything in PHP. What is the function in PHP to do this?
The following query string:
.. will turn into:
If you use json_enconde.
To reverse the process, you need to use json_decode as well as http_build_query.
First, turn the JSON into an associative array with json_decode:
$json = '{"username":"my_username","email":"my_email","password":"12345678","confirm_password":"12345678"}';
$associativeArray = json_decode($json, true);
Now use http_build_query with the new associative array we've built:
$queryString = http_build_query($associativeArray);
Result: username=my_username&email=my_email&password=12345678&confirm_password=12345678.

Get string value of array on remote server

I'm trying to find the content of an array on a remote server. All I can send back currently is strings (due to limitations in the PHP implementation of xmlrpc). Normally, I'd just use var_dump(), but that returns void. I've tried using var_export, but I get XML errors, even when I cast the result to a string.
How can I get the string representation of an array?
Use serialize():
$string = serialize( $array);
Then use unserialize() to get it back into an array:
$array = unserialize( $string);
You can also use json_encode() / json_decode() if you're interested in a JSON formatted string.
$string = json_encode( $array);
$array = json_decode( $string);
You can use PHP serialize, json_encode .... These are alternate methods to encode an object.

create a dynamic php file and define an array

I need to update some static site data periodically, so i am thinking of keeping it in a format easily and readily available on the server.
I am thinking of creating a php file that can be included in the code, so preparing the data gets separate from the browser requests.
i fetch the data from the db, so i have an array right now in key value format.
now i want to create a php file, that just defines that array.
the key and value will be string based values, and the data is in swedish.
is there a way to directly dump the array to a file, and then just include the file without any preprocessing. I want the file in the following output :
$array = array ();
$array ["key"] = "value";
$array ["key"] = "value";
$array ["key"] = "value";
$array ["key"] = "value";
I would also recommend looking at var_export as you won't have to serialize and encode to use it.
For example (untested):
$array = array('key' => 'v');
$exported = var_export($array, TRUE);
file_put_contents('/path/to/file', '<?php $var = ' . $exported . '; ?>');
and then you can read it back in via:
include '/path/to/file';
// and now you have access to $var
// of course you may want to change the name of the $var variable as it
// will be brought into global scope (and might conflict)
Use PHP's serialize and base64_encode functions and write the result to file.
When you want to use the data: simply read the file, decode and unserialize:
// dump data
$array = array("key"=>"value");
file_put_contents("test_data.txt", base64_encode(serialize($array)));
// retrieve data
$string = file_get_contents("test_data.txt");
$data = unserialize(base64_decode($string)));
Encoding the array in base64 will allow you to safely write binary data to the file (eg. extended character sets).
You can directly write the code into the file fwrite($handle, "$array = array();"); then doing an eval() on the file content you're reading back. It'll work, but its dangerous because if any malicious code is put into the text file, it will be executed.
I recommend you take a look at serialization: and write serialized data that you unserialize back into an array. It's much safer.
