md5 file encryption moved to a different server - php

I havea site that cached and compresses data then saves it to a directory sorted by the MD5 filename. The server was shut-down and I moved it to a new server. The problem is the new server cannot find the old data and the has changed location. Is there a fix for this?
Data is sorted with this line of code
function get_part_url($part) {
$url = ''.$part;
return $url;
function get_cache_file($url) {
$xid = md5($url);
$gendir = CACHE_ROOT . substr($xid, 0, 1) . '/'. substr($xid, 1, 2);
if(!is_dir($gendir)) {
mkdir($gendir, 0777, true);
return $gendir . '/' . $xid;


How can a create a folder and save a image on my server in php?

Below I have left my code. It currently works in my development environment (localhost), but when I push the changes to my live server it seems like my php doesn't create the folder/file.
public static function saveImage($image, $name, $path = '')
$img_data = explode(',', $image);
$mime = explode(';', $img_data[0]);
$data = $img_data[1];
$extension = explode('/', $mime[0])[1];
if(!file_exists('../public/media/img/' . $path)){
mkdir('../public/media/img/' . $path, 0755);
file_put_contents('../public/media/img/' . $path . $name . '.' . $extension, base64_decode($data));
return 'media/img/' . $path . $name . '.' . $extension;
Locally it will hit echo('test1') the first time, then it will only hit echo('test2'). When its on the server it always hits the echo('test1')
By default mkdir is not create a path recursively. An example if on your server you dont have a ../public/media folder, mkdir returns false and dont create a path.
To solve this pass a third parameter to mkdir as true:
mkdir('../public/media/img/' . $path, 0755, true);
Do yourself a favour and use absolute pathes...
You can use the constant __DIR__ to evaluate the folder in which the script actually resides.
Relative pathes are calculated from the current working directory, which can be different than __DIR__

Image Class Function not working correctly due to path

I'm using the below function:
class Image {
static function url($id, $type = 'maps') {
$path = UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . '/' . $type . '/';
$files = glob($path . $id . '.*');
if (count($files)) {
$ext = substr($files[0], strpos($files[0], '.') - strlen($files[5]));
return SERVER_URL . 'img/' . $type . '/' . $id . $ext;
} else {
return '';
It works fine when hosted on WAMP but when using on Unix running on nginx it doesn't display the image correctly because of the file path. It seems to add the physical path of the files in the URL so it thinks the patch of the file is http://localhost/demo/img/maps/20/public_html/demo/img/maps/20.png
On WAMP it displays correctly ie the URL is http://localhost/demo/img/maps/20.png
These are the defined variables:
define('SERVER_URL', 'http://localhost/demo/');
define('UPLOAD_DIRECTORY', dirname(__FILE__) . '/img');
Physical location of the images are in /public_html/demo/img/maps/
How can I fix this on a unix OS.
Managed to work out a solution (btw I'm not a programmer).
Basically on the UNIX server the directory where the images were located had a dot in the path whereas on wamp it didn't.
So what I had to do is use the strrpost instead of strpost - this finds the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string instead of the first occurance.

Losing variable value when trying to copy file using mailReader.php

I'm using the mailReader script found here:
I am trying to copy the file(s) after upload to another folder.
The file(s) upload correctly to the folder where the script resides.
When I try to run a copy command, the filename variable is empty.
Here is the portion of the code I am working with: The last three lines are what I added.
private function saveFile($filename,$contents,$mimeType = 'unknown'){
$filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/','_',$filename);
$unlocked_and_unique = FALSE;
// Find unique
$name = time() . "_" . $filename;
$name = substr_replace($name,".pdf",-4); // added 1-19-2016
while(file_exists($this->save_directory . $name)) {
$name = time() . "_" . $filename;
$name = substr_replace($name,".pdf",-4);
// Attempt to lock
$outfile = fopen($this->save_directory.$name,'w');
$unlocked_and_unique = TRUE;
if (copy($this->save_directory.$name, "/attachments/" . TRANS_ID . "/". $name)) {
unlink( $this->save_directory.$name );
I receive confirmation by email that the file(s) are uploaded, then another email with the error message.
Warning: copy(/attachments/W7652222-546/1453406138_residential-print_from_td.pdf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/myhost/public_html/mailreader/mailReader.php on line 224
224 being the line number of my added code.
The source filename is missing from in front of /attachments...
Anyone have any thoughts?
$name is defined in the while loop and may not be accessible on the upper scopes my suggestion is to change your code to this:
private function saveFile($filename,$contents,$mimeType = 'unknown'){
$filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/','_',$filename);
$unlocked_and_unique = FALSE;
$name = '';
// Find unique
$name = time() . "_" . $filename;
$name = substr_replace($name,".pdf",-4); // added 1-19-2016
while(file_exists($this->save_directory . $name)) {
$name = time() . "_" . $filename;
$name = substr_replace($name,".pdf",-4);
// Attempt to lock
$outfile = fopen($this->save_directory.$name,'w');
$unlocked_and_unique = TRUE;
if (copy($this->save_directory.$name, "/attachments/" . TRANS_ID . "/". $name)) {
unlink( $this->save_directory.$name );
I hope this solves your problem
I ended up defining a constant of email_id in the private function saveToDb, then running a script after everything else is finished to query the table using the email_id and looping through the records moving the files.

php script that gives md5 of a online file

hi i'm looking for a script that gives me the md5 of a file by link
i have all ready a script that gives the md5 of the files that are in the folder but now i wanna add a script where you paste the link to the file and it prints out the md5
if some one knows how to make this plz let me know
code that i have :
$cwd = substr($cwd, 0, strrpos($cwd, '/' + 1));
function paintUndersideOfFox($c) {
global $cwd;
echo('<ul class="dirlist">');
$d = opendir($c);
while($f = readdir($d)) {
if(strpos($f, '.') === 0) continue;
$ff = $c . '/' . $f;
echo 'MD5 file hash of ' . $ff . ': ' . md5_file($ff);
echo('<li>' . $ff . '</li><br />');
if(is_dir($ff)) paintUndersideOfFox($ff);
Most filesystem functions apply to streams, including HTTP. Did you try this
Downloading files can be done via file_get_contents() or more securely with CURL

PHP Editing of Files Via FTP

Below is a script I am using to modify some files with placeholder strings. The .htaccess file sometimes gets truncated. It's about 2,712 bytes in size before editing and will vary in size after editing depending on the length of the domain name. When it gets truncated, it ends up around 1,400 bytes in size.
$d_parts = explode('.', $vals['domain']);
$ftpstring = 'ftp://' . $vals['username']
. ':' . $vals['password']
. '#' . $vals['ftp_server']
. '/' . $vals['web_path']
$stream_context = stream_context_create(array('ftp' => array('overwrite' => true)));
$htaccess = file_get_contents($ftpstring . '.htaccess');
$htaccess = str_replace(array('{SUB}', '{DOMAIN}', '{TLD}'), $d_parts, $htaccess);
file_put_contents($ftpstring . '.htaccess', $htaccess, 0, $stream_context);
$constants = file_get_contents($ftpstring . 'constants.php');
$constants = str_replace('{CUST_ID}', $vals['cust_id'], $constants);
file_put_contents($ftpstring . 'constants.php', $constants, 0, $stream_context);
Is there a bug in file_get_contents(), str_replace(), or file_put_contents()? I have done quite a bit of searching and haven't found any reports of this happening for others.
Is there a better method of accomplishing this?
Based on Wrikken's response, I started using file pointers with ftp_f(get|put), but ended up with zero length files being written back. I stopped using file pointers and switched to ftp_(get|put), and now everything seems to be working:
$search = array('{SUB}', '{DOMAIN}', '{TLD}', '{CUST_ID}');
$replace = explode('.', $vals['site_domain']);
$replace[] = $vals['cust_id'];
$tmpfname = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'config');
foreach (array('.htaccess', 'constants.php') as $file_name) {
$remote_file = $dest_path . $file_name;
if (!#ftp_get($conn_id, $tmpfname, $remote_file, FTP_ASCII, 0)) {
echo $php_errormsg;
} else {
$contents = file_get_contents($tmpfname);
$contents = str_replace($search, $replace, $contents);
file_put_contents($tmpfname, $contents);
if (!#ftp_fput($conn_id, $remote_file, $tmpfname, FTP_ASCII, 0)) {
echo $php_errormsg;
With either passive of active ftp, I've never had much luck file using the file-family of functions with the ftp wrappers, usually with that kind of truncation problem. I usually just revert to the ftp functions with passive transfers, which do make it harder to switch, but work flawlessly for me.
