say you have a mp3 file.
Is it possible to extract the volume level(set between 0 and 100) for every byte in a mp3 file using PHP ?
This is what I already have, it might help you
function peaks($filename)
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
return false;
$bitRates = array(
$sampleRates = array(
array(11025,12000,8000), //mpeg 2.5
array(22050,24000,16000), //mpeg 2
array(44100,48000,32000), //mpeg 1
$bToRead = 1024 * 12;
$fileData = array('bitRate' => 0, 'sampleRate' => 0, 'bits' => 0);
$fp = fopen($filename, 'r');
if (!$fp) {
return false;
//seek to 8kb before the end of the file
fseek($fp, -1 * $bToRead, SEEK_END);
$data = fread($fp, $bToRead);
$bytes = unpack('C*', $data);
$frames = array();
$lastFrameVerify = null;
for ($o = 1; $o < count($bytes) - 4; $o++) {
if (($bytes[$o] & 255) == 255 && ($bytes[$o+1] & 224) == 224) {
$frame = array();
$frame['version'] = ($bytes[$o+1] & 24) >> 3; //get BB (0 -> 3)
$frame['layer'] = abs((($bytes[$o+1] & 6) >> 1) - 4); //get CC (1 -> 3), then invert
$srIndex = ($bytes[$o+2] & 12) >> 2; //get FF (0 -> 3)
$brRow = ($bytes[$o+2] & 240) >> 4; //get EEEE (0 -> 15)
$frame['padding'] = ($bytes[$o+2] & 2) >> 1; //get G
if ($frame['version'] != 1 && $frame['layer'] > 0 && $srIndex < 3 && $brRow != 15 && $brRow != 0 &&
(!$lastFrameVerify || $lastFrameVerify === $bytes[$o+1])) {
//valid frame header
//calculate how much to skip to get to the next header
$frame['sampleRate'] = $sampleRates[$frame['version']][$srIndex];
if ($frame['version'] & 1 == 1) {
$frame['bitRate'] = $bitRates[$brRow][$frame['layer']-1]; //v1 and l1,l2,l3
} else {
$frame['bitRate'] = $bitRates[$brRow][($frame['layer'] & 2 >> 1)+3]; //v2 and l1 or l2/l3 (3 is the offset in the arrays)
if ($frame['layer'] == 1) {
$frame['frameLength'] = (12 * $frame['bitRate'] * 1000 / $frame['sampleRate'] + $frame['padding']) * 4;
} else {
$frame['frameLength'] = 144 * $frame['bitRate'] * 1000 / $frame['sampleRate'] + $frame['padding'];
$frames[] = $frame;
$lastFrameVerify = $bytes[$o+1];
$o += floor($frame['frameLength'] - 1);
} else {
$frames = array();
$lastFrameVerify = null;
if (count($frames) < 3) { //verify at least 3 frames to make sure its an mp3
$header = array_pop($frames);
$fileData['sampleRate'] = $header['sampleRate'];
$fileData['bitRate'] = $header['bitRate'];
$fileData['bits'] = $bytes;
return $fileData;
If this works it will be used to generate waveforms from mp3 files.
this class can be a good starting point too :
use case here :
I created this function to converting numbers to words. And how I can convert words to number using this my function:
Simple function code:
$array = array("1"=>"ЯК","2"=>"ДУ","3"=>"СЕ","4"=>"ЧОР","5"=>"ПАНҶ","6"=>"ШАШ","7"=>"ҲАФТ","8"=>"ХАШТ","9"=>"НӮҲ","0"=>"НОЛ","10"=>"ДАҲ","20"=>"БИСТ","30"=>"СИ","40"=>"ЧИЛ","50"=>"ПАНҶОҲ","60"=>"ШАСТ","70"=>"ҲАФТОД","80"=>"ХАШТОД","90"=>"НАВАД","100"=>"САД");
$n = "98"; // Input number to converting
if($n < 10 && $n > -1){
echo $array[$n];
if($n == 10 OR $n == 20 OR $n == 30 OR $n == 40 OR $n == 50 OR $n == 60 OR $n == 70 OR $n == 80 OR $n == 90 OR $n == 100){
echo $array[$n];
if(mb_strlen($n) == 2 && $n[1] != 0)
$d = $n[0]."0";
echo "$array[$d]У ".$array[$n[1]];
My function so far converts the number to one hundred. How can I now convert text to a number using the answer of my function?
So, as #WillParky93 assumed, your input has spaces between words.
mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8");//For testing purposes
$array = array("1"=>"ЯК","2"=>"ДУ","3"=>"СЕ","4"=>"ЧОР","5"=>"ПАНҶ","6"=>"ШАШ","7"=>"ҲАФТ","8"=>"ХАШТ","9"=>"НӮҲ","0"=>"НОЛ","10"=>"ДАҲ","20"=>"БИСТ","30"=>"СИ","40"=>"ЧИЛ","50"=>"ПАНҶОҲ","60"=>"ШАСТ","70"=>"ҲАФТОД","80"=>"ХАШТОД","90"=>"НАВАД","100"=>"САД");
$postfixes = array("3" => "ВУ");
$n = "98"; // Input number to converting
$res = "";
//I also optimized your conversion of numbers to words
if($n > 0 && ($n < 10 || $n%10 == 0))
$res = $array[$n];
if($n > 10 && $n < 100 && $n%10 != 0)
$d = intval(($n/10));
$sd = $n%10;
$ending = isset($postfixes[$d]) ? $postfixes[$d] : "У";
$res = ($array[$d * 10]).$ending." ".$array[$sd];
echo $res;
echo "\n<br/>";
$splitted = explode(" ", $res);
//According to your example, you use only numerals that less than 100
//So, to simplify your task(btw, according to Google, the language is tajik
//and I don't know the rules of building numerals in this language)
if(sizeof($splitted) == 1) {
echo array_search($splitted[0], $array);
else if(sizeof($splitted) == 2) {
$first = $splitted[0];
$first_length = mb_strlen($first);
if(mb_substr($first, $first_length - 2) == "ВУ")
$first = mb_substr($first, 0, $first_length - 2);
$first = mb_substr($splitted[0], 0, $first_length - 1);
$second = $splitted[1];
echo (array_search($first, $array) + array_search($second, $array));
You didn't specify the input specs but I took the assumption you want it with a space between the words.
//get our input=>"522"
$input = "ПАНҶ САД БИСТ ДУ";
//split it up
$split = explode(" ", $input);
//start out output
$c = 0;
//set history
$history = "";
//loop the words
foreach($split as &$s){
$res = search($s);
//If number is 9 or less, we are going to check if it's with a number
//bigger than or equal to 100, if it is. We multiply them together
//else, we just add them.
if((($res = search($s)) <=9) ){
//get the next number in the array
$next = next($split);
//if the number is >100. set $nextres
if( ($nextres = search($next)) >= 100){
//I.E. $c = 5 * 100 = 500
$c = $nextres * $res;
//set the history so we skip over it next run
$history = $next;
//Single digit on its own
$c += $res;
}elseif($s != $history){
$c += $res;
//output the result
echo $c;
function search($s){
global $array;
if(!$res = array_search($s, $array)){
//grab the string length
$max = strlen($s);
//remove one character at a time until we find a match
for($i=0;$i<$max; $i++ ){
if($res = array_search(mb_substr($s, 0, -$i),$array)){
//stop the loop
$i = $max;
return $res;
Output is 522.
Is there any PHP function that will give me the MP3 duration. I looked at ID 3 function but i don't see any thing there for duration and apart from this,id3 is some kind of tag,which will not be there in all MP3 so using this will not make any sense.
This should work for you, notice the getduration function:
Install getid3, but if you only need duration, you can delete all but these modules:
Access the duration with code like this:
$getID3 = new getID3;
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($pathName);
$len= #$ThisFileInfo['playtime_string']; // playtime in minutes:seconds, formatted string
Get it at Sourceforge
I have passed so many time, but without getID3 ( to get duration of audio file not possible.
1) First download library of getID3 using below link:
2) Try this below code:
$filename = 'bcd4ecc6bf521da9b9a2d8b9616d1505.wav';
$getID3 = new getID3;
$file = $getID3->analyze($filename);
$playtime_seconds = $file['playtime_seconds'];
echo gmdate("H:i:s", $playtime_seconds);
You can get the duration of an mp3 or many other audio/video files by using ffmpeg.
Install ffmpeg in your server.
Make sure that php shell_exec is not restricted in your php.
// Discriminate only the audio/video files you want
if(preg_match('/[^?#]+\.(?:wma|mp3|wav|mp4)/', strtolower($file))){
$filepath = /* your file path */;
// execute ffmpeg form linux shell and grab duration from output
$result = shell_exec("ffmpeg -i ".$filepath.' 2>&1 | grep -o \'Duration: [0-9:.]*\'');
$duration = str_replace('Duration: ', '', $result); // 00:05:03.25
//get the duration in seconds
$timeArr = preg_split('/:/', str_replace('s', '', $duration[0]));
$t = $this->_times[$file] = (($timeArr[3])? $timeArr[3]*1 + $timeArr[2] * 60 + $timeArr[1] * 60 * 60 : $timeArr[2] + $timeArr[1] * 60)*1000;
class MP3File
protected $filename;
public function __construct($filename)
$this->filename = $filename;
public static function formatTime($duration) //as hh:mm:ss
//return sprintf("%d:%02d", $duration/60, $duration%60);
$hours = floor($duration / 3600);
$minutes = floor( ($duration - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
$seconds = $duration - ($hours * 3600) - ($minutes * 60);
return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
//Read first mp3 frame only... use for CBR constant bit rate MP3s
public function getDurationEstimate()
return $this->getDuration($use_cbr_estimate=true);
//Read entire file, frame by frame... ie: Variable Bit Rate (VBR)
public function getDuration($use_cbr_estimate=false)
$fd = fopen($this->filename, "rb");
$block = fread($fd, 100);
$offset = $this->skipID3v2Tag($block);
fseek($fd, $offset, SEEK_SET);
while (!feof($fd))
$block = fread($fd, 10);
if (strlen($block)<10) { break; }
//looking for 1111 1111 111 (frame synchronization bits)
else if ($block[0]=="\xff" && (ord($block[1])&0xe0) )
$info = self::parseFrameHeader(substr($block, 0, 4));
if (empty($info['Framesize'])) { return $duration; } //some corrupt mp3 files
fseek($fd, $info['Framesize']-10, SEEK_CUR);
$duration += ( $info['Samples'] / $info['Sampling Rate'] );
else if (substr($block, 0, 3)=='TAG')
fseek($fd, 128-10, SEEK_CUR);//skip over id3v1 tag size
fseek($fd, -9, SEEK_CUR);
if ($use_cbr_estimate && !empty($info))
return $this->estimateDuration($info['Bitrate'],$offset);
return round($duration);
private function estimateDuration($bitrate,$offset)
$kbps = ($bitrate*1000)/8;
$datasize = filesize($this->filename) - $offset;
return round($datasize / $kbps);
private function skipID3v2Tag(&$block)
if (substr($block, 0,3)=="ID3")
$id3v2_major_version = ord($block[3]);
$id3v2_minor_version = ord($block[4]);
$id3v2_flags = ord($block[5]);
$flag_unsynchronisation = $id3v2_flags & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
$flag_extended_header = $id3v2_flags & 0x40 ? 1 : 0;
$flag_experimental_ind = $id3v2_flags & 0x20 ? 1 : 0;
$flag_footer_present = $id3v2_flags & 0x10 ? 1 : 0;
$z0 = ord($block[6]);
$z1 = ord($block[7]);
$z2 = ord($block[8]);
$z3 = ord($block[9]);
if ( (($z0&0x80)==0) && (($z1&0x80)==0) && (($z2&0x80)==0) && (($z3&0x80)==0) )
$header_size = 10;
$tag_size = (($z0&0x7f) * 2097152) + (($z1&0x7f) * 16384) + (($z2&0x7f) * 128) + ($z3&0x7f);
$footer_size = $flag_footer_present ? 10 : 0;
return $header_size + $tag_size + $footer_size;//bytes to skip
return 0;
public static function parseFrameHeader($fourbytes)
static $versions = array(
0x0=>'2.5',0x1=>'x',0x2=>'2',0x3=>'1', // x=>'reserved'
static $layers = array(
0x0=>'x',0x1=>'3',0x2=>'2',0x3=>'1', // x=>'reserved'
static $bitrates = array(
'V1L2'=>array(0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384),
'V1L3'=>array(0,32,40,48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320),
'V2L1'=>array(0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,176,192,224,256),
'V2L2'=>array(0, 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160),
'V2L3'=>array(0, 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160),
static $sample_rates = array(
'1' => array(44100,48000,32000),
'2' => array(22050,24000,16000),
'2.5' => array(11025,12000, 8000),
static $samples = array(
1 => array( 1 => 384, 2 =>1152, 3 =>1152, ), //MPEGv1, Layers 1,2,3
2 => array( 1 => 384, 2 =>1152, 3 => 576, ), //MPEGv2/2.5, Layers 1,2,3
//$b0=ord($fourbytes[0]);//will always be 0xff
$version_bits = ($b1 & 0x18) >> 3;
$version = $versions[$version_bits];
$simple_version = ($version=='2.5' ? 2 : $version);
$layer_bits = ($b1 & 0x06) >> 1;
$layer = $layers[$layer_bits];
$protection_bit = ($b1 & 0x01);
$bitrate_key = sprintf('V%dL%d', $simple_version , $layer);
$bitrate_idx = ($b2 & 0xf0) >> 4;
$bitrate = isset($bitrates[$bitrate_key][$bitrate_idx]) ? $bitrates[$bitrate_key][$bitrate_idx] : 0;
$sample_rate_idx = ($b2 & 0x0c) >> 2;//0xc => b1100
$sample_rate = isset($sample_rates[$version][$sample_rate_idx]) ? $sample_rates[$version][$sample_rate_idx] : 0;
$padding_bit = ($b2 & 0x02) >> 1;
$private_bit = ($b2 & 0x01);
$channel_mode_bits = ($b3 & 0xc0) >> 6;
$mode_extension_bits = ($b3 & 0x30) >> 4;
$copyright_bit = ($b3 & 0x08) >> 3;
$original_bit = ($b3 & 0x04) >> 2;
$emphasis = ($b3 & 0x03);
$info = array();
$info['Version'] = $version;//MPEGVersion
$info['Layer'] = $layer;
//$info['Protection Bit'] = $protection_bit; //0=> protected by 2 byte CRC, 1=>not protected
$info['Bitrate'] = $bitrate;
$info['Sampling Rate'] = $sample_rate;
$info['Framesize'] = self::framesize($layer, $bitrate, $sample_rate, $padding_bit);
$info['Samples'] = $samples[$simple_version][$layer];
return $info;
private static function framesize($layer, $bitrate,$sample_rate,$padding_bit)
if ($layer==1)
return intval(((12 * $bitrate*1000 /$sample_rate) + $padding_bit) * 4);
else //layer 2, 3
return intval(((144 * $bitrate*1000)/$sample_rate) + $padding_bit);
$mp3file = new MP3File("Chal_Halke.mp3");//
$duration1 = $mp3file->getDurationEstimate();//(faster) for CBR only
$duration2 = $mp3file->getDuration();//(slower) for VBR (or CBR)
echo "duration: $duration1 seconds"."\n";
There is no native php function to do this.
Depending on your server environment, you may use a tool such as MP3Info.
$length = shell_exec('mp3info -p "%S" sample.mp3'); // total time in seconds
As earlier, I provided a solution for both mp3 and WAV files, Now this solution is specifically for the only WAV file with more precision but with longer evaluation time than the earlier solution.
function calculateWavDuration( $file ) {
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if (fread($fp, 4) == "RIFF") {
fseek($fp, 20);
$raw_header = fread($fp, 16);
$header = unpack('vtype/vchannels/Vsamplerate/Vbytespersec/valignment/vbits', $raw_header);
$pos = ftell($fp);
while (fread($fp, 4) != "data" && !feof($fp)) {
fseek($fp, $pos);
$raw_header = fread($fp, 4);
$data = unpack('Vdatasize', $raw_header);
$sec = $data[datasize] / $header[bytespersec];
$minutes = intval(($sec / 60) % 60);
$seconds = intval($sec % 60);
return str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$file = '1.wav'; //Enter File wav
The MP3 length is not stored anywhere (in the "plain" MP3 format), since MP3 is designed to be "split" into frames and those frames will remain playable.
If you have no ID tag on which to rely, what you would need to do (there are tools and PHP classes that do this) is to read the whole MP3 file and sum the durations of each frame.
$getID3 = new getID3;
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($pathName);
// playtime in minutes:seconds, formatted string
$len = #$ThisFileInfo['playtime_string'];
//don't get playtime_string, but get playtime_seconds
$len = #$ThisFileInfo['playtime_seconds']*1000; //*1000 as calculate millisecond
I hope this helps you.
Finally, I developed a solution with my own calculations. This solution works best for mp3 and WAV files formats. However minor precision variations are expected. The solution is in PHP. I take little bit clue from WAV
function calculateFileSize($file){
$ratio = 16000; //bytespersec
if (!$file) {
exit("Verify file name and it's path");
$file_size = filesize($file);
if (!$file_size)
exit("Verify file, something wrong with your file");
$duration = ($file_size / $ratio);
$minutes = floor($duration / 60);
$seconds = $duration - ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = round($seconds);
echo "$minutes:$seconds minutes";
$file = 'apple-classic.mp3'; //Enter File Name mp3/wav
If you have FFMpeg installed, getting the duration is quite simple with FFProbe
$filepath = 'example.mp3';
$ffprobe = \FFMpeg\FFProbe::create();
$duration = $ffprobe->format($filepath)->get('duration');
echo gmdate('H:i:s', $duration);
FFMpeg is mentioned elsewhere, but here's a fuller explanation and example implementation.
Install ffmpeg for your system. E.g., on Ubuntu:
apt-get update && apt-get -y install ffmpeg
Install php-ffmpeg using Composer:
composer require php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg
Example utility class
namespace App\Utils;
use FFMpeg\FFProbe;
class Audio
public static function duration(string $path): float
$probe = FFProbe::create();
return $probe->format($path)->get('duration');
Where $path is the absolute path or URL to your audio file. To use:
$duration = \App\Utils\Audio::duration($path);
echo $duration; // 24.476750
Of course, you can just use it directly where you need it. The point of the utility class example is to show how you use it. You'll want to try/catch calling it in a production setting. If you aren't using composer, see #awavi's answer.
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
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So I have created an html form which then posts the results to a php file that overlays them on a PDF and then emails that PDF to myself and the email that was put in the form. All I want to do now is find a simple way to make it so that the PDF includes a sequential number.
For example: When the form is filled out for the first time the number 0001 is input automatically into the PDF and 0002 for the second time and so on.
Is there an easy PHP function to accomplish this?
Essentially I am creating an online invoicing form so when I do service calls I can create an invoice on the spot from a web browser which is then emailed to my office and the client.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For an incrementing number, you could keep a number in a database and then extract it, add 1 to it, use it, and then put it back in the DB for next time, but this seems complicated. Somebody in the comments mentioned using the timestamp, which would be done like so:
$invoicenumber = time(); //This number will always be unique
The time function works like so (copied from w3schools):
The time() function returns the current time in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
Since actual seconds can only go up (increment), this number will never be the same twice.
I hope this is helpful.
You can also display this date/time in a readable format like so:
$time = time();
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$time);
-Edit 2
If you want an incrementing number, you basically need a very simple database to save it, which might be as simple as a table called invoices, with a column called invoicenumber, which stores your invoice number in it. You could / probably should use this to store other invoice information in it too, so you'd have each invoice number saved (which means we want to only get the highest one)
Then your code would look like this, for each time you want to use it:
Firstly you'd have a database information file (settings.php or something similar) with your database definitions in it, which might look like this:
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'db_username');
define('DB_PASS', 'db_password');
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
Your code would look like this:
//Establish a mysql connection
$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
//Set up a query to get the highest number
$query = "SELECT invoicenumber FROM invoices ORDER BY invoicenumber DESC LIMIT 1";
//Get the result
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
//If we have a record
//New invoice number
$invoicenumber = $row['invoicenumber']++;
//Else (database is empty, so start at the beginning)
$invoicenumber = 1;
//Now we have our invoice number, so do whatever you want with it
* Code here to use the number
* */
//Now we wanna add the new invoice to the database, so
* Add any other info to this statement if you want.
* If any of it is user submitted data, be sure to use prepared statements
* (just look at's documentation on prepared statements)
* w3schools also has some nice tutorials on how to safely insert stuff
* in to a database, so check it all out :)
* */
$query = "INSERT INTO invoices(invoicenumber) VALUES($invoicenumber)";
//Execute the query
//Show success
echo "Invoice $invoicenumber has been added to the database.";
//Show error
echo "Unfortunately we could not add invoice $invoicenumber to the database.";
//Now we can clear up our resources
$stmt->free_result(); $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close();
Please note: this is a very basic example. Yours will have additions and enhanced security if you are using user submitted data, so please do your homework and make sure that you fully understand each line of this code before you proceed to use it.
I do exactly the same with patient accession numbers on patient reports.
$p2t = new PDF2Text();
$data = $p2t->output();
$len = strlen($data);
$pos = strpos($data,$accession);
if (pos){
$in .= "$accession,";
$missingPDF += 1;echo "\n<p> <span class='bold red'>INCORRECT ACCESSION NUMBER c=$row[0] p=$row[1]</span>\n";
if ($checked > 0){
$in = substr($in,0,-1) . ')';
$sql = "UPDATE `Patient` SET `PDF`=1 WHERE $in";
class PDF2Text {
// Some settings
var $multibyte = 4; // Use setUnicode(TRUE|FALSE)
var $convertquotes = ENT_QUOTES; // ENT_COMPAT (double-quotes), ENT_QUOTES (Both), ENT_NOQUOTES (None)
var $showprogress = true; // TRUE if you have problems with time-out
// Variables
var $filename = '';
var $decodedtext = '';
function setFilename($filename) {
// Reset
$this->decodedtext = '';
$this->filename = $filename;
function output($echo = false) {
if($echo) echo $this->decodedtext;
else return $this->decodedtext;
function setUnicode($input) {
// 4 for unicode. But 2 should work in most cases just fine
if($input == true) $this->multibyte = 4;
else $this->multibyte = 2;
function decodePDF() {
// Read the data from pdf file
$infile = #file_get_contents($this->filename, FILE_BINARY);
if (empty($infile))
return "";
// Get all text data.
$transformations = array();
$texts = array();
// Get the list of all objects.
preg_match_all("#obj[\n|\r](.*)endobj[\n|\r]#ismU", $infile . "endobj\r", $objects);
$objects = #$objects[1];
// Select objects with streams.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($objects); $i++) {
$currentObject = $objects[$i];
// Prevent time-out
#set_time_limit ();
if($this->showprogress) {
// echo ". ";
flush(); ob_flush();
// Check if an object includes data stream.
if (preg_match("#stream[\n|\r](.*)endstream[\n|\r]#ismU", $currentObject . "endstream\r", $stream )) {
$stream = ltrim($stream[1]);
// Check object parameters and look for text data.
$options = $this->getObjectOptions($currentObject);
if (!(empty($options["Length1"]) && empty($options["Type"]) && empty($options["Subtype"])) )
// if ( $options["Image"] && $options["Subtype"] )
// if (!(empty($options["Length1"]) && empty($options["Subtype"])) )
// Hack, length doesnt always seem to be correct
// So, we have text data. Decode it.
$data = $this->getDecodedStream($stream, $options);
if (strlen($data)) {
if (preg_match_all("#BT[\n|\r](.*)ET[\n|\r]#ismU", $data . "ET\r", $textContainers)) {
$textContainers = #$textContainers[1];
$this->getDirtyTexts($texts, $textContainers);
} else
$this->getCharTransformations($transformations, $data);
// Analyze text blocks taking into account character transformations and return results.
$this->decodedtext = $this->getTextUsingTransformations($texts, $transformations);
function decodeAsciiHex($input) {
$output = "";
$isOdd = true;
$isComment = false;
for($i = 0, $codeHigh = -1; $i < strlen($input) && $input[$i] != '>'; $i++) {
$c = $input[$i];
if($isComment) {
if ($c == '\r' || $c == '\n')
$isComment = false;
switch($c) {
case '\0': case '\t': case '\r': case '\f': case '\n': case ' ': break;
case '%':
$isComment = true;
$code = hexdec($c);
if($code === 0 && $c != '0')
return "";
$codeHigh = $code;
$output .= chr($codeHigh * 16 + $code);
$isOdd = !$isOdd;
if($input[$i] != '>')
return "";
$output .= chr($codeHigh * 16);
return $output;
function decodeAscii85($input) {
$output = "";
$isComment = false;
$ords = array();
for($i = 0, $state = 0; $i < strlen($input) && $input[$i] != '~'; $i++) {
$c = $input[$i];
if($isComment) {
if ($c == '\r' || $c == '\n')
$isComment = false;
if ($c == '\0' || $c == '\t' || $c == '\r' || $c == '\f' || $c == '\n' || $c == ' ')
if ($c == '%') {
$isComment = true;
if ($c == 'z' && $state === 0) {
$output .= str_repeat(chr(0), 4);
if ($c < '!' || $c > 'u')
return "";
$code = ord($input[$i]) & 0xff;
$ords[$state++] = $code - ord('!');
if ($state == 5) {
$state = 0;
for ($sum = 0, $j = 0; $j < 5; $j++)
$sum = $sum * 85 + $ords[$j];
for ($j = 3; $j >= 0; $j--)
$output .= chr($sum >> ($j * 8));
if ($state === 1)
return "";
elseif ($state > 1) {
for ($i = 0, $sum = 0; $i < $state; $i++)
$sum += ($ords[$i] + ($i == $state - 1)) * pow(85, 4 - $i);
for ($i = 0; $i < $state - 1; $i++) {
try {
if(false == ($o = chr($sum >> ((3 - $i) * 8)))) {
throw new Exception('Error');
$output .= $o;
} catch (Exception $e) { /*Dont do anything*/ }
return $output;
function decodeFlate($data) {
return #gzuncompress($data);
function getObjectOptions($object) {
$options = array();
if (preg_match("#<<(.*)>>#ismU", $object, $options)) {
$options = explode("/", $options[1]);
$o = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < #count($options); $j++) {
$options[$j] = preg_replace("#\s+#", " ", trim($options[$j]));
if (strpos($options[$j], " ") !== false) {
$parts = explode(" ", $options[$j]);
$o[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
} else
$o[$options[$j]] = true;
$options = $o;
return $options;
function getDecodedStream($stream, $options) {
$data = "";
if (empty($options["Filter"]))
$data = $stream;
else {
$length = !empty($options["Length"]) ? $options["Length"] : strlen($stream);
$_stream = substr($stream, 0, $length);
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
if ($key == "ASCIIHexDecode")
$_stream = $this->decodeAsciiHex($_stream);
elseif ($key == "ASCII85Decode")
$_stream = $this->decodeAscii85($_stream);
elseif ($key == "FlateDecode")
$_stream = $this->decodeFlate($_stream);
elseif ($key == "Crypt") { // TO DO
$data = $_stream;
return $data;
function getDirtyTexts(&$texts, $textContainers) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($textContainers); $j++) {
if (preg_match_all("#\[(.*)\]\s*TJ[\n|\r]#ismU", $textContainers[$j], $parts))
$texts = array_merge($texts, array(#implode('', $parts[1])));
elseif (preg_match_all("#T[d|w|m|f]\s*(\(.*\))\s*Tj[\n|\r]#ismU", $textContainers[$j], $parts))
$texts = array_merge($texts, array(#implode('', $parts[1])));
elseif (preg_match_all("#T[d|w|m|f]\s*(\[.*\])\s*Tj[\n|\r]#ismU", $textContainers[$j], $parts))
$texts = array_merge($texts, array(#implode('', $parts[1])));
function getCharTransformations(&$transformations, $stream) {
preg_match_all("#([0-9]+)\s+beginbfchar(.*)endbfchar#ismU", $stream, $chars, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all("#([0-9]+)\s+beginbfrange(.*)endbfrange#ismU", $stream, $ranges, PREG_SET_ORDER);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($chars); $j++) {
$count = $chars[$j][1];
$current = explode("\n", trim($chars[$j][2]));
for ($k = 0; $k < $count && $k < count($current); $k++) {
if (preg_match("#<([0-9a-f]{2,4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4,512})>#is", trim($current[$k]), $map))
$transformations[str_pad($map[1], 4, "0")] = $map[2];
for ($j = 0; $j < count($ranges); $j++) {
$count = $ranges[$j][1];
$current = explode("\n", trim($ranges[$j][2]));
for ($k = 0; $k < $count && $k < count($current); $k++) {
if (preg_match("#<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4})>#is", trim($current[$k]), $map)) {
$from = hexdec($map[1]);
$to = hexdec($map[2]);
$_from = hexdec($map[3]);
for ($m = $from, $n = 0; $m <= $to; $m++, $n++)
$transformations[sprintf("%04X", $m)] = sprintf("%04X", $_from + $n);
} elseif (preg_match("#<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+<([0-9a-f]{4})>\s+\[(.*)\]#ismU", trim($current[$k]), $map)) {
$from = hexdec($map[1]);
$to = hexdec($map[2]);
$parts = preg_split("#\s+#", trim($map[3]));
for ($m = $from, $n = 0; $m <= $to && $n < count($parts); $m++, $n++)
$transformations[sprintf("%04X", $m)] = sprintf("%04X", hexdec($parts[$n]));
function getTextUsingTransformations($texts, $transformations) {
$document = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($texts); $i++) {
$isHex = false;
$isPlain = false;
$hex = "";
$plain = "";
for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($texts[$i]); $j++) {
$c = $texts[$i][$j];
switch($c) {
case "<":
$hex = "";
$isHex = true;
$isPlain = false;
case ">":
$hexs = str_split($hex, $this->multibyte); // 2 or 4 (UTF8 or ISO)
for ($k = 0; $k < count($hexs); $k++) {
$chex = str_pad($hexs[$k], 4, "0"); // Add tailing zero
if (isset($transformations[$chex]))
$chex = $transformations[$chex];
$document .= html_entity_decode("&#x".$chex.";");
$isHex = false;
case "(":
$plain = "";
$isPlain = true;
$isHex = false;
case ")":
$document .= $plain;
$isPlain = false;
case "\\":
$c2 = $texts[$i][$j + 1];
if (in_array($c2, array("\\", "(", ")"))) $plain .= $c2;
elseif ($c2 == "n") $plain .= '\n';
elseif ($c2 == "r") $plain .= '\r';
elseif ($c2 == "t") $plain .= '\t';
elseif ($c2 == "b") $plain .= '\b';
elseif ($c2 == "f") $plain .= '\f';
elseif ($c2 >= '0' && $c2 <= '9') {
$oct = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#", "", substr($texts[$i], $j + 1, 3));
$j += strlen($oct) - 1;
$plain .= html_entity_decode("&#".octdec($oct).";", $this->convertquotes);
if ($isHex)
$hex .= $c;
elseif ($isPlain)
$plain .= $c;
$document .= "\n";
return $document;
I have installed wamp and code igniter in Windows. Now instruction says
Encode :
Where to run this in Windows?
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
// Original
Bubble Babble Binary Data Encoding - PHP5 Library
See for details.
Copyright 2011 BohwaZ -
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
// For CodeIgniter
Bubble Babble for CodeIgniter, by Akira :
Licence : WTFPL (
Using with CodeIgniter :
Copy Bubble.php in your library folder.
Then, you need to load this library in CodeIgniter :
Encode :
// => xigak-nyryk-humil-bosek-sonax
Decode :
// => Pineapple
Detect BubbleBabble's encoding :
// => true of false
class Bubble
protected $vowels = 'aeiouy';
protected $consonants = 'bcdfghklmnprstvzx';
public function encode($src)
$src = (string) $src;
$out = 'x';
$c = 1;
for ($i = 0;; $i += 2)
if ($i >= strlen($src))
$out .= $this->vowels[$c%6] . $this->consonants[16] . $this->vowels[$c/6];
$byte1 = ord($src[$i]);
$out .= $this->vowels[((($byte1>>6)&3)+$c)%6];
$out .= $this->consonants[($byte1>>2)&15];
$out .= $this->vowels[(($byte1&3)+($c/6))%6];
if ($i+1 >= strlen($src))
$byte2 = ord($src[$i + 1]);
$out .= $this->consonants[($byte2>>4)&15];
$out .= '-';
$out .= $this->consonants[$byte2&15];
$c = ($c * 5 + $byte1 * 7 + $byte2) % 36;
$out .= 'x';
return $out;
protected function _decode2WayByte($a1, $a2, $offset)
if ($a1 > 16)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset ".$offset);
if ($a2 > 16)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset ".($offset+2));
return ($a1 << 4) | $a2;
protected function _decode3WayByte($a1, $a2, $a3, $offset, $c)
$high2 = ($a1 - ($c%6) + 6) % 6;
if ($high2 >= 4)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset ".$offset);
if ($a2 > 16)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset ".($offset+1));
$mid4 = $a2;
$low2 = ($a3 - ($c/6%6) + 6) % 6;
if ($low2 >= 4)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset ".($offset+2));
return $high2<<6 | $mid4<<2 | $low2;
protected function _decodeTuple($src, $pos)
$tuple = array(
strpos($this->vowels, $src[0]),
strpos($this->consonants, $src[1]),
strpos($this->vowels, $src[2])
if (isset($src[3]))
$tuple[] = strpos($this->consonants, $src[3]);
$tuple[] = '-';
$tuple[] = strpos($this->consonants, $src[5]);
return $tuple;
public function decode($src)
$src = (string) $src;
$c = 1;
if ($src[0] != 'x')
show_error("Corrupt string at offset 0: must begin with a 'x'");
if (substr($src, -1) != 'x')
show_error("Corrupt string at offset 0: must end with a 'x'");
if (strlen($src) != 5 && strlen($src)%6 != 5)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset 0: wrong length");
$src = str_split(substr($src, 1, -1), 6);
$last_tuple = count($src) - 1;
$out = '';
foreach ($src as $k=>$tuple)
$pos = $k * 6;
$tuple = $this->_decodeTuple($tuple, $pos);
if ($k == $last_tuple)
if ($tuple[1] == 16)
if ($tuple[0] != $c % 6)
show_error("Corrupt string at offset $pos (checksum)");
if ($tuple[2] != (int)($c / 6))
show_error("Corrupt string at offset ".($pos+2)." (checksum)");
$byte = $this->_decode3WayByte($tuple[0], $tuple[1], $tuple[2], $pos, $c);
$out .= chr($byte);
$byte1 = $this->_decode3WayByte($tuple[0], $tuple[1], $tuple[2], $pos, $c);
$byte2 = $this->_decode2WayByte($tuple[3], $tuple[5], $pos);
$out .= chr($byte1);
$out .= chr($byte2);
$c = ($c * 5 + $byte1 * 7 + $byte2) % 36;
return $out;
public function detect($string)
if ($string[0] != 'x' || substr($string, -1) != 'x')
return false;
if (strlen($string) != 5 && strlen($string)%6 != 5)
return false;
if (!preg_match('/^(['.$this->consonants.$this->vowels.']{5})(-(?1))*$/', $string))
return false;
return true;
Is there any PHP function that will give me the MP3 duration. I looked at ID 3 function but i don't see any thing there for duration and apart from this,id3 is some kind of tag,which will not be there in all MP3 so using this will not make any sense.
This should work for you, notice the getduration function:
Install getid3, but if you only need duration, you can delete all but these modules:
Access the duration with code like this:
$getID3 = new getID3;
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($pathName);
$len= #$ThisFileInfo['playtime_string']; // playtime in minutes:seconds, formatted string
Get it at Sourceforge
I have passed so many time, but without getID3 ( to get duration of audio file not possible.
1) First download library of getID3 using below link:
2) Try this below code:
$filename = 'bcd4ecc6bf521da9b9a2d8b9616d1505.wav';
$getID3 = new getID3;
$file = $getID3->analyze($filename);
$playtime_seconds = $file['playtime_seconds'];
echo gmdate("H:i:s", $playtime_seconds);
You can get the duration of an mp3 or many other audio/video files by using ffmpeg.
Install ffmpeg in your server.
Make sure that php shell_exec is not restricted in your php.
// Discriminate only the audio/video files you want
if(preg_match('/[^?#]+\.(?:wma|mp3|wav|mp4)/', strtolower($file))){
$filepath = /* your file path */;
// execute ffmpeg form linux shell and grab duration from output
$result = shell_exec("ffmpeg -i ".$filepath.' 2>&1 | grep -o \'Duration: [0-9:.]*\'');
$duration = str_replace('Duration: ', '', $result); // 00:05:03.25
//get the duration in seconds
$timeArr = preg_split('/:/', str_replace('s', '', $duration[0]));
$t = $this->_times[$file] = (($timeArr[3])? $timeArr[3]*1 + $timeArr[2] * 60 + $timeArr[1] * 60 * 60 : $timeArr[2] + $timeArr[1] * 60)*1000;
class MP3File
protected $filename;
public function __construct($filename)
$this->filename = $filename;
public static function formatTime($duration) //as hh:mm:ss
//return sprintf("%d:%02d", $duration/60, $duration%60);
$hours = floor($duration / 3600);
$minutes = floor( ($duration - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
$seconds = $duration - ($hours * 3600) - ($minutes * 60);
return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
//Read first mp3 frame only... use for CBR constant bit rate MP3s
public function getDurationEstimate()
return $this->getDuration($use_cbr_estimate=true);
//Read entire file, frame by frame... ie: Variable Bit Rate (VBR)
public function getDuration($use_cbr_estimate=false)
$fd = fopen($this->filename, "rb");
$block = fread($fd, 100);
$offset = $this->skipID3v2Tag($block);
fseek($fd, $offset, SEEK_SET);
while (!feof($fd))
$block = fread($fd, 10);
if (strlen($block)<10) { break; }
//looking for 1111 1111 111 (frame synchronization bits)
else if ($block[0]=="\xff" && (ord($block[1])&0xe0) )
$info = self::parseFrameHeader(substr($block, 0, 4));
if (empty($info['Framesize'])) { return $duration; } //some corrupt mp3 files
fseek($fd, $info['Framesize']-10, SEEK_CUR);
$duration += ( $info['Samples'] / $info['Sampling Rate'] );
else if (substr($block, 0, 3)=='TAG')
fseek($fd, 128-10, SEEK_CUR);//skip over id3v1 tag size
fseek($fd, -9, SEEK_CUR);
if ($use_cbr_estimate && !empty($info))
return $this->estimateDuration($info['Bitrate'],$offset);
return round($duration);
private function estimateDuration($bitrate,$offset)
$kbps = ($bitrate*1000)/8;
$datasize = filesize($this->filename) - $offset;
return round($datasize / $kbps);
private function skipID3v2Tag(&$block)
if (substr($block, 0,3)=="ID3")
$id3v2_major_version = ord($block[3]);
$id3v2_minor_version = ord($block[4]);
$id3v2_flags = ord($block[5]);
$flag_unsynchronisation = $id3v2_flags & 0x80 ? 1 : 0;
$flag_extended_header = $id3v2_flags & 0x40 ? 1 : 0;
$flag_experimental_ind = $id3v2_flags & 0x20 ? 1 : 0;
$flag_footer_present = $id3v2_flags & 0x10 ? 1 : 0;
$z0 = ord($block[6]);
$z1 = ord($block[7]);
$z2 = ord($block[8]);
$z3 = ord($block[9]);
if ( (($z0&0x80)==0) && (($z1&0x80)==0) && (($z2&0x80)==0) && (($z3&0x80)==0) )
$header_size = 10;
$tag_size = (($z0&0x7f) * 2097152) + (($z1&0x7f) * 16384) + (($z2&0x7f) * 128) + ($z3&0x7f);
$footer_size = $flag_footer_present ? 10 : 0;
return $header_size + $tag_size + $footer_size;//bytes to skip
return 0;
public static function parseFrameHeader($fourbytes)
static $versions = array(
0x0=>'2.5',0x1=>'x',0x2=>'2',0x3=>'1', // x=>'reserved'
static $layers = array(
0x0=>'x',0x1=>'3',0x2=>'2',0x3=>'1', // x=>'reserved'
static $bitrates = array(
'V1L2'=>array(0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384),
'V1L3'=>array(0,32,40,48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320),
'V2L1'=>array(0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,176,192,224,256),
'V2L2'=>array(0, 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160),
'V2L3'=>array(0, 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160),
static $sample_rates = array(
'1' => array(44100,48000,32000),
'2' => array(22050,24000,16000),
'2.5' => array(11025,12000, 8000),
static $samples = array(
1 => array( 1 => 384, 2 =>1152, 3 =>1152, ), //MPEGv1, Layers 1,2,3
2 => array( 1 => 384, 2 =>1152, 3 => 576, ), //MPEGv2/2.5, Layers 1,2,3
//$b0=ord($fourbytes[0]);//will always be 0xff
$version_bits = ($b1 & 0x18) >> 3;
$version = $versions[$version_bits];
$simple_version = ($version=='2.5' ? 2 : $version);
$layer_bits = ($b1 & 0x06) >> 1;
$layer = $layers[$layer_bits];
$protection_bit = ($b1 & 0x01);
$bitrate_key = sprintf('V%dL%d', $simple_version , $layer);
$bitrate_idx = ($b2 & 0xf0) >> 4;
$bitrate = isset($bitrates[$bitrate_key][$bitrate_idx]) ? $bitrates[$bitrate_key][$bitrate_idx] : 0;
$sample_rate_idx = ($b2 & 0x0c) >> 2;//0xc => b1100
$sample_rate = isset($sample_rates[$version][$sample_rate_idx]) ? $sample_rates[$version][$sample_rate_idx] : 0;
$padding_bit = ($b2 & 0x02) >> 1;
$private_bit = ($b2 & 0x01);
$channel_mode_bits = ($b3 & 0xc0) >> 6;
$mode_extension_bits = ($b3 & 0x30) >> 4;
$copyright_bit = ($b3 & 0x08) >> 3;
$original_bit = ($b3 & 0x04) >> 2;
$emphasis = ($b3 & 0x03);
$info = array();
$info['Version'] = $version;//MPEGVersion
$info['Layer'] = $layer;
//$info['Protection Bit'] = $protection_bit; //0=> protected by 2 byte CRC, 1=>not protected
$info['Bitrate'] = $bitrate;
$info['Sampling Rate'] = $sample_rate;
$info['Framesize'] = self::framesize($layer, $bitrate, $sample_rate, $padding_bit);
$info['Samples'] = $samples[$simple_version][$layer];
return $info;
private static function framesize($layer, $bitrate,$sample_rate,$padding_bit)
if ($layer==1)
return intval(((12 * $bitrate*1000 /$sample_rate) + $padding_bit) * 4);
else //layer 2, 3
return intval(((144 * $bitrate*1000)/$sample_rate) + $padding_bit);
$mp3file = new MP3File("Chal_Halke.mp3");//
$duration1 = $mp3file->getDurationEstimate();//(faster) for CBR only
$duration2 = $mp3file->getDuration();//(slower) for VBR (or CBR)
echo "duration: $duration1 seconds"."\n";
There is no native php function to do this.
Depending on your server environment, you may use a tool such as MP3Info.
$length = shell_exec('mp3info -p "%S" sample.mp3'); // total time in seconds
As earlier, I provided a solution for both mp3 and WAV files, Now this solution is specifically for the only WAV file with more precision but with longer evaluation time than the earlier solution.
function calculateWavDuration( $file ) {
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if (fread($fp, 4) == "RIFF") {
fseek($fp, 20);
$raw_header = fread($fp, 16);
$header = unpack('vtype/vchannels/Vsamplerate/Vbytespersec/valignment/vbits', $raw_header);
$pos = ftell($fp);
while (fread($fp, 4) != "data" && !feof($fp)) {
fseek($fp, $pos);
$raw_header = fread($fp, 4);
$data = unpack('Vdatasize', $raw_header);
$sec = $data[datasize] / $header[bytespersec];
$minutes = intval(($sec / 60) % 60);
$seconds = intval($sec % 60);
return str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":" . str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$file = '1.wav'; //Enter File wav
The MP3 length is not stored anywhere (in the "plain" MP3 format), since MP3 is designed to be "split" into frames and those frames will remain playable.
If you have no ID tag on which to rely, what you would need to do (there are tools and PHP classes that do this) is to read the whole MP3 file and sum the durations of each frame.
$getID3 = new getID3;
$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($pathName);
// playtime in minutes:seconds, formatted string
$len = #$ThisFileInfo['playtime_string'];
//don't get playtime_string, but get playtime_seconds
$len = #$ThisFileInfo['playtime_seconds']*1000; //*1000 as calculate millisecond
I hope this helps you.
Finally, I developed a solution with my own calculations. This solution works best for mp3 and WAV files formats. However minor precision variations are expected. The solution is in PHP. I take little bit clue from WAV
function calculateFileSize($file){
$ratio = 16000; //bytespersec
if (!$file) {
exit("Verify file name and it's path");
$file_size = filesize($file);
if (!$file_size)
exit("Verify file, something wrong with your file");
$duration = ($file_size / $ratio);
$minutes = floor($duration / 60);
$seconds = $duration - ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = round($seconds);
echo "$minutes:$seconds minutes";
$file = 'apple-classic.mp3'; //Enter File Name mp3/wav
If you have FFMpeg installed, getting the duration is quite simple with FFProbe
$filepath = 'example.mp3';
$ffprobe = \FFMpeg\FFProbe::create();
$duration = $ffprobe->format($filepath)->get('duration');
echo gmdate('H:i:s', $duration);
FFMpeg is mentioned elsewhere, but here's a fuller explanation and example implementation.
Install ffmpeg for your system. E.g., on Ubuntu:
apt-get update && apt-get -y install ffmpeg
Install php-ffmpeg using Composer:
composer require php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg
Example utility class
namespace App\Utils;
use FFMpeg\FFProbe;
class Audio
public static function duration(string $path): float
$probe = FFProbe::create();
return $probe->format($path)->get('duration');
Where $path is the absolute path or URL to your audio file. To use:
$duration = \App\Utils\Audio::duration($path);
echo $duration; // 24.476750
Of course, you can just use it directly where you need it. The point of the utility class example is to show how you use it. You'll want to try/catch calling it in a production setting. If you aren't using composer, see #awavi's answer.