stripe payments without popup - php

I am trying to integrate Stripe on a Symfony2 project, and the only payment method I see on their documentation is the "Pay with card" button which creates an embedded popup on my project. But the problem is that I need the users to insert their credit card number on Stripe's website, just like Paypal does. Is there any payment method that Stripe provides, and get all the user's informations from a form that is on their website?
Thank you.

Stripe doesn't offer a redirection to its site to collect card details. (source)
In most instances, buyers don't even know they're using Stripe to pay.
To collect card details and turn them into a token, you can either:
use Checkout, a premade form with some customization options, or
make your own form using Stripe.js.
If neither of these is an option for you, you can check the list of Stripe third-party integrations to see if something fits your needs.

This is now possible.
Stripe customers are now able to use Client-only Checkout feature which is currently in beta. Flow is the same as with PayPal - users will be redirected to Stripe-hosted checkout website.
Directing customers to Stripe to make payments online


How to enable future payments at the latest paypal checkout

I need a flow where I can login once to my web application with paypal to save it as a payment method, and I can process the payments every time the user clicks the purchase button without having to login at every purchase. , paypal support provided me the following section but I can't find the flow I require.
Additional information:
I plan to use laravel so I don't know if I would need the paypal php SDK.
and in the front VueJS
For Future Payments, also called Reference Transactions, the business owner of the PayPal account should contact their PayPal account manager or PayPal's general business support via , to explain the business need for the feature

how to use paypal payments pro with users Paypal details

I am developing a payment integration using paypal payments pro using PHP/cURL. The user requires that as well as being able to pay by credit card (which I have implemented and it works by posting the following list of fields: "PARTNER=PayPalUK&VENDOR=HGGQ357J8T&USER=GLD7VF48TH&PWD=D84YDSPXFRA6HK54&TENDER=$tender&TRXTYPE=S&CURRENCYCODE=GPB&AMT=$AMT&CREDITCARDTYPE=$card_type&NAMEONCARD=$name_on_card&ACCT=$card_number&CVV2=$csc&EXPDATE=$expiryDate&ISSUENUMBER=$ISSUENUMBER&COMMENT1=$name_on_card&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=$name_on_card&SECURETOKEN=$SECURETOKEN&SECURETOKENID=$SECURETOKENID") he needs to allow users to be able to pay by entering their paypal login details instead of their card details) I have searched the developers documentation and the only piece of information I can find is that the tender parameter needs to be set to "P". Is the documentation available anywhere? I Assume their must be required fields for users paypal details but what are they called?
What you are using now is called Payments Pro. What are you looking for to enable PayPal payments is Express Checkout.
This PayPal PHP SDK will make the Express Checkout API calls very quick and easy for you.
The calls you'll be working with are SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, DoExpressCheckoutPayment. The SDK includes functional samples for each of those as well as empty templates as good starter files.
You can just open those up and fill in your own values to all of the parameters that are setup for you and it'll handle the rest.

how do i link paypal account with online store using php

I am not sure what this is called but here is what i am looking to do.
I am trying to make a php script that will create a link between our store account and paypal buyer, so that when they click our buy button it will process the payment without any future confirmations or user actions.
I have tried the paypal sdks and integration wizard no luck, Does anyone know of a working example of what i am trying to do?
Billing agreement(also called Reference Transactions) allows customer to agree the payment once on your website or app, then you call an API with the billing agreement ID to tell PayPal to charge the customer. Please see document here . You will need to contact PayPal to enable you to use Billing agreement, it's not easy to get approval:(
Integrating Paypal buttons are pretty straightforward.
Go to your merchant account.
Go to your Create Paypal Button page.
Choose whatever the button types you want. Configure it with Price etc.
Now just copy and paste the code generated.
It just works.
There is an option in your merchant account page to set the returning address from Paypal. You can set a returning page and catch all the transaction details via HTTP Post method when it is called by Paypal.
There is this Sandbox account type in Paypal which you can do a lot of playing with.

Using paypal on custom website and accept credit / debit Card

I have an issue right now that is killing me, I have implemented several payment options but never used paypal, I don't know why is it so complicated.
The website already exists and wasn't developed by myself.
I don't know the ammount of the order it is dynamic, so the "create payment buttons" on the paypal website doesn't work for me, at this point i developed a solution using
PayPal developers
But it turns out that i only have the option to pay with a PayPal account or register a PayPal account, I do not want to force customers to do this, it has no sense. is there any relatively easy solution out there using the same PayPal API?
The whole site code is in PHP so i need the solution in this language
As you have mentioned that you are aware of one payment method i.e. Express Checkout ( in which user needs to have a valid Paypal account) so the other method which I think you need is the Direct Payment (i.e. a user can pay with credit cards directly without any Paypal account) API.
For this direct payment api you need to enable Website Payment Pro WPP , here you can get info about WPP.

PayPal Sandbox | Express checkout allow credit card payments

First of all a want to mention that I am very new in PayPal at all.
I have create a plugin for WordPress, that is useful for booking a taxi for a trip. The plugin, it has it's own cart, that allowing the client to add several services in the cart and then to check out via PayPal.
As I mentioned earlier I am new, to PayPal, so I have download the PHP SDK provided by the PayPal, and I have complete the first step of the payment process. I have got the Token, and then redirect my client to PayPal web site to perform the payment.
The problem is that, in PayPal web site I have only the options "Have a PayPal account?" and "Create a PayPal account". What I like to ask, is how can I use the credit card payment instead of the "Create a PayPal account" ? Is there any way ?
Any idea please ?
You may want to try using Stripe. super-easy, and has excellent documentation. I have used it alongside Paypal express checkout.
Paypal now required paypal account to get payment when you use express checkout api, to get payment from paypal use credit card reference api or any other api suit your need from paypal
