Compare values from 2 array PHP - php

I need to compare 2 values from 2 array.
I figured it out but the problem is that i need to do a comparasion between qty based on a unique id.
array 1 is from a csv:
array 2 is from database:
so now i have to compare this 2 arrays and get the difference between quantity,
for example:
id 1 has in database 5 qty and in csv 1 so it result +4
id 3 has no value in database and in csv has 1 so it result -1
i have tried with:
foreach($array1 as $csv) {
$id[] = $csv['id'];
$data[$csv['id']] = $csv['qty'];
foreach($array2 as $db) {
$data[$db['id']] = $db['totalQty'];
but it give me the result from database and result from csv.
Is there another way to compare the quantity and get only the differences ?
any help is appreciated.

If i got this correctly...
$csv = array(
0 => array('prod_id'=>1,'qty'=>1),
1 => array('prod_id'=>2,'qty'=>3),
2 => array('prod_id'=>3,'qty'=>1),
3 => array('prod_id'=>4,'qty'=>3),
4 => array('prod_id'=>5,'qty'=>1)
$data = array(
0 => array('id'=>1,'prod_id'=>1,'qty'=>5),
1 => array('id'=>2,'prod_id'=>2,'qty'=>3),
2 => array('id'=>3,'prod_id'=>4,'qty'=>1),
3 => array('id'=>4,'prod_id'=>4,'qty'=>1),
4 => array('id'=>5,'prod_id'=>5,'qty'=>1),
5 => array('id'=>6,'prod_id'=>6,'qty'=>7)
$result = array();
foreach ($data as $a=>$b) {
$data_id = $b['id'];
$data_prod_id = $b['prod_id'];
$data_qty = $b['qty'];
$in_csv = false;
foreach ($csv as $k=>$v) {
$csv_prod_id = $v['prod_id'];
$csv_qty = $v['qty'];
if ($data_prod_id == $csv_prod_id && $data_id == $csv_prod_id) {
$result[$data_id] = $data_qty - $csv_qty;
if ($data_id != $data_prod_id) {
$result[$data_id] = 0 - $csv_qty;
if ($data_prod_id == $csv_prod_id) {
$in_csv = true;
if (!$in_csv) {
$result[$data_id] = $data_qty;
foreach ($result as $k=>$v) {
if ($v != 0) {
echo "ID $k has changed : $v <br>";


Rank array values with possible duplicate values

I am trying to rank an array of values and maintain the order in the original array.
So for example:
(6,4,7,12,7) should return (2,1,3,4,3)
(12,17,5,27,5) should return (2,3,1,4,1)
(1,1,4,6) should return (1,1,2,3)
In each case the returned array has the rank of the corresponding element in the original array, and duplicate values will have the same rank.
$values = array(12,17,5,27,5);
$sorted_values = $values;
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
foreach ($sorted_values as $sorted_key => $sorted_value) {
if ($value == $sorted_value) {
$rank_key = $sorted_key;
echo $value . ' has rank: ' . $rank_key + 1 . '<br>';
A simple way would be to first rank the unique values (using array_unique() followed by sort()), then translate the original list by this newly rank list (more comments in the code)...
$source = [12,17,5,27,5];
$output = [];
// Copy to work array unique values
$rank = array_unique($source);
// Sort it to produce ranking order
// Make the number the key with the order as the value
$rank = array_flip($rank);
// Translate the values using $rank
foreach ( $source as $element ) {
$output[] = $rank[$element]+1;
[0] => 2
[1] => 3
[2] => 1
[3] => 4
[4] => 1
Clone your array, sort the clone by values, while keeping the key associations.
Loop over the clone, and in classical “control break” fashion, compare the value of the current item to that of the previous one. Increase the rank by one, if they differ. Set that rank as new value under that key.
Sort the clone by keys.
$data = [12,17,5,27,5];
$clone = $data;
$rank = 0;
$previous_value = null; // something that doesn't ever occur in your array values
foreach($clone as $key => $value) {
if($value !== $previous_value) {
$clone[$key] = $rank;
$previous_value = $value;
var_dump($data, $clone);
you need to sort your array
This may close to your answer:
$ordered_values = $my_array;
foreach ($ordered_values as $key => $value) {
foreach ($ordered_values as $ordered_key => $ordered_value) {
if ($value === $ordered_value) {
$key = $ordered_key;
$rank[$value]=((int) $key + 1) ;
foreach($my_array as $key => $value)
echo $value.':'.$rank[$value].'<br>';
function rankDuplicateArray(array $array): array
$copy = array_unique($array);
$flipArray = array_flip($copy);
return array_map(function($v) use ($flipArray) {
return $flipArray[$v] + 1;
}, $array);

How to modifying the data structure of array list as per key value using PHP

I need to modify the data structure of json array list as per some key value using PHP. I am explaining my code below.
//echo json_encode($output);
foreach ($output as $key => $value) {
if (count($result)==0) {
"name"=>$value["first_name"].' '.$value['last_name'],
The output of the input array is given below.
// Output:
The above is my array list. Here I need to modify the all row value by reg_no means if there are multiple rows including same reg_no then those will merge with joining the both name and my expected output should like below.
expected output:
'name':"robin sahoo",
'name':"Rama Nayidu",
Here paper1,paper2,paper3,paper4 will be selected serially means suppose same reg_no=12 has first row paper_code= BA001 then it will be paper1=BA001 and second row paper_code=BA002 then it will be paper2=BA002 and so on. Here I am using PHP to map this array.
Try the following, Let me know..
//echo json_encode($output);
foreach ($output as $key => $value) {
if(empty($temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper1"]) || $temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper1"] == ""){
$temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper1"] = $value['paper_code'];
}else if(empty($temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper2"]) || $temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper2"] == ""){
$temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper2"] = $value['paper_code'];
}else if(empty($temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper3"]) || $temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper3"] == ""){
$temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper3"] = $value['paper_code'];
}else if(empty($temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper4"]) || $temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper4"] == ""){
$temp[$value['reg_no']]["paper4"] = $value['paper_code'];
$temp[$value['reg_no']] = array("name"=>$value["first_name"].' '.$value['last_name'],"reg_no"=>$value['reg_no'],"paper1"=>$value['paper_code'],"paper2"=>"","paper3"=>"","paper4"=>"");
foreach ($temp as $key => $value) {
$result[] = $value;
This Code May help you
//echo json_encode($output);
foreach ($output as $key => $value) {
if (count($result)==0) {
$output[$key]=array("name"=>$value["first_name"].' '.$value['last_name'],"reg_no"=>$value['reg_no'],"paper1"=>$value['paper_code'],"paper2"=>"","paper3"=>"","paper4"=>"");
}echo "<pre>";print_r($output);
You can try with this
$result = []; // Initialize result array
foreach ($output as $key => $value) {
$name = $value['first_name'] . ' ' . $value['last_name'];
// check if same name already has entry, create one if not
if (!array_key_exists($name, $result)) {
$result[$name] = array(
'name' => $name,
'reg_no' => $value['reg_no'],
'paper1' => '',
'paper2' => '',
'paper3' => '',
'paper4' => ''
// count array elements with value, then set paper number and value
$paper = 'paper' . (count(array_filter($result[$name])) - 1);
$result[$name][$paper] = $value['paper_code'];
$result = array_values($result); // reindex result array
$result = json_encode($result); // Encode to json format
print_r($result); // print result
This assumes that first_name and last_name is always same for each reg_no

extract duplicates and how many times they occur in php array

I am developing a user driven eCommerce website and need some help. What I have is a function that will loop through an array remove duplicates and how many times they occur. I then need to run a function on each of those extracted duplicates as many times as they occur. The code I have so far works, but breaks when there are multiple duplicates with the same repetition count. Here is the code I have made so far..
$affiliates = array(11,11,12,12,13,13,13,14,14,14,14); //breaks the code
$affiliates = array(11,11,13,13,13,14,14,14,14,12,12,12,12,12); // works fine
$array = array();
$match_count = array();
foreach($affiliates as $key => $affiliate) {
$array[] = $affiliate;
arsort($array); // keeps array index in order
foreach($array as $arrays) {
if(array_value_count($arrays,$array) > 1) {
$match_count[] = array_value_count($arrays,$array);
$match_count = array_unique($match_count);
$array_unique = arrayDuplicate($array);
$final_array = array_combine($match_count,$array_unique);
foreach($final_array as $key => $value) {
for($i = 0; $i < $key; $i++) {
echo 'addOrder(affiliate_id = ' . $value . ') . '<br>';
the functions
function unique_array($array) {
return array_unique($array, SORT_NUMERIC);
function arrayDuplicate($array) {
return array_unique(array_diff_assoc($array,array_unique($array)));
function array_value_count($match, $array) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
if ($value == $match)
return $count;
to fix the duplicates breaking the code I have tried this
if(count($array_unique) - count($match_count_unique) == 1 ) // do something
if(count($array_unique) != count($match_count_unique) == 1 ) // do something
How would I know where to add the missing duplicate value count and array items correctly without them getting out of sync? OR Is there a better way of doing this?
Taken from How do I count occurrence of duplicate items in array
$array = array(12,43,66,21,56,43,43,78,78,100,43,43,43,21);
$vals = array_count_values($array);
echo 'No. of NON Duplicate Items: '.count($vals).'<br><br>';
No. of NON Duplicate Items: 7
[12] => 1
[43] => 6
[66] => 1
[21] => 2
[56] => 1
[78] => 2
[100] => 1
Duplicate items = (Array Size) - (Total Number of Unique Values)
$affiliates = array(11,11,12,12,13,13,13,14,14,14,14);
// get an array whose keys are the aff# and
//the values are how many times they occur
$dupes = array();
foreach ($affiliates as $aff) {
// remove the 1's since those aren't dupes
$dupes = preg_grep('~^1$~',$dupes,PREG_GREP_INVERT);
// de-dupe the original array
$affiliates = array_unique($affiliates);
// for each duped affiliate...
foreach ($dupes as $aff => $affCount) {
// for each time it was duped..
for ($c=0;$c<$affCount;$c++) {
// do something. $aff is the aff# like 11

How to count the total in array from within a multidimensional array

I have an array which comes from a report.
This report has info similar to:
157479877294,OBSOLETE_ORDER,obelisk,19/01/2013 01:42pm
191532426695,WRONG_PERFORMANCE,g3t1,19/01/2013 01:56pm
159523681637,WRONG_PERFORMANCE,g3t1,19/01/2013 01:57pm
176481653889,WRONG_PERFORMANCE,g4t1,19/01/2013 01:57pm
167479810401,WRONG_PERFORMANCE,g4t1,19/01/2013 02:00pm
172485359309,WRONG_PERFORMANCE,g4t2,19/01/2013 02:02pm
125485358802,WRONG_PERFORMANCE,g4t2,19/01/2013 02:02pm
172485359309,DAY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED,obelisk,19/01/2013 02:03pm
125485358802,DAY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED,obelisk,19/01/2013 02:03pm
What I need to do is get the total of each type of error and the location so for the first would be error: 'OBSOLETE_ORDER' and location: 'obelisk'. I have tried to do this a number of ways but the best I can come up with is a multi dimensional array:
$error_handle = fopen("$reportUrl", "r");
while (!feof($error_handle) )
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($error_handle, 1024);
$errorName = $line_of_text[1];
$scannerName = $line_of_text[2];
if($errorName != "SCAN_RESULT" && $errorName != "" && $scannerName != "SCAN_LOGIN" && $scannerName != "")
gives me the following:
Array ( [OBSOLETE_ORDER] => Array ( [obelisk] => 1 ) [WRONG_PERFORMANCE] => Array ( [g3t1] => 2 [g4t1] => 2 [g4t2] => 2 ) [DAY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED] => Array ( [obelisk] => 2 ) )
which is great...except how do I then take that apart to add to my sql database?! (I am interested in getting the key and total of that key under the key the array is under)
and then add it to the tables
A multidimensional array is more than you need. The approach to take is to create your own string ($arrayKey in my example) to use as an array key that combines the scanner name and the error so that you can get a count.
//this is the array containing all the report lines, each as an array
//this is going to be our output array
$errorScannerArray = array();
//this variable holds the array key that we're going to generate from each line
$arrayKey = null;
foreach($lines_of_text as $line_of_text)
//the array key is a combination of the scanner name and the error name
//the tilde is included to attempt to prevent possible (rare) collisions
$arrayKey = trim($line_of_text[1]).'~'.trim($line_of_text[2]);
//if the array key exists, increase the count by 1
//if it doesn't exist, set the count to 1
if(array_key_exists($arrayKey, $errorScannerArray))
$errorScannerArray[$arrayKey] = 1;
//clean up
//displaying the result
foreach($errorScannerArray as $errorScanner => $count)
//we can explode the string hash to get the separate error and scanner names
$names = explode('~', $errorScanner);
$errorName = $names[0];
$scannerName = $names[1];
echo 'Scanner '.$scannerName.' experienced error '.$errorName.' '.$count.' times'."\n";
$list = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$values = explode(',' $line);
$error = $values[1];
$scanner = $values[2];
if (!isset($list[$error])) {
$list[$error] = array();
if (!isset($list[$error][$scanner])) {
$list[$error][$scanner] = 1;
} else {
To go through each result I just did the following:
foreach ($errorsArray as $errorName=>$info)
foreach ($info as $scannerName=>$total)
print "$errorName -> $scannerName = $total </br>";
and now will just connect it to the sql
With your edited question, this much simpler loop will work for you, you just need to then insert the data into your database inside the loop, instead of echoing it out:
$errorsArray = Array (
[obelisk] => 1
[g3t1] => 2
[g4t1] => 2
[g4t2] => 2
[obelisk] => 2
foreach($errorsArray as $row => $errors) {
foreach($errors as $error => $count) {
echo $row; // 'OBSOLETE_ORDER'
echo $error; // 'obelisk'
echo $count; // 1
// insert into database here
You just need a new array to hold the information you need, ideally a count.
Im assuming that the correct data format is:
$report = [
['157479877294','OBSOLETE_ORDER','obelisk','19/01/2013 01:42pm'],
['191532426695','WRONG_PERFORMANCE','g3t1','19/01/2013 01:56pm'],
['159523681637','WRONG_PERFORMANCE','g3t1','19/01/2013 01:57pm'],
['176481653889','WRONG_PERFORMANCE','g4t1','19/01/2013 01:57pm'],
foreach($report as $array) {
$errorName = $array[1];
$scannerName = $array[2];
if(exists($errorsArray[$errorName][$scannerName])) {
$errorsArray[$errorName][$scannerName] = $errorsArray[$errorName][$scannerName] + 1;
else {
$errorsArray[$errorName][$scannerName] = 1;

how to merge keys with same value?

$all_tags = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$all_tags = array_merge($all_tags, explode(' ', $row['title']));
$all_tags = array_count_values($all_tags);
echo "<pre>";
foreach ($all_tags as $key => $val) {
echo "$key = $val\n";
fuups! = 7
401 = 5
Authorization = 5
Required = 5
, = 3
izle = 3
Error = 2
Server = 2
Internal = 2
500 = 2
Full = 1 = 1
Sinema = 1
Bad = 1
Request = 1
Film = 1
400 = 1
all i wanna do is merge 'keys' with same integer 'value'. example;
401 = 5
Authorization = 5
Required = 5
401 Authorization Required = 5
i don't know how could i do it. i tried a bunch of ways but i never let it work. thank you.
I misunderstood you in the beginning.
I think you could just save the objects in an array and implode them if needed.
$out = array();
foreach($array as $key=>$value)
if(array_key_exists($value, $out))
$out[$value][] = $key;
$out[$value] = array($key);
// Then you could do
echo implode(" ", $out[5]); // Should output "401 Authorization Required"
Working example at
Another option is to directly append it and trim the "extra" space at the end.
$out = array();
foreach($array as $key=>$value)
if(array_key_exists($value, $out))
$out[$value] .= $key . ' ';
$out[$value] = $key . ' ';
// Then you could do
echo trim($out[5]); // Should output "401 Authorization Required"
Try this
$data = array('fuups!' => '7','401' => '5','Authorization' => '5','Required' => '5',',' => '3','izle' => '3','Error' => '2','Server' => '2','Internal' => '2','500' => '2','Full' => '1','' => '1','Sinema' => '1','Bad' => '1','Request' => '1','Film' => '1','400' => '1');
$rows = array();
$values = array_values($data);
$highestVal = $values[0];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $highestVal; $i++) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($i == $value) {
$rows[$i] = $rows[$i] . " {$key}";
Working Example XD
To echo all keys, just replace var_dump($rows) with:
foreach ($rows as $key) {
echo "{$key}<br />";
I'm not familiar with PHP, but I think you can try to create a hash table to handle this.
For example, if you insert above 3 items into the hash table and use '5' as the key, the first item can be inserted correctly, and the other two should throw exceptions. You can catch the exception since it's excepted and append the values to the value of the first item. So the item in you hash table should be like:
key: 5
value: 401 Authorization Required
But you should make sure about the orders in the value.
Just my 2 cents, good luck!
If throwing exception is not acceptable, you can look-up a key in the hash table first, if the key doesn't exist then insert the key and value, if it already exists then append the value to existing item value.
