Using Zend_Http_Client to send json POST - php

I'm trying to send a json object as a POST command using the following:
$uri = "";
$product = $observer->getEvent()->getProduct();
$json = Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($product);
Mage::log(" Json={$json}", null,'product-updates.txt');
// new HTTP request to some HTTP address
$client = new Zend_Http_Client('');
// set some parameters
$client->setParameterPost('product', $json);
// POST request
$response = $client->request(Zend_Http_Client::POST);
When I view the $json the data is there and all looks good - however the POST is not sending the json data. I'm capturing it using a simple email form that should send me the response:
$webhookContent = "";
$ref = "";
$webhook = fopen('php://input' , 'rb');
while (!feof($webhook)) {
$webhookContent .= fread($webhook, 4096);
$headers = array();
foreach($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
if (substr($key, 0, 5) <> 'HTTP_') {
$header = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($key, 5)))));
$headers[$header] = $value;
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
$ref .= "$header: $value <br />\n";
$post = file_get_contents('php://input');
$to = ""; //the address the email is being sent to
$subject = "This is the subject"; //the subject of the message
$msg = "This is the message - Webhook content: ".$webhookContent." This is url: ".$ref; //the message of the email
mail($to, $subject, $msg, 'From: PHP Scriptv2 <>'); //send the email.
This page works with other json POST requests I've sent to it. I'm fairly new at sending POST requests so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try change :
$client->setParameterPost('product', $json);
to :
$client->setParameterPost('product', $json);
or use:
$client->setRawData($json, 'application/json');

So Update / Answer changing how I did it to these lines of code:
$uri = "";
$product = $observer->getEvent()->getProduct();
$json = Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($product);
Mage::log(" Json={$json}", null,'product-updates.txt');
$client = new Zend_Http_Client($uri);
$client->setRawData($json, null)->request('POST');
Changing the SetRawData($json, null) was the bit - using SetRawDate($json, 'application/json') caused it to fail.
Thanks Voodoo417 - I'll also try your suggestion and see if that lets me set the correct type


How to Send via email the Entire Request in PHP

I'm trying to create a php that sends via email all possible information about the request. Currently I'm using something like:
Email request php:
$remoteIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$remoteHost = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$remoteRef = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$remoteUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$yourEmailAddress = "";
$emailSubject = "New request from: ".$remoteIp;
$emailContent = "The URL Request was made to: $remoteUrl
The request REFERER was: $remoteRef
The IP was $remoteIp
The User Agent was: $userAgent";
// send the message
mail($yourEmailAddress, $emailSubject, $emailContent);
I like to add the Entire http request (GET OR POST) to the email been send so $emailContent it look like this:
$emailContent = "The URL Request was made to: $remoteUrl
The request REFERER was: $remoteRef
The IP was $remoteIp
The User Agent was: $userAgent"
The Full request was:
Looking around I found this which allows you to create file but I'm not sure on how to put it together with my PHP so it sends me an email with the request. (Creating the file is not necessary)
This PHP I like to integrate to my Email request php
class DumpHTTPRequestToFile {
public function execute($targetFile) {
$data = sprintf(
"%s %s %s\n\nHTTP headers:\n",
foreach ($this->getHeaderList() as $name => $value) {
$data .= $name . ': ' . $value . "\n";
$data .= "\nRequest body:\n";
$data . file_get_contents('php://input') . "\n"
private function getHeaderList() {
$headerList = [];
foreach ($_SERVER as $name => $value) {
if (preg_match('/^HTTP_/',$name)) {
// convert HTTP_HEADER_NAME to Header-Name
$name = strtr(substr($name,5),'_',' ');
$name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
$name = strtr($name,' ','-');
// add to list
$headerList[$name] = $value;
return $headerList;
(new DumpHTTPRequestToFile)->execute('./dumprequest.txt');
Can any one help me to add class DumpHTTPRequestToFile to $fullrequest?
Something like
$message="The following request was made:\n";
foreach($_REQUEST as $k=>$v){
$message.=$k." : ".$v."\n\n";
mail($to_address, $subject, $message, $headers);
Replace $_REQUEST with the super global of your choice. Or run similar loops across multiple superglobals ($_SERVER, etc) if $_REQUEST doesn't have all you want in it.

Telegram bot send file and text PHP

I've got a basic bot set up that will send text back to the user, now I also want to send the user an audio message. But that I cannot do, here is the code.
I'm also using this to send the audio
define('BOT_TOKEN', 'tokentoken');
define('API_URL', ''.BOT_TOKEN.'/');
$telegram = new Telegram(BOT_TOKEN);
$content = file_get_contents("php://input");
$update = json_decode($content, true);
$chatID = $update["message"]["chat"]["id"];
$message = $update["message"]["text"];
$reply = sendMessage($message);
$sendto =API_URL."sendmessage?chat_id=".$chatID."&text=".$reply;
function sendMessage(&$string) {
switch ($string) {
case "Hi":
$message = "Hi Back";
case "Bye":
$message = "Bye Bye";
$message = "Default";
return $message
func sendAudio() {
$sound = curl_file_create('sampleAudio.mp3', 'audio/mp3');
$newContent = array('chat_id' => $chatID, 'audio' => $sound);
Calling the code outside of the functions works, but than the user gets the file each time they type something. I experimenting so a bit of explanation would be great.
You have some errors:
First line " is unclosed
Last function, you've typed "func" instead of "function"
In sendAudio() you've used $chatID but you've to pass it as a parameter of sendAudio() or to set is as global.

How to conect php with tally?

I want to connect php with tally and I want to store ledger in tally with php any idea?
I got reference from different site like :
But it doesn't fulfill my requirement.
Thanks in advance
It's may help you
// create a new XML document
$doc = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$envelope = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('ENVELOPE'));
//Header Section
$header = $envelope->appendChild($doc->createElement('HEADER'));
$version = $header->appendChild($doc->createElement('VERSION','6.3'));
$import = $header->appendChild($doc->createElement('TALLYREQUEST','Import'));
$type = $header->appendChild($doc->createElement('TYPE','Data'));
$id = $header->appendChild($doc->createElement('ID','All Masters'));
//End Header Section
//Body Section
$body = $envelope->appendChild($doc->createElement('BODY'));
$desc = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('DESC'));
$static_var = $desc->appendChild($doc->createElement('STATICVARIABLES'));
$dup_combine = $static_var->appendChild($doc->createElement('IMPORTDUPS','##DUPCOMBINE'));
$data = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('DATA'));
$tally_msg = $data->appendChild($doc->createElement('TALLYMESSAGE'));
//Ledger Data
foreach($contacts_data as $key => $value){
$ledger = $tally_msg->appendChild($doc->createElement('LEDGER'));
$parent=$ledger->appendChild($doc->createElement('PARENT',($value['contacts_types_id']=='1')?'Sundry Debtors':'Sundry Creditors'));
$name=$ledger->appendChild($doc->createElement('NAME',trim(str_replace( "&"," AND ",$value['name']))));
$address=$ledger->appendChild($doc->createElement('ADDRESS',trim(str_replace( "&"," AND ",$value['address']))));
$state=$ledger->appendChild($doc->createElement('STATENAME',trim(str_replace( "&"," AND ",$value['state_name']))));
/*$ledger_contact=$ledger->appendChild($doc->createElement('LEDGERCONTACT',trim(str_replace( "&"," AND ",$value['contact_person']))));
//End Ledger and Body Section
//Write the XML nodes
$fp = fopen(public_path()."/xml/import_tally/ledger.xml","wb");
$o['tally_rslt']= shell_exec("curl -X POST tally_server_ip:port --data #".public_path()."/xml/import_tally/ledger.xml");
$o['modified_result']=strpos(preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $o['tally_rslt']),'exists');
return $o;

Rename file from incoming http POST using php

I am trying to rename a file that I am accepting via http POST. Please see the code:
$xmlData = fopen('php://input' , 'rb');
while (!feof($xmlData)) { $xmlString .= fread($xmlData, 4096); }
file_put_contents('temp/message' . date('m-d-y') . '-' . time() . '.xml', $xmlString, FILE_APPEND);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
$id = trim($xml->MSG->ID);
$receiver = trim($xml->MSG->RECEIVER);
$message = trim($xml->MSG->MESSAGE);
$sender = trim($xml->MSG->SENDER);
$binary = trim($xml->MSG->BINARY);
$sent = trim($xml->MSG->SENT);
foreach ($xml->{'line-items'}->{'line-item'} as $lineItem) {
array_push($messageTitles, trim($lineItem->title));
header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
Now I am at a slight loss at how to rename this?
You don't even need to save the file in order to process the XML tree. So you can process the file and move the file_put_contents(...) at the end.
$xmlData = fopen('php://input' , 'rb');
while (!feof($xmlData)) { $xmlString .= fread($xmlData, 4096); }
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
$id = trim($xml->MSG->ID);
$receiver = trim($xml->MSG->RECEIVER);
$message = trim($xml->MSG->MESSAGE);
$sender = trim($xml->MSG->SENDER);
$binary = trim($xml->MSG->BINARY);
$sent = trim($xml->MSG->SENT);
foreach ($xml->{'line-items'}->{'line-item'} as $lineItem) {
array_push($messageTitles, trim($lineItem->title));
file_put_contents("temp/$receiver.xml", $xmlString, FILE_APPEND); // warning: security issue here
header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
Please note that you should enforce security restrictions to prevent the user from naming your file with an arbitrary name.

JSON encoding headers using Sendgrid

I am trying to change the filter status for the 'subscriptiontrack' using sendgrid. I think I am sending the headers incorrectly, but not totally sure. Working inside a symfony 1.4 framework.
First I create an object of the header settings
$hdr = new SmtpApiHeader();
$hdr->addFilterSetting('subscriptiontrack', 'enable', 0);
which sets the filter settings and encodes the string
Then I send it off the email class
sendTestEmail::sendEmail($contents, $mailFrom, $testGroup, $subject, $hdr);
class SmtpApiHeader
function addFilterSetting($filter, $setting, $value)
if (!isset($this->data['filters'])) {
$this->data['filters'] = array();
if (!isset($this->data['filters'][$filter])) {
$this->data['filters'][$filter] = array();
if (!isset($this->data['filters'][$filter]['settings'])) {
$this->data['filters'][$filter]['settings'] = array();
$this->data['filters'][$filter]['settings'][$setting] = $value;
function asJSON()
$json = json_encode($this->data);
// Add spaces so that the field can be folded
$json = preg_replace('/(["\]}])([,:])(["\[{])/', '$1$2 $3', $json);
return $json;
function as_string()
$json = $this->asJSON();
$str = "X-SMTPAPI: " . wordwrap($json, 76, "\n ");
return $str;
class sendTestEmail
public static function sendEmail($contents, $mailFrom, $mailTo, $subject, $sgHeaders = null, $attachments = null)
try {
* Load connection for mailer
$connection = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('', 465, 'ssl')->setUsername(sfconfig::get('app_sendgrid_username'))->setPassword(sfconfig::get('app_sendgrid_password'));
// setup connection/content
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($connection);
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($subject)->setTo($mailTo);
$message->setBody($contents, 'text/html');
// if contains SMTPAPI header add it
if (null !== $sgHeaders) {
$message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-SMTPAPI', $sgHeaders);
// update the from address line to include an actual name
if (is_array($mailFrom) and count($mailFrom) == 2) {
$mailFrom = array(
$mailFrom['email'] => $mailFrom['name']
// add attachments to email
if ($attachments !== null and is_array($attachments)) {
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$attach = Swift_Attachment::fromPath($attachment['file'], $attachment['mime'])->setFilename($attachment['filename']);
// Send
catch (Exception $e) {
throw new sfException('Error sending email out - ' . $e->getMessage());
The email is getting sent properly, but the unsubscribe option is still showing up at the bottom. Is this an issue with the header object or a problem with encoding for the header? Is the variable is still an object when getting added to the headers?
You're misunderstanding how JSON encoding works. Let's take a look at your as_string method:
function as_string()
$json = $this->asJSON();
$str = "X-SMTPAPI: " . wordwrap($json, 76, "\n ");
return $str;
This would output something to the effect of:
X-SMTPAPI: { "filters": { "subscriptiontrack": { "settings": { "enable": 0 } } } }
You should note that this isn't valid JSON because it is prefixed with "X-SMTPAPI". Instead, you should be calling asJSON, but SwiftMailer doesn't know that.
Try switching the header line to:
$message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-SMTPAPI', $sgHeaders->asJSON());
If that doesn't work, can you give us a dump of:
$headers = $message->getHeaders();
echo $headers->toString();
And have you thought about using the official PHP library instead?
