Codeigniter how can I make this route work - php

I've looked around in the documentation and a few other places and I am not sure how to achieve the results I want. I have a domain name set up that will only server public profile pages to visitor. When someone comes straight to the site I want it to display a welcome screen telling more about what the website is about. ( When someone visits I want it to run a default controller that grabs the 'my-public-page from the url, searches the database for a user with that info in a column and displays their info.
I would image that I just set the default_controller to my controller and then check for a second string in the url. If its present search for that in the database. After looking around I am not sure how to make this work and not sure what to search for to get the results I need.
Thanks for your help,

After defining an encryption key for sessions in config.php you can use something like this:
class Wellcome extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
$this -> load -> library('session');
if(!$this->session->userdata('visit_time')) {
$this->session->set_userdata('visit_time', time());


How can i set a global variable value in one function and access it through another in codeigniter?

I'm currently creating an app with Codeigniter and i came up with this issue (and it's not the first time to be honest).
What i want is to set a value in a global variable in function "foo()" and the access it through function "bar" (which is called through ajax call from client side).
In short, i want this variable to be full when the user has visited the page (sth like a session).
Here's an example code of my controller and what i'm trying to achieve:
class Groups extends CI_Controller{
private $page_id;
public function foo($slug = FALSE){
$info = $this->some_model->get_info($slug);
$this->page_id = $info['page_id'];
public function bar(){
$info = $this->some_model->get_some_other_info($this->page_id);
//Some code in here
Any suggestions or best practices on achieve that?
I've tried searching the internet on that but i couldn't find something to start with. So if you have any suggestions on where to look at, feel free to do it!
If i understand it right you will have 2 calls. One will be at page load where you want to store something and after that there will be an ajax call that will retrieve what you have stored. Because the 2 script loads are different you can only do it by storing the data to one of them: database/session/cookie/html session or localstorage.
Can't say anything about best practice because i dont know what you want to store and for how long so need a bit more info about your code (im guessing you want to store the "page_id"?).

Codeigniter Front End Controller Not working with libraries

I'm posting this after my hair has been ripped out, ran out of rum, and tried everything I can find on google. I've been developing a site using codeigniter which makes use of templates. I've built the backend first and all is working properly there. So now i've started on getting the front end working which is where I'm hitting the issue.
I've created a controller called pages.php which is going to parse the uri string of the current page, use my library to get the page data from the database, then display it. My pages are all created through an editor on the back end and stored in the database.
So here's the pages controller
class Pages extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
public function display_page()
$page_slug = $this->uri->segment(1);
$data["joes"] = "Here's joes first variable";
and here's the error message i get when i hit my url like this
and here is how my routes are set up. $route['(:any)'] = 'pages/display_page';
My Pages.php library works perfect on the back end but it's a large file. I've only posted the get_page function below. If you need to see everything let me know. But i dont believe the issue has anything to do with the library itself.
public function get_page($slug){
$objPages = new pages();
return $objPages;
[EDIT] If i place the following inside my homepage controller it works. But the calling function needs to be inside the library.
$the_page = $this->pages->get_page("joes-test");
I want to call $this->get_object("joes-test") but this doesn't work. get_object() is an inherited function inside the library.
Now oddly enough. The code i put above will NOT work if i do the exact same thing inside the pages controller
any help leading to a solution would be awesome. I'm under a time crunch and pay to get some assistance. Thanks in advance.
No you can't use the same name with controller and library. please choose another name. for example Mypages for you controller name.
change your routes
$route['(:any)'] = 'mypages/display_page';
then call your controller.
I think there nothing wrong with library uri, because as codeigniter official website say: This class is initialized automatically by the system so there is no need to do it manually.
I don't know about lib pages, but how about use
and if you want to passing data in variable, you can add variable like this
$this->load->view(<file-html>, $data);
Hope this help, Cheers

calling a controller function from a view in codeigniter

I'm a newbie to codeigniter and I'm attempting to write a function that would basically save a name and url to session data whenever you visited a certain page, then report it back in a small widget on the screen.
It's supposed to work as a kind of history function for what pages have been accessed and in what order. So far when working with test data it works great! however I'm trying to figure out how I can call the "add" function on each page that is visited, so we can supply the name and url of that page that was visited. Is there any way to do this? Or is there any way to report back a set of variables such as a name and url for a page after you visit it?
For example: say I visit page1, page2, page3, and page6 and I want each of those to show up in my history function. On each of those pages I would load the history view, and I would want to call the history's controller function "add(name,url)" and fill it in something like this:
But I know that you're not supposed to access the controller from the history because that's not the way it's supposed to be done, however I cannot think of any better way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know why dont you call this on every controller.
but if you want to call a function of the current controller, you have to get the instance of the current controller this way:
$CI =& get_instance();
the easiest way to do this would be to put a method in the constructor of your class. that way it will always run first thing, no matter what you are doing. remember that anything you can do in the controller -- sessions, validation, etc -- you can do in a model.
function __construct() {
// load model that has page tracker methods
$this->load->model( 'pagetracker_m' );
// call the method to track the pages, and have it return the results
if ( ! $this->history = $this->pagetracker_m->_trackpage(); ) {
echo 'Error getting history ' ; }
} // end construct
function something() {
// pass history to $data, then use echo $history->firstpage, etc in view
$data['history'] = $this->history ;
// call your view etc

how to create a method on the fly in ci

I'm writing a control panel for my image site. I have a controller called category which looks like this:
class category extends ci_controller
function index(){}// the default and when it called it returns all categories
function edit(){}
function delete(){}
function get_posts($id)//to get all the posts associated with submitted category name
What I need is when I call http://mysite/category/category_name I get all the posts without having to call the get_posts() method having to call it from the url.
I want to do it without using the .haccess file or route.
Is there a way to create a method on the fly in CodeIgniter?
function index(){
$category = $this->uri->segment(2);
get_posts($category); // you need to get id in there or before.
// handle view stuff here
The way I read your request is that you want index to handle everything based on whether or not there is a category in a uri segment. You COULD do it that way but really, why would you?
It is illogical to insist on NOT using a normal feature of a framework without explaining exactly why you don't want to. If you have access to this controller, you have access to routes. So why don't you want to use them?
$route['category/:any'] = "category/get_posts";
That WOULD send edit and delete to get_posts, but you could also just define those above the category route
$route['category/edit/:num'] = "category/edit";
$route['category/delete/:num'] = "category/delete";
$route['category/:any'] = "category/get_posts";
That would resolve for the edit and delete before the category fetch. Since you only have 2 methods that conflict then this shouldn't really be that much of a concern.
To create method on the fly yii is the best among PHP framework.Quite simple and powerful with Gii & CRUD
But I am a big CI fan not Yii. yii is also cool though.
but Codeigniter has an alternative , web solution. here.

Query caching in CodeIgniter

I want to cache a query in CodeIgniter. What I did for my test is make a controller, that I named show.php:
class Show extends CI_Controller{
public function __construct()
public function _remap($method = '',$param = array())
$method = intval($method);
var_dump ($this->rejaal_show->temp($method));
And a model that I named rejaal_show.php:
public function temp($id)
$query = $this->db->get('system_store_table');
return $query->result();
When I call http://localhost/rejaal/show/1 for the first time, it will show a result, but when I call it for the second time, it does not show anything.
I should delete the query cache file to show it again? How should I solve this problem?
With special thanks for your attention.
Can you confirm that you have set $db['default']['cachedir'] to the path of a writable folder in application/config/database.php and that when the query is first run it creates a cache file in there?
The only other reason I can think of for it failing is by your use of the _remap override. I have not used db caching using _remap, but know that CodeIgniter creates a folder called controller+action in your cache folder, and might not be handled very well if using remap? Someone correct me if I am wrong about this.
In the CodeIgniter User Guide page for Web Page Caching, it says:
Because of the way CodeIgniter stores content for output, caching will only work if you are generating display for your controller with a view.
Do your var_dump inside a view.
