I'm using typo3 and realurl.
In my extension I generate some ID's (next and previous page) and everything works fine up to this point. An example link looks like:
The link takes the visitor to the specific page, but this link is in the url as well. Of course I generate this linke exactly like this:
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->baseURL . "index.php?id=" . $banner->getPrevious();
So, it is exactly what i expected. But how can i turn this url into a seo-friendly URL?
Is there something like $realUrl->createUrlFromId()? :P
I checked the manual, looked in some forums, but 99% of the time it is something related to TypoScript, which I don't need (from my point of view) in this case.
Here is the .htaccess:
Thank you in advance
RealURL hooks into several core methods to generate links, and manipulates the result to be a speaking URL. So, no, it does not offer an own method, but extends existing ones.
You don't use a link generation, but build it by yourself. RealURL therefore can not access your link.
The htaccess only converts speaking urls back into GET-params.
Use a method like pi_linkToPage, a link viewhelper, or a TypoScript typolink to generate a link.
$myLink1 = $this->pi_linkToPage('example', 42);
$myLink2 = $this->cObj->typolink('example', array(
'parameter' => 42,
I am working on a site and the builders have used a mix of php and html for links. For example:
<li>Variable Speed Drives</li>
<li>Corrosion Resistant Baseplates</li>
<li>MP Repair</li>
<li>MTA Repair</li>
The php is referenced in another file in this way:
$pdf_link = "../pdf/";
$external_pdf_link = "../../pdf/";
$video_link = "../video/";
$external_video_link = "../../video/";
My concern is not knowing the function of the php, other than it being a placeholder, and given that the links work both ways, I don't want to break something because I am clueless to its purpose.
In doing my due diligence researching, I ran across this post, which is close, but still no cigar, Add php variable inside echo statement as href link address?. All of the research seems to be about how rather than why. This is the site, and they only used it for the "Downloads" links: http://magnatexpumps.com/
Thank you...
There is no right way. They are just different.
Let's forget the PHP for a while. If you have this link in a page:
<a href='about.html'/>About</a>
What will happen? The browser will change the URL of the document. If you are at the root of the site like: "www.example.com", will redirect to "www.example.com/about.html". If you are in a URL like "www.example.com/news/index.html" will redirect you to "www.example.com/new/about". That's why sometimes it is useful to have a variable before, to force a full path URL.
Another case of URL variable interpolation is when you have different systems running in the same url. In this case, you will have to append the system name in order to get to where you want. If you don't know where your application will run if it will run on the doc root, or in a subfolder, use a variable to indicate the base path.
I am creating a realestate website, I want my url to be readable,
For example my site url is http://sitename/property/3, (3 represents property id)
I want to change it like this link
My question is how they are using "Residential-Apartment-Flat-in-Park-View-City-Gurgaon-4-BHK-for-Sale-spid-H13544257" this part in url.
Of course they are using id and all. How can I replace "property" with something like "residential-property-in-india" in my url and it should be changing dynamically according to search.
I hope it is clear what I want to do...
Everything is in the Yii guide
For example the folling urls config in the url manager component
Will generate link like http://example.com/post/2004/My-title-that-can-be-long
You can tweak it to match your need,if I were you I'll read the Yii guide very carfully
At the last of rules array place this rule
And you will get in someControlles/someAction parameter. $page = 'any_text'. Another way to create your own UrlRule.
I'm building a website with a custom content management system, and I want to build a slug area like wordpress. I want to retrieve the path name from my front-end depending on the page they're on, and echo that out in my backend in the slug area.
I'm using php and my front-end is dynamic, which means I have one page, and depending on what the user clicks on, I will include that file.
What I want the code to look like for the slug in the backend:
//front end path/ echo $slug;
My front-end path looks something like this: blahblah/index.php/slug-name
I have a slug stored in the database that I will echo out, but my problem is I don't know how to retrieve the front end path and echo it out in the backend. I realize I can type the front-end path manually, but I think doing it dynamically would be better incase I move my website to a different location in the future.
I've tried using pathinfo or $_SERVER but that echos out my backend path rather than my front end.
Hopefully I was clear, if not, ask me to clarify something. Thanks again.
You need the rewrite module for apache or nginx.
That allows you to do like this:
PrettyPath(This will be seen to all visitors): http://blah.com/blah/bl/ah/test
=> RealPath(This can be used for develop): http://blah.com/blah/index.php?slug=bl/ah/test
You can do beautiful job like this for using rewrite module. (Rewrite Example)
$front_end_path = 'your/site/path';
$full_url = $front_end_path . $slug;
I was wandering which solution is better to use in Yii framework,
1) Redirecting page from somethingController.php
|| or
2) Creating Url
in view using contoroller & action you need.
Or maybe there is a better solution?
It like ask what is better miles or pounds?. That functions are very different.
You need to use redirect when need to change page without user action in some conditions, for example in controller:
If you want to generate address what will used for example in html links, then you need to use createUrl, because it will:
Avoid unnecessary step with redirect
Better for SEO, and will be more user friendly
Better for customizing
You can use createUrl in view, for example:
$link = $this->createUrl(array('user/profile'));
My Profile
In any case, if you using redirects what visible for search bots you need to add second parameter:
With this parameter bot will understand what this next page is permanent and will cache it as "main".
is the better because it will work with URL manager also and give rewrite urls.
I'm trying to figure out what the best way to go about rewriting urls to accommodate not only a directory structure, but appended actions for a menu for a site I'm building in PHP.
I have one page that dynamically loads content based on whatever "page" is being loaded. Includes are pulled based on what the page is. Right now that's tied to directories in my includes folder. So folder/page will include includes/folder/page.php.
If I have a structure like "root/page/action/param" that works fine as long as I say "whatever is in this place in the url is this." But I ran into trouble when I started adding folders that hold different levels of pages. If I explode page out to "folder/subfolder/page" then using placement to determine what is what goes out the window. I was thinking about using something like a hyphen as a delimiter to go "root/folder-subfolder1-subfolder2-page/action/param" so I can identify the page easily but I don't really like that option.
I also don't really like tying my includes directory structure to my urls but the only other way I would think to go about avoiding that would be to have an in-memory object to handle what exactly goes where. But I want to avoid that as I want the menu to be dynamic, based on an XML file that gets parsed and urls generated accordingly. I don't want the overhead of parsing the xml and not only generating URLs but also dynamically generating an in-memory object that has seemingly arbitrary rules.
Any suggestions?
PHPonTrax uses an implementation that I think would allow for this type of routing that you want, and it's open source so you could look at the code for some inspiration. (Note: I am not making any judgement as to the framework, I just have seen the code and think it might work for you).
Basically, you store your routes in an array and you provide some placeholder's as well so that you can have multiple possible controllers/actions/ids after a given path.
So if $routes[] is our array to hold everything, we could add:
$routes[0]['path'] = "foo/bar/:controller/:action";
$routes[0]['params'] = null;
$routes[1]['path'] = "baz/:action";
$routes[1]['params'] = array("controller"=>"blah");
$routes[2]['path'] = "catalog/:id";
$routes[2]['params'] = array("controller"=>"products", "action"=>"view");
$routes[3]['path'] = ":controller/:action/:id";
$routes[3]['params'] = null;
":controller", ":action", and ":id" are unique tokens that indicate what you are allowing a token to represent in the path. So "/baz/edit", "/baz/delete", "/baz/create", "/baz/funkify", etc are all valid provided controller "blah" has edit, delete, create, and funkify methods. If the path is "/catalog/1234", then '1234' is the id and it's a valid path if and only if you can find a product with id=1234. If your request is to "/products/dothis/12345", routes 0-2 don't match, but route 3 does, so you can then look for a controller file named "products", and provided it has a method named "dothis", then you can call "dothis(12345)". Obviously, if there's no "dothis" method, or '12345' can't be found, it's an invalid path and you can raise an exception. Note you need to provide a default route, and in this case it's $routes[3].
In your file structure, you can have:
/etc, etc
Possible drawback is that in your rewrite, you send every request to one php script.
If this interests you: PHPonTrax. You will want to look at the router class and action_controller class (see the process_route() and recognize_route() methods).
Use Absolute Paths instead of relative in your menu html & scripts and you shouldn't have problems as it will always point to correct source.
Absolute Path Example (notice the /):
My Page
My Page 2