Assign one array to another as key in PHP - php

I have two arrays. One has group names the other one has group items. I want to assign group names as keys to the second array.
$array1 = array(
0 => "A",
1 => "B"
$array2 = array(
0 => "a,b,c,d",
1 => "e,f,g,h"
The second array should become:
$array3 = array(
A => "a,b,c,d",
B => "e,f,g,h"
How can i achieve this in PHP?

use array_combine as such :
$array2 = array_combine($array1, $array2);

you need to use array_combine, api here

would work like this:
$grpNames = array(0 => "A", 1 => "B");
$grpItems = array(0 => "a,b,c,d", 1 => "e,f,g,h");
$newArray = array();
foreach($grpItems as $grpItemKey => $grpItems){
$newArray[$grpNames[$grpItemKey]] = $grpItems;


pass value of sub-array to key

I have this array :
$arr = array(0 => array('id' => "AMO"), 1 => array('id' => "PAT"));
And I would like to obtain this one :
'AMO' => array(),
'PAT' => array()
How could I do this, in the shortest way possible ?
I can do it with an array_map, followed by an array_flip and next an array_walk .. but too long.
array_column to extract the keys and array_fill_keys to create the new array:
$arr = array(0 => array('id' => "AMO"), 1 => array('id' => "PAT"));
$res = array_fill_keys(array_column($arr, 'id'), []);
simply loop over array and make its id to new array key
$arr = array(0 => array('id' => "AMO"), 1 => array('id' => "PAT"));
foreach($arr as $value)
$new_arr[$value['id']] = array();
I dont know what is the logic behind this, but you can try this one.
Here we are using array_combine, array_keys and array_fill
Try this code snippet here
$result= array_combine(
array_column($array,"id"),//getting column id
array_fill(0, count($array), array())//mapping that keys with empty array

How can php indexed array be json_encoded as associative array?

Something like:
[0 => 'a', 1 => 'b']
to json
"0": "a",
"1": "b",
instead of
This is what you're looking for.
Forcing the JSON Object is the only solution you're looking for.
$array = array( '0' => 'a', '1' => 'b', '2' => 'c', '3' => 'c' );
$json = json_encode($array, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
echo $json;
You can use the JSON_FORCE_OBJECT option:
$array = array(
0 => 'Banana',
1 => 'Minions',
2 => array(
5 => 'MariaOzawa',
6 => 'YukiOsawa'
$myJsonString = json_encode($MyArray, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
Then you can see result like this:
With this way, you can keep your array keys whatever how many layers is it into json_object
Hope this help

Get all the keys presented in all arrays

I have some arrays, for example
So, I need to get all the keys (dynamically, the number of arrays can differ), presented in all arrays. In this case it is k3 key. So the result should be array('k3'=>1)
I suggest it could be achieved by multiple loops, but probably there's some easier way.
You need the function array_intersect_key():
$arr1 = array('k1' => 1, 'k2' => 1, 'k3' => 1);
$arr2 = array('k2' => 1, 'k3' => 1, 'k4' => 1);
$arr3 = array('k3' => 1, 'k4' => 1, 'k5' => 1);
array_intersect_key($arr1, $arr2, $arr3)
[k3] => 1
To get the common elements in three arrays, you can use array_intersect()
Note: This function works on common array values and not common array keys
Try this:
$key1 = array_flip($arr1);
$key2 = array_flip($arr1);
$key3 = array_flip($arr1);
$intersect = array_flip(array_intersect($key1, $key2, $key3));

PHP - How to check two arrays and search for matching keys and merge the values

How to check two arrays and search for matching keys and merge the values of the 1st array with the matching keys of the second array.Please help me as I'm new to this.
example :
1st array = {id => 11,name => 'name',age => 18 }
2nd array = {id,name,age,school}
I want to get the result by adding the matching values to the 2nd array
2nd array = {id => 11,name => 'name',age => 18,school => }
try this
$a = ['id' => 11,'name' => 'name','age' => 18];
$b = array_flip(['id','name','age','school']);
foreach($b as $key => &$value){
$value = '';
$result = array_merge($b, $a);
One of the simple way is looping
$first= array('id' => 11,'name' => 'name','age' => 18 );
$second = array('id','name','age','school');
foreach ($second as $value) {
$final[$value] = $first[$value];
Second Array flip and array merge
$first = ['id' => 11,'name' => 'name','age' => 18];
$second= array_flip(['id','name','age','school']);
foreach($second as $key => s$value){
$value = '';
$result = array_merge($second, $first);
Use array_merge
$array1 = array('id' => '11', 'name' => 'name', 'age' => 18);
$array2 = array('id','name','age','school');
$array3 = array_merge(array_fill_keys($array2, null), $array1);

php. array_values function. how to get mapping from old keys to new keys?

There is function array_values in PHP such that
$array2 = array_values($array1);
$array2 has the same values as $array1 but keys are from
0 to sizeof($array1) - 1. Is it possible to get mapping from old keys to new keys?
EDIT. I will explain on an example:
$array1 = array( 'a' => 'val1', 'b' => 'val1');
$array2 = array_values( $array1 );
so now array2 has next values
$array2[0] = 'val1'
$array2[1] = 'val2'
How get array3 such that:
$array3['a'] = 0
$array3['b'] = 1
To produce a key map you need to first get the keys into a regular array and then flip the keys and values:
$array1_keymap = array_flip(array_keys($array1));
For example:
$array1 = array(
'a' => 123,
'b' => 567,
$array1_values = array_values($array1);
$array1_keymap = array_flip(array_keys($array1));
Value of $array1_values:
0 => 123,
1 => 567,
Value of $array1_keymap:
'a' => 0,
'b' => 1,
$array1['a'] == $array1_values[$array1_keymap['a']];
$array1['b'] == $array1_values[$array1_keymap['b']];
Yes, as simple as
$array2 = $array1;
In this case you would get both values and keys like they are in the original array.
$keyMapping = array_combine(array_keys($array1), array_keys($array2));
This the keys of $array1 and maps them to the keys of $array2 like so
$array1 = array(
'a' => '1',
'b' => '2',
$array2 = array_values($array1);
print_r(array_combine(array_keys($array1), array_keys($array2)));
[a] => 0
[b] => 1
You can use:
$array3 = array_keys($array1);
Now $array3[$n] is the key of the value in $array2[$n] for any 0 <= $n < count($array1). You can use this to determine which keys were in which places.
If you want to keep the same value of array1 but change the key to index numbers, try this:
$array2 = array();
foreach ($array1 as $key => $value){
$array2[] = $value;
// or array_push($array2, $value);
