getting an error Class 'TwilioRestClient' not found - php

I have a message application for ios in which i wish to use twilio sms service. I need to make a webservice for this purpose, but i am getting an error:
Class 'TwilioRestClient' not found
Can anyone help me with it
include_once "config.php";
require "twilio-php-latest/Services/Twilio.php";
$phoneno = $_REQUEST['phoneno'];
$selectlist = mysql_query("select * from employee where phoneno = '".$phoneno."'");
//set authentication
$AccountSid = '***';
$Authtoken = '***';
//message values
$data = array(
'From' => "***",
'To' => "$phoneno",
'Body' => "Hello, Your guest has arrived at the reception"
//new twilio rest client
$client = new Services_Twilio($AccountSid,$AuthToken);
$response = $client -> request("/$ApiVersion/AccountSid/SMS/Messages","POST",$data);
//check response for success or failure
while($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectlist))
$data[] = $post;
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo stripslashes(json_encode(array('error reading sms'=>'$response->ErrorMessage')));//echo" error reading sms: ($response->ErrorMessage)";
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo stripslashes(json_encode(array('sent message'=>'ResponseXml->Sid')));//echo "sent message: ($response->ResponseXml->Sid)";


Strava Api issue

I'm using this composer package
The OAUTH is working fine and its generating me the JSON with the access token and user id, etc..
But whenever I try to use other function it returns me 404 not found.
Output is this :
Client error: `GET` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response: {"message":"Record Not Found","errors":[{"resource":"resource","field":"path","code":"invalid"}]}
And this is my current callback.php page code:
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Strava\API\Client;
use Strava\API\Exception;
use Strava\API\Service\REST;
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
global $connect;
$connect = new mysqli($config['database']['host'],$config['database']['user'],$config['database']['pass'],$config['database']['db']);
$code = $_GET['code'];
$state = $_GET['state'];
$scope = $_GET['scope'];
$user = $_SESSION['username'];
$check = $connect->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '$user'");
$fetch = $check->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$apix = $fetch['api'];
$api_secretx = $fetch['api_secret'];
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$data = [
"client_id" => $apix,
"client_secret" => $api_secretx,
"code" => $code
$result = $client->post('', ['json' => $data]);
print "<pre>";
print_r( $result->getBody()->getContents() );
print "</pre>";
$bodyb = $result->getBody();
$varx = json_decode((string) $bodyb, true);
$token = $varx['access_token'];
$id = $varx['athlete']['id'];
$_SESSION['token'] = $token;
try {
// REST adapter (We use `Guzzle` in this project)
$adapter = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);
// Service to use (Service\Stub is also available for test purposes)
$service = new \Strava\API\Service\REST($token, $adapter);
// Receive the athlete!
$client = new Client($service);
$athlete = $client->getAthleteStats($id);
} catch(Exception $e) {
print $e->getMessage();
$adapter = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);
Change that to this (It should be trailing) :
$adapter = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);

using twilio account how to create a dynamic conference call for voiceurl in php

I am trying to upload using client on twilio and trying buy a twilio number.
Also, I need to get a dynamic voice URL in order to record a conference call dynamically.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Loads the library
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = "*********************";
$token = "*******************";
$client = new Client($sid, $token);
$numbers = $client->availablePhoneNumbers('US')->local->read(
array("areaCode" => "424")
$twilioNumber = $numbers[0]->phoneNumber;
$newNumber = $client->incomingPhoneNumbers->create(
"voiceUrl" => "host url",
"voiceMethod" => "GET"
if ($newNumber) {
return $twilioNumber;
} else {
return 0;
In the voiceUrl parameter i am passing a conference call connect code hosted link but its not getting updated to twilio account dynamically.
You can use like
require 'Services/Twilio.php';
$account_id = ACCOUNT_SID;
$auth_token = AUTH_TOKEN;
$number = $_REQUEST['id'];
$client = new Services_Twilio($account_id, $auth_token);
$number= $client->account->incoming_phone_numbers->create(array('PhoneNumber' =>'+'.$number));
$number1 = $client->account->incoming_phone_numbers->get($number_sid);
$number1->update(array("VoiceUrl" => "","SmsUrl"=>"","VoiceFallbackUrl"=>""));
}catch(Exception $e){
echo $err = "Error purchasing number: {$e->getMessage()}";
echo $phone_number;

Adding media to Twilio group messaging system

My group messaging app allowing people in a group (people.php) to sms each other in a closed system where all users can view and reply to the sms.
My next step would be to allow the media files which I can see on the Twilio Console to be sent to others in this group message system and possibly save a record of that media file.
This my code so far, it functions just missing the media part.
$client = new Services_Twilio($accountsid, $authtoken);
if( isset($_POST['Body']) ){
$phone = $_POST['From'];
$message = ($_POST['Body']);
$media = ($_POST['MediaUrl0']);
$name = $people[ $phone ];
if( empty($name) ) $name = $phone;
// resends sms message to group
$message = '['.$name.'] '.$message .$media;
foreach ($people as $number => $name) {
if( $number == $phone ) continue;
$sid = send_sms($number,$message,$media);
// reply message for succesfull sent sms
print_sms_reply("Message delivered");
// insert sms traffic into database for record purposes
$now = time();
$pdo = Db::singleton();
$sql = "INSERT INTO message_log SET `message`='{$message}', `sent_from`='{$name}'";
$pdo->exec( $sql );
function send_sms($number,$message){
global $client,$fromNumber;
$sms = $client->account->sms_messages->create(
return $sms->sid;
function print_sms_reply ($sms_reply){
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
echo "<Response>\n<Sms>\n";
echo $sms_reply;
echo "</Sms></Response>\n";
or die (mysqli_error());
$query = "SELECT phone, name FROM grouplist";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
$people = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$people[$row['phone']] = $row['name'];
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Looks like you need to update your send_sms function to include the media url. Something like this should work:
function send_sms($number,$message,$media_url){
global $client,$fromNumber;
$sms = $client->account->messages->create(array(
'To' => $number,
'From' => $fromNumber,
'Body' => $message,
'MediaUrl' => $media_url
return $sms->sid;
Notably, I've updated the call from $client->account->sms_messages->create because the sms_messages resource is deprecated and cannot send media messages. Using $client->account->messages->create uses the newer Messages resource and means you will be able to send media messages.
Let me know if this helps at all.

Getting could not connect to host error when using soap

I am using SOAP to call a web servicefrom a Linux Centos 6 server and a php client. In this week I have been getting could not connect to host error from soapCall method. My code is as below and I have not changed it at all for some months but recently it gets this error most of the time. I have read most answers to related questions here but my problem have not been solved.
//Set key as HTTP Header
$aHTTP['http']['header'] = "key:" .$key ."\r\n";
$context = stream_context_create($aHTTP);
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,array("soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,'trace' => 1,"stream_context" => $context));
catch(Exception $e)
return "something";
//I make $parametrs
$res = $client->__soapCall("send",array($parametrs));
catch(Exception $e)
print_r($e->getMessage()); //Most of the time it prints could not connect to host
I changed SOAP from _1_1 to _1_2 but nothing changed.
This is how I call SOAP webservice, please note Service?wsdl should be Service.wsdl
//Initialize values
$wsdl = "Service.wsdl";
$url = "http://x.x.x.x:x/gw/services/";
$username = "********"; //add username
$password = "********"; //add password
$client = new SoapClient("$url".$wsdl);
$params = array(
$response = $client->UserLogIn($params); //UserLogIn is the function name
var_dump($response); // to see webservice response

Soap, call a recovery service

I am new to SOAP. For a project, I need to use " Toolkit for PHP".
I made the first call to open a Salesforce session and retrieve the session ID , which will be used to call the recovery service of customer information. ( It's ok, i have the ID session)
I know that the customer information flows is called using the session ID obtained with the first call, but i don't how to do the second call ! I also have another WSDL file ( CallInListCustomer.wsdl.xml )
I also the customers informations flow addresses (found in WSDL ). I'm not sure , but i must the call in "post" format...
can you help me ?
define("USERNAME", "my_username");
define("PASSWORD", "my_password");
define("SECURITY_TOKEN", "my_token");
require_once ('soapclient/SforcePartnerClient.php');
$mySforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
$mySforceConnection->login(USERNAME, PASSWORD.SECURITY_TOKEN);
// Now we can save the connection info for the next page
$_SESSION['location'] = $mySforceConnection->getLocation();
$_SESSION['sessionId'] = $mySforceConnection->getSessionId();
$sessionId = $_SESSION['sessionId'];
echo $sessionId;
// Here, i don't know how to call the recovery service of customer information with allInListCustomer.wsdl.xml
Thanks for all
Here is my code.
Create separate file to store salesforce org details.
* We will define salesforce user anem and password with token.
* This file we used / include in every time when we need to
* communicate withy salesforce.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
$USERNAME = "Your salesforce user name";
$PASSWORD = "Your password with security token";
Get account data from salesforce
define("SOAP_LIB_FILES_PATH", "/<Put Your file location>/soapclient");
// Access sf config file
require_once ('/<Put Your file location>/SFConfig.php');
// Access partner client php lib file
require_once (SOAP_LIB_FILES_PATH.'/SforcePartnerClient.php');
try {
echo "\n******** Inside the try *******\n";
// Sf connection using ( SOAP ) partner WSDL
$mySforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
$mySforceConnection->login($USERNAME, $PASSWORD);
echo "\n******** Login with salesforce is done *******\n";
// query for featch Versand data with last run datetime
$query = "SELECT Id, Name
FROM Account;
// Send query to salesforce
$response = $mySforceConnection->query($query);
// Store the query result
$queryResult = new QueryResult($response);
$isError = false ;
echo "Results of query '$query'<br/><br/>\n";
// Show result array
for ($queryResult->rewind(); $queryResult->pointer < $queryResult->size; $queryResult->next()) {
$record = $queryResult->current();
// Id is on the $record, but other fields are accessed via
// the fields object
echo "\nVersand value : ".$record->Abmelder__c."\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
$GLOBALS['isTimeEnter'] = true;
echo "entered catch****\n";
echo "Exception ".$e->faultstring."<br/><br/>\n";
Also if you want to call another services then just call using "$mySforceConnection" variable as per above.
For Example: (Create Contact)
$records = array();
$records[0] = new SObject();
$records[0]->fields = array(
'FirstName' => 'John',
'LastName' => 'Smith',
'Phone' => '(510) 555-5555',
'BirthDate' => '1957-01-25'
$records[0]->type = 'Contact';
$records[1] = new SObject();
$records[1]->fields = array(
'FirstName' => 'Mary',
'LastName' => 'Jones',
'Phone' => '(510) 486-9969',
'BirthDate' => '1977-01-25'
$records[1]->type = 'Contact';
$response = $mySforceConnection->create($records);
$ids = array();
foreach ($response as $i => $result) {
echo $records[$i]->fields["FirstName"] . " "
. $records[$i]->fields["LastName"] . " "
. $records[$i]->fields["Phone"] . " created with id "
. $result->id . "<br/>\n";
array_push($ids, $result->id);
Please check below link for more details:
I find the solution, here my code :
// Username, Password and TOken
define("USERNAME", "My_username");
define("PASSWORD", "My_password");
define("SECURITY_TOKEN", "My_token");
// from PHP-toolkit ( )
require_once ('soapclient/SforcePartnerClient.php');
$mySforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
$mySforceConnection->login(USERNAME, PASSWORD.SECURITY_TOKEN);
// I Get the IDSESSION
$sessionId = $mySforceConnection->getSessionId();
// I create a new soapClient with my WSDL
$objClient = new SoapClient("my_service.wsdl.xml", array('trace' => true));
// I create the header
$strHeaderComponent_Session = "<SessionHeader><sessionId>$sessionId</sessionId></SessionHeader>";
$objVar_Session_Inside = new SoapVar($strHeaderComponent_Session, XSD_ANYXML, null, null, null);
$objHeader_Session_Outside = new SoapHeader('', 'SessionHeader', $objVar_Session_Inside);
// i call the service
$objResponse = $objClient->getinfo(array ( 'Zone' => "123456"));
// here i get the result in Json
$json = json_encode( (array)$objResponse);
echo $json;
