I am trying to validate a file upload as below using a custom validation rule but its not working.
class JFormRuleResume extends JFormRule
public function test(&$element, $value, $group = null, &$input = null, &$form = null)
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$fileInput = new JInput($_FILES);
$file = $fileInput->get('jform', null, 'files', 'array');
//$files = $jinput->files->get('jform');
//$file = $files['resume'];
$filename = JFile::makeSafe($file['name']['resume']);
$filesize = $file['size'];
if (strtolower(JFile::getExt($filename))!='pdf') {
$element->addAttribute('message', strtolower(JFile::getExt($filename)));
return false;
$element->addAttribute('message', "File size bigger than 2MB");
return false;
return true;
Whether I upload a pdf file or other files with different extension, the error "Invalid file type" is returned.
Please enlighten me what the problem is?
My field looks like this:
This is an update to what i've discovered so far. The post data
$requestData = JRequest::getVar('jform', null, 'post', 'array');
do not fetch the file input value. It is therefore, i've to add the following code in the controller action before i validate the form $data = $model->validate($form, $requestData);
$requestData = JRequest::getVar('jform', null, 'post', 'array');
// Get the file data array from the request.
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$fileInput = new JInput($_FILES);
$file = $fileInput->get('jform', null, 'files', 'array');
// Make the file name safe.
$filename = JFile::makeSafe($file['name']['resume']);
$requestData['resume'] = strtolower($filename);
JRequest::setVar('jform', $requestData );
$form = $model->getForm();
if (!$form) {
JError::raiseError(500, $model->getError());
return false;
$data = $model->validate($form, $requestData);
This way i am able to inject the file input value to the post array. But the problem still lies somewhere because the above validation works only partially. The validation works correctly only for files like docx, png, htm, php, txt .... and if i submit doc, pdf (larger than 2MB), zip files the validation do not work at all, instead i am displayed back the form without data and with the validation warning that all the fields are missing.
This is very strange, i desperately need some help.
Finally made through with the problem of form being redisplayed when file of bigger size is uploaded. It was a server problem, had to change the following in php.ini of my wamp server
upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_size = 100M
And regarding the second issue for file upload value not being in post was a new thing to me which i didn't know. Had to upload the file seperately first, then get the name by which the file was saved and then use that name to be inserted in the database.
I tried so many time but this code is not working. I don't know why. It is a image upload form. This code worked for another form but here it's getting an error: Call to a member function isValid() on a non-object
$file = array('dest_img' => Input::file('dest_img'));
// checking file is valid.
if (Input::file('dest_img')->isValid()) {
$destinationPath = 'uploads'; // upload path
$extension = Input::file('dest_img')->getClientOriginalExtension(); // getting image extension
$fileName = $s.'.'.$extension;
$imgPath= $destinationPath.'/'.$fileName;
//return $imgPath;
// renameing image
Input::file('dest_img')->move($destinationPath, $fileName); // uploading file to given path
// sending back with message
//Session::flash('success', 'Upload successfully');
//return Redirect::to('tblaze_admin/bannerAdd');
'dest_title' =>$input['dest_title'],
'dest_desc' =>$input['dest_desc'],
'dest_img' =>$imgPath,
if($result >0)
\Session::flash('flash_message','Destination Updated Successfull!!');
\Session::flash('flash_error_message','Destination Updation Failed!!');
I'm stuck at this code; please give a solution
Have you added enctype="multipart/form-data" to your <form> tag? Or if you're using the Form builder, 'files' => true?
Input::file('dest_img') is not an object. You might have not loaded the classes that define Input. Check that laravel is bootstrapped correctly.
I'm using yii framework but I think this is related to PHP
In my controller, I have the following code
$model = new Events;
$model->type_id = $type_id;
$checkFileUpload = checkFileUpload($model);
the function checkFileUpload is a custom function which contains
function checkFileUpload($model)
$rnd = rand(0, 9999);
$uploadedFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'image');
if($uploadedFile->error == 0)
$fileName = "{$rnd}-{$uploadedFile}"; // random number file name
$model->image = $fileName;
I got the error get property of non-object in $uploadedFile->error.
I've tried to use reference to the model instead, but it is deprecated and does not work for me.
If I use the code of the called function (checkFileUpload) within the controller code, it works fine. I suspect that object is not passed in a correct way.
Any help?
This is because your call to CUploadedFile::getInstance returns null and not the instance you desired.
Null is returned if no file is uploaded for the specified model attribute.
— Yii Documentation
It seems like your file was not correctly uploaded. I am not a Yii Framework user, but the documentation states:
The file should be uploaded using CHtml::activeFileField.
— Yii Documentation
So you should verify that the file was actually correctly uploaded with the proper method from the Yii Framework.
PS: Objects are always passed by reference.
$model = new Events;
$checkFileUpload = checkFileUpload($model);
function checkFileUpload($model)
$rnd = rand(0, 9999);
$uploadedFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'image');
$fileName = "{$rnd}-{$uploadedFile}"; // random number file name
$model->image = $fileName;
The problem occurred because at the time when you are using $uploadedFile->error,the value of $uploadedFile is null.
The following line is not giving you the desired value
$uploadedFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'image');
Which means no file has been uploaded.
Try CVarDumper::dump($_FILES,10,true);
This will tell you whether the problem is with the UPLOADING OF THE FILE or GETTING THE DETAILS OF THE UPLOADED FILE
you cant access the private property $_error $uploadedFile->_error if you are trying to. you must call $uploadedFile->getError() in your code. Also $uploadedFile will return null if no file uploaded so you must take care of that as well.
$rnd = rand(0, 9999);
$uploadedFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'image');
if(!empty($uploadedFile) && !$uploadedFile->getHasError())
$fileName = "{$rnd}-{$uploadedFile}"; // random number file name
$model->image = $fileName;
will work for you.
I have setup a repository to create a new resident.
<?php namespace Crescent\Repos;
interface ResidentRepository {
public function create($input);
Then in my controller I have, which uses the intervention image class to resize an image and it uploads correctly to the directory, but how can I save the name of the file to the DB using this repo?
public function store()
if (Input::hasFile('photo')){
$res = new Residents;
$file = Input::file('photo');
$name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$input = Input::all();
$image = Image::make(Input::file('photo')->getRealPath())->resize(200, 200);
$image->save(public_path() . '/uploads/residents/' . $input['photo']->getClientOriginalName());
$res->photo = $name; // This doesn't work
Everything else works all the data, but the image isn't storing the name just showing some temp dir/name like /tmp/phpIX7KcY
I see that you have done $res = new Residents; and $res->photo = $name; but you haven't done $res->save(); which would have saved the name to the table corresponding to Residents. Also since you haven't added anything else to $res, only the photo would be saved.
Replace the code in your controller with the following:
public function store()
$input = Input::all();
if (Input::hasFile('photo')){
$file = Input::file('photo');
$name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$image = Image::make(Input::file('photo')->getRealPath())->resize(200, 200);
$image->save(public_path() . '/uploads/residents/' . $input['photo']->getClientOriginalName());
$input['photo'] = $name;
If in your code $this->resident->create(Input::all()); saves all data properly except the photo, it is because by passing Input::all() you're saving everything exactly as it was received from the client and the filename received from the resizing operation isn't present in Input::all(). By assigning Input::all() to the variable $input and doing $input['photo'] = $name;, the location of the file on the server is stored instead of the location on the client. So, by doing $this->resident->create($input);, the location on the server is stored along with other data received from the client.
I have to upload a base64 encoded image that i am receiving from android application. I am using php codeigniter framework.
While searching through the forum, the question at this link How to upload base64encoded image in codeigniter is same as mine, but the solution there is not working for me.
Here is the code that i have written:
private function _save_image() {
$image = base64_decode($_POST['imageString']);
#setting the configuration values for saving the image
$config['upload_path'] = FCPATH . 'path_to_image_folder';
$config['file_name'] = 'my_image'.$_POST['imageType'];
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png';
$config['max_size'] = '2048';
$config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE;
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if($this->upload->do_upload($image)) {
$arr_image_info = $this->upload->data();
return ($arr_image_info['full_path']);
else {
echo $this->upload->display_errors();
I am getting "you did not select a file to upload"
Thanks for your time.
The error is occurring because codeigniter's upload library will look into the $_FILES superglobal to and search for a index you give it at the do_upload() call.
Furthermore (at least in version 2.1.2) even if you would set up the $_FILES superglobal to mimic the behaviour of a file upload it wouldn't pass because the upload library uses is_uploaded_file to detect exacly that kind of tampering with superglobals. You can trace the code in system/libraries/Upload.php:134
I'm afraid that you will have to re-implement size checking and file renaming and moving (I would do this) or you can modify codeigniter to omit that check, but it could make upgrading the framework later difficult.
Save the $image variable's content to a temporary file, and set up the $_FILES to look like this:
$temp_file_path = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'androidtempimage'); // might not work on some systems, specify your temp path if system temp dir is not writeable
file_put_contents($temp_file_path, base64_decode($_POST['imageString']));
$image_info = getimagesize($temp_file_path);
$_FILES['userfile'] = array(
'name' => uniqid().'.'.preg_replace('!\w+/!', '', $image_info['mime']),
'tmp_name' => $temp_file_path,
'size' => filesize($temp_file_path),
'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK,
'type' => $image_info['mime'],
Modify the upload library. You can use codeigniter's built in way of Extending Native Libraries, and define a My_Upload (or your prefix) class, copy-paste the do_upload function and change the following lines:
public function do_upload($field = 'userfile')
public function do_upload($field = 'userfile', $fake_upload = false)
and the:
if ( ! is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']) )
if ( ! is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']) && !$fake_upload )
and in your controller, call do_upload() with the flowing parameters:
$this->upload->do_upload('userfile', true);
You are aware, that if you are receiving an Base64 encoded image, as a string, then you do not need to use the Upload class.
Instead, you just need to decode it using base64_decode and then use fwrite/file_put_contents to save the decoded data...
$img = imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($string));
if($img != false)
imagejpeg($img, '/path/to/new/image.jpg');
Credit: http://board.phpbuilder.com/showthread.php?10359450-RESOLVED-Saving-Base64-image.
I want to upload an image with Zend Framework version 1.9.6. The uploading itself works fine, but I want a couple of other things as well ... and I'm completely stuck.
Error messages for failing to upload an image won't show up.
If a user doesn't enter all the required fields but has uploaded an image then I want to display the uploaded image in my form. Either as an image or as a link to the image. Just some form of feedback to the user.
I want to use Zend_ Validate_ File_ IsImage. But it doesn't seem to do anything.
And lastly; is there some automatic renaming functionality?
All ideas and suggestions are very welcome. I've been struggling for two days now.
These are simplified code snippets:
method = "post"
elements.title.type = "text"
elements.title.options.label = "Title"
elements.title.options.attribs.size = 40
elements.title.options.required = true
elements.image.type = "file"
elements.image.options.label = "Image"
elements.image.options.validators.isimage.validator = "IsImage"
elements.submit.type = "submit"
elements.submit.options.label = "Save"
class Admin_TestController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function testAction ()
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(MY_SECRET_PATH . 'myform.ini');
$f = new Zend_Form($config);
if ($this->_request->isPost())
$data = $this->_request->getPost();
$imageElement = $f->getElement('image');
if ($f->isValid($data))
//save data
$this->view->form = $f;
My view just echo's the 'form' variable.
First, put this at the start of your script:
error_reporting(E_ALL);//this should show all php errors
I think the error messages are missing from the form because you re-populate the form before you display it. I think that wipes out any error messages. To fix that, remove this part:
To show the uploaded image in the form, just add a div to your view template, like this:
<div style="float:right"><?=$this->image?></div>
If the image uploaded ok, then populate $view->image with an img tag.
As for automatic re-naming, no, it's not built in, but it's very easy. I'll show you how below.
Here's how I handle my image uploads:
$form = new Zend_Form();
$image = new Zend_Form_Element_File('image');
$image->setLabel('Upload an image:')
->setMaxFileSize(10240000) // limits the filesize on the client side
->setDescription('Click Browse and click on the image file you would like to upload');
$image->addValidator('Count', false, 1); // ensure only 1 file
$image->addValidator('Size', false, 10240000); // limit to 10 meg
$image->addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif');// only JPEG, PNG, and GIFs
$this->view->form = $form;
return $this->render('add');
$this->view->message = '<div class="popup-warning">Errors Receiving File.</div>';
return $this->render('add');
$values = $form->getValues();
$source = $form->image->getFileName();
//to re-name the image, all you need to do is save it with a new name, instead of the name they uploaded it with. Normally, I use the primary key of the database row where I'm storing the name of the image. For example, if it's an image of Person 1, I call it 1.jpg. The important thing is that you make sure the image name will be unique in whatever directory you save it to.
$new_image_name = 'someNameYouInvent';
//save image to database and filesystem here
$image_saved = move_uploaded_file($source, '/www/yoursite/images/'.$new_image_name);
$this->view->image = '<img src="/images/'.$new_image_name.'" />';
$form->reset();//only do this if it saved ok and you want to re-display the fresh empty form
First, have a look at the Quick Start tutorial. Note how it has an ErrorController.php that will display error messages for you. Also note how the application.ini has these lines to cause PHP to emit error messages, but make sure you're in the "development" environment to see them (which is set in public/.htaccess).
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
Second, ZF has a renaming filter for file uploads:
$upload_elt = new Zend_Form_Element_File('upload');
->setLabel('Select the file to upload:')
->addValidator('Count', false, 1) // ensure only 1 file
->addValidator('Size', false, 2097152) // limit to 2MB
->addValidator('Extension', false, 'doc,txt')
->addValidator('MimeType', false,
->addFilter('Rename', implode('_',
->addValidator('NotExists', false, $uploadDir)
Some of the interesting things above:
mark the upload as required (which your .ini doesn't seem to do)
put all the uploads in a special directory
limit file size and acceptable mime types
rename upload to myuser_category_timestamp
don't overwrite an existing file (unlikely, given our timestamp scheme, but let's make sure anyway)
So, the above goes in your form. In the controller/action that receives the upload, you could do this:
$original_filename = $form->upload->getFileName(null, false);
if ($form->upload->receive()) {
$this->_identity, $form->upload->getFileName(null, false),
Note how we capture the $original_filename (if you need it) before doing receive(). After we receive(), we do getFileName() to get the thing that the rename filter picked as the new filename.
Finally, in the model->saveUpload method you could store whatever stuff to your database.
Make sure your view also outputs any error messages that you generate in the controller: loading errors, field validation, file validation. Renaming would be your job, as would other post processing such as by image-magick convert.
When following lo_fye's listing I experienced problems with custom decorators.
I do not have the default File Decorator set and got the following exception:
Warning: Exception caught by form: No file decorator found... unable to render file element Stack Trace:
The Answer to this is that one of your decrators must implement the empty interface Zend_Form_Decorator_Marker_File_Interface
Also sometimes it happens to bug when using an ajax request. Try it without an ajax request and don't forget the multipart form.