Trying to add a transparent PNG watermark to jpg images get's me different results either if i'm on localhost or production server.
Here's the results...
On my localhost (PHP Version 5.6.24)
On production server (PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.21)
I don't even know what to call this problem of the blue color turning pink and the logo doesn't get correctly rendered...
The code is this:
function getBrightness($gdHandle) {
$width = imagesx($gdHandle);
$height = imagesy($gdHandle);
$totalBrightness = 0;
for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++) {
for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++) {
$rgb = imagecolorat($gdHandle, $x, $y);
$red = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$green = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$blue = $rgb & 0xFF;
$totalBrightness += (max($red, $green, $blue) + min($red, $green, $blue)) / 2;
// imagedestroy($gdHandle);
return ($totalBrightness / ($width * $height)) / 2.55;
function render_text_on_gd_image(&$source_gd_image, $text, $font, $size, $color, $opacity, $rotation, $bpx, $bpy, $wnewx) {
$source_width = imagesx($source_gd_image);
$source_height = imagesy($source_gd_image);
$bb = imagettfbbox($size, $rotation, $font, $text);
$x0 = min($bb[0], $bb[2], $bb[4], $bb[6]);
$x1 = max($bb[0], $bb[2], $bb[4], $bb[6]);
$y0 = min($bb[1], $bb[3], $bb[5], $bb[7]);
$y1 = max($bb[1], $bb[3], $bb[5], $bb[7]);
$bb_width = abs($x1 - $x0);
$bb_height = abs($y1 - $y0);
$alpha_color = imagecolorallocatealpha(
hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2)),
hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2)),
hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2)),
127 * (100 - $opacity) / 100
return imagettftext($source_gd_image, $size, $rotation, $bpx + $wnewx/2 - $bb_width/2 , $bpy, $alpha_color, $font, $text);
$val = array();
//$val["displayName"] = "Administrador";
$val["displayName"] = "Afonso Ferreira Gomes";
$val["relFile"] = "imagem.jpg";
list($val["width_original"], $val["height_original"]) = getimagesize($val["relFile"]);
if ($val["width_original"] > $val["height_original"] && $val["width_original"] >= 1200) {
$val["height_resized"] = $val["height_original"] * (1200/$val["width_original"]);
$val["width_resized"] = 1200;
} elseif ($val["height_original"] > $val["width_original"] && $val["height_original"] >= 1200) {
$val["height_resized"] = 1200;
$val["width_resized"] = (1200/$val["height_original"]) * $val["width_original"];
} else {
$val["height_resized"] = $val["height_original"];
$val["width_resized"] = $val["width_original"];
$i = imagecreatefromjpeg($val["relFile"]);
$i = imagescale($i, $val["width_resized"], $val["height_resized"]);
$val["width_new"] = imagesx($i);
$val["height_new"] = imagesy($i);
if ($val["width_new"] < $val["height_new"]) {
$val["portait"] = true;
$val["smallest"] = $val["width_new"];
} else {
$val["portait"] = false;
$val["smallest"] = $val["height_new"];
$val["racio"] = 0.20;
$val["marLeft"] = 40;
$val["marBottom"] = 40;
$val["bright"] = getBrightness($i);
if ($val["bright"] < 30) {
$val["opacidade"] = 20;
} else {
$val["opacidade"] = 40;
$w = imagecreatefrompng("jbw_260_40.png");
if ($val["portait"]) {
$val["water_width"] = $val["width_new"] * $val["racio"];
$val["water_height"] = $val["width_new"] * $val["racio"];
} else {
$val["water_width"] = $val["height_new"] * $val["racio"];
$val["water_height"] = $val["height_new"] * $val["racio"];
$wnew = imagescale($w, $val["water_width"], $val["water_height"]);
$val["water_width"] = imagesx($wnew);
$val["water_height"] = imagesy($wnew);
if ($val["displayName"] == "Administrador") {
$val["autor"] = "";
$val["marBottom"] = 20;
$val["marLeft"] = 20;
} else {
$val["autor"] = $val["displayName"];
$autorNomes = explode(" ", $val["autor"]);
if (count($autorNomes) >= 2) {
$val["autor"] = $autorNomes[0] . " " . $autorNomes[count($autorNomes) - 1];
} else {
$val["autor"] = $autorNomes[0];
$font = "../font/Montserrat.ttf";
$color = "FFFFFF";
$flagSize = false;
$val["fontSize"] = 12;
for ($size = 7; $size <= 50; $size += 0.5) {
$bb = imagettfbbox($size, 0, $font, $val["autor"]);
$x0 = min($bb[0], $bb[2], $bb[4], $bb[6]);
$x1 = max($bb[0], $bb[2], $bb[4], $bb[6]);
$y0 = min($bb[1], $bb[3], $bb[5], $bb[7]);
$y1 = max($bb[1], $bb[3], $bb[5], $bb[7]);
$val["bbox_width"] = abs($x1 - $x0);
$val["bbox_height"] = abs($y1 - $y0);
if (($val["bbox_width"] >= $val["water_width"] && !$flagSize) || $size == 50) {
$val["fontSize"] = $size;
$flagSize = true;
$val["posY_water"] = $val["height_new"] - $val["water_height"] - $val["marBottom"];
$val["posY_text"] = $val["height_new"] - $val["marBottom"] + $val["bbox_height"] - 5;
imagecopy($i, $wnew, $val["marLeft"], $val["posY_water"] , 0, 0, $val["water_width"], $val["water_height"]);
render_text_on_gd_image($i, $val["autor"], $font, $val["fontSize"], $color, $val["opacidade"] ,0 , $val["marLeft"] , $val["posY_text"], $val["water_width"]);
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($val); echo "</pre>"; die;
header('Content-type: image/png');
And this are the gd section of phpinfo for localhost and production server
What am I missing? this is driving me insane!
Those issues almost always object to the alpha channel of either the source or destination not beeing preserved or the output not really beeing true color.
Try using the imagesavealpha() function and search for "alpha" in the comments of the PHP documentation because there are many people having solutions to similiar issues.
This comment might be helpful and is kinda what Esko said:
Basically it copies an image to a buffer using imagecreatetruecolor().
I'm having the same issue. The imageScale function in Ubuntu seems to turn greens and blues to pink. Solution could be to use imagecopyresampled and imagecreatetruecolor. However this solution is way slower.
I want to write a Variable of red range in picture to use if is higher that 98% show a message.
This code can get percent of each color but I need a variable to get range of color with RGB.
You can see the sample of this code here.
Click here!
function colorPalette($imageFile, $numColors, $granularity = 5)
$granularity = max(1, abs((int)$granularity));
$colors = array();
$size = #getimagesize($imageFile);
if($size === false)
user_error("Unable to get image size data");
return false;
$img = #imagecreatefromjpeg($imageFile);
user_error("Unable to open image file");
return false;
for($x = 0; $x < $size[0]; $x += $granularity)
for($y = 0; $y < $size[1]; $y += $granularity)
$thisColor = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
$rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img, $thisColor);
$red = round(round(($rgb['red'] / 0x33)) * 0x33);
$green = round(round(($rgb['green'] / 0x33)) * 0x33);
$blue = round(round(($rgb['blue'] / 0x33)) * 0x33);
$thisRGB = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $red, $green, $blue);
if(array_key_exists($thisRGB, $colors))
$colors[$thisRGB] = 1;
return array_slice($colors, 0, $numColors, true);
// sample usage:
$palette = colorPalette('te.jpg', 10, 4);
echo "<table>\n";
$sum = array_sum($palette);
foreach($palette as $color => $count)
echo "<tr><td style='background-color:#$color;width:2em;'> </td><td>#$color (".(($count / $sum) * 100).")</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
Like this
$caution="#ff0000 to #600000"
If $caution > 98% {
echo "Red area";}
I want to create piechart in my pdf file created using fpdf. already i had created pdf with fpdf . then i want to create pie chart in that using same table data, is there any option to create pie chart using fpdf ?
Please Help.
Thanks in advance
Try this make changes in code as per your requirements:
You can display following view file on your pdf using pdf helper.
you can use dom pdf helper download it from following link.
$show_label = true; // true = show label, false = don't show label.
$show_percent = true; // true = show percentage, false = don't show percentage.
$show_text = true; // true = show text, false = don't show text.
$show_parts = false; // true = show parts, false = don't show parts.
$label_form = 'square'; // 'square' or 'round' label.
$width = 199;
$background_color = 'FFFFFF'; // background-color of the chart...
$text_color = '000000'; // text-color.
$colors = array('003366', 'CCD6E0', '7F99B2','F7EFC6', 'C6BE8C', 'CC6600','990000','520000','BFBFC1','808080'); // colors of the slices.
$shadow_height = 16; // Height on shadown.
$shadow_dark = true; // true = darker shadow, false = lighter shadow...
$data = $_GET["data"];
$label = $_GET["label"];
$height = $width/2;
$data = explode('*',$data);
if ($label != '') $label = explode('*',$label);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($data[$i]/array_sum($data) < 0.1) $number[$i] = ' '.number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
else $number[$i] = number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
if (strlen($label[$i]) > $text_length) $text_length = strlen($label[$i]);
if (is_array($label))
$antal_label = count($label);
$xtra = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
if ($xtra > 0) $xtra_height = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
$xtra_width = 5;
if ($show_label) $xtra_width += 20;
if ($show_percent) $xtra_width += 45;
if ($show_text) $xtra_width += $text_length*8;
if ($show_parts) $xtra_width += 35;
$img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width+$xtra_width, $height+ceil($shadow_height)+$xtra_height);
ImageFill($img, 0, 0, colorHex($img, $background_color));
foreach ($colors as $colorkode)
$fill_color[] = colorHex($img, $colorkode);
$shadow_color[] = colorHexshadow($img, $colorkode, $shadow_dark);
$label_place = 5;
if (is_array($label))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($label_form == 'round' && $show_label && $data[$i] > 0)
imagefilledellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imageellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
else if ($label_form == 'square' && $show_label && $data[$i] > 0)
imagefilledrectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imagerectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
if ($data[$i] > 0)
if ($show_percent) $label_output = $number[$i].' ';
if ($show_text) $label_output = $label_output.$label[$i].' ';
if ($show_parts) $label_output = $label_output.$data[$i];
imagestring($img,'2',$width+20,$label_place,$label_output,colorHex($img, $text_color));
$label_output = '';
$label_place = $label_place + 15;
$centerX = round($width/2);
$centerY = round($height/2);
$diameterX = $width-4;
$diameterY = $height-4;
$data_sum = array_sum($data);
$start = 270;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++)
$value += $data[$i];
$end = ceil(($value/$data_sum)*360) + 270;
$slice[] = array($start, $end, $shadow_color[$value_counter % count($shadow_color)], $fill_color[$value_counter % count($fill_color)]);
$start = $end;
for ($i=$centerY+$shadow_height; $i>$centerY; $i--)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
if ($slice[$j][0] != $slice[$j][1]) ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][2], IMG_ARC_PIE);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
if ($slice[$j][0] != $slice[$j][1]) ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $centerY, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][3], IMG_ARC_PIE);
function colorHex($img, $HexColorString)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function colorHexshadow($img, $HexColorString, $mork)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
if ($mork)
($R > 99) ? $R -= 100 : $R = 0;
($G > 99) ? $G -= 100 : $G = 0;
($B > 99) ? $B -= 100 : $B = 0;
($R < 220) ? $R += 35 : $R = 255;
($G < 220) ? $G += 35 : $G = 255;
($B < 220) ? $B += 35 : $B = 255;
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function OutputImage($img)
header('Content-type: image/jpg');
Hope this will help you... :)
I got this php code.. that creates a pie Chart
when you go to the site: http://localhost/social/Test.php?data=100*200*100
How do i get this image from the php file to my Xcode project?
When you enter the site the image will download
But when you enter the site on the iPhone the image will only show
$show_label = true; // true = show label, false = don't show label.
$show_percent = true; // true = show percentage, false = don't show percentage.
$show_text = true; // true = show text, false = don't show text.
$show_parts = false; // true = show parts, false = don't show parts.
$label_form = 'square'; // 'square' or 'round' label.
$width = 199;
$background_color = 'FFFFFF'; // background-color of the chart...
$text_color = '000000'; // text-color.
$colors = array('003366', 'CCD6E0', '7F99B2','F7EFC6', 'C6BE8C', 'CC6600','990000','520000','BFBFC1','808080'); // colors of the slices.
$shadow_height = 16; // Height on shadown.
$shadow_dark = true; // true = darker shadow, false = lighter shadow...
$data = $_GET["data"];
$label = $_GET["label"];
$height = $width/2;
$data = explode('*',$data);
if ($label != '') $label = explode('*',$label);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($data[$i]/array_sum($data) < 0.1) $number[$i] = ' '.number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
else $number[$i] = number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
if (strlen($label[$i]) > $text_length) $text_length = strlen($label[$i]);
if (is_array($label))
$antal_label = count($label);
$xtra = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
if ($xtra > 0) $xtra_height = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
$xtra_width = 5;
if ($show_label) $xtra_width += 20;
if ($show_percent) $xtra_width += 45;
if ($show_text) $xtra_width += $text_length*8;
if ($show_parts) $xtra_width += 35;
$img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width+$xtra_width, $height+ceil($shadow_height)+$xtra_height);
ImageFill($img, 0, 0, colorHex($img, $background_color));
foreach ($colors as $colorkode)
$fill_color[] = colorHex($img, $colorkode);
$shadow_color[] = colorHexshadow($img, $colorkode, $shadow_dark);
$label_place = 5;
if (is_array($label))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++)
if ($label_form == 'round' && $show_label && $data[$i] > 0)
imagefilledellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imageellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
else if ($label_form == 'square' && $show_label && $data[$i] > 0)
imagefilledrectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
imagerectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
if ($data[$i] > 0)
if ($show_percent) $label_output = $number[$i].' ';
if ($show_text) $label_output = $label_output.$label[$i].' ';
if ($show_parts) $label_output = $label_output.$data[$i];
imagestring($img,'2',$width+20,$label_place,$label_output,colorHex($img, $text_color));
$label_output = '';
$label_place = $label_place + 15;
$centerX = round($width/2);
$centerY = round($height/2);
$diameterX = $width-4;
$diameterY = $height-4;
$data_sum = array_sum($data);
$start = 270;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++)
$value += $data[$i];
$end = ceil(($value/$data_sum)*360) + 270;
$slice[] = array($start, $end, $shadow_color[$value_counter % count($shadow_color)], $fill_color[$value_counter % count($fill_color)]);
$start = $end;
for ($i=$centerY+$shadow_height; $i>$centerY; $i--)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
if ($slice[$j][0] != $slice[$j][1]) ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][2], IMG_ARC_PIE);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
if ($slice[$j][0] != $slice[$j][1]) ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $centerY, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][3], IMG_ARC_PIE);
function colorHex($img, $HexColorString)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function colorHexshadow($img, $HexColorString, $mork)
$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
if ($mork)
($R > 99) ? $R -= 100 : $R = 0;
($G > 99) ? $G -= 100 : $G = 0;
($B > 99) ? $B -= 100 : $B = 0;
($R < 220) ? $R += 35 : $R = 255;
($G < 220) ? $G += 35 : $G = 255;
($B < 220) ? $B += 35 : $B = 255;
return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function OutputImage($img)
header('Content-type: image/jpg');
please do a post request form php server to your app, convert the image to base64 encoding and pass this as a string, then save this file as .jpg or .png etc as required.
Retrieve the image data via dataWithContentsOfUrl and then either
Use imageWithData to get your UIImage; or
Write the NSData to a file with writeToFile and then you can later retrieve the image via imageWithContentsOfFile
Note, you'll have to put that PHP code on a web server accessible by the iPhone (as obviously localhost won't work). So, it might look like (I've replaced your localhost reference with ... you'll have to replace that with the URL of the web site you put your PHP code on):
NSString *urlString = #"*200*100";
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSError *err;
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url options:0 error:&err];
NSAssert(imageData, #"Unable to retrieve image");
Now you can use that image:
self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:imageData];
Or, alternatively, now you can write it to a file on your iPhone, too, if you want:
NSString *documentsFolder = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *documentFullPath = [documentsFolder stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"pie.jpg"]; // I noticed from the php source that this is a jpg
BOOL success = [imageData writeToFile:documentFullPath options:0 error:&err];
NSAssert(success, #"Unable to write file");
Which you can retrieve later:
self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:documentFullPath];
Note, this is an inefficient way to draw a pie chart in iOS (to have php server generate jpg that you then download, requiring Internet connection and download at 3G speeds if you're not on wifi, etc.). I'd probably do something with Core Graphics or grab one of the various charting/graphing APIs out there. If you google "ios 3d pie chart" you'll get a bunch of hits. This one looks pretty cool, though I've never tried it.
Does anybody know of a good way to do face detection in PHP? I came across some code here that claims to do this, but I can't seem to get it to work properly. I'd like to make this work (even though it will be slow) and any help you can give me would be really appreciated.
Here's the code from the link:
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// #Author Karthik Tharavaad
// #Contributor Maurice Svay
// maurice#svay.Com
class Face_Detector {
protected $detection_data;
protected $canvas;
protected $face;
private $reduced_canvas;
public function __construct($detection_file = 'detection.dat') {
if (is_file($detection_file)) {
$this->detection_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($detection_file));
} else {
throw new Exception("Couldn't load detection data");
//$this->detection_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('data.js'));
public function face_detect($file) {
if (!is_file($file)) {
throw new Exception("Can not load $file");
$this->canvas = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
$im_width = imagesx($this->canvas);
$im_height = imagesy($this->canvas);
//Resample before detection?
$ratio = 0;
$diff_width = 320 - $im_width;
$diff_height = 240 - $im_height;
if ($diff_width > $diff_height) {
$ratio = $im_width / 320;
} else {
$ratio = $im_height / 240;
if ($ratio != 0) {
$this->reduced_canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($im_width / $ratio, $im_height / $ratio);
imagecopyresampled($this->reduced_canvas, $this->canvas, 0, 0, 0, 0, $im_width / $ratio, $im_height / $ratio, $im_width, $im_height);
$stats = $this->get_img_stats($this->reduced_canvas);
$this->face = $this->do_detect_greedy_big_to_small($stats['ii'], $stats['ii2'], $stats['width'], $stats['height']);
$this->face['x'] *= $ratio;
$this->face['y'] *= $ratio;
$this->face['w'] *= $ratio;
} else {
$stats = $this->get_img_stats($this->canvas);
$this->face = $this->do_detect_greedy_big_to_small($stats['ii'], $stats['ii2'], $stats['width'], $stats['height']);
return ($this->face['w'] > 0);
public function toJpeg() {
$color = imagecolorallocate($this->canvas, 255, 0, 0); //red
imagerectangle($this->canvas, $this->face['x'], $this->face['y'], $this->face['x']+$this->face['w'], $this->face['y']+ $this->face['w'], $color);
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
public function toJson() {
return "{'x':" . $this->face['x'] . ", 'y':" . $this->face['y'] . ", 'w':" . $this->face['w'] . "}";
public function getFace() {
return $this->face;
protected function get_img_stats($canvas){
$image_width = imagesx($canvas);
$image_height = imagesy($canvas);
$iis = $this->compute_ii($canvas, $image_width, $image_height);
return array(
'width' => $image_width,
'height' => $image_height,
'ii' => $iis['ii'],
'ii2' => $iis['ii2']
protected function compute_ii($canvas, $image_width, $image_height ){
$ii_w = $image_width+1;
$ii_h = $image_height+1;
$ii = array();
$ii2 = array();
for($i=0; $i<$ii_w; $i++ ){
$ii[$i] = 0;
$ii2[$i] = 0;
for($i=1; $i<$ii_w; $i++ ){
$ii[$i*$ii_w] = 0;
$ii2[$i*$ii_w] = 0;
$rowsum = 0;
$rowsum2 = 0;
for($j=1; $j<$ii_h; $j++ ){
$rgb = ImageColorAt($canvas, $j, $i);
$red = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$green = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$blue = $rgb & 0xFF;
$grey = ( 0.2989*$red + 0.587*$green + 0.114*$blue )>>0; // this is what matlab uses
$rowsum += $grey;
$rowsum2 += $grey*$grey;
$ii_above = ($i-1)*$ii_w + $j;
$ii_this = $i*$ii_w + $j;
$ii[$ii_this] = $ii[$ii_above] + $rowsum;
$ii2[$ii_this] = $ii2[$ii_above] + $rowsum2;
return array('ii'=>$ii, 'ii2' => $ii2);
protected function do_detect_greedy_big_to_small( $ii, $ii2, $width, $height ){
$s_w = $width/20.0;
$s_h = $height/20.0;
$start_scale = $s_h < $s_w ? $s_h : $s_w;
$scale_update = 1 / 1.2;
for($scale = $start_scale; $scale > 1; $scale *= $scale_update ){
$w = (20*$scale) >> 0;
$endx = $width - $w - 1;
$endy = $height - $w - 1;
$step = max( $scale, 2 ) >> 0;
$inv_area = 1 / ($w*$w);
for($y = 0; $y < $endy ; $y += $step ){
for($x = 0; $x < $endx ; $x += $step ){
$passed = $this->detect_on_sub_image( $x, $y, $scale, $ii, $ii2, $w, $width+1, $inv_area);
if( $passed ) {
return array('x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y, 'w'=>$w);
} // end x
} // end y
} // end scale
return null;
protected function detect_on_sub_image( $x, $y, $scale, $ii, $ii2, $w, $iiw, $inv_area){
$mean = ( $ii[($y+$w)*$iiw + $x + $w] + $ii[$y*$iiw+$x] - $ii[($y+$w)*$iiw+$x] - $ii[$y*$iiw+$x+$w] )*$inv_area;
$vnorm = ( $ii2[($y+$w)*$iiw + $x + $w] + $ii2[$y*$iiw+$x] - $ii2[($y+$w)*$iiw+$x] - $ii2[$y*$iiw+$x+$w] )*$inv_area - ($mean*$mean);
$vnorm = $vnorm > 1 ? sqrt($vnorm) : 1;
$passed = true;
for($i_stage = 0; $i_stage < count($this->detection_data); $i_stage++ ){
$stage = $this->detection_data[$i_stage];
$trees = $stage[0];
$stage_thresh = $stage[1];
$stage_sum = 0;
for($i_tree = 0; $i_tree < count($trees); $i_tree++ ){
$tree = $trees[$i_tree];
$current_node = $tree[0];
$tree_sum = 0;
while( $current_node != null ){
$vals = $current_node[0];
$node_thresh = $vals[0];
$leftval = $vals[1];
$rightval = $vals[2];
$leftidx = $vals[3];
$rightidx = $vals[4];
$rects = $current_node[1];
$rect_sum = 0;
for( $i_rect = 0; $i_rect < count($rects); $i_rect++ ){
$s = $scale;
$rect = $rects[$i_rect];
$rx = ($rect[0]*$s+$x)>>0;
$ry = ($rect[1]*$s+$y)>>0;
$rw = ($rect[2]*$s)>>0;
$rh = ($rect[3]*$s)>>0;
$wt = $rect[4];
$r_sum = ( $ii[($ry+$rh)*$iiw + $rx + $rw] + $ii[$ry*$iiw+$rx] - $ii[($ry+$rh)*$iiw+$rx] - $ii[$ry*$iiw+$rx+$rw] )*$wt;
$rect_sum += $r_sum;
$rect_sum *= $inv_area;
$current_node = null;
if( $rect_sum >= $node_thresh*$vnorm ){
if( $rightidx == -1 )
$tree_sum = $rightval;
$current_node = $tree[$rightidx];
} else {
if( $leftidx == -1 )
$tree_sum = $leftval;
$current_node = $tree[$leftidx];
$stage_sum += $tree_sum;
if( $stage_sum < $stage_thresh ){
return false;
return true;
$detector = new Face_Detector('detection.dat');
The problem I am running into, seems to be coming up in the comments on that page as well. "imagecolorat() [function.imagecolorat]: 320,1 is out of bounds." So, I added a error_reporting(0) to the top of the file (not really the solution), and it seems to work sometimes while other times it just doesn't do anything.
Any thoughts?
It would probably be easier/safer to do this with OpenCV, which is written in lower-level code. PHP is interpreted, so it's likely going to be hella slow when doing the job.
Hope this helps!
You need to turn off error reporting
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );
$detector = new Face_Detector('detection.dat');
The project has been upgraded on github repository by following this link Face detection
The problem was on the loop, this code works fine :
for ($i=1; $i<$ii_h-1; $i++) {
$ii[$i*$ii_w] = 0;
$ii2[$i*$ii_w] = 0;
$rowsum = 0;
$rowsum2 = 0;
for ($j=1; $j<$ii_w-1; $j++) {
$rgb = ImageColorAt($canvas, $j, $i);
$red = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$green = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$blue = $rgb & 0xFF;
$grey = (0.2989*$red + 0.587*$green + 0.114*$blue)>>0; // this is what matlab uses
$rowsum += $grey;
$rowsum2 += $grey*$grey;
$ii_above = ($i-1)*$ii_w + $j;
$ii_this = $i*$ii_w + $j;
$ii[$ii_this] = $ii[$ii_above] + $rowsum;
$ii2[$ii_this] = $ii2[$ii_above] + $rowsum2;
Good luck
Try removing the +1 from these lines:
$ii_w = $image_width+1;
$ii_h = $image_height+1;
This code is trying to check the colors from positions 1 to 320 instead of 0 to 319 in the 320 pixel image.
This is an old topic but still this fix is better than any I saw so far so, it might help someone
// Turn off error reporting...
$ctl = error_reporting();
$detector = new Face_Detector('detection.dat');
// Turn on reporting...if you wish
Quick fix: in the compute_ii function
$rgb = ImageColorAt($canvas, $j, $i);
$rgb = ImageColorAt($canvas, $j-1, $i-1);