I cannot get the data of this with Jsoup. It can connect if I use this:
Connection connection = Jsoup.connect("http://android-forum.hu/feed.php");
But if I want to get the site data I got this exeption:
org.jsoup.UnsupportedMimeTypeException: Unhandled content type. Must be text/*, application/xml, or application/xhtml+xml. Mimetype=application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8, URL=http://android-forum.hu/feed.php
I use this code:
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://android-forum.hu/feed.php").get();
So I want to get the page data. How to get it?
The UnsupportedMimeTypeException is thrown when the minetype of the response is not supported.
You can use ignoreContentType(true) to let Jsoup ignore minetype, try
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://android-forum.hu/feed.php")
(call it before .get)
I am trying to use PHP to echo the contents as plain text so that I can use it my application.
I am trying to obtain the contents of http://www.revctrl.com/api/projects/231 which is in jSON format then convert it to an associated array then manually echo the contents in a nice and neat format. But for some reason, file_get_contents is returning NULL everytime.
I have no clue what is wrong with the code.
$jsonData = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://www.revctrl.com/api/projects/231"), true);
The link works in the browser. The jSON output is valid (checked using http://jsonlint.com/).
Any idea why I get a null from file_get_contents?
Is there any server setting that needs to be set to allow outside links to be accessible?
file_get_contents just discards the server response body in case the HTTP status code indicates the some kind of error; and standard PHP error reporting won’t give you a much of a clue either in case you’re using the function to make an HTTP request.
You can pass in an HTTP context via stream_context_create, setting the option ignore_errors to true – then you will get the error message description the server has likely send in the response body returned.
Use var_dump to output it – then you should be able to figure out what goes wrong on the remote end.
I'm setting an API for my server for another developer. I'm currently using Flash AIR to send POST data to my server, and simply extract the variables as in
$command = $_POST['command'].
However, he's not using Flash, and is sending data like so:
https://www.mysite.com POST /api/account.php?command=login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: close
params {"pass":"12345678","token":"","appID":"theirApp","user":"johnnyb","ver":"2.0","Library_ID":"1"}
My server is returning him an error saying that the 'command' parameter is missing.
What do I need to do my end to extract the $_POST var 'command' from his above data?
I've tried file_get_contents('php://input') and http_get_request_body(), but although they don't error, they don't show anything.
Thanks for your help.
The request claims that it is sending JSON.
Content-Type: application/json
However, this:
params {"pass":"12345678","token":"","appID":"theirApp","user":"johnnyb","ver":"2.0","Library_ID":"1"}
… is not JSON.
If you get rid of everything before the { then it would be JSON and you should be able to read it with file_get_contents('php://input') (and could then pass it through a decoder.
I've tried file_get_contents('php://input') and http_get_request_body() … they don't show anything.
They should work.
When I print out file_get_contents('php://input') for the comms … I get command=login, yet...
I thought you said you didn't get anything
$_POST will only be populated for the two standard HTML form encoding methods. If you are using JSON then it won't be automatically parsed, you have to do it yourself (with valid JSON input (so the additional data would need to be encoded in the JSON text with the rest of the data)), file_get_contents('php://input') and decode_json).
"Content-Type should be www-form-urlencoded" from #Cole (correct answer)
More info here: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-
The command parameter needs to be part of the data, and the whole thing should be valid JSON. As is, command=login, it is not valid JSON.
Add it to the params object or make a containing object, like
params :{"pass":"12345678","token":"","appID":"theirApp","user":"johnnyb","ver":"2.0","Library_ID":"1"}
I have seen many tutorials and questions using the following method to send JSON object to PHP from Android. For example this wordpress blog, this codeproject tutorial and some answers on stackoverflow like these.
All of these tutorials and answers use HTTP header to send data(body) to PHP like this.
// Post the data:
As a programmer we all know that headers are not meant to carry data(body). Headers should only carry metadata.
So, is there a correct way to send JSON data to PHP from Android which does not involve setting data in header?
If you use nativ lib without Volley, here is dummy with HttpClient:
httpClient = createHttpClient();
//You wanna use POST method.
mPost = new HttpPost(_urlStr);
mPost.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"));
((HttpPost) mPost).setEntity(new StringEntity(jsonText));
//Do it.
Try to use Volley: https://github.com/ogrebgr/android_volley_examples/blob/master/src/com/github/volley_examples/Act_SimpleRequest.java
Here is a simple tutorial to send and receive JSON objects in Android.
What I'm doing:
I'm writing a custom program in PHP which pulls data via API from an online LMS service. Right now, I'm trying to implement the available single-sign-on functionality.
This part of the program needs to execute a GET request to the API when a button is clicked (via js or php POST or ?) and ultimately redirect the users browser to a URL which is supplied in the response from the API.
The API allows the choice of an XML or JSON response and I would prefer to use JSON but will make do with XML if needed.
From the API documentation on making requests:
All requests listed in this document should contain a content-type
(XML or JSON) in the request header and be prefixed with the following
base Uri: https://api.example.com/v1.svc
E.g. The Uri to GET a list of Users in XML format would be:
Content-Type: text/xml
GET https://api.example.com/v1.svc/users?apikey=MY-KEY&source=MY-APP
Below is what I'm trying to implement:
How to get the a user's LoginKey
Once you have the user id that you want to sign on you need to make a
GET request to /users/{user-id} which will return information about
the user. Included in this is a LoginKey which you can use to redirect
the user's browser to.
Response from API:
The <LoginKey> object data is the URL which I need to ultimately redirect the user's browser to.
I am new to working with APIs and have tried a ton of methods which I could not get to work before posting. If you know how to accomplish this I would be very grateful if you shared your knowledge.
From a HTML <form>, use a traditional post (not AJAX) to a PHP script that does this:
$userId = (int)$_POST['userid'];
$obj = simplexml_load_file('https://api.xxx.com/v1.svc/users/' . $userId . '?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY&source=sampleapp');
if($obj && isset($obj->LoginKey))
$loginKey = $obj->LoginKey;
header('Location: ' . $loginKey);
// failed to load the xml
If you want to do it with JSON you can use file_get_contents() to get the raw JSON from a URL, then use json_decode() to turn it into an object.
Also, if you want to do it via AJAX, you will have to echo the URL with PHP instead of trying to redirect, then have Javascript do the redirect with window.location.href = '...'
I'm implementing a PHP script which receives an HTTP POST message with in the body a json string, tied to a 'report' parameter. So HTTP POST report=.
I'm testing this out with SimpleTest (PHP Unit Testing).
I build the json:
$array = array("type" => "start"); // DEBUG
$report = json_encode($array);
I send the POST:
$this->post(LOCAL_URL, array("report"=>$json));
(calls a method in the WebTestCase class from SimpleTest).
SimpleTest says it sends this:
POST /Receiver/web/report.php HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost:8888
Connection: close
Content-Length: 37
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I receive as such:
$report = $_POST['report'];
$logger->debug("Content of the report parameter: $report");
$json = json_decode($report);
The debug statement above gives me:
Content of the report parameter: {\"type\":\"start\"}
And when I decode, it gives the error
Syntax error, malformed JSON
The 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' content-type is automatically selected by SimpleTest. When I set it to 'application/json', my PHP script doesn't see any parameters and as such, can't find the 'report' variable.
I suppose something is going wrong with the url encoding, but I'm lost here as to how I should get the json accross.
Also, what is the usual practice here? Does one use the key/value approach even if you just send an entire json body? Or can I just dump the json string in the body of the HTTP POST and read it out somehow? (I had no success in actually reading it out without a variable to point to).
Anyway, I hope the problem is somewhat clearly stated.
Thanks a bunch in advance.
It sounds like you have magic quotes enabled (which is a big no-no). I would suggest you disable this, otherwise, run all your input through stripslashes().
However, it is better practice to reference the POST data as a key/value pair, otherwise you will have to read the php://input stream.
For the quick fix, try:
$report = stripslashes($_POST['report']);
Better, disable magic quotes GPC. G=Get, P=Post, C=Cookie.
In your case Post. Post values get automatically ("magic") quoted with a single slash.
Read here how to disable magic quotes.