Auto Insert into MySql Data Base - php

When one User Enter all his/her details after enter he will get a message like his registration no /ID is Like:
2nd is
like this upto A1000
after this the registration no automaticaly change to B0001
Is It Possible!!!!!
for ($i = 'A'; $i != 'AA'; $i++)
$prefix = $i;
$id = $prefix.sprintf("%03s",$suffix);
for ($j=1;$j<=5;$j++)
$res = "$id"."$j";
echo "$res"."<br>";
this is the code only to A005 to Z005 but how can i able to pick A001 and insert into mysql database first column.

This is quite simple:
1st what you want to do is to query the database for the previous registration no /ID.
something like this:
$query = mysqli_query($connect,'SELECT regCode From data ORDER BY regCode DESC LIMIT 1');
then you check if there is any result like this:
$results = count(mysqli_num_rows($query));
if it $results returns 0 (it is a fresh database) do this:
$regCode = 'A0001';
create an array of alphabets.
$alphabet = ['B','C','D','E']; #from B to Z (A is omitted because it is the default prefix)
retrieve previous regCode like this:
list($regCode) = mysqli_fetch_row($query);
From here seperate the alphabet from the numbers
$prefix = substr($regCode,0,1); //get prefix/alphabet
$storage_id = (int) substr($regCode,1,4) +1; //get code and add 1
Now test for the limit which in our case is 1000 (or any number you want):
$limit = 1000
$storage_id= '0001'; //if limit exceeded reset storage id
$index = array_search($prefix,$alphabet); //get alphabet/prefix index in the $alphabet array
$prefix = $alphabet[$index+1]; //Get next alphabet
//when limit is not exceeded do this
if(strlen($store)!=4){ //check the length of our regCode (should be 4 letters in this case if not add some zeros)
$storage_id = str_pad($storage_id,4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$regCode = $prefix.$store; //combine alphabet to new storage_id
echo $regCode;
And that's it !!!
This is the full code. Just copy this:
$query = mysql_query('SELECT regno from details ORDER BY regno DESC LIMIT 1');
$results = mysql_num_rows($query);
$regCode = 'A0001';
mysql_query("INSERT INTO details (regno) VALUES('{$regCode}')");
list($regCode) = mysql_fetch_row($query);
$alphabet = array('B','C','D','E');
$prefix = substr($regCode,0,1); //get prefix/alphabet
$storage_id = (int) substr($regCode,1,4) +1;
$limit = 1000;
$storage_id= '0001'; //if limit exceeded reset storage id
$index = array_search($prefix,$alphabet); //get alphabet/prefix index in the $alphabet array
$prefix = $alphabet[$index+1]; //Get next alphabet
//when limit is not exceeded do this
if(strlen($storage_id)!=4){ //check the length of our regCode (should be 4 letters in this case if not add some zeros)
$storage_id = str_pad($storage_id,4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$regCode = $prefix.$storage_id; //combine alphabet to new storage_id
mysql_query("INSERT INTO details (regno) VALUES('{$regCode}')");
echo $regCode;
<form name="form" id="form" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="submit">


pHp Issue: "Waiting for localhost": Maybe infinite loop issue?

I am currently working on an elo based matchmaking system. Basically, I have a database where there are a bunch of users, each having their respective ratings.
Brief explanation of code, it chooses one user at random, and chooses another user if the second user is within +-100 difference-elo of the first user (so grandmasters don't play with bronze players). If there is no one within 100 elo, the difference-elo increments by 50 and checks again.
Problem: I created a test user that is 100 elo more than the other users to test the matchmaking system. The program works except for when the first selected player is my test user. The page never loads and it is stuck on "Waiting for localhost". I assumed this meant one of my while loops was going on infinitely, but after spending sometime editing them and trying to figure out why they might be going on infinitely, the error still persists.
$result2 = executeQuery("SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY score DESC");
function executeQuery($query2){
$connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "password","database");
$result2 = mysqli_query($connect, $query2);
return $result2;
// Get random
$query="SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1";
$result = #mysqli_query($connection, $query);
//Put random in images array
while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {
$images[] = (object) $row;
//Get elo of random
$elo1 = $images[0]->score;
//Point of Interest Below
//Sort database by DESC. Then go through entire database. If current row's elo is with +- difference (which right now is 100) of elo1's rating, ($elo1-100 < x < $elo1+100), then put into new array with all matchups.
//Get length of array, if length is 0 (meaning no match ups were found), increase difference by 50 and try again.
$potentialMatchup = [];
$diff = 100;
$arrayLength = count($potentialMatchup);
while ($arrayLength == 0){
$diff += 50;
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_object($result2)){
if(($row2->score > $elo1-$diff) && ($row2->score < $elo1+$diff)){
$potentialMatchup[] = (object) $row2;
$arrayLength = count($potentialMatchup);
//Get random index between 0 and length of array.
$randomNumber = rand(0, $arrayLength-1);
//Put match up into images array
$images[1] = (object) $potentialMatchup[$randomNumber];
//Get names of images
$nameLeft = $images[0]->filename;
$nameRight = $images[1]->filename;
//If same person, pick another random
while($nameLeft == $nameRight){
$randomNumber = rand(0, $arrayLength-1);
$images[1] = (object) $potentialMatchup[$randomNumber];
$nameRight = $images[1]->filename;
// Close the connection
$leftName = str_replace("_", " ", $images[0]->filename);
$rightName = str_replace("_", " ", $images[1]->filename);

PHP Recursion -- Increment query variables

I have a database where each row contains a unique userid number, and a referralid number that links them to the person that referred them to the site. I am trying to create a recursive function that will search the database as long as it continues to find users, and perform several calculations as it goes. Below is what I have so far - I am getting stuck on trying to create incrementing query variables - PLEASE HELP!
function findrepsloop($refidnum, $num){
if(strlen($refidnum) > 0){
echo "FIRST STRLEN IF LOOP PASSED: $refidnum<br><br>";
$query{$num} = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE (refidnum = '$refidnum' && active = 'YES') ";
$result{$num} = mysql_query($query{$num});
$line{$num} = mysql_fetch_array($result{$num}, MYSQL_NUM);
$total{$num} = mysql_num_rows($result{$num});
echo "QUERY $num found $total{$num} rows in the database. LINE 0: '$line{$num}[0]<br><br>";
$totaltemp = 0;
if($total{$num} > 2){ $totaltemp = $total{$num} / 3; $totaltemp = floor($totaltemp); }else{}
$numberofthrees = $numberofthrees + $totaltemp;
while(strlen($line{$num}[0]) > 0){
$refidnum = $line{$num}[0];
findrepsloop($refidnum, $num);
$line{$num} = mysql_fetch_array($result{$num}, MYSQL_NUM);

Reading a field from the code, working with the data, saving the values to new fileds in the row

So here is what I am doing.
Read a row each in for loop. (Because all at once is going to take some resources since I am in a shared hosting.)
2.Get the right field data to a variable.
3.Manipulate the req datas dependant on the extracted field.
4.update the new fields where filed=extracted data.
Bit of addition, I am adding the current position to a file, so that the script can continue from there next time it is run.
Problem : It doesnt seem to work. The counter.txt gets values like 3-4, but it simply resides there. my db has like 1000k rows.
my code :
require ("dbconnect.php");
header("refresh:29;url=process.php"); // so it doesnt ever end. I cant use max_execution_time here for some reason.
$count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM collection ");
$data = mysql_fetch_array($count);
$count = $data[0];
echo $count;
$countfile = fopen("counter.txt", "r");
$counter = fgets($countfile);
echo fgets($countfile);
while (fgets($countfile) <= $count)
$i = fgets($countfile);
$takeword = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM collection WHERE id='$i'") or die();
$wd = mysql_fetch_array($takeword);
$data = $wd[0];
$d1 = hash($algorith='md2',$data);
$d2 = hash($algorith='md4',$data);
$write = mysql_query("UPDATE collection SET md2='$d1', md4='$d2' WHERE id='$i'") or die(mysql_error());
//opens, empties and write the new pointer to the file. closes, and open the file in readmode for the next read at the loop.
$counts = fopen("counter.txt", "w+");
fwrite($counts, $counter + 1);
$countfile = fopen("counter.txt", "r");
Any help would be appreciated :) Looking for code optimization and killing the error. Suggestions would do.:)
Alright I'd do something like this (sorry about the delayed response, I kept forgetting)
//main execution
$sql = mysql_connect(...);
if (!$sql)
die ("No database connection");
if (!mysql_select_db(..., $sql))
die ("Database does not exist in this schema");
//Run the query for this iteration.
function getQueryOffset($file)
$offset = 0; //default offset
if (file_exists($file)) //check if the counter file exists
$contents = file_get_contents($file); //get the contents of the counter
if ($contents !== FALSE && is_numeric($contents)) //check if an appropriate counter value
$offset = intval($contents);
return $offset;
function processQuery()
$table = "collection"; //table to update
$counter = "counter.txt"; //where to look for the last execution's offset.
$maxrows = 10000; //update 10,000 rows each time this file is loaded.
$sql = $GLOBALS['sql'];
//calculate the number of rows in the table
$qCount = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) max FROM $table", $sql);
$aCount = mysql_fetch_assoc($qCount);
$max = $aCount["max"];
$offset = getQueryOffset($counter); //calculate the offset (or a default 0)
if ($offset < $max) //if offet >= max, we're done.
$qUpdate = mysql_query("SELECT word, id FROM $table LIMIT $offset, $maxrows", $sql); //get the next "maxrows" rows from the table.
if ($qUpdate)
$assoc = NULL;
while (($assoc = mysql_fetch_assoc($qUpdate)) != NULL)
$md4 = hash("md4", $assoc["word"]); //calculate the hashes
$md2 = hash("md2", $assoc["word"]);
$id = $assoc["id"]; //id the row
mysql_query("UPDATE $table SET md2='$md2', md4='$md4' WHERE id=$id", $sql); //update the table columns
//update the offset in the counter file.
file_put_contents($counter, ($offset + mysql_num_rows($qUpdate)));
1 issue that I am seeing here:
Check your update query - that seems to be wrong. According to me, it should be "SET md2='$d1' AND md4='$d2'"
Another issue that I am not sure about:
I am unsure if md2 and md4 are valid names of hashing algorithms
A better way of doing this:
1. Dont write to file!
2. Create an additional column in your SQL by the name 'status', default value to 0. On update, change that value to 1.
3. Search for rows to edit based on query "SELECT word FROM collection WHERE status=0 limit 0,1"
4. OR if the columns md2 and md4 are empty in the original table, query could also be "SELECT word FROM collection WHERE md2='' and md4='' limit 0,1"
Hope this helps.

How generate UNIQUE random number in php [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Algorithm for generating a random number
Hi i need to assign a randomly generated number to some entries into the database and it must be unique.
I use:
$random_number = mt_rand();
mysqli_query($db_connection, "INSERT INTO my_table (rand_num, blabla) VALUES ('$random_number', '$blabla')");
But ofc there could always be a slightly low chance that 2 random numbers will be the same.
Then i could do something like:
function random_check($random_number) {
$random_check = mysqli_query($db_connection, "SELECT rand_num FROM my_table");
$result = 1;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($random_check)){
if ($row['rand_num'] == $random_number) {
return $result;
$random_number = mt_rand();
$random_check = random_check($random_number);
if ($random_check == 0) {
$random_number = mt_rand();
But this would only check the number once and there will still be a chance that the new generated number already exists into the db.
Any suggestions?
Here is a method which you can use:
$num= mt_rand();
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","uname","password");
$sel_query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE rand_num =%d"; // query to select value
$ins_query = "INSERT INTO my_table(rand_num) VALUES(%d)"; // query to insert value
$result = mysql_query(sprintf($sel_query,$num),$con);
while( mysql_num_rows($result) != 0 ) { // loops till an unique value is found
$num = mt_rand();
$result = mysql_query(sprintf($sel_query,$num),$con);
mysql_query(sprintf($ins_query,$num),$con); // inserts value
Doing a SELECT rand_num FROM my_table and checking the resulting values is very, very inefficient. Use a WHERE clause:
do {
$random_number = mt_rand();
$query_object = mysqli_query($db_connection, "SELECT 1 FROM my_table WHERE rand_num = $random_number");
$query_record = mysqli_fetch_array($query_object);
if(! $query_record) {
} while(1);
It is possible to write this code in lesser lines.
function random_check($random_number) {
$random_check = mysqli_query($db_connection, "SELECT rand_num FROM my_table");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($random_check)){
if ($row['rand_num'] == $random_number) {
return false;
return true;
$myNumbber = random_check(mt_rand();
--> Now u got unique number in "myNumber"
md5( strtotime("now").$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
strtotime("now") would give you a unique number, but ifyou are using this script to process forms/uploads etc from multiple users, the ip address will just make certain of that (on the off chance that at the exact same second two entries are made... can that even happen?? hmm...)
md5() cos i felt like it :D

Exhausting Memory - Tried Fixing Loops, Still Does Not Work

I'm currently experiencing a memory usage issue - but I cannot figure out where. I've tried replacing some of my foreach loops with for loops or by issuing another query to the DB, but I am still gettting the same error - "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in on line 109". Can anyone provide some insight as to what may be causing the issue? Thank you!
Code after #Patrick 's answer:
$participating_swimmers = array();
$event_standings = array();
$qualifying_times = array();
$events = array();
$current_event = '';
$select_times_sql = "SELECT event, time, name, year, team, time_standard, date_swum
FROM demo_times_table
WHERE sex = 'M' AND (time_standard = 'A' OR time_standard = 'B')
ORDER BY event, time ASC";
$select_times_query = mysql_query($select_times_sql);
//Create array with the current line's swimmer's info
while ($swimmer_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($select_times_query)) {
if($current_event != $swimmer_info['event']){
$events[] = $current_event = $swimmer_info['event'];
//Create array with the current line's swimmer's info
$swimmer_info["time"] = $select_times_row['time'];
$swimmer_info["name"] = $select_times_row['name'];
$swimmer_info["year"] = $select_times_row['year'];
$swimmer_info["team"] = $select_times_row['team'];
$swimmer_info["time_standard"] = $select_times_row['time_standard'];
$swimmer_info["date_swum"] = $select_times_row['date_swum'];
//Create "Top 8" list - if more than 8 A cuts, take them all
if (($swimmer_info["time_standard"] == "A") || ($swimmer_info["time_standard"] == "B")) {
//Check if there are 8 or less entries in the current event, or if the swim is an A cut
if ((count($event_standings[$current_event]) < 8) || ($swimmer_info["time_standard"] == "A")) {
//Add swimmer to the list of invites
$event_standings[$current_event][] = $swimmer_info;
//Keep only the identifying information about the swimmer
$condensed_swimmer_info["name"] = $swimmer_info["name"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["year"] = $swimmer_info["year"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["team"] = $swimmer_info["team"];
//Check if swimmers name already appears in list
if (!in_array($condensed_swimmer_info, $participating_swimmers)) {
//It is a unique user - add them to the list
$participating_swimmers[] = $condensed_swimmer_info;
} else {
//Add the qualifying time that did not fit into the list to a list of qualifying times
$qualifying_times[$current_event][] = $swimmer_info;
//Sort each array of times in descending order
$num_of_swimmers = count($participating_swimmers);
while ($num_of_swimmers < 80) {
foreach ($events as $loe) {
$num_of_qualifying_times = count($qualifying_times[$loe]);
$swimmer_info = $qualifying_times[$loe][$num_of_qualifying_times-1];
$event_standings[$loe][] = $swimmer_info;
//Keep only the identifying information about the swimmer
$condensed_swimmer_info["name"] = $swimmer_info["name"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["year"] = $swimmer_info["year"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["team"] = $swimmer_info["team"];
//Check if swimmers name already appears in list
if (!in_array($condensed_swimmer_info, $participating_swimmers)) {
//It is a unique user - add them to the list
$participating_swimmers[] = $condensed_swimmer_info;
//Remove time from array of qualifying times
$new_num_of_swimmers = count($participating_swimmers);
if($num_of_swimmers == $new_num_of_swimmers) break;
else $num_of_swimmers = $new_num_of_swimmers;
foreach($event_standings as $loe => $event_swimmer) {
echo "<h1>",$loe,"</h1><br />";
foreach ($event_swimmer as $es) {
echo $es["time"]," ",$es["name"]," ",$es["team"],"<br />";
Large data in database is the problem 95% !
- try using limit x,y in your queries , and put those queries in some loop .
- see it might help
$participating_swimmers = array();
$event_standings = array();
$qualifying_times = array();
$select_times_sql = "SELECT *
FROM demo_times_table
WHERE sex = 'M'
$select_times_query = mysql_query($select_times_sql);
while ($select_times_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($select_times_query)) {
//Create array with the current line's swimmer's info
$swimmer_info["time"] = $select_times_row['time'];
$swimmer_info["name"] = $select_times_row['name'];
$swimmer_info["year"] = $select_times_row['year'];
$swimmer_info["team"] = $select_times_row['team'];
$swimmer_info["time_standard"] = $select_times_row['time_standard'];
$swimmer_info["date_swum"] = $select_times_row['date_swum'];
//Create "Top 8" list - if more than 8 A cuts, take them all
if (($swimmer_info["time_standard"] == "A") || ($swimmer_info["time_standard"] == "B")) {
//Check if there are 8 or less entries in the current event, or if the swim is an A cut
if ((count($event_standings[$current_event]) < 8) || ($swimmer_info["time_standard"] == "A")) {
//Add swimmer to the list of invites
$event_standings[$current_event][] = $swimmer_info;
//Keep only the identifying information about the swimmer
$condensed_swimmer_info["name"] = $swimmer_info["name"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["year"] = $swimmer_info["year"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["team"] = $swimmer_info["team"];
//Check if swimmers name already appears in list
if (!in_array($condensed_swimmer_info, $participating_swimmers)) {
//It is a unique user - add them to the list
$participating_swimmers[] = $condensed_swimmer_info;
} else {
//Add the qualifying time that did not fit into the list to a list of qualifying times
$qualifying_times[$current_event][] = $swimmer_info;
//Sort each array of times in descending order
$num_of_swimmers = count($participating_swimmers);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(event)
FROM demo_times_table
WHERE sex = 'M' limit 80";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$loe = $row['event'];
$num_of_qualifying_times = count($qualifying_times[$loe]);
$event_standings[$loe][] = $qualifying_times[$loe][$num_of_qualifying_times-1];
//Keep only the identifying information about the swimmer
$condensed_swimmer_info["name"] = $qualifying_times[$loe][$num_of_qualifying_times]["name"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["year"] = $qualifying_times[$loe][$num_of_qualifying_times]["year"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["team"] = $qualifying_times[$loe][$num_of_qualifying_times]["team"];
//Check if swimmers name already appears in list
if (!in_array($condensed_swimmer_info, $participating_swimmers)) {
//It is a unique user - add them to the list
$participating_swimmers[] = $condensed_swimmer_info;
//Remove time from array of qualifying times
$num_of_swimmers = count($participating_swimmers);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(event)
FROM demo_times_table
WHERE sex = 'M'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$loe = $row['event'];
echo "<h1>".$loe."</h1><br />";
foreach ($event_standings[$loe] as $es) {
echo $es["time"]." ".$es["name"]." ".$es["team"]."<br />";
foreach ($participating_swimmers as $ps) {
echo $ps["name"]."<br /><br />";
echo "<br /><br />";
Instead of doing a query within a query, with the potential for logic holes that create a never-ending loop, you can condense it into a single query. For your first block, both loops are just checking for the current event and the sex of the participant, right? So:
$result = SELECT * FROM <my database> WHERE sex = 'M' ORDER BY time ASC
Then you can pull whichever rows you want during the while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) loop and compensate for non-distinct values in another way.
One other source of the never-ending loop could be in the block where you sort the qualifying times. You're using "unset" after each, which could be getting the pointer stuck. You could try adding array_values($qualifying_times) after the unset to reindex the array.
Frist off, lose the SELECT DISTINCT like so:
$events = array()
$current_event = '';
$select_times_sql = "SELECT event, time, name, year, team, time_standard, date_swum
FROM demo_times_table
WHERE sex = 'M' AND (time_standard = 'A' OR time_standard = 'B')
ORDER BY event, time ASC";
$select_times_query = mysql_query($select_times_sql);
//Create array with the current line's swimmer's info
while ($swimmer_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($select_times_query)) {
if($current_event != swimmer_info['event']){
$events[] = $current_event = $swimmer_info['event'];
//Create "Top 8" list - if more than 8 A cuts, take them all
//Check if there are 8 or less entries in the current event, or if the swim is an A cut
This also loses a bit of redundant code, and can speed up the final output (note the commas in the echo statements - the string doesn't need to be concatenated before it is spat out)
foreach($event_standings as $loe => $event_swimmer) {
echo "<h1>",$loe,"</h1><br />";
foreach ($event_swimmer as $es) {
echo $es["time"]," ",$es["name"]," ",$es["team"],"<br />";
The final problem lies in the second while loop, where the info being put into $condensed_swimmer_info doesn't have the -1 in place, thus is always blank, and $num_of_swimmers never rises to more than 1 over its original value:
while ($num_of_swimmers < 80) {
foreach ($events as $loe) {
$loe = $row['event'];
$num_of_qualifying_times = count($qualifying_times[$loe]);
$swimmer_info = $qualifying_times[$loe][$num_of_qualifying_times-1];
$event_standings[$loe][] = $swimmer_info;
//Keep only the identifying information about the swimmer
$condensed_swimmer_info["name"] = $swimmer_info["name"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["year"] = $swimmer_info["year"];
$condensed_swimmer_info["team"] = $swimmer_info["team"];
//Check if swimmers name already appears in list
if (!in_array($condensed_swimmer_info, $participating_swimmers)) {
//It is a unique user - add them to the list
$participating_swimmers[] = $condensed_swimmer_info;
//Remove time from array of qualifying times
$new_num_of_swimmers = count($participating_swimmers);
if($num_of_swimmers == $new_num_of_swimmers) break;
else $num_of_swimmers = $new_num_of_swimmers;
