Hello and thanks for the help! I'm new to laravel and i'm trying to learn it through a tutorial that i found in youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lceNwQf-ufY
Everything has been worked correctly until now!
I'm trying to make a list of all the rows of my table authors
My Controller authors.php
class Authors extends BaseController{
public function get_index(){
return View::make('authors.index')
->with('title', 'Authors Title')
->with('authors', Author::all());
My Model author.php
class Author extends Eloquent{
protected $table = 'authors';
My View index.blade.php
<h2>Authors Page</h2>
<h3>Welcome to the authors page</h3>
#foreach($authors as $author)
<li>{{ $author->name }}</li>
And my layout layout.blade.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
Route::get('/', function()
return View::make('hello');
Route::get('users', function()
return View::make('users');
Route::get('authors', array('uses'=>'authors#index'));
You should change in your routes.php
Route::get('authors', array('uses'=>'authors#index'));
Route::get('authors', array('uses'=>'Authors#get_index'));
Using Authors#get_index the first part is the name of controller (in your case it's Authors and the second part is the name of method - in your case it's get_index and not index.
I want to include send my data from my controller to my header.blade.php file in view
but i want to return the other view in the laravel as mentioned below:-
public function handleProviderCallback()
$user = Socialite::driver('google')->stateless()->user();
$finduser = User::where('google_id', $user->id)->first();
if($finduser) {
$google_avatar = $user->getAvatar();
view('pages.home',['google_avatar', $google_avatar]);
return redirect()->route('home',);
By extending a layout is the cleanest way.
From the docs:
<!-- Stored in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php -->
<title>App Name - #yield('title')</title>
This is the master sidebar.
<div class="container">
The child:
#section('title', 'Page Title')
<p>This is appended to the master sidebar.</p>
<p>This is my body content.</p>
By just returning the "child" view from the controller, the data will be available in the header as well. If you pass it in the #extends declaration
I'm new to laravel and I got stuck.
My problem is I want 2 sections (navigation, content) that has dynamic data
Here's some code
Main Blade
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="content">
portfolio blade
#foreach($data as $portfolio)
<img src='{{ URL::asset("images/$portfolio->picture.jpg") }}'/>
and my navigation blade
#foreach($menuknoppen as $menuknop)
<a href='{{ URL::to("$menuknop->menu_url") }}'>{{$menuknop->menutitle}}</a>
the portfolio blade has a controller, but also the menu blade has a controller
the problem is the navigation isn't showing even if I add static text
My controllers
my portfolio controller
* Show the profile for the given user.
* #param int $id
* #return Response
public function index(){
//here comes a whole list with what i've done
$results = DB::table('projects')->get();
//return $results;
$data = array();
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
$data[] = $result;
return view('portfolio.portfolio')->with('data', $data);
public function getProject($portfolio_url){
//this gets the project thats clicked
$results = DB::select('select * from projects where portfolio_url = ?', array($portfolio_url));
return view('portfolio.single')->with('data', $results['0']);
my navigation controller
class menuController extends Controller {
* Show the profile for the given user.
* #param int $id
* #return Response
// public function __construct($table){
// $results = DB::table($table)->get();
// return view('menu')->with('menuknoppen', $results);
// }
public function index(){
$results = DB::table('navigation')->get();
return view('menu')->with('menuknoppen', $results);
Your main blade should be:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="content">
Your portfolio should be:
#foreach($data as $portfolio)
<img src='{{ URL::asset("images/$portfolio->picture.jpg") }}'/>
Navigation field should be:
//Don't use extends here
#foreach($menuknoppen as $menuknop)
<a href='{{ URL::to("$menuknop->menu_url") }}'>{{$menuknop->menutitle}}</a>
Pass multiple data
public function index()
$data = //data code;
$results = // results code
return view(portfolio.portfolio, compact('data', 'results'));
You have mixed the concept of #yield , #include and #extend
#yield provides a place for you to replace, so when you call #extend in other view you can reuse the template in view which you extend and replace the part with #yield
#include means this part of code is always replaced by the view it defined
So when you are designing a webpage, you need to make sure what is "always called" (use #include) and what could be replaced (use #yield)
As an assisting explanation to aldrin27 working code, I hope this make your mind clearer on the blade template, it rocks! :D
I'm really confused. that's about several hours that I trying to figure out the relationships of blade system.
However I yet haven't learned all of its points.
My Question is:
I have defined the master.blade.php which contains the following code:
<!doctype HTML>
But I do not know how should I define header and content in the following controller:
class sample extends BaseController
protected $layout = "layout.master";
function show()
// the code which goes here
In constructor of BaseController:
$this->layout->header = View::make('header');
In master.blade.php:
{{ $header }}
This is the problem, its not reading #layout()
Inside the folder View/authors/index.blade.php
Authors Home Page
In the folder Controllers/authors.php
class Authors_Controller extends Base_Controller{
public $restful = true;
public function get_index(){
return View::make('authors.index')->with('title', 'Autores e Livros');
and inside the folder View/layouts/default.blade.php
basic html
<head> <title> {{ $title }} </title> </head>
{{ $content }}
Where's my error? why is it not reading?
First: Inside View/layouts/default.blade.php
<head> <title> {{ $title }} </title> </head>
And second: Update
I'm like 99% sure that '#layout('layouts.default')' in your View/authors/index.blade.php is not on the first line. It has to be at the top of the page.
It seems in Laravel 4 you should use #extends('layouts.default') instead of #layout('layouts.default')
I am a newbie developer and started to use Laravel to code.
My problem is that, I can't make this content changeable with the menu click.
I am really confused about how to use Ajax in this condition.
My routes.php:
Route::get('author/(:any)', array('as'=>'article','uses'=>'articles#view'));
My default.blade.php(shortly included with the scripts)
<!DOCTYPE html>
{{ HTML::script('js/jquery.min.js') }}
{{ HTML::script('js/ajax.js') }}
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="page">
{{ $content }}
<!-- SIDEBAR -->
<div id="sidebar">
<div id="sidebar-content">
<ul id="menu">
<li class="current">ANASAYFA</li>
<script type="text/javascript">var BASE = "<?php echo URL::base(); ?>";</script>
My views are inside div/#content.
My ajax.js :
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#sidebar-content ul li a').click(function(e) {
// prevent the links default action
// from firing
// attempt to GET the new content
$.get(BASE +'#content', function(data) {
My articles controller:
class Articles_Controller extends Base_Controller {
public $restful = true;
public $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function get_index(){
$this->layout->title = "Anasayfa";
$this->layout->content = View::make('articles.index')
public function get_view($id){
$this->layout->title = "Hizmetlerimiz";
$this->layout->content = View::make('articles.view')
You want to replace the content of <div id="page">.
I think you should write $('#page').html(data);