How to echo out a result from this var_dump()? - php

This seems like it should be easy but I'm clearly just misunderstanding something. I'm making an API call to 5 Day Weather with the following code:
$file = file_get_contents("");
$weather = json_decode($file);
If i var_dump($weather) I get the following output:
object(stdClass)#1824 (2) {
["apiVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0"
["data"]=> object(stdClass)#1826 (7) {
["location"]=> string(12) "Glasgow, GBR"
["temperature"]=> string(2) "55"
["skytext"]=> string(13) "Partly Cloudy"
["humidity"]=> string(2) "88"
["wind"]=> string(1) "8"
["date"]=> string(10) "2014-10-03"
["day"]=> string(6) "Friday"
Right, that's all well and good, but how can I echo out single results? I feel like I've tried everything and just can't get anything to work, including (many for good measure):
I appreciate that it's my fundamental misunderstanding of how this array/object thing works but I've tried looking into it and can't figure out exactly what I should be doing with this feed.
Thanks a lot!

Try this:
echo $weather->data->temperature;


PHP get specific value of a specific key in a multidimensional array

Say I have the following array (this comes from a var_dump):
($defaults = )array(3) {
array(2) {
string(16) "Playfair Display"
string(7) "regular"
array(2) {
string(6) "Roboto"
string(3) "300"
array(2) {
string(6) "Roboto"
string(3) "300"
I guess this is an easy question, but I really can't find the answer. I think my googling skills failed me in this, but how do I get the font-family value for sitewide_typography_title?
Thanks a lot in advance!
It's simple
To echo it out like this
echo $defaults['sitewide_typography_title']['font-family'];
Should output
Playfair Display

PHP: Incorrect value after assignment

I have really no idea what's happening. The story:
I use PDO for a SELECT statement on a database.
$sql = "SELECT a,b,c,performance,points,compare
FROM normvalues
WHERE x=:x AND y=1 AND z=:z";
$stmt = $GLOBALS['PDO']->prepare($sql);
So that's fine and it is working. When I var_dump the $res variable I get something like:
array(6) {
["a"]=> string(2) "44"
["b"]=> string(4) "1176"
["c"]=> string(4) "1166"
["performance"]=> string(4) "50.1"
["points"]=> string(1) "1"
["compare"]=> string(2) "-1"
array(6) {
["a"]=> string(2) "57"
["b"]=> string(4) "1176"
["c"]=> string(4) "1166"
["performance"]=> string(4) "47.7"
["points"]=> string(1) "2"
["compare"]=> string(2) "-1"
array(6) {
["a"]=> string(2) "70"
["b"]=> string(4) "1176"
["c"]=> string(4) "1166"
["performance"]=> string(4) "44.7"
["points"]=> string(1) "3"
["compare"]=> string(2) "-1"
That's also okay. But I have to sort the result another way. So I am doing:
foreach($res as $e){
And now I am completely lost. By assigning $e['performance'] I get wrong values. Actually this should be the performance values.
array(4) {
[1]=> string(2) "50"
["compare"]=> string(2) "-1"
[2]=> string(2) "48"
[3]=> string(2) "45"
I already checked the values in the database and they are correct. By doing doubleval() I'd get the right values, but the problem is that not every value is a double but also integer or string. I also tried to typecast with (string) but it's the same result. I have no explanation.
It's a very big project and I just tried to minimize it as possible and to make my problem as clear as possible. But now I have figured out something new:
I do an 'echo()' of my first variable in the normTable during the loop:
foreach($res as $e){
echo "a:".$e['a']." pt: ".$e['points']." perf: ".$e['performance']."-".$this->normTable[1176][1]."\n";
and the value is changing from '50.1' to '50'. Still can't figure out the reason. Is there a size limitaion of arrays in PHP?
UPDATE 2 and a big SORRY!
As I said, it is a big project. So the table I read out, has some values for some attributes twice or more. Actually such a case should not happen. That's why the answer is simple: It became 50 because 50 was assigned. I'm so sorry for having waisted your time. But I totally excluded this case and since I am also coding in C, my first thought was: memory leak - clear case!
Thanks for your help.
Meh, I don't have 50 reputation; can't comment only answer.
If you replace a with be in your loop, you should get your expected result (given your data sample). I.e.:
foreach($res as $e){
But I'm not sure this really solves your problem. YMMV.

How to order results from CouchbaseViewQuery on Couchbase PHP SDK 2.0?

I started studying both Couchbase and MongoDB to decide wich one to implement on a social network, but the lack of documentation on couchbase side is almost making me give up.
Almost everything I must guess, as documentation are poor, and easier to get confuse between PHP SDK 2.0 and previous versions. There is a lot of documentation but about older sdk versions.
Now after my outflow, my question.
I have this code, and the necessary view created:
$cb = CouchbaseViewQuery::from('dev_testimonials', 'by_uid')->key($uid)->limit($max)->skip($inicio);
It works as expected, except that I need to order the results by ascending or descending, but I could't find anywhere documentation about that. I thought ->descending(true) should do the trick but doesn't work. Doesn't exist.
All that the API reference says about ordering on CouchbaseViewQuery, is a list of constants:
But there is not explanation about how and where to use them.
Could you help? Thanks.
The function you need to use is order() which accepts one of two constants:
In php all class constants are publicly visible. To access the constants the following code can be used: CouchbaseViewQuery::ORDER_ASCENDING or CouchbaseViewQuery::ORDER_DESCENDING.
Below is a code example using the Beer-sample data shipped with Couchbase Server.
// Connect to Couchbase Server
$cluster = new CouchbaseCluster('');
$bucket = $cluster->openBucket('beer-sample');
$query = CouchbaseViewQuery::from('beer', 'by_location')->skip(6)->limit(2)->reduce(false)->order(CouchbaseViewQuery::ORDER_ASCENDING);
$results = $bucket->query($query);
foreach($results['rows'] as $row) {
echo "Reversing the order\n";
$query = CouchbaseViewQuery::from('beer', 'by_location')->skip(6)->limit(2)->reduce(false)->order(CouchbaseViewQuery::ORDER_DESCENDING);
$results = $bucket->query($query);
foreach($results['rows'] as $row) {
Here is the output from the above code:
array(3) {
string(9) "Australia"
string(15) "New South Wales"
string(6) "Sydney"
array(3) {
string(9) "Australia"
string(15) "New South Wales"
string(6) "Sydney"
Reversing the order
array(3) {
string(13) "United States"
string(7) "Wyoming"
string(8) "Cheyenne"
array(3) {
string(13) "United States"
string(7) "Wyoming"
string(6) "Casper"

PHP return object variables inside of an array

I'm writing a PHP script to work with some JSON data. Below is an (abridged) var_dump($data). I want to return the value associated with ["[question(13), option(0)]"] which is 20. I can't figure out how to do it. I've tried $data->[question(13), option(0)] and $data->question(13). (I tried to look this up but I'm not sure what the notation means, so I'm not sure what I'm looking for)
object(stdClass)#133 (36) {
string(1) "1"
string(0) ""
string(8) "Complete"
string(1) "0"
string(19) "2012-04-19 17:11:00"
string(11) "C. 40%, 40%"
string(47) "D. EBITDA and Free cash flow are the same thing"
string(48) "A. Accounts Payable as % of sales would increase"
string(20) "E. None of the above"
string(97) "A. A larger portion of initial investment is equity which can increase exit return potential."
["[question(13), option(0)]"]=>
string(2) "20"
string(0) ""
string(13) ""
string(10) "-73.976303"
string(9) "40.761902"
Either use extended object access notation:
$data->{'[question(13), option(0)]'}
Or just ask for normal array and use it as normal array.
json_decode($json, true);
try this
echo $data->{'[question(13), option(0)]'};

Targeting specific group when creating a campaign with mailChimp API

I cannot seem to figure out how to send to a group in my list using mailChimp API
My code looks like this:
$conditions = array('field'=>'interests-1', 'op'=>'all', 'value'=>'myGroup');
$opts = array('match'=>'any', 'conditions'=>$conditions);
$retval = $api->campaignSegmentTest($listId, $opts);
But this yields bool(false). When fetched by
$retval = $api->listInterestGroupings($listId);
my list looks like this:
array(1) {
array(5) {
string(10) "myList"
string(5) "radio"
string(1) "0"
array(5) {
array(4) {
string(1) "1"
string(9) "myGroup"
string(1) "1"
array(4) {
string(1) "2"
string(9) "myGroup_2"
string(1) "2"
I have looked in the API documentation and searched for the answer, but cannot seem to figure it out. Grateful for help!
Looks like you are using the PHP wrapper - the first thing to do, like the examples included with it do, is to check for any errors by looking at $api->errorCode before messing with the $retval.
When you do that I'm certain you will see an error telling you that you haven't passed a proper "conditions" parameter since it is an array of arrays, not an array.
