Modify a csv file line by line - php

I have a big file that I want to modify every line in it.
I want to use PHP to do it quickly :
My file is CSV file ;
I want to make it like this to be able to use it late with Highchart:
How canI loop every line and make this modification ?

See the fgetcsv and fputcsv PHP functions. It will basically be something like:
if (($handle1 = fopen("input.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
if (($handle2 = fopen("output.csv", "w")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle1, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
// Alter your data
$data[0] = '...';
// Write back to CSV format
fputcsv($handle2, $data);

Try this code:
$filename = 'info.csv';
$contents = file($filename);
foreach($contents as $line) {
$data = explode(",",$line);
$val = "[Date.UTC(".substr($data[0],0,4).",".(substr($data[0],4,2)).",".substr($data[0],6,2).",".$data[1].",".$data[2].",".$data[3]."),".$data[4]."],";


PHP - Notice Undefined offset

I have an issue in my php script which I don't understand. I know there are several questions regarding this issue but none fits to my issue.
I actually have one input file delimited by tabulation named testfile.txt.
With this txt file, I create a new file named result.txt where I take content of testfile in column 0 and column 7.
When I execute my php script, I get this error:
Notice: Undefined offset: 7
The thing that I don't understand is, my result.txt is well created with data contained in my column 0 and 7 from my testfile.txt. If I do:
echo $dataFromTestFile[7];
I have in output contents in column 7.
So I don't really understand why I have this notice and how to remove it.
Here's my php script:
if (false !== ($ih = fopen('/opt/lampp/htdocs/ngs/tmp/testfile.txt', 'r'))) {
$oh = fopen('/opt/lampp/htdocs/ngs/tmp/result.txt', 'w');
while (false !== ($dataFromTestFile = fgetcsv($ih,0,"\t"))) {
// this is where I build my new row
$outputData = array($dataFromTestFile[0], $dataFromTestFile[7]);
fputcsv($oh, $outputData);
//echo $dataFromTestFile[7];
Sample data of testfile.txt:
Input Errors AccNo Genesymbol Variant Reference Coding Descr. Coding
aaa ddd fdfd dfdf fefefd ref1 fdfdfd fdfdf dfdfde
I suspect this is the line that's causing the error:
$outputData = array($dataFromTestFile[0], $dataFromTestFile[7]);
You are trying to use array elements at specific index without checking if they actually exists.
Also, you are trying to write an array object to the result file, did you mean to create a comma separated value in that file?
Try this:
$source = '/opt/lampp/htdocs/ngs/tmp/testfile.txt';
$result = '/opt/lampp/htdocs/ngs/tmp/result.txt';
if (($handle = fopen($source, "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "\t")) !== FALSE) {
if (isset($data[0]) && isset($data[7])) {
file_put_contents($result, $data[0] .','. $data[7] ."\r\n");
Alternatively, you could write the result as a csv like this also:
$sourceFile = '/opt/lampp/htdocs/ngs/tmp/testfile.txt';
$resultFile = '/opt/lampp/htdocs/ngs/tmp/result.txt';
$resultData = array();
// Parse source file
if (($handle = fopen($sourceFile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "\t")) !== FALSE) {
if (isset($data[0]) && isset($data[7])) {
$resultData[] = array($data[0], $data[7]);
// Write result file
if (sizeof($resultData)) {
$h = #fopen($resultFile, 'w');
if (!$h) {
exit('Failed to open result file for writing.');
foreach ($resultData as $resultRow) {
fputcsv($h, $resultRow, ',', '"');
make sure the column 7 exists in your testfile.txt - i guess when starting from zero it may be column number 6 - also you can
in order to get the content of the variable - array keys and values might be of interest for your issue

Replacing a line in a file with PHP

I am currently trying to replace a line in a configuration file to update a version. The line looks like requiredBuild = 123456; and I need to change the numbering. I have got the following which inserts the new line after it, but I need to actually replace the existing line instead.
How would this be accomplished? ftell() is giving me the POS after the line I want to replace but removing the original line is where I am confused. Is there some way to just do like the ftell() - strlen(thisline) and replace it with ''?
$config = 'serverDZ.cfg';
$file=fopen($config,"r+") or exit("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($file))
if (strpos($line, 'requiredBuild') !== false)
$insertPos = ftell($file);
$newline = "requiredBuild = 124971;\n";
fseek($file, $insertPos);
fwrite($file, $newline);
Try this solution:
$content = file($path);
foreach ($content as $line_num => $line) {
if (false === (strpos($line, 'requiredBuild'))) continue;
$content[$line_num] = "requiredBuild = 124971;\n";
file_put_contents($path, implode($content));

How can I get the total number of rows in a CSV file with PHP?

Using PHP, how can I get the total number of rows that are in a CSV file? I'm using this method but cannot get it to work properly.
if (($fp = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($record = fgetcsv($fp)) !== FALSE) {
echo $row;
Create a new file reference using SplFileObject:
$file = new SplFileObject('test.csv', 'r');
Try to seek to the highest Int PHP can handle:
Then actually it will seek to the highest line it could in the file, there is your last line and the last line + 1 is equals to your total lines:
echo $file->key() + 1;
Tricky, but this will avoid you from loading the file contents into memory, which is a very cool thing to do when dealing with really large files.
Here's another option using file() to read the entire file into an array, automatically parsing new lines etc:
$fp = file('test.csv');
echo count($fp);
Also, since PHP5, you can pass in the FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES... to skip empty lines, if you want to:
$fp = file('test.csv', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$c =0;
$fp = fopen("test.csv","r");
$content = fgets($fp);
if($content) $c++;
echo $c;
I know that this is pretty old, but actually I ran into the same question.
As a solution I would assume to use linux specific logic:
$rows = shell_exec('$(/bin/which cat) file.csv | $(/bin/which tr) "\r" "\n" | $(which wc) -l');
NOTE: this only works for linux only and this only should be used if you are 100% certain that your file has no multiline-cells
CSV rows are separated by line breaks. Therefore, split the rows by line breaks, and you will get an array of rows, which is countable.
if (($fp = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
$rows = explode("\n", $fp);
$length = count($rows);
echo $length;
Note; none of higher-upvoted solutions that count lines in the file are reliable, as they are only counting the lines, not the csv entries (which can contain newline characters)
I'm using a similar solution to op, and it works perfectly, but with op's code the while part can break on empty lines, which is potentially his problem.
So it looks like this (edited op's code)
if (($fp = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
while(!feof($fp)) {
$data = fgetcsv($fp , 0 , ',' , '"', '"' );
if(empty($data)) continue; //empty row
echo $rowCount;
I find this the most reliable:
$file = new SplFileObject('file.csv', 'r');
SplFileObject::READ_CSV |
SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD |
SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY |
$lineCount = $file->key() + 1;
I know this is an old post, but I've been googling this issue, and found that the only problem with the original code was that you need to define $row outside the while loop, like this:
if (($fp = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
$row = 1;
while (($record = fgetcsv($fp)) !== FALSE) {
Just in case it helps someone :)
echo $row;
In case you are getting the file from a form
$file = $_FILES['csv']['tmp_name'];
$fp = new SplFileObject($file, 'r');
echo $fp->key() + 1;
Works like charm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
while ((fgetcsv($file)) !== FALSE)
echo $RowCount;

Replace a particular line in a text file using php?

I have a text file that stores lastname, first name, address, state, etc as a string with a | delimiter and each record on a separate line.
I have the part where I need to store each record on a new line and its working fine; however, now I need to be able to go back and update the name or address on a particular line and I can't get it to work.
This how to replace a particular line in a text file using php? helped me here but I am not quite there yet. This overwrites the whole file and I lose the records. Any help is appreciated!
After some edit seems to be working now. I am debugging to see if any errors.
$string= implode('|',$contact);
$reading = fopen('contacts.txt', 'r');
$writing = fopen('contacts.tmp', 'w');
$replaced = false;
while (!feof($reading)) {
$line = fgets($reading);
if(stripos($line, $lname) !== FALSE) {
if(stripos($line, $fname) !== FALSE) {
$line = "$string";
$replaced = true;
fwrite($writing, "$line");
//fputs($writing, $line);
fclose($reading); fclose($writing);
// might as well not overwrite the file if we didn't replace anything
if ($replaced)
rename('contacts.tmp', 'contacts.txt');
} else {
It seems that you have a file in csv-format. PHP can handle this with fgetcsv()
if (($handle = fopen("contacts.txt", "r")) !== FALSE) {
$data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, '|')
/* manipulate $data array here */
So you get an array that you can manipulate. After this you can save the file with fputcsv
$fp = fopen('contacts.tmp', 'w');
foreach ($data as $fields) {
fputcsv($fp, $fields);
Well, after the comment by Asad, there is another simple answer. Just open the file in Append-mode :
$writing = fopen('contacts.tmp', 'a');

CSV file read fail (PHP )

I am trying to read a CSV file (delimited by commas) but unfortunately, it isn't responding as it ought to. I am not so sure what I am doing wrong here, but I'll paste out the contents of the code and the CSV file both :
$row = 0;
if($handle = fopen("SampleQuizData.csv","r") !== FALSE)
$line = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, ",") ;
echo $line[2]; // DOES NOT WORK
Here is the CSV file: (the emails and names have been changed here to protect the identities of the users)
it lacks a '$' to the handle variable
and not :
Give this a try:
$row = 0;
if (($handle = fopen("SampleQuizData.csv", "r")) !== FALSE)
$line = fgetcsv($handle, 1024, ",") ;
echo "$line[2]";
It's worth a mention but when I was working on CSV exports a few weeks ago, I had weird line ending inconsistencies. So I put this at the top of my php file and it worked splendid.
ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true);
