Decoding this PHP? - php

Okso I have some PHP that I'm working with for a client. The last guy to make his site encoded all his PHP to make it difficult for guys like me to come in and make changes. I have no idea what this is.
Ok so it started off as this:
<?php $OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$O0O000O0O=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{11};$O0O000O00=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=0xa68;eval($OOO0000O0('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwT08wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDB4NTU0KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMHgxN2MpLCdmaFY2THhOT01GUlgwZXZjK3lTOEhXdHNZcUpuUUNQVEJacGszb0VnQXU5YjI1MW1Jai9yYTRHemxkRFU3S3dpPScsJ0FCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ky8nKSk7ZXZhbCgkT08wME8wME8wKTs='));return;?>~DFLKc06hc06hc064rCOFTQEWInNxkqSBgs4KNSHjxs47gXVMgMpl38aKc0L7I8rfIXpMgMpI38aKc06fI0L7IRVyc8a7I06fI0L7AFL7I8rfI8a7I0VB38rfI0L7I8rfIXVyc8rfI8rfI06fuXVCEJxYG8OZv8a4NHoBIqsqkRzo8vLZsCOeqQHu1HHe+WLFJQN2rnaWg+sHdYkM40t4FJpK/Y8yOPEj3yxHzSzCucSQ2FaxV+ayxy3CMSHuX8L4v84hyHoeHWWqstxoJYtFkqNWEqGZuJE52ntdmQOx/Qzy4CgClPsAI08Mre6HGerBdR/7gRS3uvGqknNKrqSB38rfI0L7I8rfIR85oCEx2RVyc8rfI8rfI8rfuvI==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
I then decoded it into this:
<?php $O000O0O00 = $OOO000O00($OOO0O0O00, 'rb');
$O0O00OO00($O000O0O00, 0x554);
$OO00O00O0 = $OOO0000O0($OOO00000O($O0O00OO00($O000O0O00, 0x17c), 'fhV6LxNOMFRX0evc+yS8HWtsYqJnQCPTBZpk3oEgAu9b251mIj/ra4GzldDU7Kwi=', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'));
eval($OO00O00O0); ?>
However I have not gotten any further. Any idea on how to work with this?

Ooh, a puzzle! I like puzzles.
This decoder has two stages.
The first one assigns a number of strings, then decodes and evaluates the second stage. Here it is with some of the bad formatting and variable names removed:
eval($base64_decode(another base64 blob -- the second stage))
Each of the strings, besides $map and $filename, ends up getting assigned its name as contents.
The second stage, which is decoded from a Base64 blob, consists of the second part you already discovered, which I've treated similarly below:
$fh = $fopen($filename, 'rb');
$fread($fh, 0x554);
$data = $base64_decode($strtr(
$fread($fh, 0x17c),
This reads some encoded data from the current PHP file, modifies it using strtr(), Base64 decodes it, then evaluates that. The results of this decoding appear to be somewhat corrupted (possibly you've omitted part of the input?), but include this readable fragment of PHP code:
class asmLink
static function createSearchUrl ($originalUrl)
$originalUrl = trim($originalUrl);
$amzUrlBits = parse_url($originalUrl);
$amzScheme = $amzUrlBits['
As an aside: Your client would be well advised to consider reading their contract with the previous developer very carefully, and may want to consider legal proceedings — that developer has deliberately taken steps to prevent your client from having their site maintained by anyone else.


how to decode php base64_decode

I'm a newbie starting to learn from source code. I bought a source code on the internet with full source code switching but it turns out there is a part that is hidden. How to do decrypt/decode for lines like this:
$keystroke1 = base64_decode("d2RyMTU5c3E0YXllejd4Y2duZl90djhubHVrNmpoYmlvMzJtcA==");
$keystroke2 = $O0O0O0O0O0O0("xes26:tr5bzf{8ydhog`uw9omvl7kicjp43nq", -1);
is code like this dangerous?
You are looking at a piece of obfuscated code. I will explain it line by line, but first let's go over the functions that are used:
This function decodes a base64 encoded string. It's used here to unscramble intentionally scrambled code.
This function decompresses a compressed string. It's used the same way as base64_decode().
This function executes a string as code. Its use is discouraged and is in itself a bit of a red flag, though it has legitimate uses.
$keystroke1 = base64_decode("d2RyMTU5c3E0YXllejd4Y2duZl90djhubHVrNmpoYmlvMzJtcA==");
This line creates an apparently random string of characters: wdr159sq4ayez7xcgnf_tv8nluk6jhbio32mp
This string is saved to a variable, $keystroke1. The string itself is not important, other than that it contains some letters that are used later.
This line unscrambles a doubly scrambled string and then runs this resulting code:
if(!function_exists("rotencode")){function rotencode($string,$amount) { $key = substr($string, 0, 1); if(strlen($string)==1) { return chr(ord($key) + $amount); } else { return chr(ord($key) + $amount) . rotEncode(substr($string, 1, strlen($string)-1), $amount); }}}
This creates a new function called rotencode(), which is yet another way of unscrambling strings.
This line takes specific characters from that random string from earlier to create the word "rotencode" as a string, stored in the variable named $O0O0O0O0O0O0.
$keystroke2 = $O0O0O0O0O0O0("xes26:tr5bzf{8ydhog`uw9omvl7kicjp43nq", -1);
This line uses the rotencode() function to unscramble yet another string (actually exactly the same string as before, for some reason).
On these lines the two (identical but separate) random strings are used to create the words gzinflate and base64_decode. This is done so the coder can use these functions without it being apparent that that's what is happening. However, base64_decode() is never used this way in the snippet you posted. That might suggest that it is used later in the code in places you haven't seen or recognized yet. Searching your code for "$O0000000000O" might yield other uses.
This is where it all comes together. This line unscrambles a line of code which has been compressed and encoded 10 times over. The final result is this:
$cnk = array('localhost');
That's it. It sets the string "localhost" as the sole element of an array and saves it in a variable named $cnk.
In and of itself, there's nothing hazardous about running this code, but noting the lengths that the coder went to in order to hide this line, it's probably a safe bet that it wasn't placed there to help you - the buyer - in any way. Search your code for the $cnk variable if you want to know exactly what's being done. Or better yet, chalk this experience down to a loss and find a better way to learn coding. There are plenty of books, video tutorials and free resources online. Do not place your trust in whoever sold you this code. While they may not have been malicious (people suggested in comments that this might be part of a license check), anyone who includes something like this in their code is not someone you should be learning from.
Good luck on your coding journey!

Sending percent encoding as part of data

I have a site where anyone can leave comments.
By leaving a comment browser makes an ajax request to PHP script, sending encodeURIComponent-ed data to PHP script.
Earlier, in the PHP script, I added
$data = str_replace("\n","\\n",str_replace("\"","\\\"",$_POST["text"]));
Now I’ve been testing by inputting random stuff and found an exploit: if to input %00, it will be added to my comments file as null-terminator and corrupts my data. Also, other percent-encoded value will be decoded.
I am sending data as a regular application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
How to fix that?
So, the solution I’ve made so far is:
$_POST["text"] = str_replace("\"","\\\"",$_POST["text"]);
if(chr($i)!="\n"&&chr($i)!="\r"&&chr($i)!=" "&&chr($i)!="("&&chr($i)!="&"&&chr($i)!="!"&&chr($i)!="\""&&chr($i)!="'")
$_POST["text"] = str_replace(chr($i),"",$_POST["text"]);
$_POST["text"] = str_replace("\\","",$_POST["text"]);
It just removes all special and potentially malware non-readable characters with some exceptions (newlines, ampersands etc.).
The only issue of this solution is that it removes backslash (but successfully writes data).

PHP variables look the same but are not equal (I'm confused)

OK, so I shave my head, but if I had hair I wouldn't need a razor because I'd have torn it all out tonight. It's gone 3am and what looked like a simple solution at 00:30 has become far from it.
Please see the code extract below..
$psusername = substr($list[$count],16);
if ($psusername == $psu_value){
$answer = "YES";
else {
$answer = "NO";
$psusername holds the value "normann" which is taken from a URL in a text based file (url.db)
$psu_value also holds the value "normann" which is retrieved from a cookie set on the user's computer (or a parameter in the browser address bar - URL).
However, and I'm sure you can guess my problem, the variable $answer contains "NO" from the test above.
All the PHP I know I've picked up from Google searches and you guys here, so I'm no expert, which is perhaps evident.
Maybe this is a schoolboy error, but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. My assumption is that the data types differ. Ultimately, I want to compare the two variables and have a TRUE result when they contain the same information (i.e normann = normann).
So if you very clever fellows can point out why two variables echo what appears to be the same information but are in fact different, it'd be a very useful lesson for me and make my users very happy.
Do they echo the same thing when you do:
echo gettype($psusername) . '\n' . gettype($psu_value);
Since i can't see what data is stored in the array $list (and the index $count), I cannot suggest a full solution to yuor problem.
But i can suggest you to insert this code right before the if statement:
and see why the two variables are not identical.
The var_dump function will output the content stored in the variable and the type (string, integer, array ec..), so you will figure out why the if statement is returning false
Since it looks like you have non-printable characters in your string, you can strip them out before the comparison. This will remove whatever is not printable in your character set:
$psusername = preg_replace("/[[:^print:]]/", "", $psusername);
0D 0A is a new line. The first is the carriage return (CR) character and the second is the new line (NL) character. They are also known as \r and \n.
You can just trim it off using trim().
$psusername = trim($psusername);
Or if it only occurs at the end of the string then rtrim() would do the job:
$psusername = rtrim($psusername);
If you are getting the values from the file using file() then you can pass FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES as the second argument, and that will remove the new line:
$contents = file('url.db', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
I just want to thank all who responded. I realised after viewing my logfile the outputs in HEX format that it was the carriage return values causing the variables to mismatch and a I mentioned was able to resolve (trim) with the following code..
$psusername = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]]/u", '', $psusername);
I also know that the system within which the profiles and usernames are created allow both upper and lower case values to match, so I took the precaution of building that functionality into my code as an added measure of completeness.
And I'm happy to say, the code functions perfectly now.
Once again, thanks for your responses and suggestions.

What does this script do?

I have a website where users can upload files to share with others. But first I need to verify them.
Lately someone uploaded a .php file with the following commands:
eval(gzinflate(base64_decode("very large strings of characters")));
I figured it might be harmful, so I didnt open it.
Does anyone have any idea what it does?
nobody can tell you, just do
<?php echo gzinflate(base64_decode("very large strings of characters")) ?>
to see what it would do....
edit: well now that you've posted the whole string i decoded it and pasted it here
Seems like the attacker's code was base64 encoded and gzipped.
So first the code is decoded from base64 encoding, and then it is unzipped basically until a string of code.
And then eval is called on the resulting string, which will execute the code that has been decoded and unzipped.
But without seeing what code gets generated, it is hard to say what it will do when the code is run.
I decoded the encoded text. Using the following approach
(I guess writing to file was a bad idea now that I think of it. Mainly if you're on Windows. I guess it is a bit safer on Linux with the execute bit turned off. So I was kind of lucky in this case!)
$test = gzinflate(base64_decode("encoded_text"));
$myFile = "testFile.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w');
fwrite($fh, $test);
I wrote the output to file just in case there was some random html or javascript that could infect my computer if I just echoed it to my browser. That may be why you got an anti-virus warning.
I'm not sure what it does yet.
Just skimming through the code, which is like 4,750 lines of code, it seems like it sets up Basic Auth. And then there's a lot of database functions and some basic html interface. This in PHP. There's also some perl too. Near the end.
Basically what it seems to do is this: Every page where that image is displayed it will output parts of that code and execute it along with your code, and it will try to get input data, or try to find session data and or database values.
Then other parts of the code basically create an admin interface when the url is visited like this: url?admin=1, which brings up a Basic Auth authentication. And then there is an simple interface phpmyadmin like interface where the user can try out different queries and gather out metadata about your db. Probably other stuff run to exec, etc too.
I could be wrong, but that's the gist I get from going through the code.
The code is fine the only thing you need to take care is the long string that is encrypted
< ?php eval(gzinflate(base64_decode("very large strings of characters")));
for the reference of this kind of the statement you can refer to

Remove double-quotes from a json_encoded string on the keys

I have a json_encoded array which is fine.
I need to strip the double-quotes on all of the keys of the json string on returning it from a function call.
How would I go about doing this and returning it successfully?
I do apologise, here is a snippet of the json code:
{"start_date":"2011-01-01 09:00","end_date":"2011-01-01 10:00","text":"test"}
Just to add a little more info:
I will be retrieving the JSON via an AJAX request, so if it would be easier, I am open to ideas in how to do this on the javascript side.
EDITED as per anubhava's comment
$str = '{"start_date":"2011-01-01 09:00","end_date":"2011-01-01 10:00","text":"test"}';
$str = preg_replace('/"([^"]+)"\s*:\s*/', '$1:', $str);
echo $str;
This certainly works for the above string, although there maybe some edge cases that I haven't thought of for which this will not work. Whether this will suit your purposes depends on how static the format of the string and the elements/values it contains will be.
TL;DR: Missing quotes is how Chrome shows it is a JSON object instead of a string. Ensure that you have Header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF8'); in PHP's AJAX response to solve the real problem.
A common reason for wanting to solve this problem is due to finding this difference while debugging the processing of returned AJAX data.
In my case I saw the difference using Chrome's debugging tools. When connected to the legacy system, upon success, Chrome showed that there were no quotes shown around keys in the response according to the debugger. This allowed the object to be immediately treated as an object without using a JSON.parse() call. Debugging my new AJAX destination, there were quotes shown in the response and variable was a string and not an object.
I finally realized the true issue when I tested the AJAX response externally saw the legacy system actually DID have quotes around the keys. This was not what the Chrome dev tools showed.
The only difference was that on the legacy system there was a header specifying the content type. I added this to the new (WordPress) system and the calls were now fully compatible with the original script and the success function could handle the response as an object without any parsing required. Now I can switch between the legacy and new system without any changes except the destination URL.
