Unknown error when uploading file using laravel - php

When I try to upload an image file to the server, randomly it gives error and sometimes it works fine with no problems with the same file.
Symfony \ Component \ HttpFoundation \ File \ Exception \ FileException
The file "xxxxxx.jpg" was not uploaded due to an unknown error.
This is my code:
if (Input::hasFile('thumbnail_image')){
// Upload Photo
$thumbnailImage = Input::file('thumbnail_image');
$filename = 'thumbnail.'.Input::file('thumbnail_image')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$destinationPath = 'training_product/article_id_'. $id .'/thumbnail_image';
$databasePath = '/adidas/public/training_product/article_id_'. $id.'/thumbnail_image';
$uploadFile = Input::file('thumbnail_image')->move($destinationPath, $filename);
$product->thumbnail_images_path = $databasePath.'/'.$filename;

What are your file permission on your destination folder? Try changing it to 777(assuming that you are using a linux server: sudo chmod -R 777 adidas/public/training_product.
I've modified your code slightly and it works for me.
if (Input::hasFile('thumbnail_image')){
// Upload Photo
$product = new Product;
$thumbnailImage = Input::file('thumbnail_image');
$ext = $thumbnailImage->guessExtension();
$filename = 'thumbnail_'. time() . $ext;
$destinationPath = 'training_product/article_id_'. $id .'/thumbnail_image';
$databasePath = '/adidas/public/training_product/article_id_'. $id.'/thumbnail_image/';
$thumbnailImage->move($destinationPath, $filename);
$product->thumbnail_images_path = $databasePath . $filename;
I've Changed getClientOriginalExtension() to guessExtension(), instantiated a new $product, as I didn't see you doing. Also made sure the folder permissions would allow me to upload files.
Hope it helps.


how can i make an image file downloadable from apache server using php?

I don't know if this has been asked before, please pardon in advance.
I created an image compression web app using the tinyPNG API, and it works as intended - that is users can upload an image file and it is compressed and saved in the server.
But then I create a download functionality for the user to download/save the compressed image.
On clicking the download link it throws up an error:
can’t find the file at http://localhost/var/www/html/imgtest/uploads/67403938_10219921906785196_7063388762713096192_n_1574687362.jpg.
Even though the compressed image is in the server.
Please help!!!
//makes PHP execute faster
//API key
//Main code
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//supported image formats.
$supported_image = array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png');
foreach($_FILES['images']['name'] as $key=>$val){
$file_name = $_FILES['images']['name'][$key];
// get file extension
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
// get filename without extension
$filenamewithoutextension = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
if (in_array($_FILES['images']['type'][$key], $supported_image)) {
if (!file_exists(getcwd(). '/uploads')) {
$oldmask = umask(0);
mkdir(getcwd(). '/uploads', 0777, true);
$filename_to_store = $filenamewithoutextension. '_' .time(). '.' .$ext;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$key], getcwd(). '/uploads/' .$filename_to_store);
$compress_file = getcwd(). '/uploads/' .$filename_to_store;
// optimize image using TinyPNG
try {
$source = \Tinify\fromFile(getcwd(). '/uploads/' .$filename_to_store);
$source->toFile(getcwd(). '/uploads/' .$filename_to_store);
//The code to show a modal for downloading the converted file.
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "<a href=".$compress_file." download>Download</a>";
The problem in your code is, that you create the link with $compress_file that contains absolute path to the file.
So when the link is clickend and the url is resolved in browser the result is
So if the localhost domain is pointed to /var/www/html/imgtest/ than the server is looking for the file in this path which doesn't exist:
When you are generating the path to the compressed file you should put it's url into other variable where you wouldn't prepend the current directory.
$compress_file_url = '/uploads/' .$filename_to_store;
$compress_file = getcwd(). $compress_file_url;
Then you should use the $compress_file_url instead of $compress_file when creating a link
echo "<a href=\"$compress_file_url\" download>Download</a>";
This should work assuming your localhost domain is pointed to /var/www/html/imgtest. If your localhost domain is pointed to /var/www/html you might need to prepend $compress_file_url with /imgtest before it's used to create a link.
$compress_file_url = '/uploads/' .$filename_to_store;
$compress_file = getcwd(). $compress_file_url;
$compress_file_url = '/imgtest' . $compress_file_url;

Laravel and Intervention Image getSize() error

I'm trying to integrate Intervention/Image into my laravel project to create a thumbnail upon uploading an image.
The image upload itself works fine, it doesn't seem to have any issue recognizing Intervention itself.
Below is the code block. The error seems to happen on the line with the save statement, I'm able to die and dump the contents of $img after it's set.
$file = $request->file('image');
$name = md5($file->getClientOriginalName() . time());
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$fileName = $name . '.' . $extension;
$file->move('./uploads/images/', $fileName);
$img = Image::make($file)->fit(300);
$img->save('/uploads/thumbnails/' . $name, 60, 'jpg');
This is the error I'm getting:
SplFileInfo::getSize(): stat failed for /private/var/folders/87/p5x7mgy914qg9ytf2zccc6q00000gn/T/php3lshFS
After some searching I've found that this could be related to file size upload limits, but I've altered my php.ini file (all of this is local btw) to accept 20MB files and the file I'm trying to upload is less than 100kb. I've also reset both php through homebrew and apache. Still getting the error.
Is there any glaringly obvious issues in my use of Intervention? I'll happily provide more info, this is in the store function in one of my controllers btw.
Untested, but I do it like this:
public function thumbnail(Request $request){
$thumbDir= storage_path('app/public').'/uploads/thumbnails/';
$file = $request->file('image');
$filename = md5($file->getClientOriginalName() . time()).'.jpg';
// $name = md5($file->getClientOriginalName() . time());
// $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
// $fileName = $name . '.' . $extension;
// $file->move('./uploads/images/', $fileName);
Image::make($file)->encode('jpg', 60)->fit(300, null, function ($c) {
})->save($thumbDir . $filename);
return back()->with('success','The Image Has Been Added.');

Laravel 5.4 Image Intervention uploads images on S3 with 0 Bytes

I have successfully created a Laravel 5.4 web application which is hosted on Heroku. I have also have managed that images gets uploaded on AWS S3. However the images gets uploaded as blank or empty. I have tried various online sources and have not been able to find a solution to my problem. Below I have attached my controller, which I believe is causing the error.
public function updateavatar(Request $request, User $user){
$avatar = $request->file('avatar');
$filename = time() . '.' . $avatar->getClientOriginalExtension();
// $destinationPath = public_path('/uploads/avatars/');
$imageS3 = Image::make($avatar)->resize(300,300);
Storage::disk("s3")->put($filename, $imageS3->__toString());
//$disk->put("img/album/$id/$filename", $image->__toString());
$motcall = $this->carCheck($user);
$user = Auth::user();
$user->avatar = $filename;
An example how the issue looks like in my bucket
I have managed to resolve the issue by changign the storage line to Storage::disk("s3")->put($filename, file_get_contents($avatar)); P.S it ignores the image crop
encode worked for me:
for "s3"
Storage::disk('s3')->put('/downloads/' . $fileName, $interventionImage->encode(), 'public');
for local storage
Storage::disk('public')->put('/downloads/' . $fileName, $interventionImage->encode(), 'public');

Laravel: Trouble with uploading files on localhost

I've trouble getting the file upload working with Laravel on my Windows 7 system. There is no issue with uploading the files but when I see the destination directory the uploaded file is not present.
After searching in Google and forums I found that there may be a problem with the 'Temp' directory.
The output of dd(sys_get_temp_dir()) is C:\Users\RAGHAV~1\AppData\Local\Temp.
However there is no directory called RAGHAV~1(I've enabled to see the hidden folders). In php.ini the upload_tmp_dir is set to C:\xampp\tmp.
Is there any conflict between these settings? Can you please help me to get the file upload working?
The code in the controller that process the uploaded files:
$validator = $this->brandValidator($request->all());
if ($validator->fails()) {
$request, $validator
$image_directory = public_path() . '/Uploads/Products/';
$result = $request->file('image')->move($image_directory);
$brand_name = $request->input('brand_name');
$image = $image_directory . $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalName();
$id = Brand::create([
'brand_name' => $brand_name,
'image' => $image,
You have not specified the path for the file. Simply replace this
$image_directory = public_path() . '/Uploads/Products/';
$result = $request->file('image')->move($image_directory);
with this
$file = $request->file('image');
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName().'.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$file->move(public_path('Uploads/Products/'), $filename);

Image Upload in CakePHP on localhost

i am getting an error in uploading image into folder. there is an error occured during uploading that image.
my Controller Code is (cakeplus is my root folder ex: htpp://localhost/cakeplus) :
$directory = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/cakeplus/pics';
if(!is_dir($directory)) {
$files_array = $this->data['Photo']['path'];
//pr($files_array); die;
if(isset($files_array['name']) && $files_array['name']!='') {
$filetype = $files_array['type'];
$filesize = $files_array['size'];
$filename = $files_array['name'];
$filetmpname = $files_array['tmp_name'];
$file_type = explode('.',$filename);
$ext_name = array_reverse($file_type);
$final_file_title = $ext_name[1];
$file_name = Inflector::slug( str_replace( ".".$ext_name[0], "" , $filename ). '_' .time() ,'-' );
$newFileName = $file_name.'.'.$ext_name[0];
move_uploaded_file($filetmpname, $directory.'/'.$newFileName);
$requirementuploadData['Photo']['path'] = $file_name;
Error(s)(Warnings) :
Warning (2): move_uploaded_file(http://localhost/cakeplus/pics/wallpaper-1433586197.png): failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections [APP\Controller\PhotosController.php, line 31]
Warning (2): move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'C:\xampp\tmp\phpA80D.tmp' to 'http://localhost/cakeplus/pics/wallpaper-1433586197.png' [APP\Controller\Photos
Look into the CakePHP Upload plugin - it will abstract away much of the work that goes into dealing with file and image uploads.
The error you are seeing is because you cannot use move_uploaded_file() to transfer from a file path (C:\xampp\tmp\phpA80D.tmp) to an HTTP URL (http://localhost/cakeplus/pics/wallpaper-1433586197.png).
If you don't want to use the Upload plugin, and would prefer to keep working with what you already have, I would start by changing the $directory path. Something like this might be more appropriate:
$directory = WWW_ROOT . 'pics';
This will contain the path to your ./yourapp/webroot/pics directory, which is also the location of http://yourapp.com/pics.
Check out the documentation for more predefined paths.
may be folder dont have permission to write an image.
you should to use cakephp upload component.
