loop through the data in PDO - php

I am having difficult loop through the data in PDO and print the data as long as there it has more data for a specific user. I create a function which performs the select. Here is the code that contain the select function, http://pastebin.com/GiAyCBys. I am trying to use that function in cartexe.php using the following code,
while($row = select($conn, 'user', 'cart', $user,':user','*'))
echo 'Hello';
but I got stuck in an infinite loop. I am grateful for any help I can get.

The solution is to change select to return all rows , since fetch() only return a single row at the time.
Option 1:
$result = array();
while($row = $smtp->fetch(PDO:: FETCH_ASSOC)){
return $result;
option 2:
$result = $smtp->fetchAll(PDO:: FETCH_ASSOC);
return $result;
use your function like this
$rows = select($conn, 'user', 'cart', $user,':user','*');
foreach($rows as $row){
//do something with $row


how to get db all data using array in php

I create as the following function. how to get all data using this array. when run this function will appear only the first record. but, i want it to appear all the records. what is the error in this code.
public function get_All_Se($stId){
$query = "SELECT * FROM session WHERE stId = '$stId'";
$result = $this->db->query($query) or die($this->db->error);
$data = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
return $data;
public function get_All_Se($stId){
$query = "SELECT * FROM session WHERE stId = '$stId'";
$result = $this->db->query($query) or die($this->db->error);
while($data= $result->fetch_assoc()){
return $rows;
Run loop over all results and add to some return array.
$rows = array();
while(($row = $result->fetch_array($result))) {
$rows[] = $row;
As the documentation of mysqli::fetch_array() explains, it returns only one row (and not an array containing all the rows as you might think).
The function you are looking for is mysqli::fetch_all(). It returns all the rows in an array.
public function get_All_Se($stId)
$query = "SELECT * FROM session WHERE stId = '$stId'";
$result = $this->db->query($query) or die($this->db->error);
return $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
The code above still has two big issues:
It is open to SQL injection. Use prepared statements to avoid it.
or die() is not the proper way to handle the errors. It looks nice in a tutorial but in production code it is a sign you don't care about how your code works and, by extension, what value it provides to their users. Throw an exception, catch it and handle it (log the error, put some message on screen etc) in the main program.
Try this way...
// run query
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM <tableName>");
// set array
$array = array();
// look through query
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
// add each row returned into an array
$array[] = $row;
// OR just echo the data:
echo $row['<fieldName>']; // etc
// debug:
print_r($array); // show all array data
echo $array[0]['<fieldName>'];

PHP - Execute select query and loop through results

I am developing a web service using PHP. I am having some trouble while executing the select query. This is the code I'm using.
public function getCompanies() {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM company");
// check for successful store
if ($result) {
return mysql_fetch_array($result,true);
} else {
return false;
require_once 'include/DB_Functions.php';
$db = new DB_Functions();
$companies = array();
//$rows = $db->getCompanies();
while ($row = $db->getCompanies()) {
echo $row['companyName'];
$rowArr = array();
$rowArr['CompanyName'] = $row['companyName'];
$rowArr['CompanyID'] = $row['companyId'];
//array_push($companies, $rowArr);
$companies[] = $rowArr;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$json = json_encode($response);
echo $json
But the problem is in GetCompanies.php file the while loop is runs endless. The code appears to be ok. Any help would be appreciated.
When you do while ($row = $db->getCompanies()) { you are running the entire query over again and returning the 1st row each time. mysql_fetch_array returns one row.
What you need to do is have getCompanies() loop over all the rows and return an array.
public function getCompanies() {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM company");
// check for successful store
if ($result) {
$ret = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$ret[] = $row;
return $ret;
} else {
return false;
Now, getCompanies() will return you an array that you can just foreach over:
$rows = $db->getCompanies();
foreach($rows as $row){
// ...
Change your while loop declaration to something like
foreach($rows as $row) {}
And as Pavlin said, move the function call to getCompanies() outside the loop.
Also, how about modifying the query to select a particular set of fields from the database and directly sending them as the response without doing any additional processing?
Since you are implementing Select query without any condition(where clause). And since the company table has data it would always return true in the while loop this makes the while loop an infinite loop. For while to work properly the condition should become false to exit the loop.
Its not a programming flaw its a logical one.
The php docs have all the information you need. You're using the wrong function:
mysqli_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric
array, or both
mysqli_fetch_all — Fetches all result rows as an associative array, a
numeric array, or both
Just change your return statement to
return mysqli_fetch_all($result);
return mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
to get an associative array.
And of course, you need to move your getCompanies call outside of the loop.
php mysql_* functions have been depricated since version 5.5.* and are going to be removed from the language soon. You should look into mysqli_* or PDO.

php MySQLi fetch results best practice

These are my two methods for querying a database.
This is my first method that saves all the results in an array. Then i use a foreach loop to loop through the array.
public function query($query) {
$rows = array();
if ($result = $this->mysqli->query($query)) {
if($result->num_rows > 1) {
while ($item = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$rows[] = $item;
//jo else sepse nxjerr error kur ska asnje row i ben fetch kur ska row.
} else if($result->num_rows == 1) {
$rows = $result->fetch_assoc();
return $rows;
} else {
echo "error";
Then to output I use:
$run_query = $db->query($query);
foreach ((array)$runk_query as $data) {
This is my second method:
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ...");
while($run_query = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
//OUTPUT data.
I notice that in many cases I need to output the results so I think using the first method is bad because I use once the while loop and then I use again a foreach loop so the work is done twice but the second way is not very OOP.
Can anyone suggest me the best method of this or if possible another better method?
You can likely replace you entire first function with a call to mysqli_fetch_all() instead of iterating through each record with fetch_assoc(). This way you don't have to build your array result by result.
You can then run through all the results with your second foreach as per usual.
See: http://www.php.net//manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-all.php
Alternatively if you were using PDO you could use fetchAll()
See: http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetchall.php

how do we use mysqli properly to fetch all the records from table?

I am getting only one row, can someone please tell me how to get all the data from the table column of my database table ?
public function getCategories(){
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM newscat');
$rows = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$rows[] = $row;
return $rows;
You're returning from within the loop. That will break it in the first round.
return outside the loop.
do the minor change
public function getCategories(){
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM newscat');
$rows = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$rows[] = $row;
return $rows;
Your problem is the return $rows;. It should reside after the while. The thing is that it will enter the while, put the first row in the array, and then immediately return it. What you want is to let the while do its thing, and after the it finished, return the array.
If you are using mysqli.
Then you can use its apiFfetch_all to get all the rows at once.
For example :
The above code will get all associated rows in the corresponding array.

Putting a SQL query in a PHP function

I've got several queries I want to run on a single page. I obviously don't want to put the actual queries in my template file, so I think what I want to do is construct a function and call it wherever I want the query results to show up. Right?
So, for example, I'll have <?php sidebar_query()?> in the sidebar, <?php footer_query()?> in the footer, etc.
So, I just make a file called functions.php, do PHP include, and put something like this in there?
function sidebar_query(){
$query = ("SELECT sidebarposts FROM table;");
return $query;
or do you use echo and not return anything?
function sidebar_query(){
$query = ("SELECT sidebarposts FROM table;");
echo $query;
Along the exact same line, I'd like to count the results that get returned, and display a 'There were X posts returned!' message below. Seems like it would make sense to put this in a function too. How would I make a 'generic' function that I could reuse for each query?
function number_of_results(){
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows();
echo $num_rows;
I'd be extremely grateful if someone could give me the theoretical gist of what I should be trying to achieve here.
Thanks for helping a beginner.
I think I get what you mean.
Return the value instead like this
function sidebar_query(){
$rValue = "";
$query = ("SELECT sidebarposts FROM table;");
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$rValue = $row['sidebarposts'];
return $rValue;
Now you can echo sidebar_query(); or whatever you want to do with it.
By doing ("SELECT sidebarposts FROM table;")you're not actually doing anything, you just have a string stored as a variable.
A simple example is
function sidebar_query()
$query = mysql_query("SELECT title,post FROM table;"); //query the db
$resArr = array(); //create the result array
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { //loop the rows returned from db
$resArr[] = $row; //add row to array
return $resArr;
Then to use it you can do
$sideBarPosts = sidebar_query(); //get the result array
foreach($sideBarPosts as $post) { //loop the array
echo '<h1>'. $post['title']. '</h1>';
echo '<p>'. $post['post']. '</p>';
EDIT. I see you want to let the function print it directly, you can do that instead of returning the array, if you like.
function sidebar_query(){
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table;");
$result = $conn->query($query);
$resArr = array(); //create the result array
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { //loop the rows returned from db
$resArr[] = $row; //add row to array
return $resArr;
and that :
$sideBarPosts = sidebar_query(); //get the result array
foreach($sideBarPosts as $post) { //loop the array
echo '<h1>'. $post['title']. '</h1>';
echo '<p>'. $post['post']. '</p>';
// Set Connection with database
$conn = mysql_pconnect($servername,$username,$password) or die("Can not Connect MySql Server!");
// Select database you want to use
mysql_select_db($databasename,$conn) or die("Can not select Data Base!");
// When you want to query SQL inside php function, you need to pass connection($conn) to the function as below.
function sidebar_query($condb)
$strSql = "SELECT sidebarposts FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($strSql,$condb);
return $result;
// Call function
This is work for me as i use with my webpage.
Read the php doc on how to run mysql query.
Yay you have the query, now you need to do something with it:
mysql_query($query); for example might work for you :-)
You want to run the query and return the result in whatever format you want to use in your template.. so for the raw number you want to return an integer, for the sidebar posts return an array of posts OR the mysql result.
You should make the "'There were X posts returned!' " thing a completely different function which you can pass in an integer an an optional string. This way you can reuse it for a ton of stuff. for example:
function format_nb_records($nb_records, $format = 'There were %s posts returned!'){
return sprintf($format, $nb_records);
Although in this case i dont think there is really enough extra logic to warrant wrapping it in a function. I would probably just do this directly in my template.
A good example of where something like this is useful is if you want to do "time in words" functionality like "Yesterday" or "10 minutes ago" then you would pass in the time calculate which string to use, format it and return it.
Although in this case i dont think there is really enough extra logic to warrant wrapping it in a function. I would probably just do this directly in my template.
A good example of where something like this is useful is if you want to do "time in words" functionality like "Yesterday" or "10 minutes ago" then you would pass in the time calculate which string to use, format it
You need to pass database connection name to function like this,
You already have a connection name, mine is $connect_name
$connect_name= mysql_connect( 'host', 'user', 'password');
function getname($user,$db){
$data= mysql_query("SELECT $user...", $db);
//your codes
//return bla bla
echo getname("matasoy",$connect_name);
This work for me.
I also use this for medoo.min sql system. You can use medoo with functions like this;
function randevu($tarih,$saat,$db){
$saat_varmi = $db->count("randevu",array("AND"=>array("tarih"=>$tarih,"saat"=>$saat)));
return 3;
return 2;
have a nice day, Murat ATASOY
