Composer Autoload Multiple Files in Folder - php

I'm using composer in my latest project and mapping my function like this
"require": {
"require-dev": {
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"files": [
I imagine there will be a lot of files in a folder function, ex : real-function-1.php, real-function-2.php, etc. So, can composer call all the files in the folder function ? i lazy to use
"files": [
Is there any lazy like me...

If you can't namespace your functions (because it will break a bunch of code, or because you can't use PSR-4), and you don't want to make static classes that hold your functions (which could then be autoloaded), you could make your own global include file and then tell composer to include it.
"autoload": {
"files": [
$files = glob(__DIR__ . '/real-function-*.php');
if ($files === false) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to glob for function files");
foreach ($files as $file) {
require_once $file;
This is non-ideal since it will load every file for each request, regardless of whether or not the functions in it get used, but it will work.
Note: Make sure to keep the include file outside of your /real-function or similar directory. Or it will also include itself and turn out to be recursive function and eventually throw a memory exception.

There's actually a better way to do this now without any custom code. You can use Composer's classmap feature if you're working with classes. If you're working with individual files that contain functions then you will have to use the files[] array.
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["src/", "lib/", "Something.php"]

This whole process can be completely automated while still performing relatively well.
With the following package.json (note the absence of an autoload entry, you could however add others)
"scripts": {
"pre-autoload-dump": "\\MyComponentAutoloader::preAutoloadDump"
And then...
class MyComponentAutoloader
public static function preAutoloadDump($event): void
$optimize = $event->getFlags()['optimize'] ?? false;
$rootPackage = $event->getComposer()->getPackage();
$dir = __DIR__ . '/../lib'; // for example
$autoloadDefinition = $rootPackage->getAutoload();
? self::writeStaticAutoloader($dir)
: self::writeDynamicAutoloader($dir);
$autoloadDefinition['files'][] = "$dir/autoload.php";
* Here we generate a relatively efficient file directly loading all
* the php files we want/found. glob() could be replaced with a better
* performing alternative or a recursive one.
private static function writeStaticAutoloader($dir): void
"<?php\n" .
implode("\n", array_map(static function ($file) {
return 'include_once(' . var_export($file, true) . ');';
}, glob("$dir/*.php"))
* Here we generate an always-up-to-date, but slightly slower version.
private static function writeDynamicAutoloader($dir): void
"<?php\n\nforeach (glob(__DIR__ . '/*.php') as \$file)\n
Things to note:
preAutoloadDump takes care of adding the autoload.php entrypoint to composer.
autoload.php is generated every time the autoloader is dumped (e.g. composer install / composer update / composer dump-autoload)
when dumping an optimised autoloader (composer dump-autoload --optimize), only the files found at that point will be loaded.
you should also add autoload.php to .gitignore


how to load Normal files using composer autoloader [duplicate]

How can I autoload helper functions (outside of any class)? Can I specify in composer.json some kind of bootstrap file that should be loaded first?
You can autoload specific files by editing your composer.json file like this:
"autoload": {
"files": ["src/helpers.php"]
(thanks Kint)
After some tests, I have came to the conclusions that adding a namespace to a file that contains functions, and setting up composer to autoload this file seems to not load this function across all the files that require the autoload path.
To synthesize, this will autoload your function everywhere:
"autoload": {
"files": [
if( ! function_exists('greetings') ) {
function greetings(string $firstname): string {
return "Howdy $firstname!";
But this will not load your function in every require of autoload:
"autoload": {
"files": [
namespace You;
if( ! function_exists('greetings') ) {
function greetings(string $firstname): string {
return "Howdy $firstname!";
And you would call your function using use function ...; like following:
require( __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php' );
use function You\greetings;
greetings('Mark'); // "Howdy Mark!"

PSR4 not working?

Class not found, apparently. I've tried various things but nothing works.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "application/"
File structure:
namespace App\Library\Classes;
defined('START') or exit('We couldn\'t process your request right now.');
class Application
private static $libraries = array();
public static function get($library) {
if (isset(self::$libraries[$library]) && isset(self::$classes[$library])) {
return self::$libraries[$library];
$fixedLibrary = str_replace('.', '/', $library);
$file = ROOT . '/application/library/classes/' . strtolower($fixedLibrary) . '.php';
self::$libraries[$library] = $library;
$declared = get_declared_classes();
$workingClass = end($declared);
self::$libraries[$library] = new $workingClass();
return self::$libraries[$library];
Error is on this line:
Yet, if I change it to this, it works:
include ROOT . '/application/Library/Application.php';
The PSR4 is not built-in part or PHP, you need an implementation of autoloader to use this standard such as provided by the Composer.
When you install or update depedencies, composer generates the relevant code of autoloading, but you can directly update it by the command dump-autoload, as #jibsteroos said. Next you should explicitly include the file vendor/autoload.php in the entry point of your application.
Also, error message says about class Application, but you should add the use statement at first:
use App\Library\Classes\Application;
Or use the fully qualified class name (class name with namespace prefix):

how to use an autoloader in php

I'm new to PHP and not really familiar with using git.
I got this library:
and I wanna run the sample code here:
I know the code may not work perfectly for you cuz you would need a secret key from the provider, however, I don't need general errors like " cannot find class ApiClient"
what I did is simply including the autoloader in my index.php file, is that all what I have to do to use an Autoloader? does it have to do anything with composer.json?
Thanks a ton for the help in advance.
function autoload($className)
$baseDir = __DIR__;
$realClassName = ltrim($className, '\\');
$realClassName = str_replace('\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$realClassName );
$fileName = '';
$includePaths = $baseDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$realClassName. '.php';
if ( $file = stream_resolve_include_path($includePaths) ) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
require $file;
}elseif(preg_match('/^\\\?test/', $className)) {
$fileName = preg_replace('/^\\\?test\\\/', '', $fileName);
$fileName = 'test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
include $fileName;
} else {
$classNameArray = explode('_', $className);
$includePath = get_include_path();
if (!empty($classNameArray) && sizeof($classNameArray) > 1) {
if (!class_exists('com\checkout\packages\Autoloader')) {
include 'com'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'checkout'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'packages'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Autoloader.php';
If you want to use an autoloader to make your life measurably better:
Use namespaces/PSR4.
Use Composer.
So let's say I'm working on project foo, within my working directory [let's just say it's /] I make a folder named /src/ and inside is /src/FooClient.php. It contains:
namespace sammitch\foo;
class FooClient {}
While in / I run composer init and accept all of the defaults, because typing out the simple JSON config file that that generates is tedious. Now I have a composer.json that looks like:
"name": "Sammitch/foo",
"authors": [
"name": "Sammitch",
"email": "sammitch#sam.mitch"
"require": {}
All we need to do now is add a section to the end:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"sammitch\\foo\\": "src/"
Now to make Composer do it's magic and make the autoloader just run composer dumpautoload. When this runs Composer will create the /vendor/ folder and the autoloader.
Now all we need to do is:
use \sammitch\foo\Client as FooClient()
$c = new FooClient();
Now not only do you have a top-tier autoloader, but you're also set up to start using Composer packages and leveraging all that good stuff from Packagist.

Can Composer treat binary dependencies in PATH?

I know that Composer can determine php, hhvm, ext-<name> and some lib-<name> dependencies. Would the same possible over commands and binaries on PATH? Actually, for instance, I wrote scripts to ensure that Tesseract OCR is present. It can be done with own Composer features?
You can achieve this using a Composer hook, like pre-install-cmd or pre-update-cmd, which executes a PHP method. Here is my test:
"require": { "pimple/pimple": "*" },
"autoload": { "psr-0": { "Acme\\": "src/" } }
"scripts": {
"pre-install-cmd": "Acme\\Composer\\Hooks::checkBinary",
"pre-update-cmd": "Acme\\Composer\\Hooks::checkBinary"
namespace Acme\Composer;
use Composer\Script\Event;
class Hooks
public static function checkBinary(Event $event) {
$io = $event->getIO();
$path = explode(':', getenv('PATH'));
// do something with $path elements or anything else
if ($somethingWentWrong) {
// Throwing an Exception will cause Composer to stop processing.
throw new \Exception('Check your PATH');
} else {
$io->write('checkBinary() completed.');

Where do I put Laravel 4 helper functions that can display flash messages?

I've written a simple display_messages() function that will search Session::get('errors') for flash data and echo it to the screen.
Where do I put this function? In Codeigniter, you had a helpers folder where you could stick all your little global helper methods.
As Usman suggested,
create a file /application/libraries/demo.php
define a class Demo() { inside it
call the function like so: {{ Demo::display() }}
Works because libraries and models are autoloaded in start.php line 76. I believe that filenames must match Classnames (note capital).
class Demo {
public static function display() {
if( !$message = Session::get('errors'))
$message = 'No Errors';
echo "<pre>print_r($message)</pre>";
Can't quite figure out why I had a problem using the classname Common, there may be a conflict (you could define a namespace if this were important)...
Create a folder helpers within your app folder and create a file application_helper.php. With such code:
// app/helpers/application_helper.php
function display_messages()
Then open your composer.json file in root. autoload app/helpers/application_helper.php with composer files.
"autoload": {
"files": [
Done, you can now call display_messages().
Some autoloaders may require you to run composer dump command for the first time.
Thank you memeLab provided a very useful answer which helped me a lot. I just wanted to expand on his answer as the "libraries" folder was not an auto load directory, at least not in the release/current version of L4 I am using. Also the start.php seems to have been expanded to be the start folder with global.php, local.php, and artisan.php.
So to use your own classes for separate libraries or helpers with the L4 lazy auto loader you just have to include whichever folder you want to store these in to the global.php. For example I added a libraries folder to the directory list.
// this a custom path
Then whatever class you define in that folder as classname.php can be called via CLASSNAME::methodName($someVar); in your controllers.
public static function methodName($someVar=NULL) {
// whatever you want to do...
return $message;
So in this fashion you can create a helper class and define different methods to use throughout your controllers. Also be careful defining regular functions outside of your Class in this manner will cause you grief because they will not work (because the class is not always loaded). (for example someFunctionName($someVar); instead of CLASSNAME::methodName($someVar);) If you want to create functions in this manner you would need to make sure the is loaded, however I will not elaborate on this because it is better practice to use the lazy loader classes for such things so you only load the classes you really need.
Thanks again to memeLab and Usman, I would not have gotten as far without their answers. :)
For loading Classes:
Create app/libraries/class/Message.php, and add class in file
class Message {
public static function display() {
Add "app/libraries/class" to composer.json
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
Finally run composer dump-autoload in command line.
You can access that by Message::display()
For loading plain non-object php Functions:
Create app/libraries/function/display_messages.php, and add function in file
function display_messages() {
add one line in start/global.php
require app_path().'/libraries/function/display_messages.php';
You can access that just by display_messages()
Add this in app/start/global.php
require app_path().'/config/autoload.php';
require app_path().'/start/loader.php';
App::instance('loader',new loader($autoload));
create a new file loader.php in app/start and add:
class loader{
private $helpers = array();
public $autoload = array(
'helpers' => array()
function __construct($autoload = array()) {
if (!empty($autoload))
$this->autoload = $autoload;
foreach ($this->autoload as $key => $value)
$function = strtolower($key);
function helpers($helpers=array())
if (!is_array($helpers))
$helpers = explode(",",$helpers);
foreach ($helpers as $key => $value) {
function helper($helper = '',$path = '/')
$folder = app_path().'/helpers'.$path;
if (file_exists($folder.$helper.'.php') && !in_array($helper, $this->helpers)){
$this->helpers[] = $helper;
require $folder.$helper.'.php';
$segments = explode('/',$helper);
if (is_dir($folder.$segments[0])){
create a new file autoload.php in app/config and add:
$autoload['helpers'] = array('functions'); // my autoload helpers!
create a new folder helpers in app/ , add your helper files. ( es. myhelper.php )
function myhelper()
echo 'helper';
in your controller add:
In L3, I would normally create a application/libraries/helpers.php file, and require_once() it in my application/start.php. Similar to how L3 has a laravel/helpers.php file.
I'm assuming there is something similar you can do in L4.
EDIT: Just looking at the source, app/start/local.php seems like it might be the place.
I used this tutorial and i think is the easiest method:
First create the file app/helpers.php
Then either load it at the bottom of app\start\global.php as follows.
// at the bottom of the file
require app_path().'/helpers.php';
Or change your composer.json file and dump the autoloader.
"autoload": {
"files": [
$ composer dump-auto
then you can write your functions in helpers.php and call them from anywhere
function myfunction($result){
return $result;
open root_folder/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php
and you can add your function
if ( ! function_exists('display_messages'))
function display_messages()
return ...
