Instantiating a PHP class using a variable is not working - php

This is working:
$x = new classname();
This is not working:
$class = "classname";
$x = new $class();
The error I get is "Class classname not found". PHP version is 5.4.22. Any ideas? As far as I have researched into this topic this is exactly what you need to do in order to instantiate a class using a variable.
My actual testcode (copy+paste), $build = 1:
//include the update file
$class="db_update_" . str_pad($build, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
require_once(__ROOT__ . "/dbupdates/" . $class . ".php");
$x = new db_update_0001();
$x = new $xyz();
The class definition:
namespace dbupdates;
class db_update_0001 extends db_update
I just found out that my editor added
use dbupdates\db_update_0001;
to the file. So that explains why "new db_update_0001();" is working. What i want to achieve is that I dynamically include database updates which are stored in files like dbupdates/db_update_0001.php

You have to use the full qualified class name. Which is namespace\classname. So in your case the code should be:
$x = new db_update_0001();
$x = new $xyz();
The use statement is useless if you like to instantiate a class by using a variable as classname.

Try this
$className = yourClassName();
$x = new $className;


new class from variable

I've got a problem. I'm using Laravel 5.4 and on initialization
$class = (string)$module->controller.'Controller';
$class = new $class();
I get a response from server FatalErrorException in ModulesController.php line 29:
Class 'FileManagerController' not found
but on manual call it works fine
$class = new FileManagerController();
Plese tell me what's the problem?
First require class and then create instance:
$class = (string)$module->controller.'Controller';
require_once $class . '.php';
$class = new $class();
I've got solution
$class = (string)$module->controller.'Controller';

Can I use a string variable to initialize a class in PHP?

I'd like to use a string variable to initialize an object. Is something like this possible?
$class = "MyClass";
$x = new $class();
return $x;
Edit: Ha, so when I tried to test this and it didn't work I had a syntax error somewhere else in my script. Apparently this works just fine. Neat.
Yes. Its possible in PHP.
$className = 'MyClass';
$object = new $className;
Attaching PHP documentation snippet on new operator

Use variable as namespace

In some other file (someusername\classes\MyClass for instance), I have
namespace someusername;
class MyClass
static function Test()
echo "working";
I have stumbled across an annoying little barrier:
$user = "someusername";
$class = "MyClass";
require_once "$user\\classes\\$class";
//This line should be the equivalent of 'use someusername as User;'
use $user as User; //Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '$user'
$c = "User\\$class";
$UserSpecificClass = new $c();
I can get around it via the following, but the use statement would make things a lot nicer
$user = "someusername";
$class = "MyClass";
require_once "$user\\classes\\$class";
$c = "$user\\$class";
$UserSpecificClass = new $c();
Is it possible to use variables in use statement in PHP? Or is it better to avoid the use statement with this approach?
Importing is performed at compile-time.
Assigning the variable is done at run-time after compilation, at which point any import should already be imported.
So this is not possible. Best solution would indeed be to use the FQN in a string and initialize that.
$c = "$user\\$class";
$UserSpecificClass = new $c();

PHP : dynamic instance with not fully-qualified namespaces

I'd like to instanciate my class doing :
use somedir\http as Http;
$S_bodyWriterType = 'Http\\' . strtolower($S_requestBodyPayloadType) . '\\RequestBodyWriter';
$this->_O_requestBodyWriter = new $S_bodyWriterType;
It says the class does not exist. However THAT would work (no string involved here) :
$this->_O_requestBodyWriter = new Http\xml\RequestBodyWriter;
And that would also work of course (the namespace is fully qualified) :
$S_bodyWriterType = 'somedir\http\\' . strtolower($S_requestBodyPayloadType) . '\\' . 'RequestBodyWriter';
$this->_O_requestBodyWriter = new $S_bodyWriterType;
i'd definitely prefer to use shortened namespaces instead of having to write long, fully-qualified namespaces in different places of the codebase and having to change them all in case the directory location moves. I've been pulling my hair off for a while now over this.
Thanks for help !
OK, you provided the Bug report yourself ;) But thats the fact: If you define a classname in a string, its not said, that the object is created in the same context.
namespace y {
use a\b as B;
$GLOBALS['class'] = 'B\\MyClass';
namespace z {
use k\l as B;
$classname = $GLOBALS['class'];
$a = new $classname;
Thus you need to define classnames in string full qualifed. I suggest to use (namespace-/class-)constants
use a\b as B;
const NAMESPACE_B = '\\a\\b';
$classname = NAMESPACE_B . '\\MyClass';
If the class you want to instanciate is in a subnamespace, remember, that the pseudo-constant __NAMESPACE__ always exists;
namespace a;
use a\b as B;
$classname = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\b\\MyClass';
Additional in your case I suggest to create a factory
use somedir\http as Http;
class RequestBodyWriterFactory {
public function create($type) {
$classname = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\$type\\RequestBodyWriter";
return new $classname;
// somewere else
$this->_O_requestBodyWriter = $this->factory->create(strtolower($S_requestBodyPayloadType));
This way you have more control on what is created and how its created.

PHP custom class loader

i made a custom class loader function in php
something like..
its supposed to include the class and optionally instantiate the class specified
the problem is about the parameters. ive been trying to pass the parameters all day
i tried
luckily nothing works xD
is it possible to pass the params?
i even tried..
$clas = new MyClass(array('param1','param2'));
here it is..
function load_class($class, $param=null, $instantiate=FALSE){
$object = array();
$object['is_required'] = require_once(CLASSES.$class.'.php');
if($instantiate AND $object['is_required']){
$object[$class] = new $class($param);
return $object;
if you are in PHP 5.x I really really recommend you to use autoload. Prior to PHP 5.3 you should create sort of "namespace" (I usually do this with _ (underscore))
autoload allows you to include classes on the fly and if your classes are well designed the overhead is minimun.
usually my autoload function looks like:
function __autoload($className) {
$base = dirname(__FILE__);
$path = explode('_', $className);
$class = strtolower(implode('/',$path));
$file = $base . "/" . $class;
if (file_exists($file)) {
require $file;
else {
error_log('Class "' . $className . '" could not be autoloaded');
throw new Exception('Class "' . $className . '" could not be autoloaded from: '.$file);
this way calling
$car = new App_Model_Car(array('color' => 'red', 'brand' => 'ford'));
the function will include the class
Seems to me that you should be using __autoload() to just load classes as they are referenced and circumvent having to call this method manually. This is exactly what __autoload() is for.
