What is regularexpression to allow specific characters in php [closed] - php

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i want to allow only characters X,N,-,(Space) to string which user inputs.
Ex : XXXX-NNNNN XXXXXX-NNNN is valid string but
Ex XXXx-1NNN XXXX-NNNN is not valid string.
I have found so many regexp for that but didn't find helpful solution
I want this solution in zend form

Try this:
preg_match("/^[XN -]+$/", $string);


Match string format with regex [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I know there are tons of questions about regex string format, but I am very new to this and I haven't been able to do it myself. How can I use regex to match a string with the following format?
where x is a number and a is a letter. Example:
It must not match:
The format must always be like 2digits+_+1digit+_+1letter+.zip
Simplest way:

preg match extract digits from string after pattern [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a string of the form
How can I extract just the <digits> portion in PHP ? I need to detect the string_t first and then pull out the digits.
You want something like this:
preg_match('/string_t_(\d+)/', $string, $captures);
$captures[1] will contain <digits> (assuming <digits> is composed entirely of numbers - if it's not, use the more general (.+) in place of (\d+)).

Find perpendicular segments at ends of segment [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm making an application in which I have the points (p0,p1), and need to find the points for perpendicular segments at the end of (p0,p1)... namely, (A,B) and (C,D), which are of length $len.
There is a similar question to this one in this post, but unfortunately I am not sure about how to interpret the answer...
I'm using php for this project, but the solution can be in any language as I can translate it later.
(A-E)/(l/2) = (p1-F)/L
and so on...

In PHP If XML Element Contains Certain Text [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In PHP is it possible to search an XML document for certain text in an element? I've looked but I can't find something that satisfies my needs.
Sure you can do that using strpos function
if(strpos($xml_str, "string_to_search_for")){
echo "Found";

Why this regexp via preg_replace function of PHP not working [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to remove all strings that are like this: "REP_HSC_QUALIFIED" using the following expression, but somehow it is not working. Can somebody help in pointing out my mistake (I rarely use regular expressions, so I do not have good understanding of it).
preg_replace('#REP[a-zA-Z0-9_]+#', '-', $data);
you propably want to do
$data = preg_replace('#REP[a-zA-Z0-9_]+#', '-', $data);
