I want to add triple spacing in my xml but browser is changing triple spacing to single. I have found to be used to include spacing. I have a tab delimited text file and i am converting it to xml using php. In order to have triple spacing inside my title node i am doing like this.
while ($line = fgetcsv($fp, 0, "\t")) {
//replacing titlesingle space to triple space
$title = str_replace(" ", " ", $line[1]);
$xml->writeElement('title', $title);
But is changed to   and title is something like this
<title>A   Test</title>
Basically php is changing & to amp but i want exact so that i can have triple spacing in the title
<title>A Test</title>
Any help??
It does not change the spacing. But in HTML/XML several whitespaces are usually (not always) rendered as a single space or a linebreak.
#160; is the non breaking space. One of the uses is to separate the parts of a phone number. You don't want one of the spaces in a phone number rendered as a linebreak.
The UTF-8 bytes for this character are \xC2\xA0.
$xml->writeElement('foo', "foo\xC2\xA0&\xC2\xA0bar");
If the XML document is encoding is ASCII, they will get encoded as entities.
$xml = new XMLWriter();
$xml->startDocument('1.0', 'ASCII');
$xml->writeElement('foo', "foo\xC2\xA0&\xC2\xA0bar");
echo $xml->outputMemory(TRUE);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<foo>foo & bar</foo>
I'm trying to parse a single html paragraph into array of its building blocks - I have this html paragraph:
$element_content = '<p>Start of paragraph - <strong><em>This note</em></strong> provides <em>information</em> about the contractual terms.</p>';
What I did so far is this:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('*') as $node) {
echo $node->getNodePath().'<br>';
echo $node->nodeValue.'<br>';
Which gives me this result:
Start of paragraph - This note provides information about the contractual terms.
This note
This note
But I'd like to achieve this:
Start of paragraph -
This note
about the contractual terms.
Any ideas on how to achieve it?
Everything in a DOM is a node. Not just the elements, but the text is, too. You're fetching the element nodes, but your result outputs the text nodes separately. So you need to fetch the DOM text nodes that are not just whitespace nodes. It is not difficult with an Xpath expression:
//text()[normalize-space(.) != ""]
//text() fetches any text node in the document (this includes CDATA sections). normalize-space() is an Xpath function that reduces a the whitespace groups inside a string to single spaces. Leading and trailing whitespaces will be deleted. So [normalize-space(.) != ""] removes all nodes from the list that contain only whitespaces.
The parent node of each text node is its element. Put together:
$document = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($document);
$nodes = $xpath->evaluate('//text()[normalize-space(.) != ""]');
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
echo $node->parentNode->getNodePath(), "\n";
echo $node->textContent, "\n";
Start of paragraph -
This note
about the contractual terms.
I have code with several lines like this
<p> <inset></p>
Where there may be any number of spaces or tabs (or none) between the opening <p> tag and the rest if the string. I need to replace these, but I can't get it to work.
I thought this would do it, but it doesn't work:
<p>[ \t]+<inset></p>
Try this:
$html = preg_replace('#(<p>)\s+(<inset></p>)#', '$1$2', $html);
If you want true text-trimming for HTML including everything you can encounter like those entitites, comments, child-elements and all that stuff, you can make use of a TextRangeTrimmer and TextRange:
$htmlFragment = '<p> <inset></p>';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$parent = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
if (!$parent)
throw new Exception('Parent element not found.');
$range = new TextRange($parent);
$trimmer = new TextRangeTrimmer($range);
// inner HTML (PHP >= 5.3.6)
foreach($parent->childNodes as $node)
echo $dom->saveHTML($node);
I've both classes in a gist: https://gist.github.com/1894360/ (codepad viper is down).
See as well the related questions / answers:
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string
Ignore html tags in preg_replace
Try to load your HTML string into a DOM tree instead, and then trim all the text values in the tree.
I'm getting this error when running this code:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DOMException' with message 'Invalid Character Error' in test.php:29 Stack trace: #0 test.php(29): DOMDocument->createElement('1OhmStable', 'a') #1 {main} thrown in test.php on line 29
The nodes that from the original XML file do contain invalid characters, but as I am stripping the invalid characters away from the nodes, the nodes should be created. What type of encoding do I need to do on the original XML document? Do I need to decode the saveXML?
function __cleanData($c)
return preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "",$c);
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$append = array();
foreach ($xml->getElementsByTagName('product') as $product )
foreach($product->getElementsByTagName('name') as $name )
$append[] = $name;
foreach ($append as $a)
$nodeName = __cleanData($a->textContent);
$element = $xml->createElement(htmlentities($nodeName) , 'a');
$result = $xml->saveXML();
$file = "data.xml";
This is what the original XML looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="/v1/xsl/xml_pretty_printer.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<name>1 Ohm Stable</name>
<value>600 x 1</value>
The new document is supposed to look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="/v1/xsl/xml_pretty_printer.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<1 Ohm Stable>
</1 Ohm Stable>
Simply you can not use an element name start with number
1OhmStable <-- rename this
_1OhmStable <-- this is fine
php parse xml - error: StartTag: invalid element name
A nice article :- http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/07/25/namingparts.html
A Name is a token beginning with a letter or one of a few punctuation characters, and continuing with letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, colons, or full stops, together known as name characters.
You have not written where you get that error. In case it's after you cleaned the value, this is my guess:
preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "",$c);
This replacement is not written for UTF-8 encoded strings (which are used by DOMDocument). You can make it UTF-8 compatible by using the u-modifier (PCRE8)Docs:
preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/u", "",$c);
It's just a guess, I suggest you make it more precise in your question which part of your code triggers the error.
Even if __cleandata() will remove all other characters than latin alphabets a-z and numbers, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that the result is a valid XML name. Your function can return strings that begin with a number but numbers are illegal name start characters in XML, they can only appear in a name after the first name character. Also spaces are forbidden in names, so that is another point where your expected XML output would fail.
Make sure scripts have same encoding: if it's UTF make sure they are without Byte Order Mark (BOM) at very begin of file.
To do that open your XML file with a text editor like Notepad++ and convert your file in "UTF-8 without BOM".
I had a similar error, but with a json file
Ok I have to parse out a SOAP request and in the request some of the values are passed with (or inside) a Anchor tag. Looking for a RegEx (or alt method) to strip the tag and just return the value.
// But item needs to be a RegEx of some sort, it's a field right now
if($sObject->list == 'item') {
// Split on > this should be the end of the right side of the anchor tag
$pieces = explode(">", $sObject->fields->$field);
// Split on < this should be the closing anchor tag
$piece = explode("<", $pieces[1]);
$fields_string .= $piece[0] . "\n";
item is a field name but I would like to make this a RegEx to check for the Anchor tag instead of a specific field.
PHP has a strip_tags() function.
Alternatively you can use filter_var() with FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.
Whatever you do don't parse HTML/XML with regular expressions. It's really error-prone and flaky. PHP has at least 3 different parsers as standard (SimpleXML, DOMDocument and XMLReader spring to mind).
I agree with cletus, using RegEx on HTML is bad practice because of how loose HTML is as a language (and I moan about PHP being too loose...). There are just so many ways you can variate a tag that unless you know that the document is standards-compliant / strict, it is sometimes just impossible to do. However, because I like a challenge that distracts me from work, here's how you might do it in RegEx!
I'll split this up into sections, no point if all you see is a string and say, "Meh... It'll do..."! First we have the main RegEx for an anchor tag:
Then we add in the text that could be between the tags.
We want to group this is parenthesis, so we can extract the string, and the question mark makes the asterix wildcard "un-greedy", meaning that the first </a> that it comes accross will be the one it uses to end the RegEx.
Next we add in the RegEx for href="". We match the href=" as plain text, then an any-length string that does not contain a quotation mark, then the ending quotation mark.
'#<a href\="([^"]*)">(.*?)</a>#'
Now we just need to say that the tag is allowed other attributes. According to the specification, an attribute can contain the following characters: [a-zA-Z_\:][a-zA-Z0-9_\:\.-]*.
Allow an attribute multiple times, and with a value, we get: ( [a-zA-Z_\:][a-zA-Z0-9_\:\.-]*\="[^"]*")*.
The resulting RegEx (PCRE) is as following:
'#<a( [a-zA-Z_\:][a-zA-Z0-9_\:\.-]*\="[^"]*")* href\="([^"]*)"( [a-zA-Z_\:][a-zA-Z0-9_\:\.-]*\="[^"]*")*>(.*?)</a>#'
Now, in PHP, use the preg_match_all() function to grab all occurances in the string.
$regex = '#<a( [a-zA-Z_\:][a-zA-Z0-9_\:\.-]*\="[^"]*")* href\="([^"]*)"( [a-zA-Z_\:][a-zA-Z0-9_\:\.-]*\="[^"]*")*>(.*?)</a>#';
preg_match_all($regex, $str_containing_anchors, $result);
foreach($result as $link)
$href = $link[2];
$text = $link[4];
use simplexml and xpath to retrieve the desired nodes
If you don't have some kind of request<->class mapping you can extract the information with the DOM extension. The property textConent contains all the text of the context node and its descendants.
$sr = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1">
<foo:bar xmlns:foo="urn:yaddayadda">
Mary had a
little lamb
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$ns = $xpath->query('//fragment');
if ( 0 < $ns->length ) {
echo $ns->item(0)->nodeValue;
Mary had a
little lamb
If you want to strip or extract properties from only specific tag, you should try DOMDocument.
Something like this:
$TagWhiteList = array(
// Example of WhiteList
'b', 'i', 'u', 'strong', 'em', 'a', 'img'
function getTextFromNode($Node, $Text = "") {
// No tag, so it is a text
if ($Node->tagName == null)
return $Text.$Node->textContent;
// You may select a tag here
// Like:
// if (in_array($TextName, $TagWhiteList))
// DoSomthingWithIt($Text,$Node);
// Recursive to child
$Node = $Node->firstChild;
if ($Node != null)
$Text = getTextFromNode($Node, $Text);
// Recursive to sibling
while($Node->nextSibling != null) {
$Text = getTextFromNode($Node->nextSibling, $Text);
$Node = $Node->nextSibling;
return $Text;
function getTextFromDocument($DOMDoc) {
return getTextFromNode($DOMDoc->documentElement);
To use:
$Doc = new DOMDocument();
$Text = getTextFromDocument($Doc);
echo "Text from HTML: ".$Text."\n";
The above function is how to strip tags. But you can modify it a bit to manipulate the element. For example, if the tag is 'a' of archor, you can extract its target and display it instead of the text inside.
Hope this help.
I have to parse externally provided XML that has attributes with line breaks in them. Using SimpleXML, the line breaks seem to be lost. According to another stackoverflow question, line breaks should be valid (even though far less than ideal!) for XML.
Why are they lost? [edit] And how can I preserve them? [/edit]
Here is a demo file script (note that when the line breaks are not in an attribute they are preserved).
PHP File with embedded XML
$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data Title='Data Title' Remarks='First line of the row.
Followed by the second line.
Even a third!' />
<data Title='Full Title' Remarks='None really'>First line of the row.
Followed by the second line.
Even a third!</data>
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml );
print '<pre>'; print_r($xml); print '</pre>';
Output from print_r
SimpleXMLElement Object
[data] => Array
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[#attributes] => Array
[Title] => Data Title
[Remarks] => First line of the row. Followed by the second line. Even a third!
[1] => First line of the row.
Followed by the second line.
Even a third!
Using SimpleXML, the line breaks seem to be lost.
Yes, that is expected... in fact it is required of any conformant XML parser that newlines in attribute values represent simple spaces. See attribute value normalisation in the XML spec.
If there was supposed to be a real newline character in the attribute value, the XML should have included a
character reference instead of a raw newline.
The entity for a new line is
. I played with your code until I found something that did the trick. It's not very elegant, I warn you:
//First remove any indentations:
$xml = str_replace(" ","", $xml);
$xml = str_replace("\t","", $xml);
//Next replace unify all new-lines into unix LF:
$xml = str_replace("\r","\n", $xml);
$xml = str_replace("\n\n","\n", $xml);
//Next replace all new lines with the unicode:
$xml = str_replace("\n","
", $xml);
Finally, replace any new line entities between >< with a new line:
$xml = str_replace(">
<",">\n<", $xml);
The assumption, based on your example, is that any new lines that occur inside a node or attribute will have more text on the next line, not a < to open a new element.
This of course would fail if your next line had some text that was wrapped in a line-level element.
Assuming $xmlData is your XML string before it is sent to the parser, this should replace all newlines in attributes with the correct entity. I had the issue with XML coming from SQL Server.
$parts = explode("<", $xmlData); //split over <
array_shift($parts); //remove the blank array element
$newParts = array(); //create array for storing new parts
foreach($parts as $p)
list($attr,$other) = explode(">", $p, 2); //get attribute data into $attr
$attr = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $attr); //do the replacement
$newParts[] = $attr.">".$other; // put parts back together
$xmlData = "<".implode("<", $newParts); // put parts back together prefixing with <
Probably can be done more simply with a regex, but that's not a strong point for me.
Here is code to replace the new lines with the appropriate character reference in that particular XML fragment. Run this code prior to parsing.
$replaceFunction = function ($matches) {
return str_replace("\n", "
", $matches[0]);
$xml = preg_replace_callback(
"/<data Title='[^']+' Remarks='[^']+'/i",
$replaceFunction, $xml);
This is what worked for me:
First, get the xml as a string:
$xml = file_get_contents($urlXml);
Then do the replacement:
$xml = str_replace(".\xe2\x80\xa9<as:eol/>",".\n\n<as:eol/>",$xml);
The "." and "< as:eol/ >" were there because I needed to add breaks in that case. The new lines "\n" can be replaced with whatever you like.
After replacing, just load the xml-string as a SimpleXMLElement object:
$xmlo = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml );
Et Voilà
Well, this question is old but like me, someone might come to this page eventually.
I had slightly different approach and I think the most elegant out of these mentioned.
Inside the xml, you put some unique word which you will use for new line.
Change xml to
<data Title='Data Title' Remarks='First line of the row. \n
Followed by the second line. \n
Even a third!' />
And then when you get path to desired node in SimpleXML in string output write something like this:
$findme = '\n';
$pos = strpos($output, $findme);
$output = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$output);
It doesn't have to be '\n, it can be any unique char.