PHP-EWS fails on more than one attachment - php

I use James Armes's PHP-EWS library.
The following code works fine with single attachments, but fails with multiply files.
$msgRequest->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$msgResponse = $ews->CreateItem($msgRequest);
$msgResponseItems = $msgResponse->ResponseMessages->CreateItemResponseMessage->Items;
// Create attachment(s)
$attachments = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($message_details['attachment'] as $attachment) {
$attachments[$i] = new EWSType_FileAttachmentType();
$attachments[$i]->Content = file_get_contents($attachment['path'] . '/' . $attachment['file']);
$attachments[$i]->Name = $attachment['file'];
// Attach files to message
$attRequest = new EWSType_CreateAttachmentType();
$attRequest->ParentItemId = $msgResponseItems->Message->ItemId;
$attRequest->Attachments = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfAttachmentsType();
$attRequest->Attachments->FileAttachment = $attachments;
$attResponse = $ews->CreateAttachment($attRequest);
$attResponseId = $attResponse->ResponseMessages->CreateAttachmentResponseMessage->Attachments->FileAttachment->AttachmentId;
// Save message id from create attachment response
$msgItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$msgItemId->ChangeKey = $attResponseId->RootItemChangeKey;
$msgItemId->Id = $attResponseId->RootItemId;
// Send and save message
$msgSendRequest = new EWSType_SendItemType();
$msgSendRequest->ItemIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseItemIdsType();
$msgSendRequest->ItemIds->ItemId = $msgItemId;
$msgSendRequest->SaveItemToFolder = true;
$msgSendResponse = $ews->SendItem($msgSendRequest);
$response = $msgSendResponse->ResponseMessages->SendItemResponseMessage;
$ews->SendItem() returns this error:
Uncaught SoapFault exception: [a:ErrorSchemaValidation] The request
failed schema validation: The required attribute 'Id' is missing.
What do I miss here?

Found the answer here:
Basically Exchange does not use an array if there is only one attachment, so an additional check is required to determine where to get the ID from.
$attResponseId = $attResponse->ResponseMessages->CreateAttachmentResponseMessage->Attachments->FileAttachment->AttachmentId;
else {
$attResponseId = $attResponse->ResponseMessages->CreateAttachmentResponseMessage[0]->Attachments->FileAttachment->AttachmentId;
Exchange uses the same structure with recipients. I find this inconsistent, however I am sure there is a reason behind it.
I hope someone will benefit from raising this.


PHP-EWS: Set IsRead Flag for a Message

I am writing a php script to read emails from an Exchange Server 2010. Currently, I am able to retrieve all unread emails, but I would like to mark the emails that I have retrieved as read, so I don't retrieve messages I have already retrieved again. I am using php-ews from github. I created a script to do this, but every time it runs I get this error when I call UpdateItem.
PHP Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'Path' property
Stack Trace:
#0 ExchangeClient.php(355): SoapClient->__call('UpdateItem', Array)
#1 ExchangeClient.php(355): NTLMSoapClient->UpdateItem(Object(UpdateItemType))
#2 markReadTest.php(20): ExchangeClient->mark_as_read(Object(stdClass))
#3 ExchangeClient.php on line 355
I'm note sure what is causing this error because I think all of my SOAP nesting is correct because I have been referring to Microsoft's EWS SOAP reference for the UpdateItem function. Here is the code for the script that I am using to mark messages as read.
public function mark_as_read($ReadMessage)
$request = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$request->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$request->ConflictResolution = 'AlwaysOverwrite';
$request->ItemChanges = array();
$change = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$change->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$change->ItemId->Id = $ReadMessage->ItemId->Id;
$change->ItemId->ChangeKey = $ReadMessage->ItemId->ChangeKey;
$field = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$field->FieldURI = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$field->FieldURI->FieldURI = 'message:IsRead';
$field->Message = new EWSType_MessageType();
$field->Message->IsRead = True;
$change->Updates->SetItemField[] = $field;
$request->ItemChanges[] = $change;
$response = $this->client->UpdateItem($request);
return $response;
After some research I found a comment that provided the solution on a howtoforge post about connecting to EWS through the PHP SOAPclient. The solution was to replace the path element with FieldURI elements in the types.xsd file.
Original XML Tag:
<xs:element ref="t:Path"/>
Replaced By:
<xs:element ref="t:FieldURI"/>
<xs:element ref="t:IndexedFieldURI"/>
<xs:element ref="t:ExtendedFieldURI"/>
This path element occurred 8 times in my version of types.xsd which I got from an Exchange-2013 SP1 server and I replaced all instances of it with the FieldURI elements. After, I did this I was able to mark emails as read without modifying the code I used in my question
Two things that maybe doing it first you should be setting the IsReadSpecified property to true eg
$request = new EWSType_UpdateItemType();
$request->MessageDisposition = 'SaveOnly';
$request->ConflictResolution = 'AlwaysOverwrite';
$request->ItemChanges = array();
$change = new EWSType_ItemChangeType();
$change->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$change->ItemId->Id = $ReadMessage->ItemId->Id;
$change->ItemId->ChangeKey = $ReadMessage->ItemId->ChangeKey;
$field = new EWSType_SetItemFieldType();
$field->FieldURI = new EWSType_PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$field->FieldURI->FieldURI = 'message:IsRead';
$field->Message = new EWSType_MessageType();
$field->Message->IsReadSpecified = true;
$field->Message->IsRead = true;
$change->Updates->SetItemField[] = $field;
$request->ItemChanges[] = $change;
$response = $this->client->UpdateItem($request);
return $response;
Also you might want to look at what the request SOAP is your code is submitting to the server and post that. Its generally a lot clearer from the SOAP what you are doing incorrectly.

ElasticSearch PHP error 503

I'm quite new to ElasticSearch and just figuring some things out for now, but here is a problem. After all the trouble of changing the server we migrated the nodes, but have some missing data in one of them. We have two nodes that have records with the same ID in both of them. In 1'st one everything is ok, but in second some records seems to be missing. For example if I send the request like this:
GET /fnh_detailbeta/main/61UkVww8QGu093RirFG84A
I will get the following error (in Marvel - Sense)
"error": "NoShardAvailableActionException[[fnh_detailbeta][0] null]",
"status": 503
So, what I'm trying to do now is compare all the records in Node 1 with records in Node 2 via ElasticSearch PHP. Here is the PHP I'm trying to run:
require '../connector/vendor/autoload.php';
$number = 1;
$params = array();
$params['hosts'] = array (
'', // IP + Port
$client = new Elasticsearch\Client($params);
$getParams = array();
$getParams['index'] = 'fnh_mainbeta';
$getParams['type'] = 'main';
$json = '{"query": {"match_all": {}},"size": 1,"from":'.$number.'}';
$getParams['body'] = $json;
$retDoc = $client->search($getParams);
$total = $retDoc['hits']['total'];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) {
$json = '{"query": {"match_all": {}},"size": 1,"from":'.$number.'}';
$getParams = array();
$getParams['index'] = 'fnh_mainbeta';
$getParams['type'] = 'main';
$getParams['body'] = $json;
$getParams['ignore'] = 503;
$getParams['ignore'] = 404;
$retDoc = $client->search($getParams);
$found_id = $retDoc['hits']['hits'][0]['_id'];
echo $found_id;
$getParams = array();
$getParams['index'] = 'fnh_detailbeta';
$getParams['type'] = 'main';
$getParams['id'] = '61UkVww8QGu093RirFG84A';
$retDoc = $client->get($getParams);
$found_id_two = $retDoc['_id'];
echo $found_id_two;
It is not finished by now, but I get the fatal error that exits the script:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Guzzle\Http\Exception\ServerErrorResponseException' with message 'Server error response
[status code] 503
[reason phrase] Service Unavailable
This error appears when NoShardAvailableActionException[[fnh_detailbeta][0] null]... So, the question is:
What is the best way to catch this error (something like IF error THEN echo "error") without stop of the PHP execution. In other words - I want to determine this error, delete this record and go further comparing the Nodes.
Any help will be appreciated!

How to export Exchange Web Services Item to a *.eml file? (PHP)

I'm developing a web interface for Exchange Web Services which should be able to save a mail item to eml format. I use PHP-EWS ( to establish a connection to the Exchange Server.
I know how such a file looks like, so I could download a mail item and generate an eml template with the data.
But I found this post: Save mail to msg file using EWS API. Colin talks about a mechanism which directly export a mail item into eml file. Is that possible in PHP, too?
Additionally I found another thing: In this example somebody generates a mime content and set it to a new item. Is it possible to get the mime type (which looks like an eml file to me) for an existing item?
Thanks for any help!
To save a mail item in eml format you have to set the IncludeMimeContent property to true in the ItemShape element of the GetItem operation.
By doing so, you will get in the GetItem response a MimeContent element:
The MimeContent element contains the native Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME) stream of an object that is represented in
base64Binary format.
As an example, consider the following code:
function __autoload($class_name) {
$base_path = 'php-ews-master';
$include_file = $base_path . '/' . str_replace('_', '/', $class_name) . '.php';
return (file_exists($include_file) ? require_once $include_file : false);
** Adjust these variables before running the script!
$server = 'your_server';
$username = 'your_user';
$password = 'your_password';
$message_id = 'your_message_id';
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices($server, $username, $password);
$request = new EWSType_GetItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::ALL_PROPERTIES;
$request->ItemShape->IncludeMimeContent = true;
$request->ItemIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseItemIdsType();
$request->ItemIds->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$request->ItemIds->ItemId->Id = $message_id;
$response = $ews->GetItem($request);
//echo '<pre>'.print_r($response, true).'</pre>';
if (($response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseCode == 'NoError') &&
($response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseClass == 'Success')) {
file_put_contents("test.eml", base64_decode($response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->Items->Message->MimeContent->_));

Cannot instantiate a Note object using Evernote API in PHP

I am trying to develop a script (using the PHP example app as a basis) that will post a note to Evernote based on GET values.
When I insert this to the end of functions.php's listNotebooks()
$note_obj = new Note(array(
'contents' => $note_contents,
'title' => $title
It throws a 500 error. (In my code, $title & $note_contents are defined earlier. I have spent a lot of time trying to find proper documentation for the PHP API but it just seems non-existent. Any information on this topic would be greatly appreciated
Update: I did not realize the API was using PHP Namespaces: This fixed the issue:
//import Note class
use EDAM\Types\Note;
use EDAM\Types\NoteAttributes;
use EDAM\NoteStore\NoteStoreClient;
My code to add a note still does not work but I'll post it here once I figure it out.
These classes need to be imported:
//import Note class
use EDAM\Types\Note;
use EDAM\Types\NoteAttributes;
use EDAM\NoteStore\NoteStoreClient;
This will define our new note:
$noteAttr = new NoteAttributes();
$noteAttr->sourceURL = "";
$note = new Note();
$note->guid = null;
$note->title = "My Title";
$note->content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM ""><en-note>My Content</en-note>';
$note->contentHash = null;
$note->contentLength = null;
$note->created = time()*1000;
$note->updated = time()*1000;
$note->deleted = null;
$note->active = null;
$note->updateSequenceNum = null;
$note->notebookGuid = null;
$note->tagGuids = null;
$note->resources = null;
$note->attributes = $noteAttr;
$note->tagNames = null;
This function will add a new note:
function addNote($newnote) {
global $noteRet;
if (empty($noteRet)) {
define("noteStoreHost", "");
define("noteStorePort", "80");
define("noteStoreProto", "https");
define("noteStoreUrl", "edam/note/");
$noteStoreTrans = new THttpClient(noteStoreHost, noteStorePort, noteStoreUrl . $_SESSION['shardId'], noteStoreProto);
$noteStoreProt = new TBinaryProtocol($noteStoreTrans);
$noteStore = new NoteStoreClient($noteStoreProt, $noteStoreProt);
$noteRet = $noteStore->createNote($_SESSION['accessToken'], $newnote);
return $noteRet;

PHP+SoapClient exceptions and headers? (UPS Rating)

I'm trying to use PHP and SoapClient to utilize the UPS Ratings web service. I found a nice tool called WSDLInterpreter to create a starting point library for creating the service requests, but regardless what I try I keep getting the same (non-descriptive) error:
'message' => 'An exception has been raised as a result of client data.',
'string' => '',
'code' => 0,
Um ok, what the hell does this mean?
Unlike some of the other web service tools I have implemented, the UPS Soap wants a security block put into the header. I tried doing raw associative array data but I wasn't sure 100% if I was injecting the header part correctly.
Using the WSDLInterpreter, it pulls out a RateService class with a ProcessRate method that excepts it's own (instance) datastructure for the RateRequest and UPSSecurity portions, but all of the above generates that same error.
Here's a sample of the code that I'm using that calls classes defined by the interpreter:
require_once "Shipping/UPS/RateService.php"; // WSDLInterpreter class library
class Query
// constants removed for stackoverflow that define (proprietary) security items
private $_upss;
private $_shpr;
// use Interpreter code's RateRequest class to send with ProcessRate
public function soapRateRequest(RateRequest $req, UPSSecurity $upss = null)
$res = false;
if (!isset($upss)) {
$upss = $this->__getUPSS();
echo "SECURITY:\n" . var_export($upss, 1) . "\n";
$upsrs = new RateService(self::UPS_WSDL);
try {
$res = $upsrs->ProcessRate($req, $upss);
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
echo 'EXCEPTION=' . var_export($exception, 1) . "\n";
return $res;
// create a soap data structure to send to web service from shipment
public function getRequestSoap(Shipment $shpmnt)
$qs = new RateRequest();
// pickup information
$qs->PickupType->Code = '01';
$qs->Shipment->Shipper = $this->__getAcctInfo();
// Ship To address
$qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->AddressLine = $this->__getAddressArray($shpmnt->destAddress->address1, $shpmnt->destAddress->address2);
$qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->City = $shpmnt->destAddress->city;
$qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->StateProvinceCode = $shpmnt->destAddress->state;
$qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->PostalCode = $shpmnt->destAddress->zip;
$qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->CountryCode = $shpmnt->destAddress->country;
$qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Name = $shpmnt->destAddress->name;
// Ship From address
$qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->AddressLine = $this->__getAddressArray($shpmnt->origAddress->address1, $shpmnt->origAddress->address2);
$qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->City = $shpmnt->origAddress->city;
$qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->StateProvinceCode = $shpmnt->origAddress->state;
$qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->PostalCode = $shpmnt->origAddress->zip;
$qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->CountryCode = $shpmnt->origAddress->country;
$qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Name = $shpmnt->origAddress->name;
// Service type
// TODO cycle through available services
$qs->Shipment->Service->Code = "03";
$qs->Shipment->Service->Description = "UPS Ground";
// Package information
$pkg = new PackageType();
$pkg->PackagingType->Code = "02";
$pkg->PackagingType->Description = "Package/customer supplied";
// dimensions
$pkg->Dimensions->UnitOfMeasurement->Code = $shpmnt->dimensions->dimensionsUnit;
$pkg->Dimensions->Length = $shpmnt->dimensions->length;
$pkg->Dimensions->Width = $shpmnt->dimensions->width;
$pkg->Dimensions->Height = $shpmnt->dimensions->height;
$pkg->PackageServiceOptions->DeclaredValue->CurrencyCode = "USD";
$pkg->PackageServiceOptions->DeclaredValue->MonetaryValue = $shpmnt->dimensions->value;
$pkg->PackageServiceOptions->DeclaredValue->CurrencyCode = "USD";
$pkg->PackageWeight->UnitOfMeasurement = $this->__getWeightUnit($shpmnt->dimensions->weightUnit);
$pkg->PackageWeight->Weight = $shpmnt->dimensions->weight;
$qs->Shipment->Package = $pkg;
$qs->CustomerClassification->Code = 123456;
$qs->CustomerClassification->Description = "test_rate_request";
return $qs;
// fill out and return a UPSSecurity data structure
private function __getUPSS()
if (!isset($this->_upss)) {
$unmt = new UsernameToken();
$unmt->Username = self::UPSS_USERNAME;
$unmt->Password = self::UPSS_PASSWORD;
$sat = new ServiceAccessToken();
$sat->AccessLicenseNumber = self::UPSS_ACCESS_LICENSE_NUMBER;
$upss = new UPSSecurity();
$upss->UsernameToken = $unmt;
$upss->ServiceAccessToken = $sat;
$this->_upss = $upss;
return $this->_upss;
// get our shipper/account info (some items blanked for stackoverflow)
private function __getAcctInfo()
if (!isset($this->_shpr)) {
$shpr = new ShipperType();
$shpr->Address->AddressLine = array(
$shpr->Address->City = "CITY";
$shpr->Address->StateProvinceCode = "MI";
$shpr->Address->PostalCode = "ZIPCODE";
$shpr->Address->CountryCode = "US";
$shpr = new ShipperType();
$shpr->Name = "COMPANY NAME";
$shpr->ShipperNumber = self::UPS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER;
$shpr->Address = $addr;
$this->_shpr = $shpr;
return $this->_shpr;
private function __getAddressArray($adr1, $adr2 = null)
if (isset($adr2) && $adr2 !== '') {
return array($adr1, $adr2);
} else {
return array($adr1);
It doesn't even seem to be getting to the point of sending anything over the Soap so I am assuming it is dying as a result of something not matching the WSDL info. (keep in mind, I've tried sending just a properly seeded array of key/value details to a manually created SoapClient using the same WSDL file with the same error resulting)
It would just be nice to get an error to let me know what about the 'client data' is a problem. This PHP soap implementation isn't impressing me!
I know this answer is probably way too late, but I'll provide some feedback anyway. In order to make a custom SOAP Header you'll have to override the SoapHeader class.
* Auth Class to extend SOAP Header for WSSE Security
* Usage:
* $header = new upsAuthHeader($user, $password);
* $client = new SoapClient('{...}', array("trace" => 1, "exception" => 0));
* $client->__setSoapHeaders(array($header));
class upsAuthHeader extends SoapHeader
function __construct($user, $password)
// Using SoapVar to set the attributes has proven nearly impossible; no WSDL.
// It might be accomplished with a combined SoapVar and stdClass() approach.
// Security Header - as a combined XSD_ANYXML SoapVar
// This method is much easier to define all of the custom SoapVars with attributes.
$security = '<ns2:Security xmlns:ns2="'.$this->wsse.'">'. // soapenv:mustUnderstand="1"
'<ns2:UsernameToken ns3:Id="UsernameToken-49" xmlns:ns3="'.$this->wsu.'">'.
'<ns2:Password Type="'.$this->password_type.'">'.htmlspecialchars($password).'</ns2:Password>'.
$security_sv = new SoapVar($security, XSD_ANYXML);
parent::__construct($this->wsse, 'Security', $security_sv, false);
Then call the upsAuthHeader() before the soap call.
$client = new SoapClient($this->your_ups_wsdl,
array('trace' => true,
'exceptions' => true,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1
// Auth Header - Security Header
$header = new upsAuthHeader($user, $password);
// Set Header
