How to insert multiple strings into specific column with space between? - php

How to insert multiple strings into specific column with space?
$this->database[ABB]->doQuery('INSERT INTO MARKET (Account, User, Rank, ChangeTime) VALUES (?,?,?, GetDate())', $_SESSION['Account'], $user, $rank);
The values are sanitized in my full code above this query however I want to combine Account & User columns into one (AccUserInfo) and when they are inserted, it should insert them like that with space between: AccEx UserEx
Is it possible to do that in my php script when its inserted to the MSSQL Server 2005 table?
I will change the db structure, just wanna know how to include both strings into the query with space between them?

to join any 2 stings together with a space:
$foo=$cat.' '.$dog;
your particular case:
$AccUserInfo=$_SESSION['Account'].' '.$user;


How to extract one value from imploded array in MySQL row

I'm using implode to insert few values into one row in MySQL database.
implode(' ', $_POST['tag']);
Assuming that I have table named product with row named tags with 3 different values that inserted inside like this:
usb adapter charger
I have tried using this method using like operator (%), but that didn't worked.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE tags='%usb%'";
How can I extract only one value from the imploded array using WHERE in mysql query?
I agree with the comments about re-designing the database. At first read it seems that using LIKE would definitely get the result you want but after reading #Patrick Q's pan - panther example, it makes a lot sense that LIKE is not really a good solution. There are ways to get exactly the tag string you're looking for but it may hurt the performance and the query will be longer and complex. Hence the following are to demonstrate how the query would look like with your current tags data value:
MySQL query:
SELECT tags,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(tags,' ',FIND_IN_SET('usb',REPLACE(tags,' ',','))),' ',-1) v
FROM mytable
HAVING v = 'usb';
As you can see, there are a few functions being used just to get the exact string from the data cell. Since your example data was separating with spaces and FIND_IN_SET identify value separation by comma, REPLACE take place on the tags column first to replace spaces with comma. Then with SUBSTRING_INDEX twice to get the string using the location extracted in FIND_IN_SET. Finally at the end HAVING to get only the tag you're looking for.
Further demo here :

Select column(s) names based on user entry with a MYSQL query

Using PHP a secure user will enter a Ref (ex. NB093019) a query will be used to determine which PO(s) have that Ref and if they have any quantity. The issue is that we have 86 columns to check if that Ref is in and then once it finds what column it is in how to check the corresponding column that contains that quantity( the table cannot be edited).
I can make this work with 86 if else statements in PHP and then more if else statements inside of each PHP statement. I have no launching point once i do the initial query.
select 'remainder'as prefix, po, *comments,*GuideRef, *Qty
from remainder
where ('NB092419')IN (NWANTcomments,NWANTGuideRef,NWANTpreviouscomments,
NWANTprevious2GuideRef, BPrev2GuideRef,
BPrev2comments, BPrevGuideRef, BPrevcomments,
aGuideRef, Mcomments,MGuideRef,acomments,
MAGuideRef,BOGuideRef )
group by po
I have removed some of the in() information so it is not so long also the *comments, *GuideRef, *Qty would be decided by which one of the columns in the IN() statement returns information. Is this even possible
You could perhaps write an SQL that writes an SQL:
select REPLACE(
'SELECT ''{colstub}GuideRef'' as which, {colstub}Qty FROM remainder WHERE {colstub}Ref like ''%somevalue%'' UNION ALL',
REPLACE(column_name, 'GuideRef', '')
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'remainder' and column_name LIKE '%Ref'
It works like "pull all the column names out of the info schema where the column name is like %guideref, replace guideref with nothing to get just the fragment of the column name that is varied: NWANTguideref -> NWANT, NWANTpreviousguideref -> NWANTprevious ... then uses this stub to form a query that gives a string depicting the column name, the qty from the quantity column, where the relevant guideref column is LIKE some value"
If you run this it will produce a result set like:
SELECT 'aGuideRef' as which, aQty FROM table WHERE aGuideRef LIKE '%lookingfor%' UNION ALL
SELECT 'bGuideRef' as which, bQty FROM table WHERE bGuideRef LIKE '%lookingfor% ...
So it's basically utputted a load of strings that are SQLs in themselves. It might need a bit of fine tuning, and hopefully all your columns are reliably and rigidly like xQty, xGuideRef, xComments triplets, but it essentially writes most the query for you
If you then copy the result set out of the results grid and paste it back into the query window, remove the last UNION ALL and run it, it will search the columns and tell you where it was found as well as the quantity
It's not too usable for a production system, but you could do the same in php- run the query, get the strings into another sql command, re-run it..
I would suggest you consider changing your table structure though:
prefix, qty, guideref, comments
You shouldn't have 86 columns that are the mostly same thing; you should have one column that is one of 86/3 different values then you can just query the guideref and the type. If this were an address table, I'm saying you **shouldn't* have HomeZipcode, WorkZipcode, UniversityZipcode, MomZipcode, DadZipcode.. and every time you want to store another kind of address you add more columns (BoyfriendZipcode, GirlfriendZipcode, Child1Zipcode...). Instead if you just had an "addresstype" column then you can store any number of different kinds of addresses without recompiling your app and changing your db schema
You can use this technique to re-shape the table - write an SQL that writes a bunch of UNION ALL sqls (without WHERE clauses), one of the columns should be the "recordtype" column (from colstub) and the other columns should just be "qty", "guide", "comments". Once you have your result set with the unions you can make a table to hold these 4 things, and then place INSERT INTO newtable at the head of the block of unions

How to separate SQL column data separated by comma to individual values and then count these values

Am using a SQL command in PHP to count the no of values inserted in a column named attack_type. I want to count the occurrence of individual values like website defacement in the whole column of the table. But here the column attack_type contain different values, separated by a comma and the count is treating whole column data as a string. Below is my current SQL statement with its output
I tried explode print_r in PHP
SELECT attack_type,
count(*) as number
FROM data_input_test
GROUP BY attack_type
Here is the output of the above statement
But what I want is :
and so on. The above desired output is edited to show what I exactly want.
Other answer on stackoverflow and on other forums are either irrelevant or are using regrex or a new table creation in one or the other way. That I don't want as my hosting has some limitations. My hosting doesnt provide creation of triggers, regrex or creation of temp tables
I may have a solution for this but don't know how to apply here. Possible here:
Please someone explain me how to apply the same here.
So I finally worked around to get my work done using the select only. This only works if you have a finite set of data or specifically less than 64 values.
Change your column datatype to 'set' type. And enter your set values.
Now use select, count, find_in_set and union functions of sql.
union select 'Un-patched Vulnerable Software Exploitaion'as type, count(*) as number from data_input_test where find_in_set('Un-patched Vulnerable Software Exploitaion',attack_type)```
and so on for all your values
I know this is not how you should do but as the legends say this works 😎😎
If you just want to count comma-separated values in rows, you can use:
SELECT SUM(LENGTH(attack_type) - LENGTH(replace(attack_type, ',', '')) +1) AS TotalCount
FROM table_name;

How To Iterate UTF-8 String To Mysql

Could please somebody help me find out how to iterate these raw txt data to mysql. The format is
user id | item id | rating | timestamp
and i want to insert these data to my table in MySql (using PHPmyAdmin), let's say the table structure is : user_id (int), item_id(int), rating(int), timestamp(int) with its name "Rating".
So, i want to know how to insert these data to my table, i'm fine with php, or if there are easier way to do this.
If you want to generate raw SQL queries, you can do so by using find and replace in your text editor (that looks like Notepad++). I'm guessing that your delimiters are tabs.
Find and replace all tab characters and replace them with a comma. We do not need to quote anything as all of your fields are integers.
Find and replace all newline characters and replace them with a SQL query.
Execute these commands in regular expression mode:
Find: \t
Replace: ,
Find: \r\n (if that doesn't find anything, look for \n)
Replace: );\r\nINSERT INTO Rating (user_id, item_id, rating, timestamp) VALUES (
On the first row, insert the text INSERT INTO Rating (user_id, item_id, rating, timestamp) VALUES ( to make the row a valid SQL statement.
On the last row, remove any trailing portions of SQL query after the last semicolon.
Copy and paste this into your PHPMyAdmin and it should be all good.
The simplest way I have found for doing similar is to use Excel. Import the text file into a new document - judging by the look it should be easy to seperate the columns as they appear to be tab delimited. Once you have the required columns set up a string concatenation to include the values... kind of like
=CONCATENATE("INSERT INTO Rating SET user_id='",A1,"', item_id='",B1,"', rating='",C1,"', timestamp='",D1,"';")
Then repeat for all rows, copy and paste into sql client
you can use toad for mysql , import wisard and you create a table with the same structure (user id | item id | rating | timestamp) of you file after import all data you export the sql insert of you new table.

Securely escaping dynamic table names in MySQL using Codeigniter

I'm facing a slight problem. I'm working on an application at the moment that requires the use of dynamic table names in MySQL.
Basically, I have a process of selecting albums from a database based on a number of factors (Genre, Play Length, Release Date etc) -- There is a section of this process that allows the user to create a bunch of custom filters..
The custom filters return a count to the user of all the albums within that selection criteria. The ID's of those albums are then stored in a table with a randomly generated hash/serial number (e.g. albumSelect_20880f9c05d68a)
I did it this way because I didn't want to store a huge comma separated list in a field (Really silly) -- And I didn't fancy sending an array of values to a hidden field in my HTML as this would just increase data throughput (Could be thousands of rows at a time)
In CodeIgniter, I'm using Query Bindings to generate my SQL queries, like so:
select * from artists where artistName = ? AND albumTitle = ?
The query is then automatically escaped when I parameterize the query
$query = $this->db->query($sql,array("Singer","Album"));
Now comes the tricky part
If I write my query to look something like this:
$sql = "select albumid from albums where albumid in (select albumid from albumSelect_?)";
The resulting query becomes:
select `albumid` from `albums` where `albumid` in (select `albumid` from `albumSelect_'20880f9c05d68a'`)
And quite rightly so, but obviously the query is then invalid..
Edit: More Info
The query could be part of a bigger query, depending on what criteria the user selects. e.g.
$sql = "select albumid from albums where albumid in(select albumid from tags where tag = ?) AND albumid in(select albumid from albumSelect_?)";
I was just wondering if there was a way to get this working, OR if anyone could suggest a better alternative.. Concatenation of the table name is obviously not an option.
Thanks in advance!
The escaping mechanisms are only for data strings, not for schema names. In other words, only for the content of a table, not for its structure. So you'll either have to paste the string into the query yourself, or avoid using tables in this way. The ? of query templates won't help you there.
If you paste the string into the table name, you can use the usual PHP string concatenation mechanisms. You should make extra sure that you check the string against a suitably strict regular expression, to avoid SQL injection. Make sure that you really only paste a single random string of the format you generate, and nothing else.
As an alternative, you could have one big table, containing all the selections, and use an additional column to hold your identification hash, or some other suitable key to identify a single selection. That way, you wouldn't have to modify the database schema during normal operations. I believe most developers, me included, would rather avoid such modifications by program code. Good database design works with a fixed schema.
It sounds to me like you want to use dynamic SQL. You'll probably have to go down the path of prepared statements. With them, you can call PREPARE on the string and subsequently EXECUTE it. Normal concatenation works just fine.
That should allow you to build your SQL as a string and execute it. If you use CodeIgniter's parametrization in combination with MySQL stored procedures, you can call a query like "CALL selectAlbums(?, ?)" (assuming selectAlbums is the stored procedure containing the PREPARE for the actual query), which will return the set.
If you want to get rid of the 's in output, channel the parameters through CONCAT, which will produce a normal string.
