I have just started to use mPDF. I got stuck at very beginning. I am trying to include my dynamic php file and convert it to pdf file by using mPDF. Here is my approach:This is my function to convert file to pdf
$html= "template1.php";
$mpdf=new mPDF();
My template.php file is only a html invoice table layout in where several content come from database as: user address, invoice table and so on... I do want to convert the html layout and content from the template.php file to pdf
But it is not outputing the file as a pdf file. What am I missing here?
If your template1.php has php code in it then it would not be executed by the file_get_contents function as it will read the content of the file as a regular text. You need to turn output buffer on before include, get the content of the buffer and use it for the generation of pdf. Something like this:
include 'MPDF57/mpdf.php';
ob_start(); // start output buffering
include 'template1.php';
$content = ob_get_clean(); // get content of the buffer and clean the buffer
$mpdf = new mPDF();
$mpdf->Output('result.pdf'); // output as inline content
I'm using mPDF to export a large table to a PDF. As I've read online, I need to break my HTML content into chunks and pass them to WriteHTML method one by one.
But looks like my bootstrap CSS is not getting exported when I do this. My table borders are not visible. No paddings...etc.
How can I achieve both these tasks?
This is my code:
$content_chunks = str_split($content, 1000);
$pdf = new Pdf();
$mpdf = $pdf->api; // fetches mpdf api
$mpdf->SetHTMLFooter('Generated On: ' . date("r").'||{PAGENO}');
foreach($content_chunks as $html)
return $mpdf->Output($file_name,'D');
This is what the official docs say about breaking large HTML into chunks. But I can't find any information with related to exporting bootstrap css.
I need to create a PDF file of a php page that includes php variables and js generated content.
I tried achieving this with mPDF and the following script:
require_once "libraries/mpdf/mpdf.php";
ob_start(); // start output buffering
include 'appartamento.php';
$content = ob_get_clean(); // get content of the buffer and clean the buffer
$mpdf = new mPDF();
$mpdf->Output(); // output as inline content
However, the generated pdf does only include very few content of the php page and i don't know what needs to be done to display the whole content in the pdf file.
Any ideas?
To generate the dynamic content, treat your $content variable is any PHP variable and set it initially.
After that, where you are populating the content in your loop, ensure to use the below logic.
$content = $content . "Your additional Content";
In this way, you will append to your variable.
Finally, use the below code to generate the PDF.
You can easily use almost all the HTML tags in your $content. There are only some tags not supported.
That's it!
I have added the step-by-step process to ensure that you generate the PDF successfully with the dynamic data.
$mpdf=new mPDF('win-1252','A4','','',20,15,55,25,10,10); //This is where you set page size and margins. Feel free to use as is.
$mpdf->useOnlyCoreFonts = true; // false is default.
$mpdf->SetProtection(array('print')); //You can find out about these details in mPDF guidelines.
$mpdf->AliasNbPages(['PAGETOTAL']); // PAGETOTAL gives you the value of Total Pages of your generated PDF.
$mpdf->SetTitle($your_title); //You can even set the PDF Title based on your Data.
$mpdf->SetAuthor($author_name); //You can set Author's Name as well
$mpdf->SetWatermarkText($watermark_text); //You can even set Watermark Text
$mpdf->showWatermarkText = false; //True if you want to show watermark
$mpdf->watermark_font = 'DejaVuSansCondensed'; //Can even change Watermark Font
$mpdf->watermarkTextAlpha = 0.05; //Opacity of Watermark Text
$mpdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); //Obvious as mentioned
$content = $content . 'Your ' . $content . ' can be added this way.'; //This can be any HTML.
$mpdf->WriteHTML($content); //You can now compile your content and show in PDF.
$mpdf->Output(); //finally output it.
In addition to this, please note the following as well.
mPDF is divided into three main sections. These are to be in the <body> of your HTML.
<htmlpageheader name="myheader"> - This is repeated on every page as a header. Can be your logo from the page template. Will close </htmlpageheader>.
<htmlpagefooter name="myfooter"> - This will be similar to the header but at the bottom. Will close </htmlpagefooter>.
This is your entire content in <body>.
To display the <htmlpageheader name="myheader"> and <htmlpagefooter name="myfooter">, use the below lines of code.
<sethtmlpageheader name="myheader" value="on" show-this-page="1" />
<sethtmlpagefooter name="myfooter" value="on" />
Follow this logic and then try.
You could use the fpdf library. It allows you to write a pdf from your PHP.
You should definitely check this out. A very helpful post by the way : https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf
And iff you are new to this, you might want to see how certain examples are rendered eventually : https://dompdf.net/examples.php
I am using open cart. I am generating a PDF file using TCPDF. I load my html from a tpl file, which has form with dynamic data. here is my code
$pdf = new TCPDF()
$html = $this->render();
Its showing me output but its breaking the result.
I have five parts in my form but its just showing me first two why is this so.
Plus my css is not working well.
I am using maxChart.class.php to create Graphs and its working properly.
I am also using html2pdf.class.php to create Online pdf report. I tried to include chart in pdf file but its not working.
My code is
$content = "
$content.=$mc3 = new maxChart($data3);
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','en');
How can i add graphs in file ?
Anybody please help me.
I used MPDF and SVGGraphs to do this
Code to add graphs value in php variable
Code for MPDF
$mpdf=new mPDF('c');
You can do the following:
make the chart an image and embed that image in the document, using <img src=...
display the chart image using binary data <img src="...">
I have made HTML to convert it into PDF using MPDF,
but issue is that I can't include a stylesheet file.
$mpdf=new mPDF('c');
// LOAD a stylesheet
$stylesheet = file_get_contents('mpdfstyleA4.css');
I used the code above but I can't see the effect of the styles.
Does anyone know a better way to include styles?
You need to load the stylesheet in the html - it's not clear in your snippet where the content for $html comes from but that's the place to load styles. Using your code you'll be writing the CSS you've loaded as if it were document content for the PDF, which I assume isn't your intent.
mPdf works best with inline style sheets which cause no bugs while pdf opens in different browsers.
It looks to me you are setting the new PDF function into "Code" mode.
$mpdf=new mPDF('c');
Have you tried it without the "C"?
$mpdf=new mPDF();
Also, is your stylesheet, "mpdfstyleA4.css", located in the same path as mpdf.php?