I'm trying to count how many pages a user visited during his login.
So I created a Service which is listening to the Kernel::TERMINATE Event that shall increase a counter everytime a user goes to another site within my system.
class ActivityListener implements EventSubscriberInterface {
private $doctrine;
private $session;
public function __construct(Registry $doctrine, Session $session){
$this->doctrine = $doctrine;
$this->session = $session;
public static function getSubscribedEvents(){
return array(
KernelEvents::TERMINATE => 'increasePageCount'
public function increasePageCount(){
$em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
$log = $em->getRepository('Bundle:UserLog')->findBy(array('sessionId' => $this->session->getId()));
$log = $log[0];
$log->increasePageCounter(); //Function in the entity that increases the count
The code will be called, which is fine, but up to 10 times per pagechange, which is obviously way to much!
I also tried the Kernel::REQUEST Event, but with the same result.
What could I so that it just increases the PageCounter only once per new Page Request? (e.g. The user goes from the Billing Overview to the details of one certain bill whatsoever)
Kernel::VIEW is fired when the controller action response is returned. If you want to just track users getting from one view to another, it seems to be your best bet.
See https://github.com/symfony/HttpKernel/blob/master/HttpKernel.php#L150
Of course this is also fired if you just return a JSON Response in some ajax call or a redirect you might do. So all responses are fired. Not just renders. You might be able to filter it through the request though.
Also I would really suggest not doing user tracking inside Symfony itself. Tools like Piwik have a nice API where you can create good profiles for users and track them. There is also a Symfony Bundle for Piwik, not sure if it is still maintained or even works
im working on an application from my companies previous developer and im at the point now where the boss has asked me to log which user has accessed what page. So I've set up some events and listeners to get the job done as i have been doing for all the other logs but there is a problem.
If i was to fire an event the way I've been doing it up till now id have to re-write the code to fire an event for every separate method that returns a page, but right now this is the only viable option i see because then i can customise the information that i put into the event log (I need the ability to customise information that's being pushed to the event / listener). Example Below
public function showCreateAccount()
//I need the account types for this page and the status types
$account_types = AccountController::getTypes();
$status_types = StatusController::getTypes();
$timezone_types = TimezoneController::getTypes();
$currency_types = CurrencyController::getTypes();
return view('create.account')->with('account_types', $account_types)
->with('status_types', $status_types)
->with('currency_types', $currency_types)
->with('timezone_types', $timezone_types);
public function showCreateRevenue()
$revenue_types = RevenueController::getTypes();
return view('create.income')->with('revenue_types', $revenue_types);
public function showCreateIncomeWithID($id)
return view('create.income')->with('account_id', $id);
public function showCreateExpense()
$expense_types = ExpenseController::getTypes();
return view('create.outcome')->with('expense_types', $expense_types);
Now this will work fine i assume but what im worried about is that this method isnt "good practice" surely there must be an alternative to writing a new event in each and every function whilst still being able to pass relevant information about what page has been accessed?
If i am wrong please correct me if not your answers are welcome
I am trying to link my local users stored in the database with some external services, so they can login anywhere with the same credentials.
I have an EventListener waiting for some FOSUserEvents like FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_SUCCESS or FOSUserEvents::CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS, fired when the data are valid but not actually saved, to perform some call to the various external services and replicate the new user credentials.
If the services return a message saying that the data are replicated, everything work fine.
But if a service say that there is a problem, no mater what it is, I would like to interrupt the saving process of the form and adding an error message.
The objective is to prevent Symfony to save the data, even if they are valid, if an external service say no, and I don't know how to perform this kind of emergency stop.
Actually, it's only based on FOSUserBundle but if I find a working solution, I will have to execute something similar for other entities, that why I try to be as generic as possible.
Here a some of my code
class MyListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
FOSUserEvents::REGISTRATION_SUCCESS => 'createUser',
public function createUser(FormEvent $event)
$user = $event->getForm()->getData();
// Check if the user exists before trying to edit
$result = $this->_userExists($user);
if($result['value'] == false)
// Create the user
$result = $this->_createUser($user);
// Check if the user is successfully replicated
if($result['result'] != 'success')
* Emergency stop (user not replicated)
* Emergency stop (user doesn't exists)
. . .
Actually I didn't find any way to stop the saving workflow and returning to the form page to display an error message. So if somebody has an idea of how to perform this, feel free so write your idea, and thanks you all guys. Stackoverflow is really the best ;-)
I'm creating an audit trail module that i will put in a larger system; and i've created a table to store the trail entries , as an "auditor" what i want to see the currently logged on user, the page where he/she is in, what action he/she did, and what were the changes and when...
these are basically what i want to see; my audit trail table looks like:
User| Timestamp| Module Name| Action| Old Value| New Value| Description
i basically had no problem getting the user, by
the page/module and action by getting the controller's :
My problem lies with the changes old value to new value, the edits done by the user.
i could sort of "sniff" out what edits/ changes he/she did by literally copying the variables and passing it through my function where i create the log.. How do i do this dynamically?
i sort of want to detect if a certain model's properties or attributes has been changed and see what changes were made so that i could get a detail log...Thanks ! sorry, i'm really trying hard to explain this.
In each model that you want to observe you can write a afterFind() method, where you store the current DB attributes into some private variable, e.b. _dbValues. Then in beforeSave() you verify the current attributes with the ones in _dbValues and create an audit record if there was a change.
After you have this working, you can take it a step further and create a behavior from it. You'd put the private variable, the afterFind() and the beforeSave() method there. Then you can attach that behavior to many records.
Quick example:
class Book extends CActiveRecord
private $oldAttrs = array();
public static function model($className = __CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
public function tableName()
return 'book';
protected function afterSave()
// store history
if (!$this->isNewRecord) {
$newAttrs = $this->getAttributes();
$oldAttrs = $this->getOldAttributes();
// your code
return parent::afterSave();
protected function afterFind()
// Save old values
return parent::afterFind();
public function getOldAttributes()
return $this->oldAttrs;
public function setOldAttributes($attrs)
$this->oldAttrs = $attrs;
Your solution is good, but what if there're 2 threads that call ->save() at the same time?
Assume that:
the 1st thread find record, save the A status.
the 2nd thread find record, save the A status.
then 1st thread change record to B, call ->save(). System will log A->B
then 2nd thread change record to C, call ->save(). System will log A->C
summary, there're 2 log: A->B, A->C. If this is not problem for you, just ignore it and do the above solution.
I have built a simple Notification system in my Cake app that I want to have a function that will create a new notification when I call a certain method. Because this is not something the user would actually access directly and is only database logic I have put it in the Notification model like so:
class Notification extends AppModel
public $name = 'Notification';
public function createNotification($userId, $content, $url)
$this->request->data['Notification']['user_id'] = $userId;
$this->request->data['Notification']['content'] = $content;
$this->request->data['Notification']['url'] = $url;
$result = $this->save($this->request->data);
if ($result)
$this->saveField('datetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$this->saveField('status', 0);
And then whenever I want to create a notification within my app I just do:
However this doesn't work! The controller is talking to the model fine, but it doesn't create the row in the database... I'm not sure why... but it would seem I'm doing this wrong by just doing all the code in the model and then calling it across the app.
Edit: Based on answers and comments below, I have tried the following the code to create a protected method in my notifications controller:
protected function _createNotification($userId, $content, $url)
$this->request->data['Notification']['user_id'] = $userId;
$this->request->data['Notification']['content'] = $content;
$this->request->data['Notification']['url'] = $url;
$result = $this->save($this->request->data);
if ($result)
$this->saveField('datetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$this->saveField('status', 0);
Now the thing that is stumping me still (apologies if this is quite simple to others, but I have not used protected methods in CakePHP before) is how do I then call this from another controller? So for example If have a method in my PostsController and want to create a notification on successful save, how would I do this?
I thought about in my PostsController add method:
But being protected I wouldn't be able to access the method from outside of the NotificationsController. Also I'm using the same syntax as if I was calling a function from a model so again it doesn't feel right.
Hopefully someone can help me out and get me back on track as this is a new area to me.
the controller should pass all data to the model
the model then can use the data:
public function createNotification(array $data) {
$key = $data[$this->alias]['key'];
$data[...] = ...;
return $this->save($data);
you never ever try to access the controller (and/or its request object) from within a model.
you can also invoke the method from other models, of course:
public function otherModelsMethod() {
$this->Notification = ClassRegistry::init('Notification');
$data = array(
'Notification' => array(...)
and you can make your methods verbose, but that usually makes it harder to read/understand/maintain with more and more arguments:
public function createNotification($userId, $content, $url) {
$data = array();
// assign the vars to $data
$data['user_id'] = $userId;
return $this->save($data);
so this is often not the cake way..
Methods in a model are not "publicly accessible" by definition. A user cannot call or invoke a method in a model. A user can only cause a controller action to be initiated, never anything in the model. If you don't call your model method from any controller, it's never going to be invoked. So forget about the "non-public" part of the question.
Your problem is that you're working in the model as if you were in a controller. There is no request object in a model. You just pass a data array into the model method and save that array. No need for $this->request. Just make a regular array(), put the data that was passed by the controller in there and save it.
The whole approach is totally wrong in the MVC context IMO and screams for the use of the CakePHP event system. Because what you want is in fact trigger some kind of event. Read http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/events.html
Trigger an Event and attach a global event listener that will listen for this kind of events and execute whatever it should do (save something to db) when an event happens. It's clean, flexible and extendible.
If you did a proper MVC stack for your app most, if not all, events aka notifications should be fired from within a model like when a post was saved successfully for example.
This is what I have ended up doing. While it certainly isn't glamorous. It works for what I want it to do and is a nice quick win as the notifications are only used in a few methods so I'm not creating a large amount of code that needs improving in the future.
First to create a notification I do the following:
$notificationContent = '<strong>'.$user['User']['username'].'</strong> has requested to be friends with you.';
$notificationUrl = Router::url(array('controller'=>'friends','action'=>'requests'));
Here I pass the content I want and the URL where the user can do something, in this case see the friend request they have been notified about. The url can be null if it's an information only notification.
The createNotification function is in the model only and looks like:
public function createNotification($userId, $content, $url = null)
$this->saveField('datetime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$this->saveField('status', 0);
This creates a new record in the table with the passed content, sets its status to 0 (which means unread) and the date it was created. The notification is then set as read when a user visits the notifications page.
Again this is most probably not an ideal solution to the problem outlined in this question... but it works and is easy to work with And may prove useful to others who are learning CakePHP who want to run functions from models when building prototype apps.
Remember nothing to stop you improving things in the future!
First of all, you can improve your last solution to do one save() (instead of 5) the following way:
public function createNotification($userId, $content, $url = null){
$data = array(
'user_id' => $userId,
'content' => $content,
'url' => $url,
'datetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'status' => 0
When I began programming CakePHP(1.3) more than a year ago I also had this problem.
(I wanted to use a function of a controller in any other controller.)
Because I didn't know/researched where to place code like this I've done it wrong for over a year in a very big project. Because the project is really really big I decided to leave it that way. This is what i do:
I add a function (without a view, underscored) to the app_controller.php:
class AppController extends Controller {
//........begin of controller..... skipped here
function _doSomething(){
//don't forget to load the used model
//do ur magic (save or delete or find ;) )
$tadaaa = $this->Notification->find('first');
//return something
return $tadaaa;
This way you can access the function from your Notification controller and your Posts controller with:
I use this kind of functions to do things that have nothing to do with data submittance or reading, so i decided to keep them in the app_controller. In my project these functions are used to submit e-mails to users for example.. or post user actions to facebook from different controllers.
Hope I could make someone happy with this ;) but if you're planning to make a lot of these functions, it would be much better to place them in the model!
I am using the customer_save_after event in magento, and all is working fine apart from 1 annoying thing - it is always fired twice.
There are no other modules rewriting this and I can find no other reason for this happening. When I look through all of the events getting fired at this time and this event is definately getting fired twice.
Anyone explain this?
I am writing a web service that hooks into this and its turning out to be quite inefficient to duplicate things.
I've noticed this double-save behaviour too. The way to prevent issue with your observer is to set a flag in the request that can be checked e.g.
return $this; //this method has already been executed once in this request (see comment below)
...execute arbitrary code here....
/* Customer Addresses seem to call the before_save event twice,
* so we need to set a variable so we only process it once, otherwise we get duplicates
I ran into this as well and did a stack trace in the observer for each method, and can tell you at least ONE reason why it fires twice (there may be others):
When a new user creates an account, createPostAction() runs when the form is submitted. This action does a save() on the customer.
THEN, after the customer has been created, setCustomerAsLoggedIn() is called by createPostAction(). This in turn calls setCustomer(), which has this little bit of code:
if ((!$customer->isConfirmationRequired()) && $customer->getConfirmation()) {
$customer->setConfirmation(null)->save(); // here is the second save
Those are the two save()s which dispatch the save event. I only know this for sure for account creation in Magento 1.5. I doubt if it gets fired twice when creating users in the Admin area, or when a user edit's their information... but I don't know for sure.
I hope this helps!
Be careful with Jonathans solution, 'customer_save_observer_executed' stays in the session, so event will not be fired again in the browser session. So it's generally a bad idea, because it will not allow to register two or more customers in a row(actually, it will, but events will not be fired)
I suggest the following solution:
public function customerRegister(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$customer = $observer->getEvent()->getCustomer();
if (!$customer->getId())
return $this;
return $this;
//your code goes here
I used a static var:
private static $_handleCustomerFirstSearchCounter = 1;
public function Savest($observer) {
if (self::$_handleCustomerFirstSearchCounter > 1) {
return $this;
$customerData = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
$model = Mage::getModel('customerst/customerst')
The difference between these 2 events is one of them can't get customer info, while the other can. So the solution is
public function email_CustomerRegister(Varien_Event_Observer $observer){
$customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
$customer_email = $customer->getEmail();
// do something