Say you have a string like
$str = "<img src='i12'><img src='i105'><img src='i12'><img src='i24'><img src='i15'>....";
is it possible to replace every i+n by the nth value of an array called $arr
so that for example <img src='i12'> is replaced by <img src='$arr[12]'>.
If I were you, I'd simply parse the markup, and process/alter it accordingly:
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadHTML($str);//parse your markup string
$imgs = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');//get all images
$cleanStr = '';//the result string
foreach($imgs as $img)
//get value of src, chop of first char (i)
//use that as index, optionally cast to int
$array[substr($img->getAttribute('src'), 1)]
$cleanStr .= $dom->saveXML($img);//get string representation of node
echo $cleanStr;//echoes new markup
working demo here
Now in the demo, you'll see the src attributes are replaced with a string like $array[n], the code above will replace the values with the value of an array...
I would use preg_replace for this:
$replacement = '${1}\'\$arr[$2]\'';
preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $str);
It matches blocks of text like src='letter + digits'.
This catches the src= and digit blocks to be able to print them back.
$replacement = '${1}\'\$arr[$2]\'';
This makes the replacement itself.
php > $str = "<img src='i12'><img src='i105'><img src='i12'><img src='i24'><img src='i15'>....";
php > $pattern="/(src=)'\w(\d+)'/";
php > $replacement = '${1}\'\$arr[$2]\'';
php > echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $str);
<img src='$arr[12]'><img src='$arr[105]'><img src='$arr[12]'><img src='$arr[24]'><img src='$arr[15]'>....
I have a string that contains the following:
<img data-bind="defaultSrc: {srcDesktop: 'http://desktoplink', srcMobile: 'http://mobilelink', fallback: 'http://baseurl'}" >
I am trying to extract the srcDesktop contained inside the string. I want my final result to yield me with the link http://desktoplink. What is the best way to achieve that other than str_replace? I have a dataset that contains those strings so I am looking for a formula to extract it in php.
Here is how I have been doing it, but there is got to be a more efficient way:
$string = '<img data-bind="defaultSrc: {srcDesktop: \'http://desktoplink\', srcMobile: \'http://mobilelink\', fallback: \'http://baseurl\'}" >';
$test = explode(" ",$string);
echo "<br>".str_replace(",","",str_replace("'","",$test['3']));
You can use preg_match
$string = '<img data-bind="defaultSrc: {srcDesktop: \'http://desktoplink\', srcMobile: \'http://mobilelink\', fallback: \'http://baseurl\'}" >';
preg_match('/.*\bsrcDesktop:\s*(?:\'|\")(.*?)(?:\'|\").*/i', $string, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1])) {
echo trim($matches[1]);
you can use DOMDocument and json_decode to get this value, if you can change the code to the code below (added some '-signs):
$string = "<img data-bind=\"'defaultSrc': {'srcDesktop': 'http://desktoplink', 'srcMobile': 'http://mobilelink', 'fallback': 'http://baseurl'}\" >";
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$data = str_replace('\'','"',$doc->getElementsByTagName('img')[0]->getAttribute('data-bind'));
$json = json_decode('{'.$data.'}');
I am still relatively new to Regular Expressions and feel My code is being too greedy. I am trying to add an id attribute to existing links in a piece of code. My functions is like so:
function addClassHref($str) {
//$str = stripslashes($str);
$preg = "/<[\s]*a[\s]*href=[\s]*[\"\']?([\w.-]*)[\"\']?[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/i";
preg_match_all($preg, $str, $match);
foreach ($match[1] as $key => $val) {
$pattern[] = '/' . preg_quote($match[0][$key], '/') . '/';
$replace[] = "<a id='buttonRed' href='$val'>{$match[2][$key]}</a>";
return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str);
This adds the id tag like I want but it breaks the hyperlink. For example:
If the original code is : Link
Instead of <a id="class" href="">Link</a>
It is giving
<a id="class" href="http">Link</a>
Any suggestions or thoughts?
Do not use regular expressions to parse XML or HTML.
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$all_a = $doc->getElementsByTagName('a');
$firsta = $all_a->item(0);
$firsta->setAttribute('id', 'idvalue');
echo $doc->saveHTML($firsta);
You've got some overcomplications in your regex :)
Also, there's no need for the loop as preg_replace() will hit all the instances of the search pattern in the relevant string. The first regex below will take everything in the a tag and simply add the id attribute on at the end.
$str = 'Link' . "\n" .
'Link' . "\n" .
$p = "{<\s*a\s*(href=[^>]*)>([^<]*)</a>}i";
$r = "<a $1 id=\"class\">$2</a>";
echo preg_replace($p, $r, $str);
If you only want to capture the href attribute you could do the following:
$p = '{<\s*a\s*href=["\']([^"\']*)["\'][^>]*>([^<]*)</a>}i';
$r = "<a href='$1' id='class'>$2</a>";
Your first subpattern ([\w.-]*) doesn't match :, thus it stops at "http".
Couldn't you just use a simple str_replace() for this? Regex seems like overkill if this is all you're doing.
$str = str_replace('<a ', '<a id="someID" ', $str);
For instance I have a string:
$string = '<div class="ImageRight" style="width:150px">';
which I want to transform into this:
$string = '<div class="ImageRight">';
I want to remove the portion
style="width:150px with preg_replace() where the
size 150 can vary, so the width can be
500px etc. aswell.
Also, the last part of the classname varies aswell, so the class can be ImageRight, ImageLeft, ImageTop etc.
So, how can I remove the style attribute completely from a string with the above mentioned structure, where the only things that varies is the last portion of the classname and the width value?
EDIT: The ACTUAL string I have is an entire html document and I don't want to remove the style attribute from the entire html, only from the tags which match the string I've shown above.
I think this is what you're after...
$modifiedHtml = preg_replace('/<(div class="Image[^"]+") style="[^"]+">/i', '<$1>', $html);
Remove completely.
$string = preg_replace("/style=\"width:150px\"/", "", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/style=\"width:150px\"/", "style=\"width:500px\"", $string);
You can do it in two steps with
$place = 'Left';
$size = 500;
$string = preg_replace('/(?<=class="image)\W(?=")/',$place,$string);
$string = preg_replace('/(?<=style="width:)[0-9]+(?=")/',$size,$string);
Note: (?=...) is called a lookahead.
How about:
$string = preg_replace('/(div class="Image.+?") style="width:.+?"/', "$1", $string);
$string = preg_replace('/<div class="Image(.*?)".*?>/i', '<div class="Image$1">', $string);
How can I replace a string from a particular string? Please see my example below.
$string_value="<b>Man one</b> <img src=\"\">and <b>Man two</b> <img src=\"\">";
Now my expected out put is = <b>Man one</b> and <b>man two</b>. only the image tag should be deleted.
So I have to cut the full string from "<img" to ">" from string $string_value.
So how can I cut the full string between "<img" to ">" using preg_replace or anything else.
The replacing parameter should be blank space.
Looks like you want to strip the tags. You can do it easily by calling the function strip_tags which gets HTML and PHP tags stripped from a given string.
$string_value = strip_tags($string_value);
Since you want to strip only the <img tag, you can make use of this function:
function strip_only($str, $tags) {
if(!is_array($tags)) {
$tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>', str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
if(end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
foreach($tags as $tag) $str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'[^>]*>#is', '', $str);
return $str;
and call it as:
$string_value = strip_only($string_value,'img');
Working link
You can use regular expressions to exclude IMG tags:
$text = "Man one <img src=\"\">and Man two <img src=\"\">";
$pattern = "/<img(.*?)>/i";
$replace = '';
print preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);
Just use strip_tags($string_value); and you will get your desired output.
i have got a simple problem :( I need to replace text smilies with the according smiley-image. ok.. thats not really complex, but now i have to replace only smilie appereances outside of HTML Tags. short examplae:
Thats a good example :/ .. with a link inside.
i want to replace ":/" with the image of this smiley...
ok, how to do that the best way?
I won't try to create some super script but think about it.... smilies are just about always surrounded by spaces. So str replace ' :/ ' with the smiley. You could be saying "what about a smiley at the end of a sentence(where it would be used the most)". Well just check for at least one space on either the left or the right of a potential smiley.
Using the above scripts:
$smiley_array = array(
":) " => "<a href...>",
" :)" => "<a href...>",
":/ " => "<a href...>",
" :/" => "<a href...>");
$codes = array_keys($smiley_array);
$links = array_values($smiley_array);
$str = str_replace($codes, $links, $str);
If you rather not have to type everything twice you can generate the array from a single smiley array.
Why don't you just try to use some special chars around your smiley text like this maybe -:/-
This will make your smiley text some kind of unique and easy to recognize
Use preg_replace with a lookbehind assertion. Example:
$smileys = array(
':/' => '<img src="..." alt=":/">'
foreach ($smileys as $smile => $img) {
$text = preg_replace('#(?<!<[^<>]*)' . preg_quote($smile, '#') . '#',
$img, $text);
The regex should match only smileys that are not inside angle brackets. This might be slow if you have a lot of false positives.
I wouldn't know about the best way, only the way I would do it.
Build an array having the smiley codes as the keys and the link as the value. The use str_replace. Pass as "needle" an array of the keys (the smiley codes) and as "replace" an array of the values.
For instance, suppose you have something like this:
$smiley_array = array(":)" => "<a href...>",
":(" => "<a href=....>");
$codes = array_keys($smiley_array);
$links = array_values($smiley_array);
$str = str_replace($codes, $links, $str);
EDIT: In case this could accidentally replace other instances with smiley-links you should consider using regexes with preg_replace. Obviously preg_replace is slower than str_replace.
You can use regex, or the extra sloppy version of the above:
$smiley_array = array(":)" => "<a href...>",
":(" => "<a href=....>");
$codes = array_keys($smiley_array);
$links = array_values($smiley_array);
$str = str_replace("://", "%%QF%%", $str);
$str = str_replace($codes, $links, $str);
$str = str_replace("%%QF%%", "://", $str);
Actually, assuming str_replace follows the array sorting...
this should work:
$smiley_array = array("://" => "%%QF%%", ":)" => "<a href...>",
":(" => "<a href=....>", "%%QF%%" => "://");
$codes = array_keys($smiley_array);
$links = array_values($smiley_array);
$str = str_replace($codes, $links, $str);
Possible overkill (increased cpu/load), but 99.99999999% safe:
$n = new DOMDocument();
$n->loadHTML('<p>Thats a good example :/ .. with a link inside.</p>');
$x = new DOMXPath($n);
$instances = $x->query('//text()[contains(.,\':/\')]');//or use '//*[child::text()]' for all textnodes
foreach($instances as $node){
if($node instanceof DOMText && preg_match_all('/:\//',$node->wholeText,$matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE|PREG_SET_ORDER)){
foreach($matches[0] as $match){
$newnode = $node->splitText($match[1]);
$img = $n->createElement('img');
$img = $newnode->parentNode->insertBefore($img,$newnode);
But in reality you do not want to do this all that often, save once, show many, if you are letting users edit the html (beit in wysiwyg or elsewise, the 'return' transformation (img to text) is a whole lot lighter. Up to you to expand with different smilies (one monster regex to match them, or several smaller ones / strstr()'s for readability, and a array for smiley to src (e.g. array(':/'=>'frown.gif')) would be the way to go.