PHP ARRAY_PUSH strips html tag - php

I have a string which i am trying to split and then add a span tag on every 2 words.
When I split the string and try to use array_push to create a new array, my html tags disappears.
Here is my function:
public function splitString(){
$string = Sample sentence;
$newHeader = array();
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $string);
$num = 1;
foreach($parts as $str){
if($num % 2 == 0){
array_push($newHeader, "<span>".$str."</span>");
array_push($newHeader, $str);
return $newHeader;
When I call that function the result i get is
Array ( [0] => Sample [1] => sentence )
I am looking for:
Array ( [0] => Sample [1] => <span>sentence</span> )
What I am doing wrong? Please help
Thank you in advance

First, if you haven't corrected, just like #Fred said in the comments, you should quote your strings in that function:
$string = 'Sample sentence';
Second, it works. array_push() does not strip your tags. You are just presented with a print_r() on the browser but its there along with the word.
Array ( [0] => Sample [1] => sentence )
If look at it in the view source. This is what it looks like:
[0] => Sample
[1] => <span>sentence</span>
You just don't see it visually on the browser but the tags are there.
If you try to add this up:
array_push($newHeader, "<span style='color: red;'>".$str."</span>");
You'll see the style. Try it :)


PHP from string to multiple arrays at the hand of placeholders

Good day,
I have an I think rather odd question and I also do not really know how to ask this question.
I want to create a string variable that looks like this:
This should be processed and look like:
$variable = array(
'car' => array(
'motorcycle' => array(
Does anyone know how to do this?
And what is it called what I am trying to do?
I want to explode the string into the two arrays. If it is a sub array
or two individual arrays. I do not care. I can always combine the
latter if I wish so.
But from the above mentioned string to two arrays. That is what I
Solution by Dlporter98
// $str = file_get_contents('file.txt');
$str = '[car]Ford[/car]
$str = explode(PHP_EOL, $str);
$finalArray = [];
foreach($str as $item){
//Use preg_match to capture the pieces of the string we want using a regular expression.
//The first capture will grab the text of the tag itself.
//The second capture will grab the text between the opening and closing tag.
//The resulting captures are placed into the matches array.
preg_match("/\[(.*?)\](.*?)\[/", $item, $matches);
//Build the final array structure.
$finalArray[$matches[1]][] = $matches[2];
This gives me the following array:
[car] => Array
[0] => Ford
[1] => Dodge
[2] => Chevrolet
[3] => Corvette
[motorcycle] => Array
[0] => Yamaha
[1] => Ducati
[2] => Gilera
[3] => Kawasaki
The small change I had to make was:
$finalArray[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]
$finalArray[$matches[1]][] = $matches[2];
Thanks a million!!
There are many ways to convert the information in this string to an associative array.
split the string on the new line into an array using the explode function:
$str = "[car]Ford[/car]
$items = explode(PHP_EOL, $str);
At this point each delimited item is now an array entry.
[0] => [car]Ford[/car]
[1] => [car]Dodge[/car]
[2] => [car]Chevrolet[/car]
[3] => [car]Corvette[/car]
[4] => [motorcycle]Yamaha[/motorcycle]
[5] => [motorcycle]Ducati[/motorcycle]
[6] => [motorcycle]Gilera[/motorcycle]
[7] => [motorcycle]Kawasaki[/motorcycle]
Next, loop over the array and pull out the appropriate pieces needed to build the final associative array using the preg_match function with a regular expression:
$finalArray = [];
foreach($items as $item)
//Use preg_match to capture the pieces of the string we want using a regular expression.
//The first capture will grab the text of the tag itself.
//The second capture will grab the text between the opening and closing tag.
//The resulting captures are placed into the matches array.
preg_match("/\[(.*?)\](.*?)\[/", $item, $matches);
//Build the final array structure.
$finalArray[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]
The following is an example of what will be found in the matches array for a given iteration of the foreach loop.
[0] => [motorcycle]Gilera[
[1] => motorcycle
[2] => Gilera
Please note that I use the PHP_EOL constant to explode the initial string. This may not work if the string was pulled from a different operating system than the one you are running this code on. You may need to replace this with the actual end of line characters that is being used by the string.
Why don't you create two separate arrays?
$cars = array("Ford", "Dodge", "Chevrolet", "Corvette");
$motorcycle = array("Yamaha", "Ducati", "Gilera", "Kawasaki");
You could also use an Associative array to do this.
$variable = array("Ford"=>"car", "Yamaha"=>"motorbike");

Remove elements from an array that do not match a regex

In PHP, is there a function or anything else that will remove all elements in an array that do not match a regex.
My regex is this: preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-]+$/i', $str)
My array's come in like this, from a form (they're tags actually)
Original array from form. Note: evil tags
$arr = array (
Cleaned array. Note, no evil tags
Array (
[0] => french-cuisine
[1] => french-fries
[2] => snack-food
[3] => fast-food
I currently do like this, but is there a better way? Without the loop maybe?
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
if(!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-]+$/i', $value)) {
You could use preg_grep() to filter the array entries that match the regular expression.
$cleaned = preg_grep('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i', $arr);
[0] => french-cuisine
[1] => french-fries
[2] => snack-food
[4] => fast-food
I would not necessarily say it's any better per se, but using regexp and array_filter could look something like this:
$data = array_filter($arr , function ($item){
return preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-]+$/i', $item);
Where we're returning the result of the preg_match which is either true/false. In this case, it should correctly remove the matched evil tags.
Here's your

PHP - What regex code do I need to match this boundary sequence?

I have the following text string:
What regex code do I need to extract the values so that they appear in the matches array like this:
Thanks in advance!
You may try this:
$str = "-asc100-17-asc100-17A-asc100-17BPH-asc100-17ASL";
preg_match_all('/-asc\d+-[0-9a-zA-Z]+/', $str, $matches);
// Print Result
[0] => Array
[0] => -asc100-17
[1] => -asc100-17A
[2] => -asc100-17BPH
[3] => -asc100-17ASL
Based on the very limited information in your question, this works:
Debuggex Demo
If you want to capture the post -asc100- code, then use
Which places 17[the letters] into capture group one.
Might use preg_split with a lookahead as well for your scenario:
print_r(preg_split('/(?=-asc)/', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
Are you trying to break the string in an array? Then why regex is required? This function can handle what you want:
$arr = explode('-asc', '-asc100-17-asc100-17A-asc100-17BPH-asc100-17ASL');
foreach ($arr as $value) {
$final[] = '-asc'.$value;
Output array : Array ( [0] => -asc100-17 [1] => -asc100-17A [2] => -asc100-17BPH [3] => -asc100-17ASL )

Match String and Get Variable PHP

I would like to be able to use this string to pull off a certain piece of data from a database '{my-id-1}' so basically if this is found in the text '{my-id-*}' then get the id (eg. if {is-id-1} then ID is 1) and then I can run some code with that ID.
So I've got it so I can get the ID from the braces, but I'm not sure how to replace that within the text.
$text = "test 1 dfhjsdh sdjkfhksdhfkj skjh {is-id-1} sdfhskdfh sdfsdjfhksd fjksdfhksd {is-id-2}";
preg_match_all('/{is-id-+(.*?)}/',$text, $matches);
print_r ($matches);
$replacewiththis = "this has been replaced, it was id: " . $idhere;
$text = preg_replace('/{is-id-+(.*?)}/', $replacewiththis, $text);
echo $text;
The Array for the matches outputs:
Array (
[0] => Array (
[0] => {is-id-1}
[1] => {is-id-2}
[1] => Array (
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
I'm stuck now and not sure how to can process each of the braces. Can anyone give me a hand?
I am not sure I understood well what you want, but I think this is it:
foreach($matches[1] as $match){
$replacewiththis = "this has been replaced, it was id: $match";
$text=str_replace('{is-id-'.$match.'}', $replacewiththis, $text);
echo $text;

trying to filter string with <br> tags using explode, does not work

I get a string that looks like this
is contained in a variable $_session['result']
I am trying to parse through this string and get the following either in an array or as separate variables
I first tried
to explode the string using as the delimiter, and that did not work
then I already tried
$yes = explode(":", strip_tags($_SESSION['result']));
echo print_r($yes);
which gives me an array like so
Array ( [0] => ACCEPT [1] => YESSEED [2] => tv240245ce ) 1
which gives me one of my answers.
Please what would be a great way of trying to achieve what I am trying to achieve?
is there a way to get rid of the first and last?
then use the remaining one as a delimiter to explode the string ?
or what's the best way to go about this ?
This will do it:
$data=preg_split('/\s?<br>\s?/', str_replace('SMMD:','',$data), NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
See example here:
You can also skip caring about the spurious <br> and treat the whole string as key:value format with a simple regex like:
preg_match_all('/^(\w+):(.*)/', $text, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER);
This requires that you really have line breaks in it though. Gives you a $result list which is easy to convert into an associative array afterwards:
[0] => Array
[1] => ACCEPT
[2] => YES
[1] => Array
[0] => SMMD:tv240245ce
[1] => SMMD
[2] => tv240245ce
First, do a str_replace to remove all instances of "SMMD:". Then, Explode on "< b r >\n". Sorry for weird spaced, it was encoding the line break.
Include the new line character and you should get the array you want:
$mystr = str_replace( 'SMMD:', '', $mystr );
$res_array = explode( "<br>\n", $mystr );
