Wordpress include php file - php

I am trying to create a php website on WordPress for the first time.
When I create a page, it creates a permalink which is of the form http://localhost/?p=123. I don't know if there is a corresponding file.
I've installed insert-php plugin to read php code. It works fine on a static page. But how do I include another php file? I want to include my_utilities which contains all the back-end functions, in login. It has a permalink 'http://localhost/?page_id=45'.
What to do?
include 'http://localhost/?page_id=45' doesn't work.

Pages you define in WordPress's backend are pages mostly setup for your users to view / read. They, by default, have this URL structure of http://localhost/?p=123 (though this can be changed, but that's a whole different lesson).
To include a script file, upload the file to your folder structure where you have your website then refer to it in your include statement as follows:
EDIT: You may also want to have a look into WordPress Page Templates:
Pages are one of WordPress's built-in Post Types. You'll probably want most of your website Pages to look about the same. Sometimes, though, you may need a specific Page, or a group of Pages, to display or behave differently. This is easily accomplished with Page Templates.

For exapmle your wordpress file is at
To include the test.php file in your wordpress page you have to following.
[insert_php] include('wp-content/myphpfiles/test.php'); [/insert_php]
Thats it.


Test custom header in Drupal before publishing

I'm quite new to Drupal and want do some editing of the header. I want a custom toolbar to appear on every page. I've already created that toolbar in a file called toolbar.php. It has a layer which is fixed and will appear on top of every page.
How do I include the toolbar.php in the header template of drupal?
The toolbar refers to $user which is a global Drupal variable and I want to test toolbar.php before publishing it to the site. Is there anyway I can do that?
Of the two methods above the first is easier if you understand the basic idea of html and CMS templates, the second will be easier if you are a programmer.
First thing to check is that you really need to do this! Can't you restyle one of the existing menus (Primary or secondary) to do this - will make your life (and anyone who works on the site in the future) a lot easier.
The other thing you can do is look into adding an output region, basically something where you put the php into a drupal friendly format and then effectively do a 'drupal print'. This is how the toolbar, search box etc are done. You still need to alter the templates as above.
Yes for sure. If you want to have the html produced by your function/file appear on every page of the site then you will need to over-ride the page.tpl.php file in the theme you are using and essentually add the html to that file.
To gain access to the $user variable, just declare it in your script.
global $user;
open page.tpl.php file in a code editor and save as page-front.tpl.php (with two dashes if you are using Drupal 7.. one dash with Drupal 6) and upload it to your theme's directory. Clear your cache by going to configuration->Performance->Clear All Cache. Then referesh the page. Now your homepage is using page-front.tpl.php as it's template file. Every page will need its own template file. The page machine name comes after the hyphen so the user page template uses page-user.tpl.php. You can edit it as you want. The proper way to really do this is to use hook_theme() to pass variables to the template file. One variable could be the html which creates your custom header.
See also http://drupal.org/node/457740 Beginners Guide to over riding theme output

How to edit the files of an osCmax site

I have a website running on osCmax setup by a developer a while back and now I want to restyle some of the pages myself from the markup and CSS only.
I'm familiar with HTML/CSS and some jQuery to an extent but I have never touched any PHP. This is my first time really getting into any of the osCmax pages, site, etc., myself so I am little confused on what it really is or does.
If I want to edit any of the HTML/CSS myself for styling pages will I have to download and login to the osCmax admin panel to get to any of the files?
Or can I just go directly through my server to grab the appropriate HTML and CSS files? Wouldn't all the necessary files from the download be on my server already or is this something that I have to download to use?
If all you want to do is restyle the pages, then just modify the css. You shouldn't need to modify the PHP (unless parts of your HTML are created with out a class or id).
oscmax has a seperate folder for its template. all you have to do is editing the .css file. but sometimes you need to design the template from scrath and since the OSCMAX is outdated you must edit all the pages with .tmpl prefix.

Include menu on every page

Let's say I have a simple CSS layout and my menu is a column on the side. This menu is going to be on every web page (About 10 web pages). If I have items on this menu in the form of links and such, how can I make it so that if I add a link on one page, it will add it to all pages? Would you just make it a PHP page and in that <div> element include a PHP file called menu or something, and just edit that PHP file (so I only have to edit that file and not every web page)?
If this is raw PHP (no frameworks) then you simply include it.
Make sure that you can access the file from where you are including it though. If you have files in a folder called foo for example, and accessed via example.com/foo/somefile.php you will have to change the include statement to include('../sidebar.php'); assuming sidebar.php is in the root.
As stated above, and include would do.
Drop this on every page you want your menu to appear:
<?php include("/yourMenu.php"); ?>
Just save the menu code as yourMenu.php and put it in the root and you are good to go.
i've used this trick before and it works well. you can use this in conjunction with an include php
Intelligent Navigation
If you are using the Apache web server it's even more simple and faster to use server side include (ssi). You can do the same for the footer and other common areas of your pages.
Here is the reference page: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/ssi.html

How can I integrate PHP code into a WordPress page?

I have a simple HTML form that posts to a PHP page, which will then return the user some content.
I want to take this PHP code and get my WordPress theme to wrap around it, so that appears like a normal page on my site. I can't find any resources on this - where do I begin?
You can create a new page template by uploading a PHP file which starts with the following:
Template Name: Something
Then create a new page in WordPress, and look in the dropdown box for Template on the right (depending on what version you are using). Select that, and that newly created page can now have whatever PHP code in it you want. You'll probably want to copy the default page template (if one exists) as a starting point.
Find out the post ID / page ID of where you want your custom PHP code to go.
Assuming that where your custom code will go is in a post, you should create a file in your theme's folder called single-POSTID.php.
Assuming that where your custom code will go is in a page, you should create a file in your theme's folder called page-PAGEID.php.
Copy the base code from single.php or page.php into the newly created file, and you can insert your custom code in the new files. Form actions should usually be "#" and if your form isn't working appropriately, it's most likely because of one of your HTML form fields are used by WordPress to do something. (e.g. a textbox with the name of "comment" will not properly work under your code, since WordPress will think you're trying to add a comment).
If you do anything that requires database access, WordPress keeps the DB connection alive in your theme, so you don't need to connect to the database again. Unless of course, whatever you're trying to do is in a separate database other than the one WordPress is installed in.

Create WordPress Page that redirects to another URL

I wanted to create a new WordPress page that is actually a link to another site. The goal is to have the page show up in a list of my pages, but actually send the web user to the target URL.
For example, say I want to include a page that indicates "My Photos" but actually redirects them to Flickr.
I'm guessing one way to accomplish this is by using a custom template page with a redirect instruction in PHP, but unfortunately I am a newbie to PHP and am not familiar with the way to accomplish this...
You can accomplish this two ways, both of which need to be done through editing your template files.
The first one is just to add an html link to your navigation where ever you want it to show up.
The second (and my guess, the one you're looking for) is to create a new page template, which isn't too difficult if you have the ability to create a new .php file in your theme/template directory. Something like the below code should do:
<?php /*
Template Name: Page Redirect
header('Location: http://www.nameofnewsite.com');
Where the template name is whatever you want to set it too and the url in the header function is the new url you want to direct a user to. After you modify the above code to meet your needs, save it in a php file in your active theme folder to the template name. So, if you leave the name of your template "Page Redirect" name the php file page-redirect.php.
After that's been saved, log into your WordPress backend, and create a new page. You can add a title and content to the body if you'd like, but the important thing to note is that on the right hand side, there should be a drop down option for you to choose which page template to use, with default showing first. In that drop down list, there should be the name of the new template file to use. Select the new template, publish the page, and you should be golden.
Also, you can do this dynamically as well by using the Custom Fields section below the body editor. If you're interested, let me know and I can paste the code for that guy in a new response.
I've found that these problems are often best solved at the server layer. Do you have access to an .htaccess file where you could place a redirect rule? If so:
RedirectPermanent /path/to/page http://uri.com
This redirect will also serve a "301 Moved Permanently" response to indicate that the Flickr page (for example) is the permanent URI for the old page.
If this is not possible, you can create a custom page template for each page in question, and add the following PHP code to the top of the page template (actually, this is all you need in the template:
header('Location: http://uri.com, true, 301');
More information about PHP headers.
Alternately, use a filter.
Create an empty page in your WordPress blog, named appropriately to what you need it to be. Take note of the post_id. Then create a filter that alters its permalink.
function my_permalink_redirect($permalink) {
global $post;
if ($post->ID == your_post_id_here) {
$permalink = 'http://new-url.com/pagename';
return $permalink;
This way the url will show up correctly in the page no funny redirects are required.
If you need to do this a lot, then think about using the custom postmeta fields to define a postmeta value for "offsite_url" or something like that, then you can create pages as needed, enter the "offsite_url" value and then use a filter like the one above to instead of checking the post_id you check to see if it has the postmeta required and alter the permalink as needed.
I'm not familiar with Wordpress templates, but I'm assuming that headers are sent to the browser by WP before your template is even loaded. Because of that, the common redirection method of:
header("Location: new_url");
won't work. Unless there's a way to force sending headers through a template before WP does anything, you'll need to use some Javascript like so:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
document.location = "new_url";
Put that in the section and it'll be run when the page loads. This method won't be instant, and it also won't work for people with Javascript disabled.
Use the "raw" plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/raw-html/
Then it's as simple as:
window.location = "http://www.site.com/new_location";
There are 3 ways of doing this:
By changing your 404.php code.
By using wordpress plugins.
By editing your .htaccess file.
Complete tutorial given at http://bornvirtual.com/wordpress/redirect-404-error-in-wordpress/906/
I found a plugin that helped me do this within seconds without editing code:
I found it here: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/wordpress-link-title-external-url/
There is a much simpler way in wordpress to create a redirection by using wordpress plugins. So here i found a better way through the plugin Redirection and also you can find other as well on this site Create Url redirect in wordpress through Plugin
(This is for posts, not pages - the principle is same. The permalink hook is different by exact use case)
I just had the same issue and created a more convenient way to do that - where you don't have to re-edit your functions.php all the time, or fiddle around with your server settings on each addition (I do not like both).
You can add a filter on the actual WP permalink function you need (for me it was post_link, because I needed that page alias in an archive/category list), and dynamically read the referenced ID from the alias post itself.
This is ok, because the post is an alias, so you won't need the content anyways.
First step is to open the alias post and put the ID of the referenced post as content
(and nothing else):
Next, open your functions.php and add:
function prefix_filter_post_permalink($url, $post) {
// if the content of the post to get the permalink for is just a number...
if (is_numeric($post->post_content)) {
// instead, return the permalink for the post that has this ID
return get_the_permalink((int)$post->post_content);
return $url;
add_filter('post_link', 'prefix_filter_post_permalink', 10, 2 );
That's it
Now, each time you need to create an alias post, just put the ID of the referenced post as the content, and you're done.
This will just change the permalink. Title, excerpt and so on will be shown as-is, which is usually desired. More tweaking to your needs is on you, also, the "is it a number" part in the PHP code is far from ideal, but like this for making the point readable.
