Comparing Multi and single dimensional arrays in php - php

I am new to php just playing with some array.
I Want to get following things from the array which are of different dimensional
The following is the Multidimensional Array
$a = array(
'productsid' => 90,
'CouponID' => 50
'productsid' => 80,
'CouponID' => 95
'productsid' => 80,
'CouponID' => 95
The following is Single dimensional array:
$b = array(80,90,95);
I want to compare only the productsid index of the array with the single dimensional array and wants to fetch the data which is equal to it.
I Have tried the following loop to print but it only gives the values of the productsid only but I want that full array. But only by comparing the Productid with the second array.
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
foreach ($a[$i] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($b as $c) {
if ($value == $c) {
echo $value .'<br>';
} }

Looks like you're looking for in_array():
$result = array();
foreach($a as $item)
if(in_array($item['productsid'], $b))
$result []= $item;
or, in a more concise (but less readable IMO) way:
$result = array_filter($a, function($item) use($b) {
return in_array($item['productsid'], $b);
For your test data it's doesn't matter much, but if your arrays are big and/or this loop is going to run many times, you can achieve better performance by converting the lookup array into a hash table and using O(1) key lookup instead of linear array search:
$bs = array_flip($b);
$result = array_filter($a, function($item) use($bs) {
return isset($bs[$item['productsid']]);

$b = array(80,90,95);
$c = array();
foreach($a as $val) {
if(in_array($val['productsid'],$b)) {
$c[] = $val;
echo "<pre>";

Try this:
foreach($a as $ar) {
if (in_array($ar['productsid'], $b))


Add the same elements of an array in a recursive way

Hello my goal is to add the same values ​​in an array and remove the repeated values ​​then add the sum of these repeated values ​​in the same array in a repetitive way until all the elements of the array will be distinct.
I made this code but it does it just once, how to repeat this action several times until the good result? thanks
function magic($arr)
$result = array_filter(array_count_values($arr), function ($el) {
return $el > 1;
foreach ($result as $k => $val) {
$a[] = $k;
$b[] = $k * $val;
$c[] = array_merge(array_diff($arr, $a), $b);
return $c;
print_r(magic([5, 5, 8, 8, 10, 9,20, 7, 7]));//found:[10,9,20,10,16,14] excpected:[9,40,14,16]( stape to find result:[10,9,20,10,16,14]==>[20,9,20,16,14]==>[9,40,14,16])
You could try using an associative array ad add the same key
foreach ($result as $k => $val) {
$a[$k] = (isset($a[$k]) ? a[$k] + $val : $val ;

how to insert array 2d in table mysql with php if sub array diferent

i will ask how to insert array if amount sub arrays not same, i have problem if the $arrays != 3 because in sub arrays 2 in arrays one
for ($h=0; $h < count($arrays); $h++) {
if (count($arrays) > $per) {
$per= count($arrays);
$koneksi = new mysqli("","root","","data");
foreach ($arrays as $data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$data[$key] = $data[$key];
$nil[]="('".implode("', '",$data). "')";
$insert="INSERT INTO datams (data1,data2,data3) VALUES ".implode(', ',$nil);
$queri=mysqli_query($koneksi, $insert);
if ($queri == true){
echo 'upload done'.PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'fail upload'.PHP_EOL;
i can't insert the data if sub array same, can help me ?
You will have to make the arrays the same length.
Create an empty array, then loop your existing array, adding the missing values using array_replace. After that, you can insert them.
$empty=['' , '' , ''];
foreach($array as $key => $tmp){
$array[$key] = array_replace($empty,$tmp);
// This replaces the values of $empty with those of $array that are set:
// ['','',''] replace wihh ['a','b','c'] gives ['a','b','c']
// ['','',''] replace with ['a','b'] gives ['a','b','']
You will end up with:
array('a','b','' ),
Now you can insert the values;
To make it more flexible (i.e the original array keeps changing), you first have to find the length of the longest array in $array.
foreach($array as $a) {
$c = count($a);
if( $c > $max) $max = $c;

PHP how get new array from two arrays?

I have w1[6][9]
And I have s1[6];
How can I a[0..5] , where every element is a+=w1[i][j]*s[j] ?
For example: a1=0.1*1+0.2*0+0.3*1+ ...+0.5*1+0.4*0+0.2*1
iterate the array to do the multiply like this:
$o = [];
foreach($w1 as $arr)
$sum = 0;
foreach($arr as $k => $v)
$sum += $v * $s1[$k];
$o[] = $sum;
Take a look at this php function:
It merges arrays in to one array.

Compare and replace values in array

I need compare 2 arrays , the first array have one order and can´t change , in the other array i have different values , the first array must compare his id with the id of the other array , and if the id it´s the same , take the value and replace for show all in the same order
For Example :
The Result in this case i want get it´s this :
If the id in this case 4a it´s the same , that entry must be modificate and put the value of other array and stay all in the same order
I do this but no get work me :
/// Here I tried use array_diff and others but no can get the results as i want
How i can do this for get this results ?
Maybe you could use the array_udiff_assoc() function with a callback
Here you go. It's not the cleanest code I've ever written.
Runnable example:
function getKeyStartingWith($array, $startVal){
foreach($array as $key => $val){
if(strpos($val, $startVal) === 0){
return $key;
return false;
function getMergedArray($array_1, $array_2){
$array_3 = array();
foreach($array_1 as $key => $val){
$startVal = substr($val, 0, 2);
$array_2_key = getKeyStartingWith($array_2, $startVal);
if($array_2_key !== false){
$array_3[$key] = $array_2[$array_2_key];
} else {
$array_3[$key] = $val;
return $array_3;
$array_1 = getMergedArray($array_1, $array_2);
First split the 2 arrays into proper key and value pairs (key = 1a and value = dogs). Then try looping through the first array and for each of its keys check to see if it exists in the second array. If it does, replace the value from the second array in the first. And at the end your first array will contain the result you want.
Like so:
$array_1 = array("1a-dogs","2a-cats","3a-birds","4a-people");
$array_2 = array("4a-walking","2a-cats");
function splitArray ($arrayInput)
$arrayOutput = array();
foreach ($arrayInput as $element) {
$tempArray = explode('-', $element);
$arrayOutput[$tempArray[0]] = $tempArray[1];
return $arrayOutput;
$arraySplit1 = splitArray($array_1);
$arraySplit2 = splitArray($array_2);
foreach ($arraySplit1 as $key1 => $value1) {
if (array_key_exists($key1, $arraySplit2)) {
$arraySplit1[$key1] = $arraySplit2[$key1];
See it working here:
function merge_array($arr1, $arr2) {
$arr_tmp1 = array();
foreach($arr1 as $val) {
list($key, $val) = explode('-', $val);
$arr_tmp1[$key] = $val;
foreach($arr2 as $val) {
list($key, $val) = explode('-', $val);
if(array_key_exists($key, $arr_tmp1))
$arr_tmp1[$key] = $val;
return $arr_tmp1;
$result = merge_array($array_1, $array_2);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
This short code works properly, you'll get this result:
[1a] => dogs
[2a] => cats
[3a] => birds
[4a] => walking

PHP Can't get the right format for array

I got stuck somehow on the following problem:
What I want to achieve is to merge the following arrays based on key :
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}}
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}}
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}}
{"Accounting":{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}}
Which needs to output like this:
{"list_items" :
{"list_items" :
[{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}
{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}
{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}]
{"list_items" :
[{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}]
I have been trying all kinds of things for the last two hours, but each attempt returned a different format as the one required and thus failed miserably. Somehow, I couldn't figure it out.
Do you have a construction in mind to get this job done?
I would be very interested to hear your approach on the matter.
$input = array(
'{"Users":{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}}',
'{"Users":{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}}',
'{"Users":{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}}',
'{"Accounting":{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}}',
$input = array_map(function ($e) { return json_decode($e, true); }, $input);
$result = array();
$indexMap = array();
foreach ($input as $index => $values) {
foreach ($values as $k => $value) {
$index = isset($indexMap[$k]) ? $indexMap[$k] : $index;
if (!isset($result[$index]['item_header'])) {
$result[$index]['item_header'] = $k;
$indexMap[$k] = $index;
$result[$index]['list_items'][] = $value;
echo json_encode($result);
Here you are!
In this case, first I added all arrays into one array for processing.
I thought they are in same array first, but now I realize they aren't.
Just make an empty $array=[] then and then add them all in $array[]=$a1, $array[]=$a2, etc...
$array = '[{"Entities":{"submenu_id":"Parents","submenu_label":"parents"}},
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}},
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}},
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}},
{"Accounting":{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}}]';
$array = json_decode($array, true);
$intermediate = []; // 1st step
foreach($array as $a)
$keys = array_keys($a);
$key = $keys[0]; // say, "Entities" or "Users"
$intermediate[$key] []= $a[$key];
$result = []; // 2nd step
foreach($intermediate as $key=>$a)
$entry = ["item_header" => $key, "list_items" => [] ];
foreach($a as $item) $entry["list_items"] []= $item;
$result []= $entry;
I would prefer an OO approach for that.
First an object for the list_item:
Second an object for the item_header:
{"item_header":"Entities", "list_items" : <array of list_item> }
Last an object or an array for all:
{ "Menus: <array of item_header> }
And the according getter/setter etc.
The following code will give you the requisite array over which you can iterate to get the desired output.
$final_array = array();
foreach($array as $value) { //assuming that the original arrays are stored inside another array. You can replace the iterator over the array to an iterator over input from file
$key = /*Extract the key from the string ($value)*/
$existing_array_for_key = $final_array[$key];
if(!array_key_exists ($key , $final_array)) {
$existing_array_for_key = array();
$existing_array_for_key[count($existing_array_for_key)+1] = /*Extract value from the String ($value)*/
$final_array[$key] = $existing_array_for_key;
