I'm making a website where i login, press a button and then some information is loaded from a database. The code works fine expect for one thing which is: I get this error:
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: error in <b>/character-load.php</b> on line <b>42</b><br />
But the variable is defined here:
if ($user["banned"] == 1){
$error = 1;
if (mysql_num_rows($character) == 0){
$error = 1;
if (mysql_num_rows($username) == 0){
$error = 1;
if (empty($charid)){
$error = 1;
Is there anything wrong with this? I dont understand why it says that the variable error is undefined? I can add more information on request as i don't really know what more to add.
try this -
$error = 0;
if ($user["banned"] == 1){
$error = 1;
if (mysql_num_rows($character) == 0){
$error = 1;
if (mysql_num_rows($username) == 0){
$error = 1;
if (empty($charid)){
$error = 1;
and add check at the time of use.
The variable is only defined if one of these 4 situations occurs. In a situation where none of this occurs, it won't exist.
Easiest fix is to define it as 0 at the top of the block.
Remember; in PHP a variable is only defined if one of the assignment lines is actually executed. Simply being inside the file but being skipped over doesn't count.
This question already has answers here:
getting warning "Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected"
(9 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I managed to get every other error ironed out, but I am stuck with this error! For the life of me, I cannot seem to diagnose where I went wrong. Any help from you brilliant people out there would be amazing!
I made a form editing php where it is supposed to edit a submission made into the system. This is then processed by my processing php but for some reason I am getting a "header may not contain more than a single header" error in my form submission. I changed the header code multiple times but I do not know why I am still getting it: https://imgur.com/reX4Yyb
Also wanted to add that this code was working fine for about a month. The only thing I changed was updating the hosting service platform from PHP 7.3 -> PHP 7.4. I tried reverting and it exactly the same error.
if($_POST['form_submitted'] == 'editgroupreferral'){
/* assign values to checkboxes */
$otherservices = 1;
} else {
$otherservices = 0;
$medication = 1;
} else {
$medication = 0;
$allergies = 1;
} else {
$allergies = 0;
$device = 1;
} else {
$device = 0;
$share = 1;
} else {
$share = 0;
$taketurns = 1;
} else {
$taketurns = 0;
$wait = 1;
} else {
$wait = 0;
$multinstr = 1;
} else {
$multinstr = 0;
$sitchair = 1;
} else {
$sitchair = 0;
$routine = 1;
} else {
$routine = 0;
/* insert vars from form into ReferralSC table */
$sql = "UPDATE ReferralGR SET
ReferrerName = :refname,
ReferrerRelationship = :refrelationship,
ReferrerPhone = :refphone,
ReferrerEmail = :refemail,
ReferMethod = :refmethod,
RefSupport = :refsupp,
OtherServices = :otherservices,
School = :school,
Diagnosis = :diagnosis,
Medication = :medication,
MedicationList = :medicationlist,
HaveAllergies = :allergies,
AllergiesList = :allergieslist,
Device = :device,
Share = :share,
TakeTurns = :taketurns,
Wait = :wait,
MultInstructions = :multinstr,
SitChair = :sitchair,
Routine = :routine,
ExplainFurther = :explain,
HeardAbout = :heardabout,
RefNotes = :notes
WHERE ref_id = :grid";
$s = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$s->bindvalue(':refname', $_POST['ReferrerName']);
$s->bindvalue(':refrelationship', $_POST['ReferrerRelationship']);
$s->bindvalue(':refphone', $_POST['ReferrerPhone']);
$s->bindvalue(':refemail', $_POST['ReferrerEmail']);
$s->bindvalue(':refmethod', $_POST['ReferMethod']);
$s->bindvalue(':refsupp', $_POST['RefSupport']);
$s->bindvalue(':otherservices', $otherservices);
$s->bindvalue(':school', $_POST['School']);
$s->bindvalue(':diagnosis', $_POST['Diagnosis']);
$s->bindvalue(':medication', $medication);
$s->bindvalue(':medicationlist', $_POST['MedicationList']);
$s->bindvalue(':allergies', $allergies);
$s->bindvalue(':allergieslist', $_POST['AllergiesList']);
$s->bindvalue(':device', $device);
$s->bindvalue(':share', $share);
$s->bindvalue(':taketurns', $taketurns);
$s->bindvalue(':wait', $wait);
$s->bindvalue(':multinstr', $multinstr);
$s->bindvalue(':sitchair', $sitchair);
$s->bindvalue(':routine', $routine);
$s->bindvalue(':explain', $_POST['ExplainFurther']);
$s->bindvalue(':heardabout', $_POST['HeardAbout']);
$s->bindvalue(':notes', $_POST['RefNotes']);
$s->bindvalue(':grid', $_POST['ref_id']);
header('location:../refer_gr/referral-view.php?rid=' . $_POST['ref_id'] );
This warning occurs to indicate that you might have a new line [/n] in the string content of your variables. The solution is to strip out the passable new line contents of the variable Like this
$url=str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $url);
header("Location: $url");
Okay, this one was a toughie but I figured it out. Here is my method:
So the clue lies in the error itself. It was pointing me from my processing php. But it was only because the data being asked in the header (requires a reference ID) is wrong.
The problem was in the reference ID (after much debugging). It was taking the wrong value from the wrong variable. This was in the php form page not the php processing page.
So here is the solution:
$s->bindvalue(':refid', $refid);
Rest of the code:
<input type="hidden" name="ref_id" value="<?php echo $rid; ?>" >
The variable $rid is not the same as the variable $refid.
Here is the fix:
<input type="hidden" name="ref_id" value="<?php echo $refid; ?>" >
This means that with this type of error, it might be worth looking at which part of the code it is trying to get the value from and start debugging from there.
Thanks for the help everyone!
I want to have if the variable = null then he makes it to 1.
if the variable exist do nothing and dont make it again to 1.
i got this code:
if (isset($_POST["register"])) {
$l_NextPage = 1;
echo "helaas" . "</br>";
if($l_NextPage == 1){
echo "hoi";
$l_NextPage = 2;
}else if($l_NextPage == 2){
echo "doei";
only the code dont work i tried empty, isset, $var == FALSE but everytime he makes $l_NextPage to 1. is there any solution i tried this too with session but even it don't work!
What am I doing wrong?
what happen when you refresh page, it assign $l_NextPage = 1 every time, thats why all the time hoi printed
you can use sessions for preserving value of variable after page refresh
try this code
// write this line of code at top of php block
if (isset($_POST["register"]))
if (!isset($_SESSION["l_NextPage"]))
$_SESSION["l_NextPage"] = 1;
echo "helaas" . "</br>";
if($_SESSION["l_NextPage"] == 1)
echo "hoi";
$_SESSION["l_NextPage"] = 2;
else if($_SESSION["l_NextPage"] == 2)
echo "doei";
//unset( $_SESSION['l_NextPage'] ); unset varibale
after reaching at prefixed condition you can unset varible using
unset( $_SESSION['l_NextPage'] );
i have not tested code but this should work
you should try:
if(!isset($l_NextPage)) {
$l_NextPage = 1;
echo "helaas" . "</br>";
elseif($l_NextPage == 1) {
try like this,
So i have fixed the problem with the loop by placing the ifelse statement outside the for loop. So when it is true it is working fine. However when FALSE i get the following error!
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in webaddhidden.php on line 25 Invalid Login
I am new to PHP and am trying to make a simple login with a text file.
Error Message: if an incorrect username/password is entered :
Invalid LoginInvalid LoginInvalid LoginInvalid Login Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in webaddhidden.php on line 25 Invalid Login
and if the correct username/password the error is:
Invalid LoginMatch Found!
So it prints both the if and the ifelse statements.
Your help would be much appreciated.
The code I am using is:
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$matchFound = false;
$fileArray = array();
$myFile = fopen("customers.txt", 'r');
while(!feof($myFile) ) //reads all lines of text file
$fileArray[] = fgets($myFile);
for($lineCounter = 0; $lineCounter < count($fileArray); $lineCounter++)
$exploadedLine = explode("\t",$fileArray[$lineCounter]);
if(trim($exploadedLine[2] == $username && trim($exploadedLine[3])
== $password))
echo 'Match Found!';
$matchFound = true;
elseif($matchFound == false)
echo 'Invalid Login';
This block of code is actioned as the file is searched - inside the loop.
elseif($matchFound == false)
echo 'Invalid Login';
It needs to be placed outside the loop.
Few things you can do to fix/improve your code:
You can use file() to directly read lines of text files into an array. http://www.php.net/function.file-get-contents
Make sure indexes of are set in exploded array using isset() function to avoid notices in case the text file is not formatted as expected. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.isset.php
Move the logic block checking invalid login out of the loop so that it doesn't print invalid error message each time the loop finds a mismatch.
Try using the code below:
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$matchFound = false;
$fileArray = file("customers.txt"); //reads all lines of text file
for ($lineCounter = 0; $lineCounter < count($fileArray); $lineCounter++) {
$exploadedLine = explode("\t", $fileArray[$lineCounter]);
if ((isset($exploadedLine[2]) && trim($exploadedLine[2]) == $username) &&
(isset($exploadedLine[3]) && trim($exploadedLine[3]) == $password)) {
echo 'Match Found!';
$matchFound = true;
if ($matchFound === false) {
echo 'Invalid Login';
I've been trying to work my way to it simply must check it with all inputs in the present that I might have 100 lines so got it done less to just check it all together for an error or what?
What I think about that: instead of taking 14 lines of code that make it less but may be the same,
if($_POST["email"] == "")
$error = 1;
if($_POST["pass1"] == "")
$error = 1;
if($_POST["pass2"] == "")
$error = 1;
if($_POST["fornavn"] == "")
$error = 1;
if($_POST["efternavn"] == "")
$error = 1;
if($_FILES["file"] == "")
$error = 1;
Just create an array of field names and loop over them...
foreach(array('email','pass1','pass2',...) as $field) {
if(empty($_POST[$field])) {
$error = 1;
$_FILES you will have to handle separately. You can create another loop if you want. The structure of $_FILES is different though; I think you should be checking the "error" field. Check the docs.
Another way to approach this, considering the fact that you don't seem to be performing different tests for each field, or responding with specific error messages, is to use array_diff_key:
$names = array('email', 'pass1', 'pass2', 'fornavn', 'efternavn', 'file');
$names = array_keys($names); // convert $names to keys
$posts = array_filter($_POST); // filter out any falsy values
$fails = array_diff_key($names, $posts); // check for the differences
$error = $fail ? 1 : 0;
If you then wish to respond with specific messages depending on what is missing, you already have a list of the problem parameters in $fails. If you wish to extend the above to take into account specific value checks, you could write your own array filter callback function and pass it's name as the second parameter to array_filter... however this wont allow you to choose a different filter response based on array key, only on array value. All because rather annoyingly array_filter doesn't receive a key value when filtering an array.
I'm bashing my head against my desk trying to figure out why this PHP code is causing this error: Undefined index: arr. I'm using Laravel, and this code works like gold outside of it, but inside Laravel, it's returning the undefined index error.
Here's the code:
function set_pilots_array($line_array)
$airports = $this->airports;
$pilots = $this->pilots;
foreach($airports as $airport)
if($airport == $line_array[11] || $airport == $line_array[13])
if($airport == $line_array[11])
$deparr = "dep";
if($airport == $line_array[13])
$deparr = "arr";
$this->pilots[$deparr][] = array($line_array[0], $line_array[11], $line_array[13], $line_array[7], $line_array[5], $line_array[6], $line_array[8]);
function get_pilots_count()
$count = count($this->pilots['dep']) + count($this->pilots['arr']);
return $count;
This sort of goes with my other question: Grab and Explode Data It's pulling the data from the data file using this code:
elseif($data_record[3] == "PILOT")
Which later does this:
$code_count = $code_obj->get_pilots_count();
You do not have $this->pilots['arr'] set. In other words, if you look at the output of var_dump($this->pilots);, you shall see there is no arr key-value pair. I suggest you this fix:
$count = count((isset($this->pilots['dep']) ? $this->pilots['dep'] : array())) + count((isset($this->pilots['arr']) ? $this->pilots['arr'] : array()));
Actually, this is not a fix - this is more like a hack. To make your code correct i suggest you to set the default values for those $pilots['arr'] and $pilots['dep'] values:
function set_pilots_array($line_array)
$airports = $this->airports;
$pilots = $this->pilots;
foreach (array('dep', 'arr') as $key)
if (!is_array($pilots[$key]) || empty($pilots[$key]))
$pilots[$key] = array();
// ...
Well there is too little code to really figure out what is going on, but based on what I see:
if($airport == $line_array[13])
this condition is never being met and so $deparr = "arr"; never happens and because of this
is giving an undefined index error
You can easily suppress this by:
$count = count(#$this->pilots['dep']) + count(#$this->pilots['arr']);
your problem is that you are accessing all of your indexes directly without checking if they exist first.
assume that in laravel something is causing the array to not be populated.
in order to fix this, you should either iterate through the array with a foreach, or do a if(!empty($line_array[13])) {} before accessing it.