I need to trim words from begining and end of string. Problem is, sometimes the words can be abbreviated ie. only first three letters (followed by dot).
I tried hard to find suitable regular expression. Basicaly I need to chatch three or more initial characters up to length of replacement, but I cannot find regular expression, that will match variable length and will keep order of characters.
For example, if I need to trim 'insurance' from sentence 'insur. companies are rich', then pattern \^[insurance]{3,9}\ comes to my mind, but this pattern will also catch words like 'sensace', because order of characters (and their occurance) inside [] is not important for regexp.
Also, at end of string, I need remove serial-numbers, that are abbreviated from beginig - say 'XK-25F14' is sometimes presented as '25F14'. So I decided to go purely with character by character comparison.
Therefore I end with following php function
function trimWords($s, $dirt, $case_insensitive = false, $reverse = true)
$pos = 0;
$func = $case_insensitive ? 'strncasecmp' : 'strncmp';
// Get number of initial characters, that match in both strings
while ($func($s, $dirt, $pos + 1) === 0)
// If more than 2 initial characters match, then remove the match
if ($pos > 2)
$s = substr($s, $pos);
// Reverse $s and $dirt so it will trim from the end of string
$s = strrev($s);
if ($reverse)
return trimWords($s, strrev($dirt), $case_insensitive, false);
// After second run return back-reversed string
return trim($s, ' .-');
I'm happy with this function, but it has one drawback. It trims only one occurence of word. How to make it trim more occurances, i.e. remove both 'insurance ' from 'Insurance insur. companies'.
And I'm also curious, it realy does not exists such regular expression, that will match variable length and will respect order of characters in pattern?
Final solution
Thanks to mrhobo I have ended with function based on regular expression. This function can be easily improved and shall also be the most efficient for this task.
I have modified my previous function and it is two times quicker than regexp, but it can remove only one word per single run, so to be able to remove word from begin and end, it has to runs itself twice and performance is same as regexp and to remove more than one occurance of word, it has to runs itself multiple times, which will then be more and more slower.
The final function goes like this.
function trimWords($string, $word, $case_insensitive = false, $min_abbrv = 3)
$exc = substr($word, $min_abbrv);
$pat = null;
$i = strlen($exc);
while ($i--)
$pat = '(?>'.preg_quote($exc[$i], '#').$pat.')?';
$pat = substr($word, 0, $min_abbrv).$pat;
$pat = '#(?<begin>^)?(?:\W*\b'.$pat.'\b\W*)+(?(begin)|$)#';
if ($case_insensitive)
$pat .= 'i';
return preg_replace($pat, '', $string);
NOTE: with this function, it does not matter, if abbreviation ends with dot or not, it wipes out any shorter form of word and also removes all nonword characters around the word.
EDIT: I just tried create replace pattern like insu(r|ra|ran|ranc|rance) and function with atomic groups is faster by ~30% and with longer words it could be possibly even more efficient.
Matching a word and all possible abbreviations from the nth letter isn't quite an easy task in regex.
Here is how I would do it for the word insurance from the 4th letter:
It works by using atomic groups to force the regex engine as far as possible forward past the last 'rance' letters using the nested pattern (?>a(?>b)?)?. If the last letter letter is matched we're not dealing with an abbreviation thus no dot is required, otherwise the dot is required. This is coded by (?(last)|\.).
To trim, I would create a function to build the above regex for an abbreviation. Then you can write a while loop that replaces each of the abbreviation regexes with empty space until there are no more matches.
Non regex version
Here is my non regex version that removes multiple words and abbreviated words from a string:
function trimWords($str, $word, $min_abbrv, $case_insensitive = false) {
$len = 0;
$word_len = strlen($word);
$strlen = strlen($str);
$cmp = $case_insensitive ? strncasecmp : strncmp;
for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
if ($cmp($str[$i], $word[$len], $i) == 0) {
} else if ($len > 0) {
if ($len == $word_len || ($len >= $min_abbrv && ($dot = $str[$i] == '.'))) {
$i -= $len;
$len += $dot;
$str = substr($str, 0, $i) . substr($str, $i+$len);
$strlen = strlen($str);
$dot = 0;
$len = 0;
return $str;
$string = 'ins. <- "ins." / insu. insuranc. insurance / insurance. <- "."';
echo trimWords($string, 'insurance', 4);
Output is:
ins. <- "ins." / / . <- "."
I wrote function that constructs regular expression pattern according to mrhobo and also simple test and benchmarked it against my function with pure PHP string comparison.
Here is the code:
$string = 'Insur. companies are nasty rich';
$dirt = 'insurance';
$cycles = 500000;
$start = microtime(true);
$i = $cycles;
while ($i) {
regexpStyle($string, $dirt, true);
$stop = microtime(true);
$i = $cycles;
while ($i) {
trimWords($string, $dirt, true);
$end = microtime(true);
$res1 = $stop - $start;
$res2 = $end - $stop;
$winner = $res1 < $res2 ? '<<<' : '>>>';
echo 'regexp: '.$res1.' '.$winner.' string operations: '.$res2;
function trimWords($s, $dirt, $case_insensitive = false, $reverse = true)
$pos = 0;
$func = $case_insensitive ? 'strncasecmp' : 'strncmp';
// Get number of initial characters, that match in both strings
while ($func($s, $dirt, $pos + 1) === 0)
// If more than 2 initial characters match, then remove the match
if ($pos > 2)
$s = substr($s, $pos);
// After second run return back-reversed string
return trim($s, ' .-');
function regexpStyle($s, $dirt, $case_insensitive, $min_abbrev = 3)
$ss = substr($dirt, $min_abbrev);
$arr = str_split($ss);
$patt = '(?>(?<last>'.array_pop($arr).'))?';
$i = count($arr);
while ($i)
$patt = '(?>'.$arr[--$i].$patt.')?';
$patt = '#^'.substr($dirt, 0, $min_abbrev).$patt.'(?(last)|\.)#';
$patt .= $case_insensitive ? 'i' : null;
return trim(preg_replace($patt, '', $s));
and the winner is... moment of silence... it is...
a draw
regexp: 8.5169589519501 >>> string operations: 8.0951890945435
but I have strong feeling that regexp approach could be better utilized.
Pattern search within a string.
for eg.
$string = "111111110000";
Function should return 0
function FindOut($str){
$items = str_split($str, 3);
If I understand you correctly, your problem comes down to finding out whether a substring of 3 characters occurs in a string twice without overlapping. This will get you the first occurence's position if it does:
function findPattern($string, $minlen=3) {
$max = strlen($string)-$minlen;
for($i=0;$i<=$max;$i++) {
$pattern = substr($string,$i,$minlen);
return $i;
return false;
Or am I missing something here?
What you have here can conceptually be solved with a sliding window. For your example, you have a sliding window of size 3.
For each character in the string, you take the substring of the current character and the next two characters as the current pattern. You then slide the window up one position, and check if the remainder of the string has what the current pattern contains. If it does, you return the current index. If not, you repeat.
So, pattern = 101. Now, we advance the sliding window by one character:
And see if the rest of the string has 101, checking every combination of 3 characters.
Conceptually, this should be all you need to solve this problem.
Edit: I really don't like when people just ask for code, but since this seemed to be an interesting problem, here is my implementation of the above algorithm, which allows for the window size to vary (instead of being fixed at 3, the function is only briefly tested and omits obvious error checking):
function findPattern( $str, $window_size = 3) {
// Start the index at 0 (beginning of the string)
$i = 0;
// while( (the current pattern in the window) is not empty / false)
while( ($current_pattern = substr( $str, $i, $window_size)) != false) {
$possible_matches = array();
// Get the combination of all possible matches from the remainder of the string
for( $j = 0; $j < $window_size; $j++) {
$possible_matches = array_merge( $possible_matches, str_split( substr( $str, $i + 1 + $j), $window_size));
// If the current pattern is in the possible matches, we found a duplicate, return the index of the first occurrence
if( in_array( $current_pattern, $possible_matches)) {
return $i;
// Otherwise, increment $i and grab a new window
// No duplicates were found, return -1
return -1;
It should be noted that this certainly isn't the most efficient algorithm or implementation, but it should help clarify the problem and give a straightforward example on how to solve it.
Looks like you more want to use a sub-string function to walk along and check every three characters and not just break it into 3
function fp($s, $len = 3){
$max = strlen($s) - $len; //borrowed from lafor as it was a terrible oversight by me
$parts = array();
for($i=0; $i < $max; $i++){
$three = substr($s, $i, $len);
return $parts["$three"];
//if we've already seen it before then this is the first duplicate, we can return it
$parts["$three"] = i; //save the index of the starting position.
return false; //if we get this far then we didn't find any duplicate strings
Based on the str_split documentation, calling str_split on "1010101101" will result in:
[0] => 101
[1] => 010
[2] => 110
[3] => 1
None of these will match each other.
You need to look at each 3-long slice of the string (starting at index 0, then index 1, and so on).
I suggest looking at substr, which you can use like this:
substr($input_string, $index, $length)
And it will get you the section of $input_string starting at $index of length $length.
quick and dirty implementation of such pattern search:
function findPattern($string){
$matches = 0;
$substrStart = 0;
while($matches < 2 && $substrStart+ 3 < strlen($string) && $pattern = substr($string, $substrStart++, 3)){
$matches = substr_count($string,$pattern);
if($matches < 2){
return null;
return $substrStart-1;
In PHP, given
the final string length
the range of characters it can use
min consecutive repetition count possible
how can you calculate the number of matches that fits these criteria?To draw a better picture…
$range = array('a','b','c');
$length = 2; // looking for 2 digit results
$minRep = 2; // with >=2 consecutive characters
// aa,bb,cc = 3 possibilities
another one:
$range = array('a','b','c');
$length = 3; // looking for 3 digit results
$minRep = 2; // with >=2 consecutive characters
// aaa,aab,aac,baa,caa
// bbb,bba,bbc,abb,cbb
// ccc,cca,ccb,acc,bcc
// 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 possibilities
// note that combos like aa,bb,cc are not included
// because their length is smaller than $length
last one:
$range = array('a','b','c');
$length = 3; // looking for 3 digit results
$minRep = 3; // with >=3 consecutive characters
// aaa,bbb,ccc = 3 possibilities
So basically, in the 2nd example the 3rd criterion made it catch e.g. [aa]b in aab because a was repeating consecutively more than once, whereas [a]b[a] wouldn't be a match because those a's are separate.
Needless to say, none of the variables is static.
Got it. All credit to leonbloy
/* The main function computes the number of words that do NOT contain
* a character repetition of length $minRep (or more). */
function countStrings($rangeLength, $length, $minRep, &$results = array())
if (!isset($results[$length]))
$b = 0;
if ($length < $minRep)
$b = pow($rangeLength, $length);
for ($i = 1; $i < $minRep; $i++)
$b += countStrings($rangeLength, $length - $i, $minRep, $results);
$b *= $rangeLength - 1;
$results[$length] = $b;
return $results[$length];
/* This one answers directly the question. */
function printNumStringsRep($rangeLength, $length, $minRep)
$n = (pow($rangeLength, $length)
- countStrings($rangeLength, $length, $minRep));
echo "Size of alphabet : $rangeLength<br/>"
. "Size of string : $length<br/>"
. "Minimal repetition : $minRep<br/>"
. "<strong>Number of words : $n</strong>";
/* Prints :
Size of alphabet : 3
Size of string : 3
Minimal repetition : 2
Number of words : 15
printNumStringsRep(3, 3, 2);
I think it is best to handle this with math.
$range = array('a','b','c');
$length = 3; // looking for 3 digit results
$minRep = 2; // with >=2 consecutive characters
$rangeLength = count($range);
$count = (pow($rangeLength,$length-$minRep+1) * ($length-$minRep+1)) - ($rangeLength * ($length-$minRep)); // is the result
Now, $count is getting true result for three situation. But it may not be general formula and need to improve.
Try to explain it:
in this, we count repetitive characters like as one. For instance, in second example that you gave, we think in aab, aa is a one character. Because, two characters need to change together. We think now there is two character like xy. So there is same possibilities for both character a, b, and c namely 3 ($rangeLength) possible value for two characters($length-$minRep+1). So 3^2=9 is possible situations for second example.
We calculate 9 is for just xy not yx. For this, we multiply length of xy ($length-$minRep+1). And then we have 18.
It can be seemed that we calculated the result, but there is a repeat in our calculation. We didn't reckon with this situation: xy => aaa and yx => aaa. For this, we calculate and substract repeated results
- ($rangeLength * ($length-$minRep))
So after this, we get result.
As i said begining of the description, this formula may need to improve.
With Math, work becomes really complex. But, there is always a way, even not beautiful as much as Math. We can create all possible strings with php and control them with regexp like below:
$range = array('a','b','c');
$length = 3;
$minRep = 2;
$rangeLength = count($range);
$createdStrings = array();
$matchedStrings = array();
function calcIndex(){
global $range;
global $length;
global $rangeLength;
static $ret;
$addTrigger = false;
// initial values
$ret = array_fill(0, $length, 0);
return $ret;
if($ret[$i] == ($rangeLength-1)) {
if($i==0) return false;
$ret[$i] = 0;
else {
return $ret;
function createPattern()
global $minRep;
$patt = '/(.)\\1{'.($minRep-1).'}/';
return $patt;
$pattern = createPattern();
$index = calcIndex();
if($index === false) break;
$string = '';
$string .= $range[$index[$i]];
if(!in_array($string, $createdStrings)){
$createdStrings[] = $string;
if(preg_match($pattern, $string)){
$matchedStrings[] = $string;
echo count($createdStrings).' is created:';
echo count($matchedStrings).'strings is matched:';
I have problem with my code while finding permutation of string for string with length greater than 7. For eg 'abcdefgh'. I have to find the permutation of word up to 12 length. Please review my code and suggest if any optimization can be done.
function permute($str)
if (strlen($str) < 2)
return array($str);
$permutations = array();
$tail = substr($str, 1);
foreach (permute($tail) as $permutation)
$length = strlen($permutation);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++)
$permutations[] = substr($permutation, 0, $i) . $str[0] . substr($permutation, $i);
/* Return the result */
return $permutations;
$arr = permute('abcdefghijkl');
It seems like the core of the solution should lie in not checking everything. For example, if you give me the word "earthquakes", it should be immediately evident that there are no dictionary words for anything beginning with "qk", thus checking all permutations of the form q k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is unnecessary. This type of check will save you a lot of comparison and lookup operations. This "qk" example alone would rule out 362,880 (9!) permutations that you would have needed to check otherwise.
So instead of calculating ALL the permutations, then pulling from the dictionary if it matches one of the permutations, I would make sure that each permutation you're generating is actually a possible word first.
I'm trying to generate strings in PHP with a group of valid characters, cycling through them and appending an extra character on the end of the string, until maximum length is reached. For example, desired output:
This is my PHP function so far:
$chars = Array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',
$maxlen = 10;
$input = $chars[0];
while (1):
echo buildInput($maxlen, $chars, $input) . "\n";
function buildInput($maxlen, $chars, $previous)
if (array_search(substr($previous, -1), $chars) == sizeof($chars) - 1):
// end of input cycle reached, add another character
$previous = $previous . $chars[0];
if (strlen($previous) > $maxlen):
die('Max length reached');
// Remove last character, and append incremented char
$input = substr($previous, 0, -1);
$input = $input . $chars[array_search(substr($previous, -1), $chars)+1];
return $input;
It only increments the last character of the string which gets to 0, then appends 'a' and starts over but without trying all the other possible permutations.
Could someone help me with a better method?
Is this the kind of thing you want?
$chars = array('a','b','c');
$max_length = 3;
function build($base_arr, $ctr) {
global $chars;
global $max_length;
$combos = array();
foreach ($base_arr as $base) {
foreach ($chars as $char) {
echo $base, $char, '<br />';
$combos[] = $base.$char;
if ($ctr < $max_length) {
build($combos, $ctr + 1);
foreach ($chars as $char) {
echo $char, '<br />';
build($chars, 2);
It'll give you: a, b, c, aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, ca, cb, cc, ..., bcc, caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc.
Your array is so large, though, that using this method on it would take up way too much memory to work. Out of 62 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), the number of possible 10-character permutations is 8.4 x 10^17; so hopefully, you'll be able to find a more efficient method or figure out a way to get the result you want without having to cycle through such a large array. I hope you find what you're looking for!
If you limit yourself to 0-9,a-z (only lower case), then you could use base_convert for this and do it in one line:
for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) echo base_convert($i, 10, 36) . '<br/>';
Here's a demo.
This will print 200 letters: a,b,c,d,...,aa,...,cq
The buildString function will build our string from the least significant number (right) to the most significant (left). By performing a modulus division, you will find the array position of the next character. Add this character to the front of your string, and divide
your number by the size of your array (which is the base number in your character based number system), ignoring the rest.
To explain the method using our normal 10-based number system and the input of 123, you would simply pick the last digit, 3, divide the input by 10, pick the last digit 2, divide the input by 10, pick the last digit 1, divide the input by 10. The input is now 0 and your output is ready...
$chars = array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q'
$numChars = count($chars);
// Output numbers from 1 to 200 (a to cq)
for($i = 1; $i <= 200; $i++) {
echo buildString($i).'<br>';
// Will also work fine for large numbers - output "dxSA"
echo buildString(1000000).'<br>';
function buildString($int) {
global $chars;
global $numChars;
$output = '';
while($int) {
$output = $chars[($int-1) % $numChars] . $output;
$int = floor(($int-1) / $numChars);
return $output;
If you have access to gmp extension and PHP 5.3.2+ this will work for the charset you specified:
$result = strtr(
gmp_strval(gmp_init($i, 10), 62),