I have a fresh wordpress 4.0 install on my server for a specific domain and when I make changes to any of the theme files it won't show up in the browser for a few reloads. I just add "asdf" to the theme file to test changes. I can refresh 20 times but no changes show up until like 20 seconds later.
What I have tried:
Turned off firefox's cache.
Turned off wordpress cache.
Tested other domains on my server with wordpress and they work properly.
Installed wordpress with "server installer apps"(3 times) and also with manual installation.
I refresh with ctrl+f5
Tried with firefox and with chrome, same results.
Its a fresh install so no plugins, no settings changes. There is no caching and my other domains work properly. No errors show up in the console.
I have no idea what the problem could be. My server company, mediatemple, said it could be my ISP, but other domains on my site work properly from the same computer/network. For some reason the problem is specific to this domain and the problem persists through all the themes.
I don't know what to do next. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
Have tried manual install of wordpress 3.9 and that does nothing.
I added a new folder to the root and in that folder I added a file called index.html to test if this file, which is unaffected by wordpress, would show instant changes and IT DOES. So the problem seems to be based within wordpress and specific to this domain.
I spoke to Mediatemple for the 3rd time now and this guy was much more helpful and he actually solved the problem.
When you add a domain to mediatemple it automatically sets the PHP version to "FastCGI", which normally is fine, but it caused problems specifically on this one domain's wordpress install for unknown reasons. So he switched the PHP version to "CGI (Stable)" and that fixed every problem.
I hope this will be helpful to someone in the future. :]
I am trying to move an existing site that works fine on the old server to a new server. On the new server the homepage is just showing blank page. however when i navigate to "wp-admin" or other pages like "about-us" shoiws up just fine and i am also able to login in my wp-admin. It's just the homepage that is blank..
I have tried to enable debug and also tried looking into wp_content/debug.php and it's empty:
Next thing i tried is the permalink settings -> permalink -> "save" it also didn't work.
I have also tried by switching php version php7.3 same as the old server, didn't help
then finally i tried removing the plugins one by one and figured after removing this particular elementor plugin (https://www.eletemplator.com/ele-custom-skin/) the home page was loading fine. However this plugin is very important as most of the pages are using templates from this plugin to display the content.
Now that I know this plugin is causing the issue on the new server could it be because of the loading time? with this plugin on the old server everything works fine.
hope someone can help on this
For resolving this issue you can choose following steps:
1: First you try to disabling all the plugins of yours and then see if the front end comes back. If you can’t do it from the backend due to any reason, you can as well rename /plugins/ folder to /plugins-broken/ or similar, using FTP access.
2: If it does, then start enabling plugins one by one until the issue reappears. Then you’ll know what caused it.
After trying all the solutions, finally came to understanding that it was a memory limit issue on the httpd.conf apache server setting. After increasing the limit for RLimitMEM = 204535125 it was working!
this link really helped! incase someone faces this issue in the future please look into the httpd.conf settings for the memory limit. Further reference from a previously asked similar question: PHP out of memory error even though memory_limit not reached
My Problem
I manually installed WordPress on a Debian 9 VM in Virtual Box on a Windows 10 machine. When I pull up the website, this is what I get:
A WordPress site with just HTML, no formatting
The point of this install was to learn how to make a custom WordPress theme. I have built child themes before, but never a theme from scratch, so it may be I don't have everything set up yet. But there is a second issue is WordPress does not give me an option to select my second theme either.
What I did
To set up the site, I followed this tutorial on setting up WP on a Debian system. I sort of touched up on this, but I am new to WP development. I thought this was a quick and dirty route to set up a WP install. I don't have the knowledge of WordPress to know if there is an error in this setup guide.
Again, I checked the themes folder. I could not find the custom theme I started to build as an option. I can't currently download themes straight from WP because I don't have an FTP server/client currently installed on my machine. If it were just the inability to choose a WordPress theme from the WordPress theme repository, I'd suspect it's the FTP setup. But, I also can't choose my custom theme. So is there something wrong with the install?
I can't get any formatting to work on my WP development site. I suspect it's some problem with themes, but I don't know enough about the internals WordPress to know how to diagnose the problem.
Thank you for your time
It's tough to say without seeing your setup exactly, but this is often caused by URL problems.
Are you able to access wp-admin? If so, try logging in and visiting the settings > permalinks page, then just hitting the save button.
Try reloading your site. It might be fixed.. If not, a little more to try. First, I'd open your browser's Console / Inspect mode, and see if there are any console errors (showing CSS files not loading, etc). If so, post them here.
Additionally, I found a helpful article that details some other things to try when this problem pops up:
I'm working on a WordPress installation hosted by HostGator. I have added new code to a php file which is used for the home page gallery slider. The changes work on my local installation but do not appear on the live site. I have even attempted to insert gibberish code into the file to see if it would update, It did not. This leads me to believe it's being cached somewhere and not updating.
I have disabled all suspected caching plugins.
Added define('DISABLE_CACHE', true); to wp-config.php
Cleared all browser caches, and CTR + F5
Verified the code is sound
Waited overnight to see if it would update eventually
I've continued to do the steps I've outlined above. I've had suggestions that it may not be the correct file that I am editing. The problem with that assumption, is that it works fine on the local host test site, just not on the live. If anyone has suggestions in that regard it would be helpful as well.
I'm attempting to determine if my Instant Wordpress 4.3.1 runs a different php version than HostGator (php 5.2.17) but I can't find it in the documentation.
Ok, so I have a big problem. Or at least an indication of a big problem. You see I went to create a dev version of a recently launched site. I copied all the files over to a new directory, created my apache entries, created a brand new database for it, and copied over that database.
Then I made sure to change the www.mysite.com entries to dev.mysite.com in the database. All of that looked good and I restarted apache. After running into some issues with the dev site I decided to back away for the night. I went to check the production site and it was suddenly down. So I removed the SSL entry in default-ssl in Apache and restarted Apache again and that was fine.
Then I went into admin and noticed that on the plugin page it bolds the active plugins. It gives an accurate count. And the plugins are working. But the checkbox next to each isn't showing checked.
So I thought that maybe I messed up the database on accident. So I just blew away the db and re-imported it really quick from the backup I made before all this started (about 30 minutes ago). And it looks the same. The site is working, but I am having problems with admin.
Does anyone have any advice? This is freaking me out a bit. I have never had a problem like this before with creating a dev site and never had Wordpress do crazy stuff like this before.
I will add that this is running the latest version of Wordpress and WooCommerce. It seems like the site is working. But this is leaving me very concerned about other issues.
The checkbox next to my active plugins isn't checked either. I think this is normal. You check them yourself in order to apply bulk actions to multiple plugins at once (e.g. check three plugins and then use the bulk action dropdown to active all three at once).
Sorry if I've misunderstood your problem here.
I have just moved a silverstripe install to a new joyent smartos server. Not being familiar with Linux, this was still relatively easy.
I am new to silverstripe as well, but the team here has developed on it for years.
I have the site up and running on the new server, but have not pointed the domain to it until we can thoroughly test it. So I am accessing it from it's ip address. The site displays fine and the sub pages work as well. When I navigate to the '/admin' page, I see a silverstripe page that states the page cannot be found (not an Apache 404). I copied over the .htaccess and the _config.php from the old server, so there should be no issues.
I have done a /dev/build with no errors and I can log in through the security page, but I just cannot get the /admin to come up. I am lost after spending the whole morning surfing google to find the answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE:: I installed a fresh version of silverstripe into a subdirectory on the same server. Works perfectly, so that rules out any PHP issues.
I have also tried /index.php/admin with no luck.
I was having this problem as well. None of the solutions I found online worked for me, but I managed to figure it out.
I had apache running as a non-standard user, and the problem turned out to be that the webserver was unable to save session data for the logins.
The solution in my case was to chown root.myuser /var/lib/php/session. Once done, the admin page loaded fine.
If /admin is not loading at all and there is no 404 error, there is a high chance of a PHP error. And that should be logged in the webserver's log file. This will depend on your operating system and probably on the Joyent environment (not familiar with that breed of cloud computing). On Debian, Ubuntu, and some more it's /var/log/apache2/error.log (assuming you're using Apache).
If I had to guess, I'd say the permissions of assets/_combinedfiles/ are bad. The webserver tries to create some combined JS and CSS files there (specifically leftandmain.js and cmsmain.js) and if it fails, you might get the dreaded white page of death in /admin.