How to access custom config variable in codeigniter controller - php

I have a codigniter project with a custom config file called
This contains
$config['days'] = 20;
in :
I've added:
$autoload['config'] = array('my_config_variables');
when I try to access this in my controller using:
echo $this->$config['new_daily_contacts'];
I get:
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property.
What am I doing wrong?
In my controller I've added:
// An alternate way to specify the same item:
$my_config = $this->config->item('my_config_variables',true);
this outputs FALSE -- why?

Look at the config documentation on Codeigniter.
echo $this->config->item('new_daily_contacts');
That will try to grab $config['new_daily_contacts'] but from your post it looks like you only have $config['days'] in your config file. But this should get you pointed in the right direction.
Alternate Way
With the alternate way you're trying to load the config, but you're using the item method, not the load method. On the item method, the 2nd parameter is the index you want to reference in the config array. For instance. With your example above.
$my_config = $this->config->load('my_config_variables', true);
$days = $this->config->item('days', 'my_config_variables');
Because passing true as the 2nd parameter on the load method will create an index with the same name as the config file. This helps avoid any conflicts if there happen to be other config files that contain the same config name.
$config['days']; becomes $config['my_config_variables']['days']
In order to access that config variable you have to pass the index in the item method.


Laravel dynamic config settings

I'm using a package within my project and it stores a setting inside config/packagename
I would like to dynamically change this value inside the config file, this is how the file structure looks currently;
return [
'view_id' => '118754561',
'cache_lifetime_in_minutes' => 60 * 24,
I would like to change it to something like this -
'view_id' => Auth::user()->id,
Can you do this within the config file, or do you have to store some sort of variable to be updated later within a controller. Is there a way to place these variables in an env file and access these new variables from a controller?
This also is a generic solution to dynamically update your .env file (respective the individual key/value pairs)
Change the setting in your config/packagename like so:
return [
'view_id' => env('VIEW_ID', '118754561'),
Add an initial value into .env:
In an appropriate controller (e.g. AuthController), use the code below and call the function like this:
updateDotEnv('VIEW_ID', Auth::User()->id)
protected function updateDotEnv($key, $newValue, $delim='')
$path = base_path('.env');
// get old value from current env
$oldValue = env($key);
// was there any change?
if ($oldValue === $newValue) {
// rewrite file content with changed data
if (file_exists($path)) {
// replace current value with new value
$path, str_replace(
(The $delim parameter is needed if you want to make this function more generic in order to work with key=value pairs in .env where the value has to be enclosed in double quotes because they contain spaces).
Admittedly, this might not be a good solution if you have multiple users at the same time using this package in your project. So it depends on what you are using this package for.
NB: You need to make the function public of course if you plan to use it from other classes.
All configuration files of Laravel framework stored in the app/config directory.
so if we need to create custom configuration values it would be better to keep separate our custom configuration in custom file.
so we need to create custom file in app/config directory.
Laravel auto read this file as a config file and will auto manage it
In this topic we are working with custom configuration in laravel and get configuration value in controller or view.
Now i am going to explain how to create a custom config file in Laravel so that we can implement dynamic feature over to this.
create a file in app/config/custom.php which have config keys and value like:-
return array(
'my_val' => 'mysinglelue',
'my_arr_val' => array('1', '2', '3'),
Now need to get these config values in view/controller so we will use Config class get() method for this
echo Config::get('filename.arraykey');
where filename is the config file’s name, custom in our case, and key is the array key of the value you’re wanting to access.
In Our case it will be as:
echo Config::get('custom.my_val');
Create run time configuration in laravel :-
Configuration values which are set at run-time are will set for the current request, not be carried over to subsequent requests.
You can pass the dynamic values over here so that you can modify the config file dynamically over here using the isset() functions.
Like how the #Kundan roy as suggested using of the isset() the same condition applies here to. But this one is the alternative method that will work for the dynamic setting of the values in the config.
Config::set('custom.my_val', 'mysinglelue');
Hence by using this method you can create the dynamic config files based on the values that you need.
Since Laravel v5.2 you can dynamically set config values this way:
config(['app.timezone' => 'America/Chicago']);
$value = config('app.timezone');
echo $value;
// output: 'America/Chicago'
If you want to actually edit the config files (either config/packagename.php or .env) then you may follow matthiku's answer.
However, if I were you, I guess I'd rather want to configure this 3rd party package based on some value defined at runtime, instead of modifying any file (which by the way won't take effect until the next request, when the env values are read again).
So, in my opinion the cleanest way to do this is:
store your desired value in the config data:
config(['packagename.view_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
However, you may notice this probably won't work: the service provider which provides the service you need is often registered before the request is processed, that is, before your config change takes place. So you are still getting the service with old values config.
So, how could you have the service provider be called only when needed and not before (that is, after setting the new config value)? You could make it a deferred provider. Following your example of "spatie laravel-analytics", replace in config/app.php this line:
with this one:
and finally create the App\Providers\AnalyticsDeferredServiceProvider class, with:
namespace App\Providers;
use Spatie\Analytics\Analytics;
use Spatie\Analytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider;
class AnalyticsDeferredServiceProvider extends AnalyticsServiceProvider
protected $defer = true;
public function provides()
return [Analytics::class];
This way you can have the provider read the config values when you are about to instantiate the service, after you set any runtime config values.
Use this in controller when you need to change.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
$user_id = Auth::user()->id;
Config::set('view_id', $user_id );
You can do like this.
In your custom config file. Add the following code You can send your id dynamically from the query string.
'view_id' => isset($_REQUEST['view_id'])?$_REQUEST['view_id']:null,
To get view id
echo config('app.view_id'); // app is config file name
config(['packagename.view_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
Actually if you are that point of code which forces you to make the config values dynamic, then there should be something wrong with your code flow, as the use of config file is just for initializing required values - which should be defined before the app is loaded.
Making config values dynamic is a "BAD PRACTICE" in the world of coding.
So there is the following alternative for your problem.
Define value in .env file (optional)
Use value inside Controller
$auth_id = auth()->user()->id;
$view_id = env('VIEW_ID', $auth_id);
// If .env file doesn't contains 'VIEW_ID' it will take $auth_user as the view_id
Hope this helps you!
config::set() doesn't works for me in laravel 8. but I got best answer for Create or edit Config file
$text = '<?php return ' . var_export(config('YOUR-CONFIG'), true) . ';';
file_put_contents(config_path('YOUR-CONFIG.php'), $text);
just try this way this works for me.
original answer you can see here

How can I add parameter to config variable in codeigniter?

I am new to php and trying to add parameter to config variable. In my example, I am defining success/error messages in config file. I am able to access the config variable using:
But I would like to add parameter in the message and pass it using:
How can I do that?
Any help greatly appreciated.
$this->config->item() works fine.
For example if there's $config['foo'] = 'bar'; in the config using $this->config->item('foo') will be 'bar'
After dynamically setting my config variable in codeigniter how to access them from other controllers and models?
$this->config->set_item('item_name', 'item_value');
For example
$this->config->set_item('msg', 'Your Value goes here');
You can print this like this way
echo $this->config->item('msg');

Pass variable to default codeigniter controller

I have my codeigniter setup with a default controller. It's accessible as follows:
But it's actually:
Where index is the default function.
I would like to do the following:
But it actually wants:
Where project name is a variable that is pass into the index function. But by default it looks for project-name as a controller. Is there a way to avoid this?
Essentially what I'm hoping to accomplish is to pass a variable directly after the domain name. A user may create a project, and I want that project to be accessible at
"Essentially what I'm hoping to accomplish is to pass a variable
directly after the domain name. A user may create a project, and I
want that project to be accessible at"
so another way to do this would be to have it like.
this will give you much more flexibility later in your routes for adding different features.
in config/routes:
$route['project/(:any)'] = 'project/view/$1';
in your project controller
function view($id) {
// clean it
$id = htmlspecialchars($id) ;
if ( ! $project = $this->members->returnProjectBy($id) {
$this->showNoResultsFor($id) ; }
else { $this->show($project) ; }
OR -- another way to do this would be to put your defined routes first, and then have project be last (because it requires searching on whatever is there)
$route['home'] = 'page/home';
$route['contact'] = 'contact';
// etc etc so you first define your hard coded routes, and then if its not any of those
// you do a search on whatever the value is to find a project
$route['(:any)'] = 'project/view/$1';
so then your link could be

Route every request to a given controller unless another controller is specified

I'm trying to achieve the following behavior: should pass anything to a default controller (namely, "category_browser"), unless anything is a controller name.
The first part is easily achieved with this line in config/routes.php:
$route[':any'] = "category_browser";
while I did not manage to get the second one to work.
I would really appreciate any input.
Other info: the number of controllers is pretty small; writing an options line for each of them is an option; they should be passed parameters.
Use this:
$route['^(?!controller|controller|controller)\S*'] = "article/$1";
create a master controller that you point everything to. in the master controller, check if the set controller name exists, if so, run it, if not, call category_browser using controller name as method instead.

CodeIgniter: Create new helper?

I need to loop lot of arrays in different ways and display it in a page. The arrays are generated by a module class. I know that its better not to include functions on 'views' and I want to know where to insert the functions file.
I know I can 'extend' the helpers, but I don't want to extend a helper. I want to kind of create a helper with my loop functions.. Lets call it loops_helper.php
A CodeIgniter helper is a PHP file with multiple functions. It is not a class
Create a file and put the following code into it.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
if ( ! function_exists('test_method'))
function test_method($var = '')
return $var;
Save this to application/helpers/ . We shall call it "new_helper.php"
The first line exists to make sure the file cannot be included and ran from outside the CodeIgniter scope. Everything after this is self explanatory.
Using the Helper
This can be in your controller, model or view (not preferable)
echo test_method('Hello World');
If you use this helper in a lot of locations you can have it load automatically by adding it to the autoload configuration file i.e. <your-web-app>\application\config\autoload.php.
$autoload['helper'] = array('new_helper');
Some code that allows you to use CI instance inside the helper:
function yourHelperFunction(){
$ci=& get_instance();
$sql = "select * from table";
$query = $ci->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->result();
Well for me only works adding the text "_helper" after in the php file like:
And to load automatically the helper in the folder aplication -> file autoload.php add in the array helper's the name without "_helper" like:
$autoload['helper'] = array('comunes');
And with that I can use all the helper's functions
To create a new helper you can follow the instructions from The Pixel Developer, but my advice is not to create a helper just for the logic required by a particular part of a particular application. Instead, use that logic in the controller to set the arrays to their final intended values. Once you got that, you pass them to the view using the Template Parser Class and (hopefully) you can keep the view clean from anything that looks like PHP using simple variables or variable tag pairs instead of echos and foreachs. i.e:
instead of
<?php foreach ($blog_entries as $blog_entry): ?>
<h5><?php echo $blog_entry['title']; ?></h5>
<p><?php echo $blog_entry['body']; ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Another benefit from this approach is that you don't have to worry about adding the CI instance as you would if you use custom helpers to do all the work.
Create a file with the name of your helper in /application/helpers and add it to the autoload config file/load it manually.
E.g. place a file called user_helper.php in /application/helpers with this content:
function pre($var)
echo '<pre>';
if(is_array($var)) {
} else {
echo '</pre>';
Now you can either load the helper via $this->load->helper(‘user’); or add it to application/config/autoload.php config.
Just define a helper in application helper directory
then call from your controller just function name like
helper name = new_helper.php
function test_method($data){
return $data
in controller
load the helper
$result = test_method('Hello world!');
echo $result
output will be
Hello World!
To retrieve an item from your config file, use the following function:
$this->config->item('item name');
Where item name is the $config array index you want to retrieve. For example, to fetch your language choice you'll do this:
$lang = $this->config->item('language');
The function returns FALSE (boolean) if the item you are trying to fetch does not exist.
If you are using the second parameter of the $this->config->load function in order to assign your config items to a specific index you can retrieve it by specifying the index name in the second parameter of the $this->config->item() function. Example:
// Loads a config file named blog_settings.php and assigns it to an index named "blog_settings"
$this->config->load('blog_settings', TRUE);
// Retrieve a config item named site_name contained within the blog_settings array
$site_name = $this->config->item('site_name', 'blog_settings');
// An alternate way to specify the same item:
$blog_config = $this->config->item('blog_settings');
$site_name = $blog_config['site_name'];
