I have added BigButton as a plugin in my Moodle 2.7. I need to include the polling module inside it. In my BigBlueButton on my tool bar polling module is not showing. How can I enable polling module into it. I referred this 'https://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/PollingModule'. Please tell me what to do?
You should edit /home/yourusername/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client/client/conf/config.xml (the path might be different for example in /var/www/...)
and uncomment the part
For HOSTNAME it should be your bigbluebutton host name.
change the file, save, then type sudo bbb-config --clean to make a fresh start, you should see the polling module in the toolbar.
Is there any way to fully and manually install Wordpress via a script / CLI?
I've tried to configure wp-config.php to do it, but I can't seem to be able to pass the language selection page.
I've tried to manually download the language package and add a line to the config file, as follows (assume sudo where needed, as well as the correct path to everything):
wget https://downloads.wordpress.org/translation/core/5.5.1/en_GB.zip
unzip wordpress-5.5.1-en_GB.zip
sed -i $'That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing./idefine('WPLANG', 'en_GB');
As for the following steps, below in images, any idea as to how I can achieve a full installation or where could I find more information regarding my problem?
This server is running on a VM (VirtualBox), powered by CentOS 8.
Images of the necessary steps in the browser:
Yep, the nifty: wp cli, from here: https://wp-cli.org/
wp core download
wp config create --dbname=YOURDBNAME --dbuser=YOURDBUSER --dbpass=DBPASS
wp core install --url=http://www.example.com --title='My WP Site' --admin_user=ADMINUSERNAME --admin_password=CLEARTEXTPASS --admin_email=ADMINEMAIL --skip-email
And you are done :)
WP loading calls is_blog_installed() which checks a number of things and decides whether to show the install screens.
From the looks of it, you must set the siteurl in wp_options table to load the site instead of the installer
This could be relevant as well: https://wordpress.org/support/article/automated-installation/
I installed the extension "site crawler". The extension tells me that I need to specify the path to the PHP bin. So I wrote this little script to get the path:
I get C:\PHP. However if I enter this path into the extension settings, then i still get No php binary found in 'C:\php'. Please update value for 'phpPath' in crawler extension setup.
Why do i still get this error message, and how can i solve this?
Jost gave the answer, and black commented the missing info ...
that said, this is what works, go in the "Extensions" module to the Site Crawler and click the configuration icon (cogwheel). Scroll down to the variable basic.phpPath and substitute the default value with this (in xampp the .exe file needs to be spelled out explicitly, its not in a bin):
Currently I am working with MediaWiki. I followed the tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mediawiki-on-ubuntu-14-04 and successfully installed it on my Ubuntu 14.04 system. When I restarted the Apace server, everything worked and I could see the Main page perfectly.
Now I am trying to use the WikiEditor extension. It's already installed in /var/www/html/extensions folder. I have also modified LocalSettings.php file in /var/www/html/ folder and appended the following line.
require_once "$IP/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php";
When I browse to localhost/index.php/Special:Version, I can see WikiEditor listed there. But when I go to localhost/index.php/Special:WikiEditor, it says "No Such Page".
So I would like to know the complete url to access a MediaWiki extension.
This extension does not have a Special page, so you can't "access" it.
What that extension does is provide a toolbar for better user experience when editing a page. When you create/edit a page you will see something like the image bellow.
Maybe you have to clear your browser cache and reload the page first.
If what you want is to customize (add buttons, etc), you might take a look at this page.
Extensions are not special pages,
Extensions declare special pages through 1) classes extending SpecialPage 2) declaration of these classes into $wgSpecialPages array.
See BlogPage extension for example.
First things first, my site is hosted on a Linux CentOS server and it already has the complete PEAR package in /usr/share/PEAR. I have written a send mail script using smtp and I want to include the server's PEAR/Mail.php in sendMail.php. Below is the site root structure:
PEAR on Server
I've tried to use
realpath(/usr/share/PEAR/Mail.php) and
but I keep getting errors like
[ERROR] include_once(): Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/html/buxx/SendMail/sendMail.php
how do I include the absolute path to Mail.php in sendMail.php or is there any other way around this?
Many Thanks
It looks like your include path is already correct.
include "Mail.php" should do it.
What you need to do first is to make sure the pear mail.php is installed in your server. You need to go to Home in your control panel under Software/Services click PHP PEAR Packages then locate the search box for finding PHP Extensions and Application Packages.In the search box type Mail and click Go or submit the search form. Allow the next page to load fully because it takes time depending on the speed of your connection.
You will have all the PHP Extentions available in your control panel. Click install to install the extension. After installing go back to Home in your control panel under Software/Services click the PHP PEAR Packages link. Under Location of Your PHP Extension(s) and Application(s) you will have the path to the PHP Extension. You should something like this /home/yoursitedomain/php, this path you will include in include_once(/home/yoursitedomain/php/Mail.php). I beleive this will work. This is how I configured my server to make it work for me.
Thank you.
I am following a tutorial how to create modern templates using typo3.the website with the tutorial
I am instructed to add a php file under the in fileadmin/userfunctions.php, but for some reason Typo3 says that this file is not allowed>
The red error is more than enought to answer your question
php extension is not allowed to upload. Just add the file manualy to the directory. By clickng to the folder nat via web panel
It is sometimes because of BE allowed file extension.
Go to TYPO3 Backend
Install Tool All Configuration
[textfile_ext] -> check this input box whether php, php3, phtml are
listed in this box or not. If no, include them.