Best way to apply Eloquent's ORM with Laravel? - php

I have two tables:
treatments (
companies (
And I need to build a relation to a "price" table. I thougth in something like follows:
prices (
But i don know how to apply the ORM to a php aplication. I'm using Laravel with Eloguent's ORM. I think that the real question would be if this is a good way to design the db. Perhaps I should make it diferent?
Any advices?

If a Company can have multiple Treatments and a treatment can be bought from multiple companies at different prices, then you have a Many-to-many relationship, with prices being the pivot table (which if you would adhere to convention would be named company_treament, but that's not a must). So you'll need to have two models for Treatments and Companies, which would look like this:
class Company extends \Eloquent {
public function treatments()
return $this->belongsToMany('Treatment', 'prices')->withPivot('price');
class Treatment extends \Eloquent {
public function companies()
return $this->belongsToMany('Company', 'prices')->withPivot('price');
The treatments() and companies() methods from the models are responsible for fetching the related items. Usually the hasMany method only requires the related model as the first parameter, but in your case the pivot table name is non-standard and is set to prices by passing it as the second parameter. Also normally for the pivot table only the relation columns would be fetched (treatment_id and company_id) so you need to specify the the extra column using withPivot. So if you want to get the treatments for a company with the id 1 list you whould to something like this:
$treatments = Company::find(1)->treatments;
The opposite is also true:
$companies = Treatment::find(1)->companies;
If you need to access the price for any of those relations you can do it like this:
foreach ($treatments as $treatment)
$price = $treatment->pivot->price;
You can read more about how to implement relationships using Eloquent in the Laravel Docs.
To insert a relation entry in the pivot table you can use attach and to remove one use detach (for more info read the Docs).
$treatment->companies()->attach($companyId, array('price' => $price));
To update a pivot table entry use updateExistingPivot:
$treatment->companies()->updateExistingPivot($companyId, array('price' => $price));


I don’t know how to get data in laravel correctly by linking the data in this database

In this figure, the remaining tables are linked to the datainfo table. I need to retrieve the entire table data from the datainfo table.
In this picture I have shown the tables themselves
You can create Eloquent Models for each table and define Relationships among them. This is the Correct Laravel Way.
Let's assume Your datainfo table represents your Datainfo model,
Your cars table represents Car model. Same as washtypes and boxes.
then depending on your relation type defined the relation in Datainfo model.
class Datainfo extends Model
public function cars()
return $this->hasMany(Car::class);
You also can use hasOne instead of hasMany for one - to one relation
Similarly, create relation defining functions as washtypes() and boxes().
Then To get Datainfo with all related data using something like think in your controller
return Datainfo::with('cars','washtypes','boxes')->get();
Alternatively, you can get the count
return Datainfo::with('cars','washtypes','boxes')->count();
To get a count on a date
return Datainfo::with('cars','washtypes','boxes')->where('created_at',$date_var)->count();
If you only want Datainfo that has relation with cars, washtypes or boxes:
return Datainfo::has('cars','washtypes','boxes')->where('created_at',$date_var)->count();
Use laravel eloquent join clauses,
For total amount in same day
You can use eloquent sum and group by methods based on the date

get *related* linked models in laravel eloquent instead of raw SQL

I'm trying to get 'related' linked models by querying a link table, named company_projects which holds (as you expect) the id's of companies and projects (projects are kind of product-categories).
In this case, the used flow to determine a related project is:
Get companies who are in the same project ('product category') as you
Find the other project id's which are linked to those companies
Get the info of the linked projects fetched by last step
What i'm trying to do is already functional in the following raw query:
SELECT cp1.project_id
FROM company_projects cp1
WHERE cp1.company_id IN
SELECT cp1.company_id
FROM projects p
LEFT JOIN company_projects cp2 ON cp2.project_id =
WHERE = X AND cp2.company_id != Y
AND != X
X = ID of current project ('product category')
Y = ID of current 'user' (company)
But my real question is, how to do this elegantly in Laravel Eloquent (currently v4.2). I tried it, but I have no luck so far...
I should note that I do have experience using Eloquent and Models through multiple projects, but for some reason I just fail with this specific query. So was hoping to see an explained solution. It is a possibility that I'm thinking in the wrong way and that the answer is relatively easy.
You will need to utilize Eloquent relationships in order to achieve this. (Note that I am linking to the 4.2 docs as that is what you are using, but I would highly suggest upgrading Laravel to 5.1)
I am assuming you have a 'Company' and 'Project' model already. Inside each of those models, you need to a define a method that references its relationship to the other model. Based on your description, it sounds like the two have a Many to Many relationship, meaning that a company can have many projects and a project can also belong to many companies. You already have a database table linking the two. In the Eloquent ORM this linking table is called a pivot table. When you define your relationships in the model, you will need to pass the name of that pivot table as your second argument. Here's how it could look for you.
Company model:
class Company extends Model
* Get the projects attached to a Comapny. Many To Many relationship.
public function projects()
return $this->belongsToMany('Project','company_projects');
Project model:
class Project extends Model
* Get the companies this project belongs to. Many To Many relationship.
public function companies()
return $this->belongsToMany('Company','company_projects');
If your models have these relationships defined, then you can easily reference them in your views and elsewhere. For example, if you wanted to find all of the projects that belong to a company with an ID of 1234, you could do this:
$company = Company::find(1234);
$projects = $company->projects;
Even better, you can utilize something called eager loading, which will reduce your data lookup to a single line (this is mainly useful when passing data to views and you will be looping over related models in the view). So those statements above could be rewritten as:
$company = Company::with('projects')->find(123);
This will return your Company model with all its related products as a property. Note that eager loading can even be nested with a dot notation. This means that you can find all the models that link to your main model, and then all the models for those models, and so on and so forth.
With all of this in mind, let's look at what you specifically want to accomplish.
Let us assume that this method occurs in a Controller that is being passed a project id from the route.
public function showCompaniesAndProjects($id)
//Get all companies in the same project as you
//Use eager loading to grab the projects of all THOSE companies
//Result will be a Project Object with all Companies
//(and those projects) as Eloquent Collection
$companies = Project::with('companies.projects')->find($id);
//do something with that data, maybe pass it to a view
return view('companiesView')->with('companies',$companies);
After defining your relations in your models, you can accomplish that whole query in a single line.

cakephp3 link one table to multiple tables depending on type

So here's my problem.
I need to link an insurance policy to the insured property/item. Now the details vary greatly from car policy to a house or business one. So what I want to do is have something like this on the policies table
and that links to different tables depending on the value of the field "item_type" for example:
item_type = car then link to the cars table
item_type = house then link to the houses table
item_type = business then link to the businesses table
and so on...
I can do that on my own with php and mysql but I want to know the proper way to do it using CakePHP's table relationships and linking. I tried using the through option and a relationship table but it's not the same. Any ideas? or if a relationship table is the only way to do it then tell me how please.
This is actually a lot simpler than it first appears. I've done this a few times so I'll detail the technique that I use.
The first thing to do is create a behavior. This will allow you to enable any Table class in your application to have a policy attached to it.
The behavior is very simple. I've changed it to match your example, as I understand it. I'll talk through it after the code.
namespace App\Model\Behavior;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\ORM\Behavior;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
class PolicyBehavior extends Behavior
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->_table->hasMany('Policies', [
'className' => 'Policies',
'foreignKey' => 'table_foreign_key',
'bindingKey' => 'id',
'conditions' => ['table_class' => $this->_table->registryAlias()],
'propertyName' => 'policies'
public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query, \ArrayObject $options, $primary)
return $query;
So the in the initialize method we need to create a relationship to the table we attached the behaviour to. This will create a Table hasMany Policies relationship, meaning that any item in your system can have many policies. You can update this relationship to match how you're working.
You can see that there are a number of options defined in the relationship. These are important, as they link the tables items together. So the table_foreign_key is a field in your policies db table used to store the primaryKey of the related item. So if you're attaching a Policy to a Car, this would be the The bindingKey is the key used in the Policy table to join on.
In order to filter the different types of attachments, you need the table_class field in your policies db table. This will be the name of the attached table class. So Cars, Cats, Houses etc. Then we can use this in the conditions, so anything pulling the primary table class will automatically filter the related Policies to match.
I've also configured the propertyName, this means that any item you look for which contains Policies will have an entity property called policies with the related data inside.
The last function in the behaviour is the beforeFind, this just ensures that whenever you look for the primary table class, you always return the related policies, you don't have to use this if you don't want to, but I found it handy to always have the related data in my use-case.
So then, how do we use this new behaviour? Just attach it like you would any other behaviour, and that's it. $this->addBehavior('Policy').
Be aware
This just reads data, you'll need to ensure that you save the table alias, and the foreignKey into the related table when creating new items.
Just for clarity, your policies table schema will need, at a minimum.
policies.table_class VARCHAR(255)
policies.table_foreign_key INT(11)

Is this many-to-many relationship possible in Laravel?

I'm trying to get my head around using polymorphic relationships for a many-to-many relationship between suppliers and products:
product_id // belongsToMany easily takes care of this id
supplier_id // and this id
price // this can be fetched using withPivot('price')
deliverymethod_id // I'm having difficulties "joining" this one.
I'm confident in using belongsToMany(), I can easily do something like this:
public function products()
return $this
But the catch here is joining to that third column in the relationship table:
I am unsure how to do this. I've been told that Polymorphic Relationships are what I'm after however I'm unsure how to implement them for my situation.
According to the documentation, I would have to rename my table columns to include *able_id and *able_type. This is really confusing.
I was expecting laravel to having something like belongsToMany('Supplier')->withAlso('Deliverymethod')
I'm afraid that method does not exist (yet?).
What I fall back to is manually filling in the 3rd relation:
public function products()
return $this
->withPivot('price', 'delivermethod_id');
Now I can access ->pivot->deliverymethod_id on every Product that I get via Supplier.
You could even add a function in your Product model that fills this in automatically:
Class Product ... {
protected $appends = array('deliverymethod');
public function getDeliverymethodAttribute()
return Deliverymethod::find($this->pivot->delivermethod_id);
Now every time you request a product via it's relation to the supplier, it automatically includes a deliverymethod attribute with the object in it.
(To have it not throw an error when you get a Product directly, just remove the $appends variable from the Product model and call the getDeliverymethodAttribute() method manually whenever you need it.)
Short explanation about polymorphic relations:
Polymorphic relations are for relations, where two models are related to a third model at the same time. So for example both a User and a Product can have a Picture of them. Now, it doesn't make sense to have two models for the pictures (UserPicture and ProductPicture), since they both have the same characteristics. This would be a perfect reason to use a polymorphic relation, where the Picture can both belong to a User or a Product.
However, in your case the Deliverymethod applies directly to the relation between Supplier and Product. So this is not where polymorphic relations would work, but it has instead to be done the way you did it.

Laravel 4 One to One relationship

I would like to have a one to one relationship with a pivot table or by referencing an ID in a table.
I currently have a Films table that has a one to many relationship with a Stock table, each stock item needs a format, however I would like the formats to be a set list of formats so I created a Formats table that only has 2 columns ID and Name
Normally I would just add a Format_ID column to the Stock table however I'm unsure how this would work with the Eloquent ORM or if it's even possible / best practice
Sorry if this is hard to understand, cant quite figure out the best way of explaining it
The structure you desire is pretty standard practice. It's quite possible!
Which Eloquent relationship you'd use depends on the direction of the relationship. Each Stock has one Format (one-to-one). But each Format can be assigned to multiple Stock (one-to-many).
For the former, your Stock Eloquent model would have a hasOne() one-to-one relationship.
class Stock extends Eloquent {
public function format()
return $this->hasOne('Format');
For the latter, your Format eloquent model would have a hasMany() one-to-many relationship.
class Format extends Eloquent {
public function stock()
return $this->hasMany('Stock');
Note that having both of these defined is totally acceptable and normal. It really just depends on which direction you need your relationship to go. If you never need to look up what Stock belongs to a specific Format, you don't need the one-to-many relationship.
Also note that you may need to add a column key parameter if your column names are not easily guessable by Eloquent. E.g.:
return $this->hasOne('Format', 'my_format_id');
