I was working in php
I did the work and sottoiscrizione
facebook api is v.2.2
but now there is a problem
how do I read the updates of the feeds I get ?
The code is :
//file of program
//receive a Real Time Update
// In PHP, dots and spaces in query parameter names are converted to
// underscores automatically. So we need to check "hub_mode" instead
// of "hub.mode".
if ($method == 'GET' && $_GET['hub_mode'] == 'subscribe' &&
$_GET['hub_verify_token'] == 'thisisaverifystring') {
echo $_GET['hub_challenge']; //print the code on the page that Facebook expects to read for confirmation
} else if ($method == 'POST') {
$updates = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
// Replace with your own code here to handle the update
// Note the request must complete within 15 seconds.
// Otherwise Facebook server will consider it a timeout and
// resend the push notification again.
fwrite($var, "ciao");
fwrite($var, $updates );
error_log('updates = ' . print_r($updates, true));
In the above file "$update" contains an updated feed, but how to extract?
Note: subscription WORKS and updates arrived on my server.
Help me please :)
According to the Facebook documentation [link]:
Note that real-time updates only indicate that a particular field has changed, they do not include the value of those fields. They should be used only to indicate when a new Graph API request to that field needs to be made.
So, you don't get the updated data instead you get the updated feild name. On receiving an update, you should extract the changed field (I have explained this below) and make a new Graph API request to that field. Finally, you will get the updated field data.
How to extract the user name and changed field?
You receive this:
where "id" is my pageId and "changed_fields" is an array of changed fields.
You can extract these as following:
$entry = json_decode($updates["entry"]); <br>
$page = json_decode($entry["uid"]); <br>
$fields = json_decode($entry["changed_fields"]);
Hope it helps! :)
No function -> the respose contain a array of array the correct code is:
$json = json_decode($updates["entry"][0]["uid"], true);
Sorry this may be a trivial question but I am new to PHP. In the documentation to retrieve project tasks, the following code is provided to connect to an Active Collab cloud account:
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
// Provide name of your company, name of the app that you are developing, your email address and password.
$authenticator = new \ActiveCollab\SDK\Authenticator\Cloud('ACME Inc', 'My Awesome Application', 'you#acmeinc.com', 'hard to guess, easy to remember');
// Show all Active Collab 5 and up account that this user has access to.
// Show user details (first name, last name and avatar URL).
// Issue a token for account #123456789.
$token = $authenticator->issueToken(123456789);
// Did we get it?
if ($token instanceof \ActiveCollab\SDK\TokenInterface) {
print $token->getUrl() . "\n";
print $token->getToken() . "\n";
} else {
print "Invalid response\n";
This works fine. I can then create a client to make API calls:
$client = new \ActiveCollab\SDK\Client($token);
and get the list of tasks for a given project as shown in the documentation.
$client->get('projects/65/tasks'); // PHP object
My question is, what methods/attributes are available to get the list of tasks? I can print the object using print_r() (print will obviously not work), and what I really want is in the raw_response header. This is private however and I cannot access it. How do I actually get the list of tasks (ex: the raw_response either has a string or json object)?
Thanks in advance.
There are several methods to work with body:
$response = $client->get('projects/65/tasks');
// Will output raw JSON, as string.
// Will output parsed JSON, as associative array.
For full list of available response methods, please check ResponseInterface.
If you wish to loop through tasks, use something like this:
$response = $client->get('projects/65/tasks');
$parsed_json = $response->getJson();
if (!empty($parsed_json['tasks'])) {
foreach ($parsed_json['tasks'] as $task) {
print $task['name'] . "\n"
I am using Block.io Web Hooks. It says that the notification service requires to communicate through POST requests. It also stated that all notification events will use the following JSON objects structure:
"notification_id" : "...", // a unique identifier issued when you created the notification
"delivery_attempt" : 1, // number of times we've tried deliverying this object
"type" : "...", // the type of notification, helps you understand the data sent below
"data" : {
... // the notification data
"created_at" : 1426104819 // timestamp of when we created this notification
I have provided my callback URL and I saw there is row inserted into my database but the value is blank. Yes I know that my code will insert blank but when I trigger the API it is also insert blank.
$post = '';
foreach($_POST as $k => $v){
$post .= $k.'='.$v.'&';
// save data into database
The webhook returns json and this will not be parsed to the $_POST array by PHP.
Instead, you need to get the string from:
This you can parse yourself. To get an array:
$array = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
Okay so here goes i am using a rest api called strichliste
i am creating a user credit payment system
i am trying to grab a users balance by username problems is
my restapi i can only get the blanace via its userid
I have created a bit of php that grabs all the current users and the corresponding id and balance using this below
function getbal(){
// Get cURL resource
$curl = curl_init();
// Set some options - we are passing in a useragent too here
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => 'https://example.io:8081/user/'
// Send the request & save response to $resp
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
// Close request to clear up some resources
this is the resulting respinse i get after using this in my main php script
<? getbal(); ?>
result --- #
as you can see there are only currently 3 users but this will grow everyday so the script needs to adapt to growing numbers of users
inside my php script i have a var with the currently logged in use so example
$user = "sanctum";
i want a php script that will use the output fro gatbal(); and only output the line for the given user in this case sanctum
i want it to output the line in jsondecode for the specific user
can anyone help
$user = "sanctum";
$userlist = getbal();
function findUser($u, $l){
foreach($l['entries'] as $key=>$val){
return $val;
This way, once you have the list, and the user, you can just invoke findUser() by plugging in the userlist, and the user.
$userData = findUser($user, $userlist);
However, I would suggest finding a way to get the server to return only the user you are looking for, instead of the whole list, and then finding based on username. But thats another discussion for another time.
I searched for this but most of the questions related to this are for API's with other services.
I'm building an API that allows game developers to send and retrieve user info from my database.
I was finally able to put together the API, but now I need to call the API.
1st when the game initiates, it sends us the game developers key their developer id and game id.
//Game loads, get developer key, send token and current high score
$_GET = array_map('_INPUT', $_GET); // filter all input
// ====================================== //
// ============[ ACTION MENU ]=========== //
// ====================================== //
if(!empty($_GET['action']) && !empty($_GET['user']) && !empty($_GET['key']) && !empty($_GET['email']) && !empty($_GET['password'])): // if key data exists
//athenticate game developer return and high score
case 'authenticate':
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxx');
$st = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `game_developers_games` WHERE `id` = :gameid AND `developer_id`=:user AND `key`= :key AND `developer_active` = '1'"); // need to filter for next auction
$st->bindParam(':user', $_GET['user']); // filter
$st->bindParam(':key', $_GET['key']); // filter
$r = $st->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($st->rowCount() == 0):
$return = array('DBA_id'=>'0000');
echo json_encode($return);
$token = initToken($_GET['key'],$_GET['user']);
if($token == $r['API_Token']):
$return = array(
echo json_encode($return);
Here's the script the game developer will have to add to their game to get the data when the game loads. Found this on another stackoverflow question but it's not working.
$.getJSON("https://www.gamerholic.com/gamerholic_api/db_api_v1.php? user=1&key=6054abe3517a4da6db255e7fa27f4ba001083311&gameid=1&action=authenticate", function () {
Try adding &callback=? to the end of the url you are constructing. This will enable jsonp that is accepted by cors.
$.getJSON("https://www.gamerholic.com/gamerholic_api/db_api_v1.php?user=1&key=6054abe3517a4da6db255e7fa27f4ba001083311&gameid=1&action=authenticate&callback=?", function () {
As per cross domain origin policy you cannot access cross domain url using jquery getJson function.
A callback is required to manage cross domain request using json and it needs to be handled on the server as well as the client end.
Also make sure to check the response using firebug or similar tool because as of now it is returning response code as 200.
I am mentioning two threads here which can guide you the right way
Jquery getJSON cross domain problems
I'm trying to connect with the instagram API, the connection works fine and I am receiving the updates just as described in the API documentation, the issue is that I cannot access to the data send to my callback function.
According to the doc
When someone posts a new photo and it triggers an update of one of your subscriptions, we make a POST request to the callback URL that you defined in the subscription
This is my code :
// check if we have a security challenge
if (isset ($_GET['hub_challenge']))
echo $_GET['hub_challenge'];
else // This is an update
// read the content of $_POST
$myString = file_get_contents('php://input');
$answer = json_decode($myString);
// This is not working starting from here
$id = $answer->{'object_id'};
$api = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/'.$id.'/media/recent?client_secret='.INSTA_CLI_SECRET.'&client_id='.INSTA_CLI_ID;
$response = get_curl($api); //change request path to pull different photos
$images = array();
$decode = json_decode($response);
foreach($decode->{'data'} as $item){
// do something with the data here
Displaying the $myString variable I have this result, don't know why it is not decoded to json :(
[{"changed_aspect": "media", "subscription_id": 2468174, "object":
"geography", "object_id": "1518250", "time": 1350044500}]
the get_curl function is working fine when I hardcode my $id.
I guess something is wrong with my $myString, unfortunately the $_POST cvariable is not populated, Any idea what I am missing ?
Looking at the example JSON response included in your question, I can conclude that the object you are trying to talk with is wrapped in an array (hence the [ and ] around it in the JSON string).
You should access it using $answers[0]->object_id.
If that doesn't work, you can always use var_dump to check out the data in one of your variables.